A Case Fom The Practical Medicine 

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A Case Fom The Practical Medicine


A woman, aged 40 years, was attended at the Ear, Nose and Throat Out-patient Department. She stated that one month previously, she had had a sore throat for which she had gone to the doctor.

He found a tumour and sent her for further advice to her local hospital.

While examining the patient the doctor observed a firm smooth swelling on the right side of the face. The swelling was about the size of a walnut and was continuous with another swelling that could be palpated in the neck. However, one could not notice any gross external projection. An incision made through the palate showed an encapsulated firm tumour.

The operation was absolutely necessary. Both the external and the internal tumours were removed. The operaton though not very simple was uneventful. The wounds healed soundly, the patient recovered and remained free from further trouble.

Приложение № 4

Тренировка в употреблении лексики.

Применение нового учебного материала




1 Answer the questions.

1. Why should every patient be thoroughly questioned?

2. What are the questions concerning general symptoms?

3. What are the questions concerning respiratory symptoms?

4.What is the physician to find out examening the patient with gastrointestinal symptoms?

5.What troubled the woman?

6.Was she ill before going to the doctor?

7.What did the doctor observe?

8.Was the operation necessary?

9.Were both the internal and the external tumours removed?

10.Did the patient recover?


П. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word.

1.A woman, aged 40 years, was attended at the...., Nose,… Out-patient Department.

2.The…. was about the size of a….

3.The operation was….necessary.

4.Both the…. and the…..tumours were…..

5.The….was not very simple

(absolutely, internal, operation, swelling, removed, ear, walnut, throat)

III. Give Russian equivalents:

satisfactory (grave) condition of the patient – удовлетворительное (тяжелое) состояние больного

state of moderate severity / moderate grave condition - состояние средней тяжести

active (passive) patient’s position – активное (пассивное) положение больного

forced patient’s attitude / position – вынужденное положение больного

scoliosis – сколиоз

reduced (moderate, good) degree of nourishment – пониженная (умеренная, хорошая) степень упитанности

to gain weight – прибавлять в весе

to reduce / lose one’s weight – потерять в весе

heavy (slight) weight loss – большая (малая) потеря в весе

normally (poorly, excessively) developed subcutaneous fat / fatty tissue – нормально (слабо, чрезмерно) выраженная подкожная жировая клетчатка

obesity – ожирение

tumour = swelling - опухоль

further advice - в дальнейшем

local - местный

to observe - наблюдать, замечать

firm smooth swelling - твердое гладкое уплотнение

walnut - грецкий орех

any gross external projection - никаких видимых изменений

incision - надрез, разрез

soft palate - мягкое нёбо

internal - внутренний

wound - рана

to heal soundly - хорошо заживать

to remain free from further trouble - избавиться от дальней­
ших переживаний


IV.Find in the text the English for.

ЛОР отделение; опухоль; местная больница; во время осмот­ра; твердая гладкая опухоль;

размером с орех; абсолютно необ­ходима; внутренняя (внешняя) опухоль.

V.Translate into English.

Состояние больного после операции; хирургическое отделе­ние; осматривать больного; давать необходимые инструкции; операция была необходима; хирургическая сестра; палатная се­стра; заметить опухоль; твёрдое гладкое уплотнение; рана быст­ро зажила; сделать разрез; величиной с грецкий орех; отделение Ухо, Горло, Нос; операция была нелёгкой.

V1. Расскажите о работе палатной медсестры в хирургиче­ском отделении.



Приложение № 5.

Заключение и задание на дом


1) Подведение итогов: Summing up: Can somebody sum up what has been said? (Summarise what you have found out). In conclusion, I would say that …(I would go over some mistakes: there were some mistakes in your pronunciation, you mispronounced the ward “…”. Listen to the correct pronunciation. You’ve got the stress wrong. The stress is on the second syllable. Be careful with your intonation. Your intonation wasn’t quite write. Listen to the way my voice goes up. You try and do the same. Drop(Raise) your voice at the end of the sentence. You must read loudly enough for everyone to hear you.

2)Задание на дом. Setting homework: Before we finish, I’d like to ask you to do something at home for the next lesson. Please write down your homework. For homework I want you to go over what we’ve just learnt. Learn all the new words. There will be a test on it in the next lesson. As for the text tell me as much as you can about Common Findings on Examination.. I’m afraid it’s time to stop. You can put your things away. It’s time for us to have a break. Goodbye, everyone.


8)Литература: Козырева Л. Г, Шадская Т. В. «Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ»,Аванесьянц Э. М., Кахацкая Н. В, Мифтахова Т. В. «Английский язык для старших курсов», Тылкина С. А., Темчина Н. А. «Пособие по английскому языку для медицинских училищ»


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