Автоматизация грамматического материала. 

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Автоматизация грамматического материала.


<Упражнение ><1. ><Замените ><выделенные ><слова ><личными ><местоимениями.>

<1. ><Магу ><is ><a ><good ><nurse. ><2. ><John ><and ><Tom ><are ><twins. ><3. ><Mr. ><Smith ><works ><in ><a ><hospital. ><4. ><Ann ><is ><a ><doctor. ><5. ><Peter ><and ><Mike ><are ><my ><sons. ><6. ><My ><friend ><and ><I ><are ><students ><of ><the ><medical ><college.>


<Упражнение ><2. ><Заполните ><пропуски ><притяжательны­><ми ><местоимениями.>

<1. ><This ><is ><a ><ward ><doctor, ><and ><these ><are ><... ><patients. ><2. ><Jane ><is ><... ><daughter, ><I ><like ><... ><very ><much. ><3. ><Olga ><is ><... ><best ><ward ><nurse. ><4. ><What ><is ><... ><name? ><5.><1 ><have ><a ><dog, ><... ><name ><is ><Ren. ><6. ><This ><child ><is ><ill, ><... ><temperature ><is ><high. ><7. ><We ><have ><got ><a ><new ><flat, ><... ><flat ><is ><rather ><big.>


<Упражнение ><З. ><Заполните ><пропуски ><местоимениями ><mу, ><her, ><his, ><your, ><our, ><their. >

<1. ><Look ><at ><this ><nice ><girl! ><What ><is ><... ><name? ><2. ><What ><is ><... ><favourite ><subject? ><3. ><... ><sister ><is ><a ><nurse. ><4. ><We ><like ><... ><college ><very ><much. ><5.... ><wife ><is ><a ><teacher. ><6. ><Mr. ><and ><Mrs. ><White ><are ><from ><Boston, ><... ><son ><lives ><in ><New ><York.>

Упражнение 4. <Образуйте ><от ><существительных, ><данных ><в ><скобках, ><форму ><множественного ><числа.>

<1. ><Pedro ><goes ><to ><different ><(country). ><2. ><John ><will ><tell ><you ><a ><lot ><of ><funny ><(story) ><and ><(joke). ><3. ><All ><the ><(boy) ><are ><good ><(sportsman). ><4. ><There ><are ><two ><(box) ><of ><(chocolate) ><on ><the ><table. ><5. ><You ><should ><hide ><(knife) ><and ><(match) ><from ><your ><(child). ><6. ><(Wolf) ><and ><(fox) ><live ><in ><the ><(forest). ><7. ><They ><put ><their ><(brush) ><on ><the ><(shelf).>

Упражнение 5. Исправьте ошибки.

1.<It ><was ><such ><a ><terrible ><weather ><that ><we ><left ><the ><camp-site ><and ><got ><an ><accommodation ><in ><town ><instead.>

2.<In ><the ><north ><of ><England, ><most ><houses ><are ><made ><of ><stones,
><but ><in ><the ><south, ><bricks ><are ><more ><common.>

3. <I ><love ><antique ><furnitures, ><but ><I ><would ><need ><an ><advice ><from ><a><specialist ><before ><I ><bought ><any. ><My ><knowledges ><in ><that ><area ><are ><very ><poor.>

4. <His ><researches ><are ><definitely ><making ><great ><progresses ><these
><days. ><He ><has ><done ><a ><lot ><of ><original ><works ><recently.>


Упражнение 6 Определите, какие признаки являются характерными для данных профессий.

<> < ><Используйте ><слова >< some, >< a >< lot, >< a >< bit. >

< Профессии: ><soldier, ><nurse, ><teacher, ><explorer, ><actor, ><athlete, ><writer, ><surgeon, ><receptionist.>

< Признаки: ><patience, ><courage, ><determination, ><goodwill, ><charm, ><stamina, ><reliability, ><loyalty, ><energy, ><experience, ><commit­><ment, ><talent, ><creativity, ><intelligence, ><training.>


Упражнение 7. <Одно ><слово ><в ><каждой ><группе ><всегда ><употребляется ><во ><множе­><ственном ><числе. ><Найдите ><его ><и ><исправьте >ошибки.

<Wellington, ><trouser; ><slipper.>

<Billiard; ><squashy; ><archery.>

<Knife; ><scissor; ><razor.>

<Tracksuit; ><costume; ><dungaree.>


Упражнение 8. <Напишите ><степени ><сравнения ><данных ><прилагательных.>

<Sad, ><happy, ><big, ><grey, ><far, ><honourable, ><bad, ><dry, ><near, ><old,><complete, ><unusual.>

<Brilliant, ><lovely, ><little, ><ugly, ><low, ><productive, ><heavy, ><strong, ><slender, ><famous, ><messy, ><polite.>

<Slow, ><remarkable, ><tall, ><young, ><good, ><hot, ><tasty, ><cheap, ><large, ><high, ><busy, ><many.>

<Упражнение 9. ><Раскройте ><скобки ><и ><поставьте ><прилагательные ><в ><нужной ><форме.>

1.<><Mount ><Everest ><is >< (high) ><mountain ><in ><the ><world. ><2. ><Sherlock ><Holmes ><was >< (good) ><detective ><in ><London. ><3. ><Go ><and ><pick ><an ><apple ><from >< (near) ><tree. ><4. ><Tokyo ><is >< (big) ><city ><in ><the ><world. ><5. ><Rebecca ><is >< (nice) ><than ><Jane. ><6. ><Mrs ><Brown ><is >< (tall) ><than ><Mrs ><Taylor. ><7.><1 ><think ><English ><is >< (easy) ><than ><French. ><8. ><John ><is >< (bad) ><skier ><in ><the ><school. ><9. ><This ><is >< (funny) ><joke ><I ><know. ><10. ><Cindy ><is >< (clever) ><girl ><in ><the ><class. ><11. ><My ><football ><socks ><are >< (dirty) ><yours. ><12. ><I ><find ><French >< (interesting) ><than ><history. ><13. ><The ><new ><hotel ><is >< (modern) ><building ><in ><our ><town. ><14. ><Tony ><is >< (intelligent) ><boy ><in ><our ><class. ><15. ><Good ><health ><is >< (good) ><than ><money. ><16. ><This ><is >< (wonderful) ><place ><for ><a ><holiday. ><17. ><I ><find ><French >< (difficult) ><than ><English. ><18. ><Karen ><is >< (pretty) ><girl ><in ><the ><class. ><19. ><He ><is >< (ugly) ><man ><in ><the ><world. ><20. ><The ><giraffe ><is >< (tall) ><animal ><in ><the ><world.>

Упражнение 10. <Найдите ><и ><исправьте ><ошибки.>

<A. ><therty, ><thirten, ><siks, ><nain, ><tu, ><for, ><fife, ><eigt, ><tventy, ><sev><ente, ><three ><hundreds, ><thosand, ><milion, ><ziro.>

<B. ><nineth, ><sith, ><twoth, ><treeth, ><ileventh, ><fiftyth, ><seventh, ><four ><hundreth ><eightyth ><oneth.>


< Упражнение 11. >< Который >< час? >< Напишите >< ответы >< словами >< по-английски. >

<1. ><1.50 ><a.m.; ><2. ><10 ><p.m.; ><3. ><3.15 ><p.m.; >< 4. ><5.25 ><a.m.; ><5. ><7.30 ><a.m.; ><6.12.00 ><p.m.; ><7. ><12.00 ><a.m.; ><8. ><12.55 ><p.m.; ><9. ><10.35 ><a.m.; ><10. ><11.45 ><p.m.; ><11. ><9.40 ><a.m.; ><12. ><3.20 ><p.m.; ><13. ><15.15; ><14. ><17.45; ><15. ><21.30; ><16. ><14.15; ><17. ><10.15; ><18.6.50.>


Упражнение 12 < Который >< час? ><Напишите ><ответы ><цифрами ><по-английски.>

<1. ><A ><quarter ><past ><three ><in ><the ><afternoon. ><2. ><Half ><past ><five ><in ><the ><morning. ><3. ><A ><quarter ><to ><six ><in ><the ><evening. ><4. ><Twenty-five ><to ><nine ><in ><the ><morning. ><5. ><Twenty ><to ><eleven ><at ><night. ><6. ><Ten ><to ><four ><in ><the ><af­><ternoon. ><7. ><Five ><to ><nine ><in ><the ><morning. ><8. ><Twenty ><past ><six ><in ><the ><evening. ><9. ><Twenty-five ><to ><two ><in ><the ><afternoon; ><10. ><eleven ><o'clock.>

< Упражнение >< 13. ><Напишите ><словами ><количественные ><числительные:>

<5,8, ><19, ><11,3, ><13,30,4, ><16,90.>

< Упражнение >< 14. ><Напишите ><количественные ><и ><порядко­><вые ><числительные ><по ><образцу.>

<Образец: ><2 ><— >< two ><— ><the ><second>

<5 ><— ><five ><— ><the ><fifth ><1,3,8,4, >< 11,16,21. >

< Упражнение ><15. ><Переведите ><на ><русский ><язык:>

<fifty, ><eight, ><twelve, ><thirteen, ><eleven, ><one ><hundred ><ninety ><six, ><thirty-three.>

< Present >< Simple >

<Упражнение ><16. ><Вставьте ><вместо ><точек ><нужные ><глаголы.>

<My ><mother ><... ><a ><bad ><headache ><(have, ><has).>

<We ><... ><shopping ><on ><Saturday ><morning ><(go, ><goes).>

<It><... ><interesting ><(sound, ><sounds).>

<This ><nurse ><... ><her ><work ><carefully ><(do, ><does).>

<Mary><... ><English ><at ><the ><medical ><college ><(teach, ><teaches).>

<Her ><teeth ><... ><white ><and ><healthy ><(is, ><are).>

<He ><often ><... ><my ><other ><classmates ><(meet, ><meets).>

< Упражнение 1 >< 7. ><Составьте ><вопросы ><к ><предложениям, ><начиная ><словами ><в ><скобках.>

< 1. ><She ><takes ><the ><temperature ><twice ><a ><day ><(Does).>

2 <><>< I >< live >< not >< far >< from >< my >< college >< (Where). >

3. < He >< likes >< to >< sit >< and >< watch >< the >< sunset >< (What). >

4 < Kate >< works >< in >< the >< bookshop >< (Who). >

5. I <><>< know >< English >< well >< (Do). >

6. < Tom >< often >< walks >< his >< dog >< early >< in >< the >< morning >< (When). >

7. < Pneumonia >< begins >< suddenly >< (Does). >

8. < Vitamins >< play >< a >< very >< important >< role >< in >< human >< health >< (Do). >

< Упражнение >< 18. ><Сделайте ><предложение ><отрицательными.>

<1. ><She ><lives ><in ><our ><town. ><2. ><We ><study ><English. ><3. ><The ><nurse ><begins ><to ><take ><the ><patients' ><temperature ><at ><7 ><o'clock. ><4. ><The ><doctor ><feels ><my ><pulse. ><5. ><You ><look ><well. ><6. ><My ><best ><friend ><is ><ill. ><7. ><Her ><granny ><takes ><medicine ><regularly.>

< Past >< Simple >

<Упражнение ><19. ><Вставьте ><вместо ><точек ><нужные ><глаго­><лы ><в ><Past ><Simple.>

<The ><weather ><... ><very ><bad ><yesterday ><(to ><be).>

<I><... ><a ><bad ><headache ><and ><cold ><in ><the ><evening ><(to ><feel).>

<My ><mother><... ><in ><a ><doctor ><(to ><call).>

<The ><dentist><... ><my ><tooth ><painlessly ><(to ><extract).>

<A ><child ><... ><a ><high ><temperature, ><dry ><cough ><and ><a ><run­
><ning ><nose ><(to ><have).>

< Упражнение >< 20. ><Составьте ><вопросы ><к ><предложениям, ><начиная ><словами ><в ><скобках.>

<1.><1 ><visited ><my ><sister ><last ><summer ><(When). ><2. ><My ><mother ><worked ><at ><the ><hospital ><(Where).><She ><took ><her ><child's ><temperature ><(Did).>

<We ><decided ><to ><stay ><in ><this ><hotel ><(Who).>

<His ><wound ><was ><very ><bad ><(Was).>

<They ><went ><to ><the ><disco ><after ><classes ><(Where).>

<A ><nurse ><gave ><the ><first ><aid ><to ><an ><injured ><woman ><(What).>

< Упражнение >< 21 ><Сделайте ><предложение ><отрицательными.>

<1. ><Не ><went ><to ><the ><office ><on ><foot. ><2.><1 ><had ><a ><bad ><cough ><and ><a ><running ><nose. ><3. ><A ><nurse ><put ><him ><in ><bed. ><4. ><Bill ><took ><a ><tab­><let ><for ><a ><stomachache. ><5. ><The ><students ><helped ><the ><doctors ><and ><nurses ><in ><the ><hospital. ><6. ><She ><met ><me ><at ><the ><corner ><of ><the ><street.>

< Future >< Simple >

< Упражнение 2 >< 2. ><Вставьте ><вместо ><точек ><нужные ><глаго­><лы ><Shall/Will>

<1.><1><... ><give ><you ><an ><injection, ><2. ><She ><... ><go ><to ><the ><college ><on ><Monday. ><3. ><A ><doctor ><... ><prescribe ><medicine. ><4. ><We ><... ><buy ><a ><new ><flat ><this ><year. ><5, ><I'm" ><ill. ><I ><... ><go ><to ><bed. ><6. ><They ><... ><be ><at ><home ><by ><nine ><o'clock. ><7. ><Nick ><and ><Peter><... ><come ><back ><home ><the ><day ><after ><tomorrow.>

< Упражнение 2 ><3. ><Используйте ><оборот ><to ><be ><going ><to ><для ><выражения ><будущего ><времени.>

<1. ><Не ><(finish) ><his ><work ><tomorrow. ><2.><1 ><(see) ><the ><dentist ><next ><week. ><3. ><They ><(build) ><a ><new ><modern ><hospital. ><4. ><Our ><English ><teacher ><(give) ><us ><a ><test ><on ><Thursday. ><5. ><We ><(phone) ><our ><friends ><in ><an ><hour.>


< Упражнение >< 24. ><Поставьте ><правильно ><модальные ><глаго­><лы ><can, ><must, ><may.>

<1.... ><you ><speak ><English ><well? ><2. ><The ><patient><... ><stay ><in ><bed. ><3.,.. ><I ><open ><the ><window ><and ><air ><the ><room? ><4. ><We ><... ><keep ><our ><body ><in ><healthy ><condition. ><5. ><We ><... ><treat ><many ><disease ><by ><diet. ><6. ><Nobody ><... ><read ><or ><write ><Latin. ><7. ><You ><have ><a ><bad ><toothache. ><You ><... ><see ><a ><dentist. ><8. ><Dust><... ><have ><germs.>

<Упражнение ><25. ><Переведите ><предложения ><на ><английский ><язык.>

<1. ><Вы ><должны ><принимать ><эти ><порошки ><на ><голодный ><желудок. ><2. ><Потеря ><крови ><может ><вызвать ><шок. ><3. ><Мож­><но ><войти, ><доктор? ><4. ><Вы ><должны ><делать ><зарядку ><каждый ><день. ><5. ><Студенты ><могут ><брать ><книги ><в ><библиотеке. ><6. ><Ты ><умеешь ><делать ><инъекцию? ><7. ><Сестра ><должна ><дать ><грел­><ку ><лежачему ><больному.>

< Упражнение26 ><. ><Сделайте ><данные ><предложения ><вопроси­><тельными.>

<A ><good ><dentist ><can ><extract ><teeth ><painlessly ><(Who ><...).>

<The ><nurse ><must ><be ><very ><careful ><with ><bed ><patients ><(Must>

<The ><infections ><diseases ><can ><pass ><through ><the ><mouth ><and
><nose ><(How ><can><...).>

<Some ><poisons ><can ><cause ><asphyxia ><(What><...).>


Ключи к упр. 5.

<1. ><It ><was ><such ><terrible ><weather ><that ><we ><left ><the ><camp-site ><and ><got ><ac­><commodation ><in ><town ><instead. ><2. ><In ><the ><north ><of ><England, ><most ><hous­><es ><are ><made ><of ><stone, ><but ><in ><the ><south, ><brick ><is ><more ><common. ><3.><1 ><love ><antique ><furniture, ><but ><I ><would ><need ><advice ><from ><a ><specialist ><before ><I ><bought ><any. ><My ><knowledge ><in ><that ><area ><is ><very ><poor. ><4. ><His ><research ><is ><definitely ><making ><great ><progress ><these ><days. ><He ><has ><done ><a ><lot ><of ><original ><work ><recently.>


<A ><soldier ><needs ><a ><lot ><of ><courage, ><determination, ><stamina, ><loyalty ><and ><a ><lot ><of ><training. ><A >< nurse ><needs ><a ><lot ><of ><patience ><and ><goodwill. ><A ><bit ><of ><charm ><also ><helps, ><and ><a ><lot ><of ><commitment ><and ><training ><is ><needed. ><A >< teacher ><needs ><great ><patience, ><a ><lot ><of ><energy, ><a ><bit ><of ><creativity, ><intelligence ><and ><some ><training. >< An >< explorer ><needs ><a ><lot ><of ><stamina, ><courage ><and ><determination, ><as ><well ><as ><energy. >< An >< actor ><needs ><a ><lot ><of ><creativity ><and ><talent, ><and ><some ><training. >< An >< athlete ><needs ><great ><stamina ><and ><determination, ><and ><a ><lot ><of ><commitment. >< A >< writer ><needs ><a ><lot ><of ><creativity, ><talent ><and ><a ><bit ><of ><intelligence. ><A >< surgeon ><needs ><experience, ><patience ><and ><a ><lot ><of ><training. >< A >< receptionist ><needs ><charm, ><goodwill, ><reliability ><and ><energy.>


<1. ><Trousers; ><2. ><billiards; ><3. ><scissors; ><4. ><dungarees.>

<Some ><iron ><(железо); ><an ><iron ><(утюг); ><some ><pepper; ><some ><chocolate ><(шоколад); ><a ><chocolate ><(шоколадная ><конфета); ><some ><paper ><(бума­><га); ><a ><paper ><(газета); ><some ><rubber ><(резина); ><a ><rubber ><(ластик); ><some ><glass ><(стекло); ><a ><glass ><(стакан).>


Приложение № 6

Заключение и задание на дом


1)Подведение итогов. Summing up: Can somebody sum up what has been said? (Summarise what you have found out). In conclusion, I would say that …(I would go over some mistakes: there were some mistakes in your pronunciation, you mispronounced the ward “…”. Listen to the correct pronunciation. You’ve got the stress wrong. The stress is on the second syllable. Be careful with your intonation. Your intonation wasn’t quite write. Listen to the way my voice goes up. You try and do the same. Drop(Raise) your voice at the end of the sentence. You must read loudly enough for everyone to hear you.

2)Задание на дом. Setting homework:Before we finish, I’d like to ask you to do something at home for the next lesson. Please write down your homework. For your homework revise/ go over your grammar rules and examples сoncerning the use of all the grammar material we’ve learned. very carefully. Write Exercises.

I’m afraid it’s time to stop. You can put your things away. It’s time for us to have a break. Goodbye, everyone.

8 )Литература: Козырева Л. Г, Шадская Т. В. «Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ»,Аванесьянц Э. М., Кахацкая Н. В, Мифтахова Т. В. «Английский язык для старших курсов», Тылкина С. А., Темчина Н. А. «Пособие по английскому языку для медицинских училищ»

Хведченя Л. В. Английский язык для поступающих в вузы.


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