Насколько сильно влияет география на русский характер? 

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Насколько сильно влияет география на русский характер?

Russian character is very much influenced by the geography. Rus­sians are impressed with size and numbers because Russia is a vast coun­try. Russians think and act big because Russia is a vast country. Russians think themselves as members of the community rather than individuals. This lies in the vastness of the Great Plain. Russians are often inactive for long periods of time and then show bursts of energy due to the cold winters.

5. Понимание различий и сходств между людьми и их поведени­
ем в разных странах — первый шаг к их сближению.

1) Какие стереотипы американцев, русских и британцев
предлагают эти три автора? Согласен ли ты с ними?

The authors suggested that Russians are impressed with size and numbers because Russia is a vast country. Russians think and act big be­cause Russia is a vast country. Russians think themselves as members of the community rather than individuals. This lies in the vastness of the Great Plain. Russians are often inactive for long periods of time and then show bursts of energy due to the cold winters. Russians have the ability to overcome hardships thanks to the harsh climate Russians are patient and cautious due to climate Russians value stability, security, social or­der and predictability because of the cruel climate, harsh history. Rus­sians avoid risk. because of the cruel climate, harsh history.

They also suggested that the British like compromise, love gardening because the climаte is mild. That they like to go to seaside for holidays. That the British are far from extremes.

The authors suggested that Americans are hospitable. They are al­ways on the move. Americans are willing to experiment and invent new things. They are able of volunteer actions.

2) Как ты думаешь насколько американцы, русские и бри­
танцы отличаются и похожи?

I think that Americans and Russians are very much alike. The British are more serious and conservative. Americans and Russians are more open and hospitable. (Я думаю, что русские и американцы очень по­хожи. Британцы более серьезные и консервативные. Американцы и русские более открыты и гостеприимны)

6. О каких чертах американцев, британцев и русских и их
образе жизни рассказывается на страницах 13-17?

Americans are risk-takers.

Americans are tough and self-reliant.

Americans are willing to experiment with new inventions and new ways of doing things.

Americans have a sense of optimism that every problem had a solu­tion.

Americans are capable for volunteer actions.

Americans are hospitable.

Americans are always on the move.

The British have excellent roads.

Severe winter frosts that damage the roads are rare.

Heat, droughts and floods are not common for Britain.

A lot of people like gardening.

Most of the British do not need to grow vegetables but they like home-grown vegetables better.

Most British people spend their holidays at the seaside.

Nobody in Britain lives more than one hundred and twenty kilometres from the sea.

A lot of people like spending their holidays in France and Spain

English people like compromise.

Russians are impressed with size and numbers because Russia is a vast country.

Russians think and act big because Russia is a vast country.

Russians think themselves as members of the community rather than individuals. This lies in the vastness of the Great Plain.

Russians are often inactive for long periods of time and then show bursts of energy due to the cold winters.

Russians have the ability to overcome hardships thanks to the harsh climate.

Russians are patient and cautious due to climate.

Russians value stability, security, social order and predictability be­cause of the cruel climate, harsh history.

Russians avoid risk. because of the cruel climate, harsh history.


Ниже приведены некоторые вопросы, которые может задать иностранец, приехавший в Россию. Как бы ты объяснил эти фак­ты иностранцу?

Почему русские строят такие колоссальные вещи как Храм Хри­ста Спасителя, Кремлевский Дворец Съездов, Гостиница «Россия» и Памятник в Волгограде?

Почему русские не подстригают траву, кусты и деревья на ули­цах и в парках?

Почему у русских так популярны зимние посиделки?

Почему русские часто собираются вокруг самовара по праздни­кам или когда к ним приходят гости?

Почему мужчины в России носят шапки, а женщины платки да­же летом?

Почему русские снимают обувь, оставляя ее за дверью?

3 Знаешь ли ты…?

1. Когда иностранец презжает в новую страну он во многих
ситуациях задает вопросы.


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