Укажите номера словосочетаний, содержащих герундий. 

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Укажите номера словосочетаний, содержащих герундий.

1. Making such experiments we should remember... 2. Heating will accelerate... 3. Solving such problems helps to improve... 4. Finishing the experiment he tried to … 5. Combining oxygen, hydrogen and water the plant produces... 6. Improving the quality of foods is one of the tasks... 7. Studying the composition of food has resulted in...

Б. Часть сказуемого перевод: 1/ неопред. ф. глагола

2/ существительным

1. Переведите на русский язык.

1. 0ur plan is manufacturing baby foods rich in carbohydrates. 2. People began studying the food constituents long ago. 3. Scientists still continue investigating the functions of food constituents. 4. Their task was developing a more efficient method of raw sugar processing. 5. 0ne of the main processes in bread production is baking.

2. Сравните данные пары предложений:

1. He was studying the properties of vitamins at that period of time. His task was studying the properties of vitamins at that period of time. 2. The main function of food is supplying a living organism with energy. This plant is still supplying our laboratory with instruments and tools. 3. They were testing a new method of quality control then I came to their laboratory. The problem was testing a new method of quality control developed by our laboratory.

В. Дополнение перевод: 1/существительным

2/неопр. ф. глагола.

1. Chemists were interested in studying the chemical changes of the food consumed by the body. 2. Their research has resulted in classifying food constituents into several groups. 3. Foods are prevented from deteriorating by different methods. 4. Like sugar, starch is built in the plant as a result of combining carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. 5. Foods are complexsubstances capable of meeting more than one of the body’s needs.

Г. Определение /только правое и всегда с предлогом "of"/"for"/

перевод: 1/ существительным

2/ неопр. ф. глагола

I. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык.

1. At the previous lecture students were told about the methods of preserving food. 2. Nutritionists were given the task of dettermining the amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in a baby diet. 3. There are three different methods for measuring enzyme activity. 4. The difficulties of studying the composition of food in the past can be explained by the lack of knowledge in chemistry. 5. The apparatus for processing cane or beet juice is called a vacuum evaporator.

2. Сравните данные пары словосочетаний:

I. the way of combining substances; the compound combining oxygen and hydrogen; 2. the process of oxidizing compounds; air oxidizing metals 3. the conditions for storing grain; elevators storing grain 4. the means of controlling temperature; the device controlling temperature 5. the method of producing starch; the factory producing starch

Д. Обстоятельство /всегда с предлогом/

перевод: 1/ деепричастием

2/ существительным с предлогом


1. Переведите данные словосочетания, обращая внимание на предлоги.

by analysing; without analysing; by being developed; without being de­veloped; by regulating; without being regulated; after having been repaired; after being built; before introducing; before being digested; on coming there; on having obtained results; in finding the way; in having been heated; with experimenting

2.Переведите данные предложения на русский язык.

1. Some vitamins are destroyed by heating. 2. Vitamin С is readily oxidized by heating. 3. Without being analysed by food technologists a new food product is not allowed for commercial manufacturing. 4. Some foods cannot be stored for a long time without being properly treated. 5. The body’s need for energy can be met by consuming food rich in carbohydrates, proteins and fats. 6. After having finished the experiment on the stability of vitamin A to heat he discussed the results obtained with the head of the laboratory. 7. Before storing grain people should clean and dry.



Active Vocabulary:

carbohydrates, starch; grain, cereals; origin; plant, cell, seed, stem, leaf, root; grain/granule; to contain, content; to dissolve, solution, soluble, solvent; to store, storage; to utilize, utilization; source; bulk; total; similar; coarse; surplus; to be high in/to be rich in, to be low in/to be deficient in; to have a part; to take part in


Notes: cellulose – клетчатка acid – кислота

sucrose – сахароза

involved in (Part. II в функции определения) – связанный с


The sugars, starches and cellulose are known as carbohydrates. These are composed of the chemical elements: carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

The term “sugar” to most people means cane or beet sugar, which is sucrose. However this is only the most common of the several sugars responsible for a sweet taste of certain foods. Milk, fruit, vegetables contain sugars other than sucrose. The different sugars in foods differ from each other, but all give the foods in which they are present a characteristic sweet taste.

Starch is a carbohydrate more complex in nature than any of the sugars. Like sugar, it is built by the combination of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The production of sugar by the plant is an intermediate step in the manufacture of starch. The ability of the plant to build starch and the ability of the animal body to utilize it were known long before some of the processes involved in its synthesis and utilization were known. The plant by means of its chlorophyll, takes the carbon and oxygen from the air and, combining these with water brought through the roots from the soil, manufactures sugars. This sugar is dissolved in the juice of the plant and carried to all its parts as food. When the plant produces more sugar than is required for its immediate need the surplus is stored for future use. Whether the place of storage is seed, root, leaf or stem depends upon the plant. Usually the plant stores the carbohydrate as insoluble starch in the form of tiny grains or granules.

Although carbohydrates are mostly of vegetable origin, sugar is found in the blood streams of animals and of man. Provision is made in the cells of the liver for storage of animal starch (glycogen) sufficient to meet requirements of the human body for carbohydrates for a comparatively short time. The animal body, like the plant body, synthesizes this more complex substance from sugar and later hydrolyses it to sugar as needed.

Cellulose is also a carbohydrate, containing the elements present in starch in the same proportion. Cellulose used in the diet is to give bulk and provide material for certain regulatory processes. Foods high in cellulose are bran, dried fruits and legumes, fruits with skins, seedy fruits, and leafy and coarse fibered vegetables.

The organic acids, found in a large number of foods are frequently considered together with carbohydrates. The utilization of organic acids in the body for energy is similar to that of starches and sugars.

Organic acids also have a part in stimulating and regulating body processes. Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of organic acids. Citric and malic acids are examples of those commonly found in these foods.

Only a few foods consist of pure carbohydrate. A well-known example of these is sugar. A food is considered high or low in carbohydrates according to the amount it contains in proportion to its total solids. Foods high in carbohydrates are: cakes, candy, cereals and cereal products, dried fruits, honey, potatoes, sugar.


1. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What substances are known as carbohydrates? 2. What is sugar responsible for? 3. How is starch built? 4. What is the role of cellulose? 5. What do you know about organic acids? 6. What foods are high in carbohydrates?

2. Кратко расскажите по-английски:

а) об образовании крахмала в растении;

б) о роли сахара в жизни организма.





1.Укажите номера русских эквивалентов.

l. yet 2. apparently 3. due to 4. however 5. for 6. moreоver 7. hence 8. so

I. так как 2. благодаря / из-за 3. более того 4. до сих пор / еще 5. очевидно 6. однако 7. поэтому 8. следовательно

2. Пользуясь моделью, переведите данные словосочетания на русский язык.

Ø fat-soluble - жирорастворимый/тот, который можно растворить/

water-soluble vitamins; water-soluble compound; acid-soluble material; alcohol-soluble substance; fat-soluble vitamin

semi-automatic - полуавтоматический

semi-stable; semi-solid; semi-dry; semi-lequid; semi-official; semi-frozen; semi-finishd goods; semi-synthetics; semi-starvation

3. Следуя модели, переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

One may say... можно сказать… One must know… нужно знать… One can see... можно видеть… One might/could suppouse… можно было бы предположить... One should remember… следует (следовало бы) помнить…

1. 0ne can see that the results of this experiment are of great importance. 2. One might argue about the significance of their research. 3. 0ne must admit that fats play a great part in the human diet. 4. One may say that life without food is impossible. 5. One should know that all fats are divided into two kinds – those of plant and animal origin.

It is necessary.. Необходимо... It was impossible... Было невозможно... It should be noted... Следует отметить…

1. It is necessary to know that foods rich in carbohydrates, proteins and fats are essential to the nutrition of any living organism. 2. It was impossible for chemists of the past to understand chemical reactions in food taken in by a body. 3. It should be known that the excess of sugars and starches is stored as fat.

4. Переведите данные словосочетания на русский язык.

to take in sugars and starches; to be a characteristic of most living matter; when armed with equipment and knowledge; to be much better laboratories; to form a protective layer; apparently to protect the nerves from shocks; to be due to the depletion of fat around the nerves; in the form of their derived compounds; to play an important part in brain and nervous system; to meet the fat-manufacturing situation; to call on other animals to store the excess of fat

5. Прочитайте и переведите текст


fat – жир

oil – масло/растительное или минеральное/

phospholipids [¸f sf li'pidz] – фосфолипиды

sterol [ste'r ] – стерин

linseed ['linsi:d] - льняное семя

linoleic/linolenic acid [lin 'leik]/[ln 'li:k æsid] - линолевая/леноленовая кислота


1. Переведите на русский язык словосочетания, выделив префиксы прилагательных.

unanswerable argument; insoluble sub stance; inessential change; unimportant part; illegal act; uncommon work; inadequate nutrition; insufficient amount;unreal situation; irregular shape; improper conditions; unnecessary means

2. Заполните пропуски и переведите предложения на русский язык.

a/ depletion, b/ depleted, c/ depleting

1. Inadequate diet may result in... fat around the nerves. 2. The fat... around the nerves cannot protect them from shocks. 3. The... of fat in a body is extremely dangerous.

a/ performed, b/ perform, c/ performance

1. Fats... different functions in the body. 2. The... of the protective function by fats is very significant. 3. One of the function … by fats is the protectione of the nerves from shocks.

a/derivatives, b/derivation, c/derived

I. The word "vitamin" is... from Latin. 2. It was necessary to study the... of some compounds from fats. 3. They were given the task of finding some... of fats.

3. Найдите в тексте синонимы выделенных слов.

both animals and human beings consume sugars and starches and keep the surplus as fat; the capacity to make fats from carbohydrates is a property of most living matter; fatty acids carry out some very important function in our animal life; as an argument this is indisputable but as a notice of facts it is a hundred per cent incorrect; fats in the form of compounds obtained from them perform a significant role in our brain and entire nervous system; we are forced to appeal to other animals; we could not get an adequate quantity of fat-soluble vitamins; there are two fatty acids which the body cannot produce itself;several fats and fatty acids are necessary for the human body

4. Укажите номера пропущенных слов.

1. Animals and human beings... sugars and starch and store the excess as fats. 2. A characteristic of most living matter is the... to make fats from carbohydrates. 3. Sugar is very important for the nutrition of our … system. 4. Carbohydrates and fats are... for the living organism. 5. The sterols... from the fats are also essential for the living organism. 6. Without fats in the diet we could not get a... amount of fat-soluble vitamins. 7. … foods perform some very important functions in animal life. 8. Our body... to manufacture some necessary fats. 9. Fats form a... layer around the nerves. 10. We need to call on animals as a human body cannot... some essential fats and fatty acids.

1. sufficient, 2. derived, 3. refuses, 4. take in, 5. brain, 6. protective, 7. manufacture, 8. fatty, 9. ability, 10. essential


5. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения.

1. Можно сказать, что пища, богатая жирами, выполняет некоторые важные функции. 2. Жиры образуют защитный слой вокруг нервов, предохраняющий их от ударов. 3. Известно, что пища человека должна содержать жиры, необходимые для нервной системы. 4. Наш организм не может создавать некоторые виды жиров и жирных кислот. 5. Не потребляя жи­ров, организм не мог бы получать достаточное количество некоторых жирорастворимых витаминов. 6. Нужно сказать, что организм человека производит часть жиров из потребляемых углеводов. 7. Человек никогда не мог производить некоторые жиры в лаборатории, т.е. искусственно. 8. Стерин – это соединение, получаемое из жиров; оно играет большую роль в жизненных процессах. 9. Все жиры можно разделить на два основных вида – животного и растительного происхождения. 10. Растительные жиры встречаются в семенах, корнях, стеблях и листьях растений.



I. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык, определив функции герундия и причастия.

1. One of the problems of storing foods is preventing (protecting) them from spoilage. 2. One of the oldest methods of protecting food is drying. 3. After having removed some water from the analysed mixture they found chemical changes in it. 4. Many scientists were interested in making fats in the laboratory but they were not able to perform this task. 5. Organic acids have a part in stimulating and regulating body processes. 6. Long ago people began salting meat and fish for keeping their quality. 7. Methods of baking bread greatly depend on the flour properties. 8. Food engineers have constructed and are constructing various machinery for food processing, manufacturing and storing. 9. Producing fats from carbohydrates is a characteristic of most living matter including plants. 10. Repeating the test twice prevented them from mistakes. 11. Investigating vegetable fats scien­tists found them mainly in seeds and fruits of plants. 12. Without including any fats in the diet people cannot get a sufficient amount of fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E. 13. The scientists studying the nature of food constituents have greatly contributedto the development of food science. 14. The fruits were to be stored for some time before being eaten as they were unripe. 15. Without knowing the mechanism of converting carbohydrate and protein into fat it is impossible to understand clearly fat manufacturing in the animal body. 16. Having been derived from fats the sterols became the object of a thorough study. 17. It is known that on ripening seeds have an in­creasing amount of fat. 18. The mechanism of changing carbohydrates into fats was studied by many scientists. 19. Being stored for different periods of time these two products varied in taste very much. 20. The students were given the task of making some experiments with linseed oil.

2. Назовите английские эквиваленты предлагаемых словосочетаний, используя герундий с предлогом.

после обработки, до внедрения, не определив, благодаря изменению, без изучения, очищая, включив, не нагрев, не защищая, после отказа, благодаря использованию, продолжать регулирование/регулировать, начать произво-дить/производство, заканчивать исследование/исследовать

3. Укажите причастные обороты в функции обстоятельства, которые следует переводить на русский язык придаточными предложениями.

while stimulating; having been heated; when being protected; having changed; if being stored; if removing; having depleted; being derived; when manufacturing; when having been included

4. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык, указав, чем выражено определение.

l. an instrument for measuring temperature;an instrument measuring temperature 2. the method of controlling the quality; the method controlling the quality 3. the way of supplying a body with energy; the food supplying a body with energy 4. the method of producing fats; plants making fats from carbohydrates 5. the function of protecting the nerves from shocks; a fatty layer protecting the nerves from shocks

5. Переведите на английский язык следующие словосочетания.

А. необходимость включения в рацион продуктов, богатых белками и углеводами; пути решения проблем питания; важность исследования нового метода анализа; трудности сохранения пищевых продуктов; цель обсуждения нашего эксперимента;

Б. ученые, разрабатывающие новые методы хранения пищи; предприятия, производящие молочные продукты; условия, препятствующие порче пищи; изобретатель, сконструировавший эту машину; организм, синтезирующий химические вещества

В. продукты, стерилизуемые на предприятиях; мясо, замороженное при низ­кой температуре; фрукты, высушенные на солнце; температура, регу­лируемая автоматически; овощи, засоленные летом

6. Контрольный перевод.

a) I. Manufacturing high quality foods is one of the most important problems. 2. A plant is constantly manufacturing fats from carbohydrates. 3. By manufacturing new foodstuffs we make our diet varied. 4. Our aim is manufacturing high quality products. 5. Without manufacturing food products of high nutritive value it is impossible to make the human diet adequate. 6. Manufacturing foods we should think about their quality as well as quantity.

b) 1.Our task was applying these methods in our research. 2. Without applying these methods they will be unable to prevent food from spoilage. 3. Applying these methods is the subject of their research. 4. Applying this very method she has got interesting results. 5. They were applying this very method at that time. 6. By applying these methods we prevent bread from staling.

с) 1. Increasing temperature we can change the activity of microorganisms. 2. Increasing temperature means great changes of the activity of microorganisms. 3. Without increasing temperature we maintain the activity of microorganisms low. 4. The requirement of the experiment was increasing the temperature of the substance. 5. He is just increasing the temperature of the liquid solution. 6. By increasing temperature we change the activity of microorganisms in foods.

d) 1.Supplying the body with energy is one of the main functions of food. 2. Sugars are supplying a plant with food during its growth. 3. By supplying the body with energy food constituents make it able to develop. 4. The main function of food is supplying the body with energy. 5. Without supplying the body with energy foods cannot contribute toitsactivity. 6. Supplying the body with energy foods maintain its activity.



Active Vocabulary:

fat, fatty; to take in, intake; to protect, protection, protective; to derive, derivative, derivation; to deplete, depletion; layer; amount; excess; equipment; knowledge; essential; extreme; to include, to perform, to refuse, to call on; to prove; to play a part



Animals, human beings included, take in sugars and starches and store the excess as fat. The ability to make fats from carbohydrates or similar materials seems to be a characteristic of most living matter including plants. But man hasn’t been able to perform this task in the laboratory, even when armed with all the equipment and knowledge in the world. The microscopic walls of plant cells are much better laboratories than our scientists have yet been able to make.

The fatty foods perform some very important function in our animal lives; to do without them can be dangerous. Fats form a protective layer around the nerves, apparently to protect them from shocks. One of the characteristic results of semi-starvation is extreme irritability. It has been suspected that this may be due to the depletion of fat around the nerves.

Fats in the form of their derived compounds – phospholipids – also play an important part in our brain and entire nervous system. Another class of compounds derived from the fats and known as the sterols is also essential for the living organism. So one may say that, in its higher forms, life without fat is impossible.

Even admitting these facts, however, one might argue that they do not prove that a diet should contain any large amount of fat, for we make fat out of the carbohydrates we take in, hence sugars might be all that would be necessary to supply energy. As an argument this is unanswerable – but as an observation of facts it is a hundred per cent wrong. There are fats and fats and the human body is quite unable to meet the fat-manufacturing situation by itself. There are some necessary fats that our bodies refuse to, or cannot, manufacture and we need to call on other animals, such as cows, to help us out. Moreover, without fats in the diet we could not get a sufficient amount of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E.

There are two fatty acids, linileic and linolenic, which the body must have and which it cannot manufacture itself. These fatty acids get their names from linseed: oil in which they were first discovered. There are several other fats and fatty acids which are essential and which we do not make in our bodies.


1. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What functions do fats perform? 2. What kind of derived conpounds of fats are known? 3. What fatty acids are essential for a human body? 4. Out of what can a human body make fat? 5. Why must we call on animals to help us in fat manufacture?

2. Кратко расскажите по-английски:

а) какие функции выполняют жиры;

б) о способности животного организма производить жиры.



I. Укажите номера русских эквивалентов.

1. as well as, 2. besides, 3. also. 4. in most cases, 5. commonly, 6. the only, 7. a number of, 8. although, 9. both... and, 10. neither … nor

I. хотя 2. и.... и/как... так и 3. ни... ни 4. множество 5. единственный 6. кроме 7. в большинстве случаев 8. так же как 9. обычно 10. также

2. Переведите на русский язык данные словосочетания.

to differ in the elements present in sugar; to contain also nitrogen and in most cases sulphur; the nitrogen content commonly varies from 10 to 18 per cent; foods of both animal and plant origin; foods high in protein; to contain the proteins, lactalbumin and casein, as well as others of lesser importance; to be complex in nature; to be composed of a number of amino acids; to vary in the kind and number of amino acids; variation in the quality of proteins; to result in the classification; a complete protein is one that …; an incomplete protein neither supports normal growth nor maintains life, even if it is the only protein in the diet

3. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


complete / partially complete / incomplete protein - полноценный / частично полноценный/неполноценный белок

nitrogen ['naitr dzin] – азот

sulphur ['s f ] – сера

phosphorus ['f sf r s] – фосфор

iron ['ai n] - железо

essential amino acids - незаменимые аминокислоты

casein ['keizin] - казеин

lactalbumin['læk'tælbjumin] - лактальбумин/молочный белок



1. Составьте словосочетания, используя слова из левой колонки в роли определения.


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