Тестовый лексико-грамматический контроль-41мин 

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Тестовый лексико-грамматический контроль-41мин

Задача- проверить качество выполнения лексико-грамматических заданий, направленных на применение полученных знаний.

5.Заключение и задание на дом.-4 мин.

Задача-подведение итогов занятия, оценка знаний учащихся

Приложение №1

Речевая подготовка

Good morning, students. You are welcome to an English lesson.

<These ><questions ><will ><help ><you ><to ><speak ><about ><your ><friend.>


1.<What ><is ><your ><friend's ><name?>

2. <What ><is ><he? ><How ><old ><is ><he?>

3.<Is ><he ><a ><student ><or ><a ><worker?>

4.<Is ><he ><a ><part-time ><or ><a ><full-time ><student?>

5.<What ><is ><he ><good ><at? ><What ><is ><he ><fond ><of?>

6.<What ><are ><his ><plans ><for ><the ><future?>

7.<What ><kind ><of ><person ><is ><your ><friend?>

8.<Is ><he/she ><gay ><and ><lively ><or ><dull ><and ><boring?>

9.<Is ><he ><fond ><of ><art, ><music, ><poetry?>

10. <Is ><he ><a ><great ><cinema/theatre ><goer?>

11. <Is ><he ><honest ><and ><clever?>

12. <Has ><he ><a ><keen ><sense ><of ><humour?>

13. <What ><is ><his ><hobby?>

14. <Is ><he ><fond ><of ><animals?>

15.<Is ><he ><fond ><of ><reading? ><What ><are ><his ><favourite ><authors?>

16. <Is ><he ><good ><at ><playing ><chess?>

17. <What ><is ><he ><like? ><Describe ><his ><apearance.>

Приложение № 2


Фонетическая зарядка


It’s time to brush up your phonetics. Read the (rhyme) words.Mind the pronunciation.


< ><an ><increased ><temperature, < ><interesting ><scientific >work,><special >subjects, <a ><lecture ><in >anatomy, to <enter ><the ><Medical >College,to <take >< ><entrance >examinations, to <become ><a >student, to <get ><an ><increased >stipend, to <work ><as >doctor, <at ><the ><end ><of ><the ><first ><year,to <take ><an ><examination ><in >anatomy, to < ><treat ><people ><for ><different ><diseases, to study human anatomy, to gain knowledge of medicine at medical college?>>



Приложение № 3


.Проверка домашнего задания

What did you have to do for homework? How did you get on with your homework? Did you find it difficult? First I want to make sure you’ve done the home exercises correctly.



<Упражнение ><1. ><Замените ><выделенные ><слова ><личными ><местоимениями.>

<1. ><Магу ><is ><a ><good ><nurse. ><2. ><John ><and ><Tom ><are ><twins. ><3. ><Mr. ><Smith ><works ><in ><a ><hospital. ><4. ><Ann ><is ><a ><doctor. ><5. ><Peter ><and ><Mike ><are ><my ><sons. ><6. ><My ><friend ><and ><I ><are ><students ><of ><the ><medical ><college.>


<Упражнение ><2. ><Заполните ><пропуски ><притяжательны­><ми ><местоимениями.>

<1. ><This ><is ><a ><ward ><doctor, ><and ><these ><are ><... ><patients. ><2. ><Jane ><is ><... ><daughter, ><I ><like ><... ><very ><much. ><3. ><Olga ><is ><... ><best ><ward ><nurse. ><4. ><What ><is ><... ><name? ><5.><1 ><have ><a ><dog, ><... ><name ><is ><Ren. ><6. ><This ><child ><is ><ill, ><... ><temperature ><is ><high. ><7. ><We ><have ><got ><a ><new ><flat, ><... ><flat ><is ><rather ><big.>


<Упражнение ><З. ><Заполните ><пропуски ><местоимениями ><mу, ><her, ><his, ><your, ><our, ><their. >

<1. ><Look ><at ><this ><nice ><girl! ><What ><is ><... ><name? ><2. ><What ><is ><... ><favourite ><subject? ><3. ><... ><sister ><is ><a ><nurse. ><4. ><We ><like ><... ><college ><very ><much. ><5.... ><wife ><is ><a ><teacher. ><6. ><Mr. ><and ><Mrs. ><White ><are ><from ><Boston, ><... ><son ><lives ><in ><New ><York.>

Упражнение 4. <Образуйте ><от ><существительных, ><данных ><в ><скобках, ><форму ><множественного ><числа.>

<1. ><Pedro ><goes ><to ><different ><(country). ><2. ><John ><will ><tell ><you ><a ><lot ><of ><funny ><(story) ><and ><(joke). ><3. ><All ><the ><(boy) ><are ><good ><(sportsman). ><4. ><There ><are ><two ><(box) ><of ><(chocolate) ><on ><the ><table. ><5. ><You ><should ><hide ><(knife) ><and ><(match) ><from ><your ><(child). ><6. ><(Wolf) ><and ><(fox) ><live ><in ><the ><(forest). ><7. ><They ><put ><their ><(brush) ><on ><the ><(shelf).>

Упражнение 5. Исправьте ошибки.

1.<It ><was ><such ><a ><terrible ><weather ><that ><we ><left ><the ><camp-site ><and ><got ><an ><accommodation ><in ><town ><instead.>

2.<In ><the ><north ><of ><England, ><most ><houses ><are ><made ><of ><stones,
><but ><in ><the ><south, ><bricks ><are ><more ><common.>

3. <I ><love ><antique ><furnitures, ><but ><I ><would ><need ><an ><advice ><from ><a><specialist ><before ><I ><bought ><any. ><My ><knowledges ><in ><that ><area ><are ><very ><poor.>

4. <His ><researches ><are ><definitely ><making ><great ><progresses ><these
><days. ><He ><has ><done ><a ><lot ><of ><original ><works ><recently.>


Упражнение 6 Определите, какие признаки являются характерными для данных профессий.

<> < ><Используйте ><слова >< some, >< a >< lot, >< a >< bit. >

< Профессии: ><soldier, ><nurse, ><teacher, ><explorer, ><actor, ><athlete, ><writer, ><surgeon, ><receptionist.>

< Признаки: ><patience, ><courage, ><determination, ><goodwill, ><charm, ><stamina, ><reliability, ><loyalty, ><energy, ><experience, ><commit­><ment, ><talent, ><creativity, ><intelligence, ><training.>


Упражнение 7. <Одно ><слово ><в ><каждой ><группе ><всегда ><употребляется ><во ><множе­><ственном ><числе. ><Найдите ><его ><и ><исправьте >ошибки.

<Wellington, ><trouser; ><slipper.>

<Billiard; ><squashy; ><archery.>

<Knife; ><scissor; ><razor.>

<Tracksuit; ><costume; ><dungaree.>


Упражнение 8. <Напишите ><степени ><сравнения ><данных ><прилагательных.>

<Sad, ><happy, ><big, ><grey, ><far, ><honourable, ><bad, ><dry, ><near, ><old,><complete, ><unusual.>

<Brilliant, ><lovely, ><little, ><ugly, ><low, ><productive, ><heavy, ><strong, ><slender, ><famous, ><messy, ><polite.>

<Slow, ><remarkable, ><tall, ><young, ><good, ><hot, ><tasty, ><cheap, ><large, ><high, ><busy, ><many.>

<Упражнение 9. ><Раскройте ><скобки ><и ><поставьте ><прилагательные ><в ><нужной ><форме.>

1.<><Mount ><Everest ><is >< (high) ><mountain ><in ><the ><world. ><2. ><Sherlock ><Holmes ><was >< (good) ><detective ><in ><London. ><3. ><Go ><and ><pick ><an ><apple ><from >< (near) ><tree. ><4. ><Tokyo ><is >< (big) ><city ><in ><the ><world. ><5. ><Rebecca ><is >< (nice) ><than ><Jane. ><6. ><Mrs ><Brown ><is >< (tall) ><than ><Mrs ><Taylor. ><7.><1 ><think ><English ><is >< (easy) ><than ><French. ><8. ><John ><is >< (bad) ><skier ><in ><the ><school. ><9. ><This ><is >< (funny) ><joke ><I ><know. ><10. ><Cindy ><is >< (clever) ><girl ><in ><the ><class. ><11. ><My ><football ><socks ><are >< (dirty) ><yours. ><12. ><I ><find ><French >< (interesting) ><than ><history. ><13. ><The ><new ><hotel ><is >< (modern) ><building ><in ><our ><town. ><14. ><Tony ><is >< (intelligent) ><boy ><in ><our ><class. ><15. ><Good ><health ><is >< (good) ><than ><money. ><16. ><This ><is >< (wonderful) ><place ><for ><a ><holiday. ><17. ><I ><find ><French >< (difficult) ><than ><English. ><18. ><Karen ><is >< (pretty) ><girl ><in ><the ><class. ><19. ><He ><is >< (ugly) ><man ><in ><the ><world. ><20. ><The ><giraffe ><is >< (tall) ><animal ><in ><the ><world.>

Упражнение 10. <Найдите ><и ><исправьте ><ошибки.>

<A. ><therty, ><thirten, ><siks, ><nain, ><tu, ><for, ><fife, ><eigt, ><tventy, ><sev><ente, ><three ><hundreds, ><thosand, ><milion, ><ziro.>

<B. ><nineth, ><sith, ><twoth, ><treeth, ><ileventh, ><fiftyth, ><seventh, ><four ><hundreth ><eightyth ><oneth.>


< Упражнение 11. >< Который >< час? >< Напишите >< ответы >< словами >< по-английски. >

<1. ><1.50 ><a.m.; ><2. ><10 ><p.m.; ><3. ><3.15 ><p.m.; >< 4. ><5.25 ><a.m.; ><5. ><7.30 ><a.m.; ><6.12.00 ><p.m.; ><7. ><12.00 ><a.m.; ><8. ><12.55 ><p.m.; ><9. ><10.35 ><a.m.; ><10. ><11.45 ><p.m.; ><11. ><9.40 ><a.m.; ><12. ><3.20 ><p.m.; ><13. ><15.15; ><14. ><17.45; ><15. ><21.30; ><16. ><14.15; ><17. ><10.15; ><18.6.50.>


Упражнение 12 < Который >< час? ><Напишите ><ответы ><цифрами ><по-английски.>

<1. ><A ><quarter ><past ><three ><in ><the ><afternoon. ><2. ><Half ><past ><five ><in ><the ><morning. ><3. ><A ><quarter ><to ><six ><in ><the ><evening. ><4. ><Twenty-five ><to ><nine ><in ><the ><morning. ><5. ><Twenty ><to ><eleven ><at ><night. ><6. ><Ten ><to ><four ><in ><the ><af­><ternoon. ><7. ><Five ><to ><nine ><in ><the ><morning. ><8. ><Twenty ><past ><six ><in ><the ><evening. ><9. ><Twenty-five ><to ><two ><in ><the ><afternoon; ><10. ><eleven ><o'clock.>

< Упражнение >< 13. ><Напишите ><словами ><количественные ><числительные:>

<5,8, ><19, ><11,3, ><13,30,4, ><16,90.>

< Упражнение >< 14. ><Напишите ><количественные ><и ><порядко­><вые ><числительные ><по ><образцу.>

<Образец: ><2 ><— >< two ><— ><the ><second>

<5 ><— ><five ><— ><the ><fifth ><1,3,8,4, >< 11,16,21. >

< Упражнение ><15. ><Переведите ><на ><русский ><язык:>

<fifty, ><eight, ><twelve, ><thirteen, ><eleven, ><one ><hundred ><ninety ><six, ><thirty-three.>

<Упражнение ><16. ><Вставьте ><вместо ><точек ><нужные ><глаголы.>

<My ><mother ><... ><a ><bad ><headache ><(have, ><has).>

<We ><... ><shopping ><on ><Saturday ><morning ><(go, ><goes).>

<It><... ><interesting ><(sound, ><sounds).>

<This ><nurse ><... ><her ><work ><carefully ><(do, ><does).>

<Mary><... ><English ><at ><the ><medical ><college ><(teach, ><teaches).>

<Her ><teeth ><... ><white ><and ><healthy ><(is, ><are).>

<He ><often ><... ><my ><other ><classmates ><(meet, ><meets).>

< Упражнение 1 >< 7. ><Составьте ><вопросы ><к ><предложениям, ><начиная ><словами ><в ><скобках.>

< 1. ><She ><takes ><the ><temperature ><twice ><a ><day ><(Does).>

2 <><>< I >< live >< not >< far >< from >< my >< college >< (Where). >

3. < He >< likes >< to >< sit >< and >< watch >< the >< sunset >< (What). >

4 < Kate >< works >< in >< the >< bookshop >< (Who). >

5. I <><>< know >< English >< well >< (Do). >

6. < Tom >< often >< walks >< his >< dog >< early >< in >< the >< morning >< (When). >

7. < Pneumonia >< begins >< suddenly >< (Does). >

8. < Vitamins >< play >< a >< very >< important >< role >< in >< human >< health >< (Do). >

< Упражнение >< 18. ><Сделайте ><предложение ><отрицательными.>

<1. ><She ><lives ><in ><our ><town. ><2. ><We ><study ><English. ><3. ><The ><nurse ><begins ><to ><take ><the ><patients' ><temperature ><at ><7 ><o'clock. ><4. ><The ><doctor ><feels ><my ><pulse. ><5. ><You ><look ><well. ><6. ><My ><best ><friend ><is ><ill. ><7. ><Her ><granny ><takes ><medicine ><regularly.>

< Past >< Simple >

<Упражнение ><19. ><Вставьте ><вместо ><точек ><нужные ><глаго­><лы ><в ><Past ><Simple.>

<The ><weather ><... ><very ><bad ><yesterday ><(to ><be).>

<I><... ><a ><bad ><headache ><and ><cold ><in ><the ><evening ><(to ><feel).>

<My ><mother><... ><in ><a ><doctor ><(to ><call).>

<The ><dentist><... ><my ><tooth ><painlessly ><(to ><extract).>

<A ><child ><... ><a ><high ><temperature, ><dry ><cough ><and ><a ><run­
><ning ><nose ><(to ><have).>

< Упражнение >< 20. ><Составьте ><вопросы ><к ><предложениям, ><начиная ><словами ><в ><скобках.>

<1.><1 ><visited ><my ><sister ><last ><summer ><(When). ><2. ><My ><mother ><worked ><at ><the ><hospital ><(Where).><She ><took ><her ><child's ><temperature ><(Did).>

<We ><decided ><to ><stay ><in ><this ><hotel ><(Who).>

<His ><wound ><was ><very ><bad ><(Was).>

<They ><went ><to ><the ><disco ><after ><classes ><(Where).>

<A ><nurse ><gave ><the ><first ><aid ><to ><an ><injured ><woman ><(What).>

< Упражнение >< 21 ><Сделайте ><предложение ><отрицательными.>

<1. ><Не ><went ><to ><the ><office ><on ><foot. ><2.><1 ><had ><a ><bad ><cough ><and ><a ><running ><nose. ><3. ><A ><nurse ><put ><him ><in ><bed. ><4. ><Bill ><took ><a ><tab­><let ><for ><a ><stomachache. ><5. ><The ><students ><helped ><the ><doctors ><and ><nurses ><in ><the ><hospital. ><6. ><She ><met ><me ><at ><the ><corner ><of ><the ><street.>

< Future >< Simple >

< Упражнение 2 >< 2. ><Вставьте ><вместо ><точек ><нужные ><глаго­><лы ><Shall/Will>

<1.><1><... ><give ><you ><an ><injection, ><2. ><She ><... ><go ><to ><the ><college ><on ><Monday. ><3. ><A ><doctor ><... ><prescribe ><medicine. ><4. ><We ><... ><buy ><a ><new ><flat ><this ><year. ><5, ><I'm" ><ill. ><I ><... ><go ><to ><bed. ><6. ><They ><... ><be ><at ><home ><by ><nine ><o'clock. ><7. ><Nick ><and ><Peter><... ><come ><back ><home ><the ><day ><after ><tomorrow.>

< Упражнение 2 ><3. ><Используйте ><оборот ><to ><be ><going ><to ><для ><выражения ><будущего ><времени.>

<1. ><Не ><(finish) ><his ><work ><tomorrow. ><2.><1 ><(see) ><the ><dentist ><next ><week. ><3. ><They ><(build) ><a ><new ><modern ><hospital. ><4. ><Our ><English ><teacher ><(give) ><us ><a ><test ><on ><Thursday. ><5. ><We ><(phone) ><our ><friends ><in ><an ><hour.>


< Упражнение >< 24. ><Поставьте ><правильно ><модальные ><глаго­><лы ><can, ><must, ><may.>

<1.... ><you ><speak ><English ><well? ><2. ><The ><patient><... ><stay ><in ><bed. ><3.,.. ><I ><open ><the ><window ><and ><air ><the ><room? ><4. ><We ><... ><keep ><our ><body ><in ><healthy ><condition. ><5. ><We ><... ><treat ><many ><disease ><by ><diet. ><6. ><Nobody ><... ><read ><or ><write ><Latin. ><7. ><You ><have ><a ><bad ><toothache. ><You ><... ><see ><a ><dentist. ><8. ><Dust><... ><have ><germs.>

<Упражнение ><25. ><Переведите ><предложения ><на ><английский ><язык.>

<1. ><Вы ><должны ><принимать ><эти ><порошки ><на ><голодный ><желудок. ><2. ><Потеря ><крови ><может ><вызвать ><шок. ><3. ><Мож­><но ><войти, ><доктор? ><4. ><Вы ><должны ><делать ><зарядку ><каждый ><день. ><5. ><Студенты ><могут ><брать ><книги ><в ><библиотеке. ><6. ><Ты ><умеешь ><делать ><инъекцию? ><7. ><Сестра ><должна ><дать ><грел­><ку ><лежачему ><больному.>

< Упражнение26 ><. ><Сделайте ><данные ><предложения ><вопроси­><тельными.>

<A ><good ><dentist ><can ><extract ><teeth ><painlessly ><(Who ><...).>

<The ><nurse ><must ><be ><very ><careful ><with ><bed ><patients ><(Must>

<The ><infections ><diseases ><can ><pass ><through ><the ><mouth ><and
><nose ><(How ><can><...).>

<Some ><poisons ><can ><cause ><asphyxia ><(What><...).>


Ключи к упр. 5.

<1. ><It ><was ><such ><terrible ><weather ><that ><we ><left ><the ><camp-site ><and ><got ><ac­><commodation ><in ><town ><instead. ><2. ><In ><the ><north ><of ><England, ><most ><hous­><es ><are ><made ><of ><stone, ><but ><in ><the ><south, ><brick ><is ><more ><common. ><3.><1 ><love ><antique ><furniture, ><but ><I ><would ><need ><advice ><from ><a ><specialist ><before ><I ><bought ><any. ><My ><knowledge ><in ><that ><area ><is ><very ><poor. ><4. ><His ><research ><is ><definitely ><making ><great ><progress ><these ><days. ><He ><has ><done ><a ><lot ><of ><original ><work ><recently.>


<A ><soldier ><needs ><a ><lot ><of ><courage, ><determination, ><stamina, ><loyalty ><and ><a ><lot ><of ><training. ><A >< nurse ><needs ><a ><lot ><of ><patience ><and ><goodwill. ><A ><bit ><of ><charm ><also ><helps, ><and ><a ><lot ><of ><commitment ><and ><training ><is ><needed. ><A >< teacher ><needs ><great ><patience, ><a ><lot ><of ><energy, ><a ><bit ><of ><creativity, ><intelligence ><and ><some ><training. >< An >< explorer ><needs ><a ><lot ><of ><stamina, ><courage ><and ><determination, ><as ><well ><as ><energy. >< An >< actor ><needs ><a ><lot ><of ><creativity ><and ><talent, ><and ><some ><training. >< An >< athlete ><needs ><great ><stamina ><and ><determination, ><and ><a ><lot ><of ><commitment. >< A >< writer ><needs ><a ><lot ><of ><creativity, ><talent ><and ><a ><bit ><of ><intelligence. ><A >< surgeon ><needs ><experience, ><patience ><and ><a ><lot ><of ><training. >< A >< receptionist ><needs ><charm, ><goodwill, ><reliability ><and ><energy.>


<1. ><Trousers; ><2. ><billiards; ><3. ><scissors; ><4. ><dungarees.>

<Some ><iron ><(железо); ><an ><iron ><(утюг); ><some ><pepper; ><some ><chocolate ><(шоколад); ><a ><chocolate ><(шоколадная ><конфета); ><some ><paper ><(бума­><га); ><a ><paper ><(газета); ><some ><rubber ><(резина); ><a ><rubber ><(ластик); ><some ><glass ><(стекло); ><a ><glass ><(стакан).>

Приложение № 4


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