Digestive / alimentary system – система органов пищеварения 

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Digestive / alimentary system – система органов пищеварения

<><><><><><><><>< the >< presence >< of >< ascites >< and >< enlargement >< of >< the >< liver >< and >< spleen- наличие брюшной водянки (асцита) и увеличение печени и селезёнки >

cardiovascular system – сердечно-сосудистая система

< cardiovascular >< examination- >

<>< for >< sings >< of >< cyanosis, >< edema, >< and >< the >< condition >< of >< their > vessels- на выявление цианоза, отёков и состояния кровеносных сосудов

< extent >< of >< the >< apex >< beat – протяжение>верхушечного (сердечного)толчка

< the >< presence >< of >< distended >< veins >< or >< of >< unusually >< throbbing >< arteries - наличие вздувшихся вен и необычно пульсирующих артерий>

<>< Palpating >< the >< precordium >< for >< the >< location >< and >< extent >< of >< the >< apex >< beat, other < pulsations >< or >< thrills > - пальпация предсердия для определения его местонахождения> и протяжённостиверхушечного (сердечного)толчка, других пульсаций или вибраций (дрожания грудной стенки при пороке сердца)

<><> Mensuration <>< the >< distance >< of >< the >< apical >< impulse >< from >< the >< midsternal >< line- измерение расстояния верхушечного (сердечного)толчка от средней части грудины>

<><>< a >< measure >< of >< refinement >< in >< diagnosis > -показатель повышения качества в диагнозе

<><>< Auscultation >< of >< the >< apex >< beat >< and >< at >< the >< cardiac >< valve >< areas- аускультация протяжённости верхушечного (сердечного)толчка в области сердечного клапана>

<>< to >< determine >< the >< equality, >< rate >< and >< rhythm >< of >< the >< heart >< sounds >< and >< the >< presence >< of >< adventitious >< sounds- определить однообразность, частоту и ритм сердечных звуков >


During the general examination a certain routine is often useful.

First the state of consciousness is revealed. The patient may have precise consciousness or consciousness disorder.

Inspection of the posture of the patient is the second step in general examination of the patient.

It may be active, passive or forced one.

While examining the patient attention should be directed to the constitution of the patient. There are three types of constitution: normothenic, asthenic and hyperthenik.

The next step of general examination is to determine the character of the walk and the appearance of the patient.

Especial inquiry should be directed towards the open parts of the body: the head, the face, the neck.

Inspection of the head should be practiced so as to determine the size and the shape of the skull.

The face should be carefully examined for sings of puffiness and hyperemia. The oral cavity is to be examined for the presence of the patch.

Inspection of the neck should be practised so as to determine the presence of unusually throbbing arteries and enlargements of lymphatic glands.

While examining the patient attention should be also directed to the color of the skin and mucous membranes.

The extremities are to be examined for sings of cyanosis, edema and the condition of their vessels.

The chest is examined uith equal attention.The general development, the size, shape, symmetry of the thorax and the character of respiration are to be noted.

The abdomen is to be examined for the presence of ascites and enlargement of the liver and spleen.

The study of the pulse, temperature and blood reassure must be included in every general examination of the patient.

The common state of health of the patient is classified according to the degree of severity.



Приложение № 5


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