Module 3. Perm State University 

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Module 3. Perm State University

Task1. Read and learn the new words/phrases by heart.


Branch /bra:nt∫/ ветвь, филиал, отрасль
Faculty /’fækəlti/ факультет
Stem /stem/ происходить, брать начало
Pedagogical /’pedə’godzikəl/ педагогический
Veterinary /’vetərinəri/ ветеринарный
Full-time department /’ful ‘taim/ дневное отделение
Part-time department /’pat ‘taim/ вечернее отделение
Correspondence department /’koris’pondəns/ заочное отделение
Existence /ig’zistəns/ существование
Equipped /i’kwipt/ оборудованный
Envisage /in’visidz/ рассматривать, влечь за собой
Anniversary /’æni’və:səri/ годовщина


Task 2. Divide the words/phrases into 4 suggested categories.


People Activities Education process Other phrases


Higher educational institution Faculty Lecturer Branch Full-time department Part-time department Specially equipped laboratories Chair Practical training To be situated To be named after To be accompanied by To train To number To carry on   Tutorials Tutor Undergraduates Postgraduates To provide Societies To admit To enter the University Correspondence department Sandwich courses Graduate To graduate Teaching staff Curriculum Scientists Scholars


Task3. Read the text and underline the examples of the Passive Voice.


Perm State University is situated on the left bank of the river Kama. It is named after the great Russian writer A.M.Gorky. Perm State University – the oldest higher educational institution in the Urals – was the starting point of the higher education in our region. It was opened on October 10, 1916, and the matter was greatly helped by the sponsorship of N.V.Meshkov. The University of Perm was set up as a branch of the University of St.Petersburg, one of the leading universities of Europe. In 1916 the University had only 3 faculties: that of history, languages and literature; of physics and mathematics and the faculty of law. The first rector of Perm University was professor K.D.Pokrovsky. In the early 30-ies independent institutions stemmed from Perm University: Medical, Pedagogical and Agricultural in Perm; Chemistry and Chemical Technology in Berezniki, and veterinary institute in the town of Troitsk of Chelyabinsk region.

Nowadays, Perm University is one of the leading institutions of higher education on the Urals. Full-time, part-time and correspondence departments number a lot of students. The University has 12 faculties.

During the period of its existence Perm University trained many specialists. Young specialists who graduate from the University work as geologists, lawyers, teachers, etc. in different parts of the country. The curricula of different faculties include different subjects. Specialization usually begins in the 2-nd or 3-rd year. The profound study of theory is accompanied by practical training, first in specially equipped laboratories, then in various schools or factories. During their practical training students of the 4th and 5th year get acquainted with the work in the field they will devote themselves to upon graduating.

Education process is carried on by many chairs, a lot of lecturers, including doctors of science, professors, candidate of science, readers. Scientists of Perm University take part in international congresses and conferences, which take place in Great Britain, USA, France, Germany, Poland and other countries. Now we have regular academic contacts with the University of Oxford, with several Universities in France, Louisville University (USA) and with many universities of central Europe. These contacts envisage regular exchanges of the members of teaching staff and students.

In 2006 Perm State University celebrated its 90th anniversary.


Task 4. Translate the underlined sentences into Russian.

Task5. Complete the sentences with the right ending.

1. Perm State University (PSU) is named after…

  1. a Russian lawyer.
  2. a Russian writer.
  3. a British writer.

2. PSU was set up as ….

  1. a branch of Moscow State University.
  2. a branch of the University of St.Petersburg.
  3. an independent institution.

3. Independent institutions stemmed from PSU in …

  1. Perm region.
  2. Chelyabinsk region.
  3. both.

4. The faculties differ in …

  1. curricula.
  2. students.
  3. teachers.

5. PSU has academic contacts with …

  1. the United Kingdom.
  2. Africa.
  3. Australia.


Task 6. Translate the text into English (use the words/phrases from the text about PSU).


Московский университет – первый университет России. Он основан в 1755 году. Тогда Московский университет состоял из 3 факультетов: философского, юридического и медицинского. Университет имел всего 10 профессоров и 30 студентов. Постепенно возникли новые курсы, научные школы и направления. Московский университет быстро превратился в важнейший центр русской науки и культуры. В 19 веке в университете уже насчитывалось 4 факультета и 56 кафедр. В 1940 году ему было присвоено имя М.В.Ломоносова.

Сегодня в МГУ 15 факультетов. В его состав также входят научно-исследовательские институты, музеи и т.д. МГУ развивает широкие связи с крупнейшими университетами Европы, Америки, Австралии, Азии, Африки.

Task 7. Speak on the topic “Perm State University”.


Task 8. Read and learn the new words/phrases by heart.

Enhance /in’ha:ns/ увеличивать, повышать
Eminent /’eminənt/ знаменитый, выдающийся
Interweave(interwove – interwoven) /’intə:’wi:v/ переплетать
Reveal /ri’vi:l/ открывать, показывать, обнаруживать
Potential /pə’ten∫əl/ потенциал
Custom /’kastəm/ Обряд, традиция


Task 9. Read the text and find the answers to the following questions.

  1. How are the academic activities organized at the University?
  2. What are two main parties at the PSU?
  3. Why is Freshman Day so important for a first year student?
  4. Is Tatiana’s Day only connected with the students?
  5. What are extra curriculum activities offered at the University?



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