III. Цель - умение воспринимать речь преподавателя на слух и 

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III. Цель - умение воспринимать речь преподавателя на слух и

Вести беседу по теме.

New Vocabulary:

drug-taking принятие наркотиков

troubles - неприятности, беспокойство

close [klouz] - закрывать, но [klous] - тесный, близкий

amount - количество

relief [ri'litf] - облегчение

discomfort [dis'kAmfst] - неловкость, неудобство.


Society has changed. People's roles have changed a lot too. There is much smoking, drinking and drug-taking nowadays. Everything was very quiet, nobody knew anything about it. But these days things are very different. Children seem to do more as they like whether they know it's right or wrong. Young people become more independent. They can earn money. They can leave the home earlier. There are many troubles with young people.

The parents' role in the family is great. Children have a close relation with parents. The moral code of children is to be very similar to parents. Their priorities are probably quite similar. Children are disciplined. Discipline is good in certain amount but it can be a bad thing to get too much of it. Sometimes children are punished by the parents if they don't do what they are told. Parents should be understanding, never too strict. In some families they don't have an easy life and grown up children go out so much with their friends. It's a relief for them to be out. When they are brought up in a very strict way and the rule is never to bring home trouble they are afraid to speak about intimate things Matters between the sexes are never discussed in the family situations and young people feel sometimes discomfort in this case.


1. What are the main people in the family?

2.These are parents, aren't they?

3.At what age are children usually independent?

4.At what age do the children get a passport?

5.How many are you in your family?

6. Are your parents very strict? What do you think?

7.Is it very good to have understanding parents?

8. Do you have any problems with your parents?

9. Do you discuss these problems with your parents? With your friends?

10. Do you feel comfort in your family?

Приложение № 2


Фонетическая зарядка


It’s time to brush up your phonetics.


A little pat is soon hgt.

Дурака легко вывести из себя.

Jgy and so_rrow are as near as today and tomorrow.

Радость и печаль всегда рядом.

A watched pat never bails.

Когда ждешь, время тянется бесконечно.


Read the rhymes and then learn them by heart:

a) Hot crass buns!
Hot crass buns!

One a penny, two a penny,

Hot crass buns!
If you have no daughters

Give them to y our sons

One a penny, two a penny,

Hat crass buns!

b) For want of a nail, the shoe was last
For want of the shoe, the harse was last
For want of the harse, the rider was last
For want of the rider, the battle was last
For want of the battle, the kingdom was last
And all for the want of a har.se - shoe nail



Приложение № 3


.Проверка домашнего задания

What did you have to do for homework? How did you get on with your homework? Did you find it difficult? First I want to make sure you know

5 Контрольные вопросы

1. В каких функциях употребляется причастия1 в предложении?

2. В каких функциях употребляется герундий в предложении?




Расположите по порядку: предложения, в которых ing-форма является причастием;

предложения, в которых ing-форма является герундием.

1. a) We all listened with great interest to the speaker criticizing the new book.

Criticizing the work of our sports club, he said that it was not satisfactory.

We were criticizing the work of our sanitary committee at that moment.

I have no objection to your criticizing me.

2. a) When we entered the classroom, we saw many students writing at the desks.

Do you mind my writing with your pen? He was writing a letter when I entered the

3. Lydia could retell the English story she had read without looking into the book.

4. Everybody ran to meet the people returning from the city.

5. They went home quickly, protecting themselves from the rain by walking under the trees. 6. In this factory much attention is paid to protecting the health of the workers.

7. He stopped writing and looked around. 8. In this picture you can see a young man
giving flowers to a girl, 9. Playing volleyball is a good amusement for young people.

10. She left the room without saying a word. 11. We had the pleasure of seeing the performance. 12. John likes studying his­ tory. 13. Never jump off a moving train.

14. Rea­ding books out of doors is his favourite way of spend­ing the summer holidays, but he likes swimming and going on excursions as well. 15. Running water is always better than standing water. 16. The remain­ing cakes were given to the children.


ксами-рение, падающее на первое слово:

суффикса- которые являются


Приложение № 4


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