Рацион питания во время беременности. Каким Он должен быть. 

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Рацион питания во время беременности. Каким Он должен быть.


Here are some menus. How do you find them? Are they healthy for pregnant women?

If they are so, prove it, using the following words and word combinations.

1) to use a mixed diet of—использовать смешанную диету из

2) to contain the main nourishing substances –содержать основные питательные вещества

3) cut down on –ограничить потребление в

4) to take carefully-употреблять умеренно

5) not to secure the requirements of the body

in nutritious substances-не обеспечивать потребности организма в питательных веществах

6) peach-персик

7) mashed potatoes-картофельное пюре

8) stewed vegetables-овощи тушеные

9) cranberry kissel-клюквенный кисель

10) buckwheat porridge-гречневая каша

11)stewed fruit-компот

12)a pancake-блин, блинчик

13)baked cottage cheese-

14)kidney bean soup-фасолевый суп

15)shepherd’s pie-картофельная запеканка

1 6)salad of beetroot, sauerkraut, potatoes ets., dressed with oil-винегрет

17)sour milk-простокваша

18)semolina-манная каша

19)smoked sausage-копченая колбаса

20)a major source of calcium and protein-главный источник кальция и белка

21)milk and milk products-молоко и молочные продукты

22)unhealthy foods-пища с минимальной пищевой ценностью

23)healthy diet-здоровое питание

24)to help us to digest food better-помогает лучше переваривать пищу


Breakfast- cereal with milk, a glass of oranges juice

Lunch -a cheese sandwich and two small peaches

Dinner- vegetable soup;fish with mashed potatoes; mixed salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage; cranberry kissel and a piece of pie;

Supper- stewed vegetables; sour milk with two slices of toast


Breakfast- buckwheat porridge with milk; bread; stewed fruit

Lunch - a pancake with sour cream; weak tea; an apple;

Dinner- beetroot salad; mushroom soup; macaroni with cutlets; wholemeal bread;

tomatoes juice,

upper - baked cottage cheese; grated carrot; yougurt.


Breakfast- omelette; porridge; coffee with milk; bread;

Lunch - marmalade with buttered toast and stewed fruit

Dinner- vegetable salad; kidney bean soup; shepherd’s pie, kissel.

Supper - fish with salad of beetroot, sauerkraut, potatoes etc, dressed with oil; sour milk


Breakfast- soft boiled eggs; semolina; oranges juice; bun with strawberry jam

Lunch - apple pie with whipped cream; banana; sweets.

Dinner- vegetable salad; noodle soup; roast beef with fried potatoes and marinated cucumbers; a cake with tea.

Supper - baked beans with smoked sausage; yougurt.

Приложение № 14

Образцы ситуаций для составления диалогов и диалогов, составленных учащимися


During the pregnancy a pregnant woman may have some healthy problems.

Make up dialogues, using the following situations.


You are a pregnant woman. You have a slight fever and a headache. You know that you shouldn’t take medicines without the advice of the doctor. You are talking to the doctor.


Patient— Good morning

Nurse--- Good morning. Can I help you?

Patient— I need to see a gynaecologist.

Nurse--- Have you an appointment?

Patient— No, I haven’t, but it is urgent.

Nurse-- I’m afraid he can’t now. Can’t you wait till 10 o’clock?

Patient--- Well, I can

Doctor--- What troubles you?

Patient— I have a slight fever and a headache.

Doctor--- Howlong have you been like this?

Patient--- Since yesterday.

Doctor --- Well, I must examine you. Lets feel your pulse. It’s fast. I want to check your BP. That is normal BP for you. I see you have caught a cold.

Patient--- Is it serious, doctor?

Doctor--- I think things will come right.

Patient--- Shall I take any medicine?

Doctor— You know the first 3 months of pregnancy are important. So some medicines can be harmful to the growing baby.

Patient --- Do I need special treatment?

Doctor— You must keep in bed and drink plenty of warm water. If you follow my prescription you will feel much better tomorrow and in two or three days you will quite well again.


You area gynaecologist. Examining your regular patient (a pregnant woman) you find out that she is a bit overweight. You are talking to the patient.


Patient--- Hi, I’d like an appointment with the gynaecologist.

Nurse--- Are you one of the doctors regular patients?

Patient--- Yes, I’m.

Nurse--- Then takeyour medical chart.

Doctor— How do you feel?

Patient--- Quite well, thank you doctor.

Doctor— I must check your blood pressure and weigh you. Your BP is normal but you have put on weight.

Patient--- Is it dangerous, doctor?

Doctor— It may cause difficult labor for you in the future, unless you change your diet to a healthier one.

Patient--- What shall I do? Do I need a special diet?

Doctor— You should eat less fat and less sugar but more fibre. Try to use a balanced diet. You can get all your vitamins and minerals from fresh fruit and vegetables


You area gynaecologist. You have a new patient. She is 23 years old. She is married She is going to have a baby. But she is a smoker. You are taking her case report.


Patient--- Hi, I’d like to make an appointment with the gynaecologist.

Nurse--- Have you been in before?

Patient— No, I haven’t.

Nurse--- Okay, you’re a new patient then.

Doctor— what is the matter with you? Do you have any complaints?

Patient--- Me and my husband want to have a child. But I am afraid that it can be complicated pregnancy.

Doctor— How old are you?

Patient--- I am twenty-three.

Doctor—Is this your first pregnancy and have you ever performed abortion?

Patient--- I have never performed abortion. It is my first pregnancy.

Doctor— Are there any hereditary diseases in your family?

Patient— Is far as I know there are no hereditary diseases.

Doctor— Do you smoke?

Patient--- I like smoking. It helps me to relax. I know all the facts, but I don’t want to change.

Doctor— But if you want to be a mother you should cut that down. Give it up. If however a pregnant mother smokes during her pregnancy, there is great danger of the baby being born with some congenital malformation.

Patient--- Well I’ll try, but it is not so easy.



Приложение № 15


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