Listen to the sentences and choose the correct ending.. 

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Listen to the sentences and choose the correct ending..


1. During the general examination a certain routine is…

a). often useful. b).forbiden c). often required


2. First the state of … is revealed

a)blood b).. consciousness c). abdomen


3. Especial inquiry should be directed towards…

a).the extremities b).the principal organs of the chest c). the open parts

of the body: the head, the face, the neck.


4. Inspection of the head should be practiced so as to determine…

a). the presence of unusually throbbing arteries

b). the size and the shape of the skull

c). the color of the skin


5. The face should be carefully examined for sings of …

a). cyanosis b). edema c). puffiness and hyperemia


6. Inspection of the neck should be practised so as to determine the presence of…

a). unusually throbbing arteries and enlargements of lymphatic glands

b). pain in the neck

c).distended veins


7. While examining the patient attention should be also directed to the…

a). urinalyses

b).x-ray study of the heart

c). color of the skin and mucous membranes.


8. The abdomen is to be examined for the presence of…

a). enlargement of the liver and spleen

b). digestive disterbances

c). ascites


9. The chest should be examined to determine…

a). the rate of the heart beat;

b).chest pains;

c).the general development, the size, shape, symmetry of the thorax and

the character of respiration


Key: 1 a; 2b; 3c; 4b; 5c; 6a; 7c; 8a, c 9c.





Try to do this puzzle. If you put the letters in the correct line you;ll break a

secret code.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13



14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


During the general examination a certain routine is often usefu:


1). 6 9 18 19 20 20 8 5 19 20 1 20 5


15 6 3 15 14 19 3 9 15 21 19 14 5 19 19


9 19 18 5 22 5 1 12 5 4



2) 9 14 19 16 5 3 20 9 15 14 15 6 20 8 5



16 15 19 20 21 18 5 15 6 20 8 5



16 1 20 9 5 14 20 9 19 20 8 5



19 5 3 15 14 4 19 20 5 16.


3) 23 8 9 12 5 5 24 1 13 9 14 9 14 7 20 8 5



16 1 20 9 5 14 20 1 20 20 5 14 20 9 15 14



19 8 15 21 12 4 2 5 4 9 18 5 3 2o 5 4 20 15



3 15 14 19 20 9 20 21 20 9 15 14 15 6 20 8 5



16 1 20 9 5 14 20



4) 20 8 5 14 5 24 20 19 20 5 16 9 19 20 15



4 5 20 5 18 13 9 14 5 20 8 5 3 8 1 18 1 3 20 5 18



15 6 20 8 5 23 1 12 11 1 14 4



15 21 20 23 1 18 4 1 16 16 5 1 18 1 14 3 5.




1. First the state of consciousness is revealed.

2.Inspection of the posture of the patient is the second step

3. While examining the patient attention should be directed to the constitution

of the patient

4.The next step of general examination is to determine the character of the walk

and the appearance of the patient.



6. Here are some of the organs that are examined during the general examination


What parts 0f the body Why does the doctor inspect

does the doctor ehamine? Different parts of the body.?

1. The head a). unusually throbbing arteries and

enlargment of lymphetic glands


2. The face to determine b). the color of the skin and mucous

the presenceof… membranes


3.The oral cavity c).the size and the shape of the scull



4.The neck. d).puffiness and hyperimea



5.The extremities e) patch



6. The skin f).cyanosis, edema, the condition

of the vessels


7.The chest g) ascites and enlargment of the liver

and spleen


8. The abdomen h).the general development, the size,

Shape, symmetry of the thorax and the character of respiration.


7. Find in the text the Russian for


1.Общий осмотр пациента следует проводить по определенному плану.

2. Необходимо фиксировать внимание на открытых частях тела - голове,

лице, шее.

3. Обследование головы должно быть направлено на определение размера и формы черепа.

4. Лицо необходимо осматривать на наличие одутловатости и гиперемии.


5. При осмотре шеи следует обратить внимание на пульсацию сонной артерии, увеличение лимфатических узлов.


6. Осмотр конечностей должен быть направлен на определение цианоза, отечности, состоянии кровеносных сосудов.


7. При осмотре грудной клетки следует обратить внимание на размер, форму грудной клетки, характер дыхания.


8. При осмотре передней брюшной стенки определяют размер и форму живота.


9. Каждый осмотр пациента включает в себя характеристику пульса, температуры и кровяного давления.



8.What words come to mind when you pronounce the phrase ‘

The general examination of the patient’



The general examination of the patient

Приложение № 4

Презентация лексики по теме

New words


Intensive Therapy.


artificial ventilation of the lungs – искусственная вентиляция легких

artificial pulmonary ventilation by mouth to mouth (by mouth to nose) – искусственная вентиляция легких изо рта в рот (изо рта в нос)

to aerate the lungs – вентилировать легкие

external / indirect (open / direct) cardiac massage – непрямой (прямой) массаж сердца

to compress the chest 60 times per minute – сжимать грудную клетку 60 раз в минуту

to delegate duties at a cardiac arrest – передавать обязанности (полномочия) при остановке сердца

defibrillator – дефибриллятор

to straddle the electrodes across the heart – расположить электроды в области сердца

to ascertain the cause of the bleeding – выяснять причину кровотечения

different methods of temporary hemostasis – различные методы временной остановки кровотечения

applying arresting blood tourniquet (rubber band tourniquet, Esmarch’s tourniquet) – наложение кровоостанавливающего жгута (резинового жгута, жгута Эсмарха)

tamponade of a wound – тампонада раны

applying pressure bandage – наложение тугой повязки

to check the label on the unit of blood – проверять правильность маркировки на контейнере (ампуле) с кровью

to anaesthetise the patient – давать наркоз больному

apparatus for artificial ventilation of the lungs – аппарат для искусственной вентиляции легких

oxygen (nitrous oxide, cyclopropane) cylinder – баллон с кислородом (закисью азота, циклопропаном)

air-way – воздуховод

Ambou breathing bag – мешок Амбу

gastric tube (GT) – желудочный зонд

teeth spreader – зубная распорка

direct (indirect) laryngoscope – ларингоскоп с прямым (изогнутым) клинком

intubation tube guide, stylet – проводник для интубационной трубки, мандрен

mask for narcosis – маска для наркоза

electro-suction machine - электроотсос

spray for local anesthetics – распылитель для местных анестетиков

mouth dilator - роторасширитель

tracheostomy tube – трахеостомическая трубка

tongue-holding forceps, tongue depressor – языкодержатель

to induce an anaesthetic – ввести анестетик

to intubate (extubate) the patient – интубировать (экстубировать) больного



Intensive therapy


Artificial ventilation of the lungs and cardiac massage are the initial stages in the actions directed on restoration of independent blood circulation, breath, etc.. For definition of the reason of a stop of blood circulation it is necessary to do an electrocardiographic research.

For treatment of ventricle fibrillation are used defibrillators. The discharge of an electric current in 3000-7000 Vt is capable to take off fibrillation of the heart through the not opened thorax. Now specialized reanimation ambulances are supplied with modern defibrillators -condensers.

Medicinal therapy.The use of medical preparation at reanimation is directed on strengthening of cardiac systalic abilities. For the heart functioning recovery use adrenaline.. The good effect gives using of calcium preparations. These medical preparations also strengthen heart contraction and are effective at cardiac arrest. It is necessary to take into account, that at acidosis reanimation and medicinal therapy are inefficient. Therefore enter intravenously a 5 % hydrocarbonate sodium solution, an injection of vitamins of group B, an ascorbic acid etc.. They promote acidosis elimination, the heart functioning recovery. During reanimation all medical preparations are entered only intravenously. For introduction of medicines, cardiac massage and artificial pulmonary ventilation are stoped no more than for 10-15 seconds.

The basis of intensive therapy of the postreanimation period is the massive infusional including blood transfusion, solutions of electrolits and power substances.


Приложение № 5


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