Mary Brown is talking to Doctor Johnson about her illness. 

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Mary Brown is talking to Doctor Johnson about her illness.


D-- Next patient, please. Good morning, Mrs. Brown.

M---Good morning, doctor.

-D--What's wrong with you, Mrs. Brown?

M---I have a runny nose and I feel shivery.

D---How long has this been going on for?

M---I don't know exactly. It must have come on about two days ago after I got back from work. It started with a sore throat and then my chest began to hurt. But I thought it was temporary. It now seems to me that I must have picked up a virus infection.

D---There has been an influenza epidemic in our town for a couple of weeks. Let me examine you. The tonsils look fine. Breathe deeply now.

M----Is everything O.K., doctor?

D---I don't think there's anything to worry about. You've become run down and therefore you've caught a cold.

-M--Run down? That's what my husband keeps saying. What do you suggest I should do?

D----You'd better stay away from work till the end of next week. I'll also prescribe you some medicine for your cold. Don't forget to come and see me again next Friday. I'll have to give you another checkup. Your cold is nothing serious but don't make light of it. Please stay indoors for all the time you are on sick leave.

M----Thank you, Doctor Johnson.


Приложение № 5

Тренировка в употреблении лексики.


Применение нового учебного материала


1 Answer the questions.


1. What's wrong with Mary Brown? (She has a runny nose and feels shivery.)

2. How long has this been going on for? (It has been going on for about two days.)

3. How did she feel two days ago? (She had a sore throat and her chest hurt.)

4. What does it seem to her now? (It now seems to her that she must have picked up a virus infection.)

5.. Is there anything to worry about? (There is nothing to worry about)

6. What does Mary's husband keep saying? (Mary's husband keeps saying that she is run down.)

7. What does Doctor Johnson suggest Mary should do? (He suggests she should stay away from work till the end of next week.)

8. What will he prescribe her? (He'll prescribe her some medicine for her cold.)

9. What shouldn't Mary forget to do next Friday? (She shouldn't forget to go and see Doctor
Johnson in order to have another checku


Translate from English into Russian

1. Next patient, please. <Следующий пациент, пожалуйста.

2.What's wrong with you? <Что Вас беспокоит?

3. I have a runny nose and I feel shivery. <У меня сильный насморк, и я чувствую озноб.

4. How long has this been going on for? <Как долго это продолжается насморк,.?

5. It must have come on about two days ago. < Это, должно быть, началось около двух дней тому назад.

6. It started with a sore throat and then my chest began to hurt. <Началось это с болей в горле, а затем стала {доел.: начала) болеть грудная

7.It now seems to me that I must have picked up a virus infection.

> Сейчас мне кажется, что я подхватила какую-то вирусную инфекцию.

8. There has been an influenza epidemic in our town for a couple of weeks. <Пару недель в нашем городе продол­жается эпидемия гриппа.

9. The tonsils look fine. <Гланды выглядят хорошо.

10. Breathe deeply now. <Сейчас подышите глубоко.

11. You've become run down. <Вы переутомились.

12. Don't make light of it. <Не относитесь к этому легкомысленно.

13. Please stay indoors for all the time you are on sick leave. < Пожалуйста, оставайтесь дома на все время больничного.

Say it in English


1.Я думал, что это было временно. >I thought it was temporary.

Позвольте мне Вас обследовать. >Let me examine you.

Это как раз то, о чем все время говорит мой муж. >That's what my husband keeps saying.

Как Вы полагаете, что мне следует делать? >What do you suggest I should do?

Я также выпишу Вам лекарсто от простуды. >Г11 also prescribe you some medicine for your cold.

Я должен буду осмотреть Вас еще раз. >Г11 have to give you another checkup.


2. что с вами случилось? вы плохо выглядите; у меня сильнаяголовная боль; вчера у нее появилась сыпь на коже—какая у вас температура?; у него насморк и сильный кашель; дайте вашу руку, я измерю ваше давле­ние; откройте рот и скажите “а”; вы должны оставаться в постели в тече­ние недели; доктор посоветовал ему делать утреннюю зарядку



Приложение № 6

Заключение и задание на дом


1)Подведение итогов

2)Задание на дом: Инсценирование диалога

8)Литература: Козырева Л. Г, Шадская Т. В. «Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ»,Аванесьянц Э. М., Кахацкая Н. В, Мифтахова Т. В. «Английский язык для старших курсов», Тылкина С. А., Темчина Н. А. «Пособие по английскому языку для медицинских училищ»

Учащимся предлагаются следующие начала предложений, которые они должны закончить и прокомментировать.


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