Everything is connected to everything else/ Everything must go somewhere / Nature knows best / There is no such thing as a free lunch. 

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Everything is connected to everything else/ Everything must go somewhere / Nature knows best / There is no such thing as a free lunch.


  1. The cities are crowded with cars. It is very convenient to have a car. You don’t have to wait for a bus for along time. A car allows you to travel whenever and wherever you want. But because of a great number of cars the cities are extremely polluted. It’s very difficult to breath and people are affected by lung diseases.
  2. Hazardous wastes are of great concern. It is very difficult to recycle them. The wastes can be stored not only in special sites, but also they can be released into the atmosphere.
  3. Deforestation can cause some species to vanish in the next 20 years.
  4. High above the earth’ atmosphere there is a protective layer, but it is damaged by the chemicals which are released by fridges, cleaning chemicals, food packaging and so on.


Task 7. Read the text about Greenpeace and speak on the suggested themes.

  1. Name 2-3 problems of special concern for Greenpeace.
  2. Explain where the name of the organization flagship comes from.
  3. Describe one of the banners.


Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action. Greenpeace is a non-profit organisation, with a presence in 40 countries across Europe, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific. To maintain its independence, Greenpeace does not accept donations from governments or corporations but relies on contributions from individual supporters and foundation grants. As a global organisation, Greenpeace focuses on the most crucial worldwide threats to our planet's biodiversity and environment.

We campaign to:
--Stop climate change
--Protect ancient forests
--Save the oceans
--Stop whaling
--Say no to genetic engineering
--Stop the nuclear threat
--Eliminate toxic chemicals
--Encourage sustainable trade
Greenpeace has been campaigning against environmental degradation since 1971 when a small boat of volunteers and journalists sailed into Amchitka, an area north of Alaska where the US Government was conducting underground nuclear tests. This tradition of 'bearing witness' in a non-violent manner continues today, and our ships are an important part of all our campaign work.

We exist to expose environmental criminals, and to challenge government and corporations when they fail to live up to their mandate to safeguard our environment and our future. In pursuing our mission, we have no permanent allies or enemies. We promote open, informed debate about society's environmental choices. We use research, lobbying, and quiet diplomacy to pursue our goals, as well as high-profile, non-violent conflict to raise the level and quality of public debate.

And we believe that the struggle to preserve the future of our planet is not about us. It's about you. Greenpeace speaks for 2.8 million supporters worldwide, and encourages many millions more than that to take action every day.

We take the name of our flagship, the Rainbow Warrior, from a North American Cree Indian legend. It described a time when humanity's greed has made the Earth sick. At that time, a tribe of people known as the Warriors of the Rainbow would rise up to defend her.

As one of the longest banners we've ever made summed things up, "When the last tree is cut, the last river poisoned, and the last fish dead, we will discover that we can't eat money..."


Task 8. Look through the text and find the phrases which mean the same:

non-commercial company

the most important ecological issues in the world

to call for

to reveal

can’t follow their own instructions



Task 9. Replace the underlined words/phrases with the phrases from the previous task.

Greenpeace is a non-profit organisation, with a presence in 40 countries across Europe, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific. As a global organisation, Greenpeace focuses on the most crucial worldwide threats.

We campaign to stop climate change, protect ancient forests, save the oceans and so on. We exist to expose environmental criminals, and to challenge government and corporations when they fail to live up to their mandate to safeguard our environment and our future.
As one of the longest banners we've ever made summed things up, "When the last tree is cut, the last river poisoned, and the last fish dead, we will discover that we can't eat money..."

Task10. Speak on the topic “ What can we personally do to protect our environment?” (about 15-16 sentences).

The following interview can provide you with some ideas.

- John, I know that you are interested with all things to do with the environment and need to protect it. Can you tell me some of the things you have changed in your lifestyle to become a green person?

- Oh, yes, I could. I could think of one or two things that I was trying to do over a last couple of years. I think it’s a couple of years since I got my bicycle out of a garage and repaired it. And now I use it as much as possible. I use my car less. I try to do 10% fewer miles every year. So last year I drove 11.000 miles and this year I’m going to try to do only 10.000.

- So, does this mean that you travel less?

- This doesn’t mean I travel less. This means I walk more often. When I do my shopping I always walk now. I use public transport when I can, usually I’m going by train.

- I’m sure your car runs on unleaded petrol.

- Yes, it does. It’s cheaper and it keeps the air cleaner.

- So, that’s transport. What about in the home? What’s different in the kitchen?

- Well, I save as much as I can. I don’t throw it away. I’ve different bags for different things. One bag has all the cans going into it, the second one has got the papers going into it and the third bag has bottles from olive oil bottles, lemonade bottles. But the milk bottles still go on the door steps, so that they can be reused.

- What do you do with these bags?

- I take them to places where they can be recycled. There’s a place in a village where you can take them.

- Have you changed any of the things you buy?

- Yes, I get washing-up liquids and washing powder that don’t harm the environment.

- But does it get your clothes whiter?

- I don’t think my washing was ever white actually. No, it’s fine.

- We were talking about food. I know you’ve become a vegetarian. Is this part of being green or something totally different?

- Yes, I know. Looking after animals I think is an important as looking after the environment. I mean, they are part of it. So I prefer not to kill animals to eat them. Animals eat food the people could eat. But if people want to eat meat, that’s their decision.

- I think it’s true that people all over the world are becoming more aware of the need to look after the planet. If we don’t look after it, what would happen, do you think?

- If we don’t become more friendly to environment, then the environment will make it more difficult for us so that our life will not be as comfortable. I think we’ll survive, but these are very important times.




Task 1. Rewrite the sentences with the Reported Speech.

  1. He said, “I have done the home task today in the morning.”
  2. She explained, “This exercise is connected with the discussed problem.”
  3. She asked, “Are you watching TV or reading a book?”
  4. They wondered, “What is our home task?”
  5. The teachers said, “Read the text and answer the questions after the text.”
  6. He said, “Don’t touch this bottom.”
  7. She asked, “Could you read the text?”


Task 2. Complete the sentences with the words/phrases from the module.

  1. Changes in nature produced by a human being can damage the natural ________.
  2. The formation of ______ precipitation is closely connected with industry development.
  3. Some products are __________ that is it is impossible to use them many times.
  4. There are not enough ______ fuels that’s why people start to look for substitutes.
  5. Some scientists suggest that so called _____________ __________ society should be organized.
  6. Products ______ affect the nature that result in wasters.


Task 3. Decide which sentence is connected with Greenpeace.


When the last panda is dead, the last island is occupied; we will discover that we are the only creatures on this planet….

When the last tree is cut, the last river poisoned, we will discover that we can't eat money...

When the first clone appears, the first terminator is created, we will discover that we can’t control out computers…..


Task 4. Finish the sentence. More than one ending is possible.


Be friendly to environment means….

· to love nature,

· to have picnics,

· to use bicycle,

· to use unleaded petrol,

· to communicate with Greenpeace as much as possible,

· to take garbage to places where it can be recycled,

· not to throw things, use them as much as possible,

· not to eat meat,

· to learn English.


Итоговый тест

Рекомендуемое время выполнения теста - 45минут.


Complete the sentences with the appropriate modal verbs.

1. You will …… speak Spanish in another few months.

a. can

b. have

c. be able to

d. ought

2. Children …… help their parents, although nobody can force them to do it.

a. should

b. must

c. ought to

d. have to

3. My dentist recommends that I …. eat so many sweets.

a. needn’t

b. mustn’t

c. ought to

d. shouldn’t


Choose the best option.


4. Jane asked Tommy, “Do you want to become a travel agent?”

a) Jane asked Tommy if he wants to become a travel agent.

b) Jane asked Tommy if he wanted to become a travel agent.

c) Jane asked Tommy want you to become a travel agent.


5. The professor told the students, “Don’t miss the lectures”.

a) The professor recommended the students not to miss the lectures.

b) The professor recommended the students won’t miss the lectures.

c) The professor recommended the students wouldn’t miss the lectures.


6. John said proudly:” I’ll have written my paper by next Monday.”

a) John was proud he would have written his paper by the following Monday.

b) John was proud he would has written his paper by the following Monday.

c) John said proudly he will written his paper by the following Monday.


7. Yesterday I read a book which (publish) a year ago.

a) was published

b) had published

c) published

8. The results of the exam (to know) in 3 days.

a) will know

b) will be known

c) will known

9. When the headmaster entered the room the essays (to write) already by the students.

a) would have written

b) had written

c) were written

10. If he (to invite) me to the party I (to be, not) late.

a) invite, won’t be

b) will invite, won’t be

c) invites, won’t be

11. As soon as she (to graduate) from the University she (to look) for a job.

a) graduates, will look

b) will graduate, looks

c) will graduate, will look

12. A student (to get) a profession when he or she (to get) a diploma.

a) get, will get

b) gets, will get

c) will get, gets


Decide whether these sentences are grammatically right (T) or wrong(F).

13. He asked whether I can lend him money. T/F

14. My teacher admitted that he didn’t know the answer to the question. T/F

15. Helen must to leave the meeting early because she had a train to catch. T/F

16. The Minister reported that the reconstruction of the monument would be finished in two weeks. T/F

17. When they got home the fence between two houses had been removed. T/F

18. The Government announced this morning that the election will be held in autumn. T/F

19. If he runs faster, he will catch the bus. T/F

20. If I would be in your position, I’d buy a new suit. T/F

21. She was very angry with me and asked if I had broken her vase on purpose. T/F

22. If he has the address, he will send his CV at once. T/F

23. This picture has recently been painted by an unknown artist. T/F


Rewrite the sentences with the Reported Speech (use the verbs in brackets):

24. The teacher said to the students: “Tomorrow you will write a test.”(to inform)

25. Aunt Polly said: “Tom, don’t eat chocolate before dinner.”(to ask)

26. Tommy asked Tim: “Will Polly come?”(to ask)


Rewrite the sentences with the Passive Voice:

27. Finally she wrote the composition.

28. Human activity is influencing the environment.

29. The headmaster has offered her a job.


Make up the sentences according to the sample:

He is busy - we don’t go to the theater.

If he isn’t busy, we will go to the theater.


29. People don’t throw wastes into rivers - water becomes cleaner.

30. People don’t know how to behave when natural disasters happen - many people die.

31. Our government doesn’t think about the problem of unemployment – it is increasing.


Complete the sentences with the suggested words:

fossil, cope, nonrecycled, recover, poverty line, recruit


32.Some products are __________, it is impossible to use them many times.

33.There are not enough ______ fuels that’s why people start to look for substitutes.

34.The ability to ___________ with the stress depends on personal characteristics.

35.You should follow some rules in order to __________ quickly after a disaster.

36.Nowadays in case your salary is not very high, you are near the __________.

37.To employ and to _________ are the synonyms.

Match the English sentences with their Russian equivalents:

38. We are likely to see a more complex and fragmented market with growing shortages, but with the rising proportion of weaker graduates, who will not easily enter jobs and careers to which they aspire.

39. Those who can find work often face long working hours, short-term or informal contracts, low pay and little or no social protection.

40. In order to enter the University a student must first be accepted by a college.

41. The interested student can be sure of opportunity of hearing every political leader in Britain.

42. Recycling is on the rise due to the public’s recognition of the increasing problems of solid wastes.

43. It is important that we examine these factors and weigh the consequences of our consumption patterns.


  1. Переработка достаточно популярна вследствие общественного понимания все увеличивающихся проблем, связанных с твердыми отходами.
  2. Для того чтобы поступить в университет, студент должен сначала поступить в колледж.
  3. Скорее всего, мы увидим более сложный и фрагментарный рынок с растущей нехваткой специалистов, но с увеличивающейся долей слабых выпускников, которые не смогут легко устроиться на работу и сделать карьеру в желаемой ими профессии.
  4. Заинтересованный студент может быть уверен в том, что у него будет возможность услышать каждого политического лидера в Британии.
  5. Важно то, что мы исследуем эти факторы и взвешиваем последствия нашего потребления.
  6. Те, кто может найти работу, часто сталкиваются с проблемами: длительным рабочим днем, краткосрочным или неофициальным договором, низким заработком и практически отсутствием социального пакета.


The principle of these pairs of words is “event – result”. Which pairs do not match this principle?

44. Explosion of oil - the death of coastal wildlife;

45. Industrial wastes - a polluted river;

46. Volcano eruptions – use public transport;

47. Smoke from a factory - the increase of carbon dioxide in the air;

48. Fossil fuels burning - acid rain;

49. Smog - reduce the use of aerosols;

50. Air pollution - use bicycles;

51. Chemical plants - health problems;

52. The usage of aerosols - Green House Effect;

53. Wastes - polluted forests.

Match the notions with their definitions.


54.A drought   55.An earthquake   56.A flood   57.Famine   58.A tornado   59.A tsunami a) A natural disaster caused by too much rain or water in a location, prolonged rainfalls, rapid melting of large amount of snow. b) A giant wave of water which rolls into the shore of an area with a height of over 15 m. c) An extended period where water availability falls below the statistical requirements for a region. d) A natural disaster characterized by a widespread lack of food in a region.   e) Violent, rotating columns of air which can blow at speeds of 50 and 300 mph and possibly higher. f) A sudden shift or movement of the Earth’s crust.


60.Complete the text with the suggested link-phrases:

thus, but despite, the report adds that, according to the latest survey

_______ every year millions of young people enforce different fields of business, industry, science and culture. For this purpose they fill in resumes, CVs, or reference letters-application forms offered by their future employers.

_______ _________a huge number of offices, companies, plants and factories, which provide people with jobs, the problem of unemployment still exists.

_______this problem is especially acute among young people who have just graduated from Universities. They lack job experience and as a result they are given low salary, little or no social protection, informal contracts. Furthermore young people from lower income families are more likely to be unemployed.

_______ young people face age and socio-economic discrimination. And though our government does some attempts to solve the problem, jobless people form a significant part of our society.


61. Read the text and choose the best title for it.

a) Drought Classification.

b) Causes of Drought.

c) Effects of Drought.


Drought produces a large number of impacts that influences the social, environmental, and economical standards of living. Water is used to produce goods and provide certain services. And as a result some direct impacts of drought are reduced crop, reduced water levels, increased fires. Drought damages wildlife. A reduction in crop productivity usually results in unemployment and immigration.

Many effects of drought can be listed as economic, environmental, or social. However, not all impacts of drought are negative. Fortunate agricultural producers located outside the drought area benefit by selling their goods at higher prices.

Farmers are not the only ones who suffer from droughts. The recreational and tourism industries are seriously damaged because tourists do not want to travel to a country that is suffering from a water shortage. Another effect of drought is unemployment.

Drought greatly influences the environment. Wildlife habitat, and air and water quality are usually damaged due to the lack of water. Most of the effects of drought are short-term, and as the drought comes to an end many problems are solved.

Other drought-related impacts include social impacts. Social impacts include health, public safety, conflicts between water users, and reduced quality of life. During droughts many people migrate to areas outside the drought-affected location. When this happens, the area loses a great deal of its population, and thus the area has less financial support.

62. What information can not be found in the text?

1) Social effects of drought.

2) Different impacts produced by drought.

3) Branches of industry and agriculture suffering from drought.

4) Reasons of drought.

5) Positive effects of drought.



UNIVERSITY LIFE. Module 4, task 1. Answers: A2, B4, C3, D1, E5, F6.

NATURAL DISASTERS. Module 1, task 1. Answers:1b, 2c, 3b, 5a, 5c, 6b.



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