Основная медицинская терминология, используемая в диалогической и монологической речи для сбора анамнеза 

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Основная медицинская терминология, используемая в диалогической и монологической речи для сбора анамнеза

- to be examined by a doctor - пройти осмотр у врача

- to be sick - испытывать тошноту (англ.), быть больным(амер.)

- to be treated by a doctor - быть под наблюдением (лечиться у врача)

- to be well - чувствовать себя хорошо

- to be X-rayed - сделать рентгеноскопию

- to call (in) a doctor - вызвать врача

- to come to - прийти в себя

- to fall ill (to be taken ill) - заболеть

- to feel bad (well) - чувствовать себя плохо (хорошо)

- to feel better - чувствовать себя лучше

- to follow the doctor's orders - выполнять указания врача

- to go for a physician - пойти за врачом

- to keep (stay) in bed - лежать (оставаться) в постели

- to look tired - выглядеть усталым

- to run a splinter (into the hand, etc.) - занозить (руку и т.д.)

- to see (consult) a doctor - обратиться к врачу

- to send for a physician - послать за врачом

- Can I do anything for you? - Могу я сделать что-нибудь для вас?

- It is not good for your health. - Это вредно для вашего здоровья,

- No reading in bed. - В постели не читайте.

- Pull yourself together. - Возьмите себя в руки.

- The patient is feverish. - У больного жар.

- The patient is thirsty. - Больной хочет пить.

- You are overtired. - Вы переутомлены.

- You don't look well. - Вы плохо выглядите.

- You look pale. - Вы бледны.

- You look well. - Вы хорошо выглядите.

- You will have your chest X-rayed and your blood examined. -Вам сделают рентгеноскопию грудной клетки и анализ крови.




The clinical medicine and safeguard1 of people's health greatly developed2 in Roman times. The name of Galen ['geilin] is widely known. Galen worked first as a surgeon at a school for gladiators3. He went to Rome when he was thirty-two years old and there he had much practice, but he continued to ex­periment on living animals, especially apes4 and pigs. The Roman army always had a well organized5 service6 of surgeons. The school for gladiators was an ideal school for training7 in surgery.


safeguard ['seifgor.d] n охрана 5. to organize ['D:ganaiz] v организо-

to develop [di'velap] v развивать вать, устраивать

gladiator ['glaedieita] n гладиатор 6. service ['sa.vis] и служба

ape [eip] n (человекообразная) обезь- 7. training ['trainiq] n тренировка





What diseases had you in the past?

I had the mumps,2 scarlet fever and pneumonia. - And measles,
whooping cough, chicken-pox?

Yes, I had all the childhood diseases.

What about adult diseases? Had you ТВ3 heart or kidney trouble?


Had you any operations?

Yes, I had my appendix out and my tonsils are out too.

Did you ever break any bones?

I broke my arm when I was a child and that's all.


case history история болезни З. ТВ ['ti'.'bi:] (сокр.) туберкулез

mumps [mAmps] n свинка



Приложение № 5

Тренировка в употреблении лексики.

Применение нового учебного материала


Exercise 2

Supply articles where necessary:


1. The old man was seriously ill. He was running—high temperature. 2.1 'v«*Ј-haH miH in—hppH I must have caught— cold yesterday when I ran out into—yard without — cap on. 3. She overworked and had-2—bad headache. People who do not get enough—sleep often have—headaches. 4. I have but—slight headache. No pills for me, thank you. 5. I have— splitting headache and—bad cold in—head. I must have caught cold and developed—grippe. 6. "I'll put you on— jick-list for three days," the doctor said. "Keep to bed. You'll be in—good health by—end of—week, I hope." 7. Try as the doctors may, no effective treatment for—cancer has as yet been developed. 8. He was treated for—chicken-pox but it turned out to be—scarlet fever. 9. I just can't stop sneezing, and I've got—splitting headache, and on top of that I have—sore throat.

Exercise 3

Supply adverbs or prepositions where necessary:

1.—night I felt a sharp pain—the side and—the leg. 2. You are losing weight and you do look like a sick man-fc me. Why don't you go and consult—a doctor? Health isworth taking care-—. Haven't you lived long enough to know that? 3. Most unfortunately he fell ill—pneumonia just—:, the middle of his holiday when he was on a tour down South. 4. The boy falls ill—quinsy practically every other month. He must be operated—and haye his tonsils removed. This is the only right thing to do—triKcircumstances. Otherwise the quinsy will keep him—school4^cfeys^4nd. 5. Cancer is one—the most devastating diseases. There are many hospi­tals where cancer research is carried'AjgJfMany outstanding doctors have devoted their lives—the'study of this disease?

Exercise 4

Complete the following sentences:

1. Thanks to vaccination against small-pox.... 2. The mortality rate from such diseases as ТВ, dysentery, diphthe­ria, and measles has considerably diminished owing to.... 3. If urgent medical aid is called for we... and... 4. All victims of traffic accidents are.... 5. In our country ex­tensive research work against infectious diseases....


Exercise 5

Translate at sight the following:

1."Have you ever been wounded or shell-shocked?"
"No, but I was injured during an automobile accident.

Some bad cuts and an internal haemorrhage."

"Yes, I noticed those stitches on your forehead. Was it painful (did it hurt)?"

"No, they gave me a local anaesthetic to deaden the pain. I didn't feel anything."

"Any broken bones?"

"No, none."


Exercise 6

Translate the following sentences:


1. У меня болит горло. Наверное, это ангина. 2. Она серьезно больна. Ее положили в больницу. Возможно, ей предстоит операция. 3. Я вам советую обратиться к вра­чу и чем скорее, тем лучше. У вас больной вид. 4. Если бы • диагноз был тогда установлен, больного немедленно от­правили бы в больницу. 5. Я был ранен в ногу во время войны, и сейчас долгая ходьба вызывает у меня боль, б. У меня сильная боль в правом боку (в колене, в левом ухе, в обоих глазах, в грудной клетке, в груди). У меня болит глаз (болит рука, нога, горло). 7. У вас высокая температура. Вам нужен постельный режим в течение двух-трех дней.


Приложение № 6

Заключение и задание на дом


1)Подведение итогов:.

2)Задание на дом: Используя изученный материал, составить диалог

8)Литература: Козырева Л. Г, Шадская Т. В. «Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ»,Аванесьянц Э. М., Кахацкая Н. В, Мифтахова Т. В. «Английский язык для старших курсов», Тылкина С. А., Темчина Н. А. «Пособие по английскому языку для медицинских училищ»



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