What are the most important symptoms associated with disease of respiratory organs? 

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What are the most important symptoms associated with disease of respiratory organs?

Do the symptoms vary ore constant according to the severity of the attack?

In what form does usually the disease manifast itself at first?

What kind of symptoms do mark the early stages of the disease?

What questions should ask the doctor?

Приложение № 2


Фонетическая зарядка


It’s time to brush up your phonetics.


sore throats or difficulty in swallowing, cough, pain in the chest,rapid breathing,To vary according to the severity of the attack, according to the extent, the inflammatory action,To spread in the bronchial tubes,To manifast itself in the form of a catarrh or a common cold,The accompanying fevereshness and general constitutional disturbance,To proclaim the attac to be something more severe, A short, painful, dry cough, accompanied with rapid and wheezig respiration,A feeling of rawness and pain in the throat and behind the breastbone and of oppression or tigtness throughout the chest, To mark the early stages of the disease, To have head colds, the condition of the teeth, the hoarseness, cough or sputum, volume, appearance and odor, Haernoptysis-expectoration of pure blood, haetnonhage-from the lungs,exercise or altitude, to aggravate,exposure to coal or dust,



Приложение № 3


.Проверка домашнего задания



What did you have to do for homework? How did you get on with your homework? Did you find it difficult? First I want to make sure you know the new words

2. Find in the Text the English for the following phrases and use them in retelling and discussing the text.

больное горло, трудности при глотании, кашель,боль в груди, учащённое дыхание,меняться в зависимости от тяжести приступа,в зависимости от меры, степени, воспалительный процесс, распространяться в бронхах, проявлять себя в форме воспаления слизистой оболочки или насморка, сопровождение лихорадкой и общим расстройством,свидетельствовать о том, что приступ болезни стал более тяжёлым, кратковременный, болезненный, сухой кашель, сопровождающийся учащённым и затруднённым дыханием с присвистом, чувство чрипоты и боли в горле и за грудиной и чувство давления или стеснения в груди, отмечать ранние стадии заболевания,

Простудиться, состояние зубов, хриплость(сиплость), кашель или мокрота, объём, внешний вид, запах, отхаркивание, выделение чистой крови, выбеления скровью из лёгкиж, физическая нагрузка или высота, выделения на уголь или пыль,



sore throats or difficulty in swallowing, cough, pain in the chest,rapid breathing,To vary according to the severity of the attack, according to the extent, the inflammatory action,To spread in the bronchial tubes,To manifast itself in the form of a catarrh or a common cold,The accompanying fevereshness and general constitutional disturbance,To proclaim the attac to be something more severe, A short, painful, dry cough, accompanied with rapid and wheezig respiration,A feeling of rawness and pain in the throat and behind the breastbone and of oppression or tigtness throughout the chest, To mark the early stages of the disease, To have head colds, the condition of the teeth, the hoarseness, cough

Приложение № 4

Презентация лексики по теме

New words

Communicable disease-заразная болезнь

The pathogenesis of the disease –механизм развития конкрентной болезни или патологического процесса

To result in a lesion of the lung-приводить к патологическим изменениям в лёгких

To produce no sings or symptoms –не вызывать признаков или симптомов

Healing of the lesion-заживление, рубцевание (о ране)

To take place by the deposition of lime salts –происходить при отлохении известковых солей

Eventually complete calcification –в конечном счёте полное обызвествление,отложение извести,окостенение

Inhaling of dust containing bacillus tuberculosis,-вдыхание пыли, содержащей бацилы туберкулёза


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