TEXT B The Faculty of Fundamental Sciences 

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TEXT B The Faculty of Fundamental Sciences


Целью данных методических указаний, предназначенных для студентов старших курсов приборостроительных специальностей, является формирование навыков разговорной речи и подготовка студентов к сдаче устной части экзамена. Указания состоят из пяти уроков, каждый из которых соответствует устной теме, включенной в программу экзамена по английскому языку на четвертом курсе. Уроки посвящены следующей страноведческой и профессиональной тематике: Россия и Великобритания, высшее образование в этих странах, специализация факультетов РЛ, ФН и БМТ.

Дадим несколько рекомендаций по работе с пособием.

Перед чтением основного текста предлагается изучить несколько высказываний известных людей с целью обсуждения и выражения собственного мнения в форме согласия или несогласия и комментариев, а также обсудить основные вопросы по заданной тематике. Данный этап предполагает введение обучающихся в тему урока и дает предпосылки для последующего ее развития. Затем следует изучить основную лексику к тексту, т.е. прочитать и запомнить слова, необходимые для понимания текста, отработать произношение интернациональных слов и проработать типичные словосочетаний, что позволяет развить смысловую догадку и способствует развитию навыков говорения. Таким образом, предтекстовая работа дает возможность снять лексические трудности и создать коммуникативную базу для дальнейшей работы.

После прочтения основного текста необходимо оценить и переосмыслить прочитанное, закрепить вокабуляр, не прибегая к переводному методу, и высказаться по теме, использую пройденную лексику. К такой деятельности готовят задания на контроль понимания прочитанного при помощи обсуждения вопросов после текста, упражнения по подбору определений к словам, нахождению основных идей из текста и последующему обобщению их в единое высказывание.

Заключительный этап включает работу над дополнительными текстами с предварительным обсуждением того, что студенты уже знают по данной теме, и подтверждением своих мыслей в процессе чтения текстов, а также нахождением новой информации, которую в итоге предполагается использовать при обсуждении всей темы урока.

Надеемся, что данные учебные указания дадут возможность студентам осуществлять устное общение и связно высказываться о прочитанном и ранее известном, выражая при этом свое отношение к воспринятой информации.





Task 1. What do you think of the following statements? Read and comment. 1.Teachers open the door. You enter yourself. /Chinese proverb/ 2.Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. /Henry Ford, American automobile engineer and manufacturer/

Task 2. Discuss the ideas on the topic. Say what you know about universities and institutes in Russia; what opportunities Russian school-leavers have; how important higher education is in the life of young people; if the role of education in our country and abroad has changed.


meet the needs - удовлетворять требованиям

graduation – окончание вуза

skills – навыки

PhD (abbr. Doctor of Philosophy, equivalent to Candidate of Science) – кандидат наук

curriculum – учебный план

Bachelor’s degree – степень Бакалавра

Master’s degree – степень Магистра

signatory country - страна, подписавшая договор

to take a commitment – взять обязательство

appropriate - соответствующий

a two-level pattern – двухуровневая система

competitiveness – конкурентоспособность

result in – иметь следствием

Task 3. Read the following word-combinations and explain in English what they mean: to offer wide-ranging programs, to meet the needs of both Russian and foreign students, skilled labor, thorough professional knowledge, to master and apply skills, to develop the academic abilities, in the field of specialization, to enhance employability, increase competitiveness.

Task 4. Read Text A and answer the questions after it.

TEXT A Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Russian universities offer a wide-ranging curriculum that meets the needs of both Russian and foreign students. Its aim is to prepare students for successful careers, enable graduates to work in leading companies all over the world. Graduates of Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU) receive all-round education and after graduation they continue to develop their academic abilities in their relevant areas.

The mission of BMSTU is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the country and the world in the 21st century. BMSTU is dedicated to providing its students with an education that combines rigorous academic study and the excitement of discovery with the support of the whole University community.

BMSTU admitted its first students in 1830. The opening marked an effort to establish a new kind of independent educational institution relevant to increasingly industrialized Russia.

At the beginning of the 19th century Russia's developing industry needed skilled labor in many areas. Thus, the aim of Bauman MHTS (Moscow Higher Technical School) was to train qualified specialists with considerable professional knowledge, so that they could master and apply skills in various fields. By 1868 the School achieved good results in chemical and textile industries, metal and wood processing.

In 1930 some faculties branched off from the MHTS and new institutions of higher learning were established on their basis, among them - Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow Power Engineering Institute, the Military Chemical Academy, the Textile Institute and Moscow Civil Engineering Institute.

In 1989 the MHTS got a new name: Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

Today BMSTU is a well-known educational institution. Teaching and research — with relevance to the practical world as a guiding principle — continue to be its primary purpose. Its 18 faculties encompass numerous academic departments, divisions, and degree-granting programs, as well as interdisciplinary centers and laboratories.

The 18 faculties provide effective teaching according to diverse academic syllabuses. The faculties include Fundamental Sciences; Radioelectronics and Laser Technologies; Biomedical Engineering; Informatics and Control Systems; Engineering Business and Management; Materials and Technology; Special Machinery; Robotics and Complex Automation; Power Engineering and others.

BMSTU training programs combine the experience of both Russian and international scientific schools to satisfy the current demands of modern science. BMSTU offers various training programs leading to scientific degrees, thus attracting students from other countries.

In September 2003 Russia signed the Bologna Declaration. It is a commitment freely takenby each of 29 signatory countries to reform its own higher education system in order to meet the demands of educational standards. The goal of this document is to enhance employability and mobility of citizens and to increase the international competitiveness. Now in accordance with this declaration a two-level pattern has been developed, and students can be awarded the degrees of Bachelor and Master.

BMSTU is committed to providing students with strong scientific and technical foundation, and to encouraging them to develop creativity in defining problems and seeking solutions. For the Bachelor of Science degree, students must complete a core requirement that includes studying chemistry, biology, physics, and calculus, as well as laboratory work. For the Bachelor degree students must complete a four-year course, which results in Bachelor’s diploma.

Currently two types of diplomas are officially recognized as ones of completed higher education. They are a diploma of a Specialist and a diploma of a Master. Both degrees enable graduates to start research and write a dissertation.

It is common knowledge that a person having higher education can contribute more to further accomplishments in the field of his or her professional activity. Higher education gives a person unlimited prospects for professional progress. 3535

Task 5. Answer the questions to the text: 1)What is the aim of the curriculum in most Russian universities? 2)When did BMSTU admit its first students? 3)What was the aim of training at MHTS in the 19th century? Why? 4)What results did Bauman MHTS achieve by 1868? 5)What branches appeared in 1930? 6)What name did MHTS get in 1989? 7)What faculties are there at your university? What faculty are you studying at? 8)What do you know about the Bologna Declaration? What is its goal? 9)What degrees can students at BMSTU be awarded? 10)What is your opinion about the importance of getting higher education for young people in Russia? Do you think its role in modern society is decreasing? Why (not)?

Task 6. Match the words and their definitions:

degree the ability to do something well
career make or become better
skill a person who holds a first degree
labor force something known by most people
a graduate a person who holds a second or further degree
to improve an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress
Bachelor an academic rank conferred by a university
Master a person who has successfully completed a course of study or training
common knowledge all the members of a particular organization or population who are able to work

Task 7. Compose a plan to the text.

Task 8. Discuss the ideas about the faculties at BMSTU and say: what year you are in; what faculty you are studying at; what you know about your faculty and your major; why you chose it; if it was difficult for you to enter this faculty, why (not); how your program differs from the program in the first two years.

Task 9. Read about the faculties and compare the information with the ideas you expressed.


diverse – различный, разнообразный

admission – допущение, принятие

competitive - конкурсный (экзамен)

comparatively - сравнительно; относительно

to refer to - говорить, упоминать, называть

an effort – попытка

remote – отдаленный; непохожий

to matriculate - принять или быть принятым в высшее учебное заведение

a scholarship – стипендия

tutorial system – университетская система обучения под контролем наставника

rival - соперник

varsity – спортивная команда, выступающая за честь университета

a chapel – часовня

hood – капюшон (надевается поверх мантии)

gown – мантия

Task 4. Translate the following word combinations: to award degrees, to determine the admission policy, to make efforts, to sit an entrance exam, to offer a unique learning experience.

Task 5. Read Text A and answer the questions after it:

TEXT B The Open University

The Open University (The OU) is a distance learning university. It was established in 1969. There are no previous qualifications required to study. You have to be aged 16 or over when your course starts but there is no upper age limit. The Open University is open to people, places, methods and ideas.

With more than 180,000 students enrolled, it is the largest academic institution in the UK by student number. The OU provides university education to those wishing to continue higher education on a part-time and/or distance learning basis. The University is also popular with those who cannot physically attend a traditional university because they are disabled, abroad, in prison, serving in the armed forces, or looking after family members.

The Open University's style of teaching is called 'supported open learning', also known as 'distance learning'. Open learning means that you will be learning in your own time by reading course material, working on course activities, including written and audio materials, the Internet, disc-based software and television programs on DVD. Supported means support from a tutor who provides feedback on students’ work and are generally available to them at face-to-face tutorials, by telephone, and/or on the Internet. The OU offers a large number of undergraduate qualifications, including certificates, diplomas, and Bachelors degrees, based on both level and quantity of study. 1203



stretch – простираться

vibrant – живой, энергичны

a brief spell – короткий период

distinct – отчетливый, явный

low density – низкая плотность

unevenly spread – неравномерно распространен

cluster – (зд.) собираться

a federal entity – объект федерации

to split the power – разделять власть

consecutive terms - последовательно текущие сроки

a legislative bill – законодательный акт

to resolve issues of citizenship – решать вопросы гражданства

state decorations – государственный награды

to grant pardons – даровать помилование

legislature – законодательная власть

judicial power – юридическая власть

executive power – исполнительная власть

a chamber - палата

to vest the power – наделять властью

to lag behind – отставать, запаздывать

to launch a programme – запустить программу

Task 2. Read the following word combinations and say what they mean: a time zone, to puzzle, the total area, to take up an immense space, to spend a lifetime, to unveil the mystery, never-ending forests, on a grand scale, mountain chains, to vary dramatically, inland areas, throughout the country, a blend of cultures, the most diverse society, an urban breed, be made up of, to enjoy the autonomy, the armed forces, the commander-in-chief, to veto a bill, to award state decorations, a major weapon exporter.

Task 3. Read Text A and answer the questions after it.



Task 1. Do the quiz and find out how much you know about Great Britain: 1.The capital of Northern Ireland is a) Dublin; b) Cardiff; c) Belfast. 2.The British flag is often called a) the Union Jack; b) the Stars and Stripes; c) the Maple Leaf. 3.Ben Nevis is a) a famous footballer; b) a sort of whiskey; c) a mountain. 4.The national currency of the UK is a) the euro; b) the dollar; c) the pound. 5.The most popular sport in Britain is a) ice hockey; b) baseball; c) football. 6.Britain’s national drink is a) tea; b) Coca-Cola; c) coffee. 7.The mysterious Loch Ness Monster is from a) Wales; b) Ireland; c) Scotland. 8.The famous British newspaper which is printed on pink paper is a) The times; b) The Guardian; c) The Financial Times. 9.The Beatles started their career in a) London; b) Liverpool; c) Birmingham. 10. The kilt is a) a shirt; b) a skirt; c) a pair of trousers.


attitude – отношение

to deter – удерживать, отпугивать

identity – (зд.) отличительная черта

medieval – средневековый

extend - простираться, тянуться

antiquity – древности, древние артефакты

enormous - громадный, обширный

Task 2. Read the following words and pay attention to their pronunciation: London, AD (Anno Domini), Julius Caesar, William the Conqueror, St. (Saint) Paul’s cathedral, Piccadilly Circus, Gainsborough, The Severn, Birmingham, Liverpool, monarchy.

Task 3. Read the texts and answer the questions after them:

TEXT B Buckingham Palace

Buckingham House was built for John, first Duke of Buckingham, between 1702 and 1705. It has served as the official London residence of Britain's sovereigns since 1837. The Palace is very much a working building and the centrepiece of Britain's constitutional monarchy. It houses the offices of those who support the day-to-day activities and duties of The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh and their immediate family. Although in use for the many official events and receptions held by The Queen, the State Rooms at Buckingham Palace are open to visitors every year.

Buckingham Palace has 775 rooms. These include 19 State rooms, 52 Royal and guest bedrooms, 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices and 78 bathrooms. In measurements, the building is 108 metres long across the front, 120 metres deep (including the central quadrangle) and 24 metres high. Buckingham Palace is furnished and decorated with priceless works of art that form part of the Royal Collection, one of the major art collections in the world today. But it is not an art gallery and nor is it a museum. More than 50,000 people visit the Palace each year as guests to banquets, lunches, dinners, receptions and the Royal Garden Parties.

At 36.6m long, 18m wide and 13.5m high, the Ballroom is the largest multi-purpose room in Buckingham Palace. It was opened in 1856 with a ball to celebrate the end of the Crimean War. Today, it is used by The Queen for State banquets and other formal occasions such as the annual Diplomatic Reception attended by 1,500 guests.

The State Dining Room is one of the principal State Rooms on the West side of the Palace. Many distinguished people have dined in this room including the 24 holders of the Order of Merit as well as presidents and prime ministers.

The ceremony of the Changing of the Guard that takes place daily at eleven o’clock in the morning provokes most interest among tourists. Every day a large crowd of people gather to see this famous and traditional ceremony. 1639



Task 1. Revise the information about your faculty. Say, what you know about the department you are studying at and read the text about it.


to carry out research – проводить исследование

expertise - человеческий опыт, знание дела; квалификация

implementation – выполнение, реализация

to take for granted - считать само собой разумеющимся

to make contribution – внести вклад

precise measurements – точные измерения

to put emphasis on – придавать особе значение чему-либо

state-of-the-art technologies – современные технологии

profound knowledge – глубокие знания

global issues – проблемы мирового значения

“Applied Mathematics”

The Applied Mathematics Department provides students with mathematical background and trains engineers-mathematicians. Applied mathematics equips a future engineer with the most state-of-the-art tool: an ability to learn and improve the world by means of mathematical modeling and calculating.

Students get profound knowledge of higher mathematics, modern methods of implementing the most important calculating algorithms, learn general engineering subjects and applied aerospace engineering. Specialized subjects include calculating methods, optimization methods, operations research, equations of mathematical physics, fundamentals of mathematical modeling, theory of relativity and mathematical statistics, mathematical theory of physical-mechanical processes, mathematical modeling of aerospace systems, etc.

Senior students can take a course in financial mathematics. They have their practical training, where they carry out research using personal computers and mastering programming language when solving certain engineering problems.

Graduates possess universal knowledge and can easily apply it to any area of science and technology. 1000



Physics is the study of the fundamental laws of nature. Applied physics uses these laws to understand phenomena that have practical applications. Engineering in turn makes use of these phenomena forming a link between the fundamental laws of nature and their applications. Students majoring in this department take courses in both physics and engineering.

Undergraduates of all faculties at BMSTU have a general course of physics in the 2-4 terms, which includes physical mechanics, oscillations and waves, molecular physics and thermodynamics, electromagnetism and optics, quantum and nuclear physics. The department actively encourages undergraduates to participate in faculty research or in their own independent projects. The research in the department deals with such global issues as space, time, matter and energy in all its forms, from the subatomic to the cosmological and from the elementary to the complex.

High level of scientific and methodological research carried out within the department under the guidance of distinguished scientists will definitely encourage the increasing number of young researchers, postgraduates and undergraduates to participate in developing the scientific base of the department. 1046

“Radioelectronic Systems and Devices”

This is one of the leading departments of BMSTU. It carries out high quality research activities over a broad range of topics covering radioelectronic systems and devices. The graduates of the department are creative persons, well-equipped for the twenty-first century.

The department boasts expertise in the field of radio electronics. Radioelectronics as a branch of science and technology has become widespread and its achievements are used in different spheres of human activity. They are advanced digital transmission techniques, error correction coding, adaptive transmission systems, 3G mobile systems, smart antennas, multimedia applications for mobile systems, positioning systems, wireless mobile communication.

The curriculum of the department is being constantly improved. It involves different aspects at various levels from theoretical studies, design, modeling, to development and implementation of advanced digital hardware and software systems.

The department provides high quality training which prepares students for further study and research in radio-electronic engineering and for a wide range of career opportunities in industry and commerce. It plays a vital role in scientific research both in Russia and abroad. 1065

“Lasers and Optoelectronic Systems”

As you know engineers develop new approaches, combine them with existing ones, and turn them into products and services to meet the needs of the world and improve it. Many things that are taken for granted nowadays have been created by engineers. The department makes significant contributions to the advancement of engineering science while teaching the next generation who will go on to influence the way our world will develop. The department focuses on two majors: “Optoelectronic devices and systems” and “Laser devices and technology”.

The department uses innovative teaching and learning methods. The students are involved in all aspects of research and design of modern optoelectronic and laser systems, and in understanding and applying the fundamental principles of new electronic, laser and optical devices.

The curriculum includes both general and specialized subjects, such as maths, informatics, applied optics, applied mechanics, laser physics, theory of optical systems, nonlinear optics, optical measurement, quantum electronics, etc. Students start their major in the third year according to an individual degree program.

The department provides graduates with the skills and confidence and makes them prepared to carrying out research in optoelectronic and laser systems. 1101

“Research Optoelectronic devices”

The Department of “Research Optoelectronic devices” offers courses in the field of optoelectronic devices and systems. Being a magnificent generator of new knowledge it helps to find answers to global questions about the structure of the Universe and the place of a human being in it. Optics has made an inestimable contribution in solving these problems owing to various optical instruments such as telescopes, which have widened the abilities of a human eye and helped investigate the space.

The devices in which optical signals are converted into electrical ones are referred to as optoelectronic devices. At present it is almost impossible to imagine scientific and technological advance without them, as they are widely used in precise measurements, in examining the structure of substances, investigating various processes, in night-vision systems, navigation, in astronomical, astrophysical, environmental research.

Within the curriculum students carry out research in various fields, such as: methods of design of multipurpose sophisticated optical systems (lenses, mirrors, photo objectives, visual and photometric medical optical devices, etc); technologies of fabricating aspheric and gradient elements; methods of quality control of optical elements and surfaces. 1094

“Design and Technologies of Radioelectronic Devices”

The department focuses on two majors – “Nanotechnologies of radioelectronic devices” and “Quality assurance and certification of radioelectronic devices”.

Creation and successful implementation of competitive radioelectronic devices and radiotechnical systems result from interrelated work at all stages of the product lifecycle from marketing, scientific research, circuit analyses and design to production and operation. One of the essential features of scientific and technical progress nowadays is an emphasis on engineering nanotechnology, as the priority in this field of knowledge ensures advanced position in the world market, determining the best achievements in the field of radio engineering.

There is a range of challenges a student of the department is supposed to face. They are: designing, producing and operating systems of radio communication, detection and ranging, navigation and control of mobile devices of the land, naval, aviation and space bases; developing new technologies of radio-electronic devices production in combination with achievements in nanotechnologies; information technologies and automation of designing radio-electronic devices.

The department trains specialists who will be able to work in the field of developing radio-electronic devices, systems using nanomaterials, methods of nanodiagnostics for navigation, energetics, medicine, research, examination of technological systems, ecological control of natural resources and other fields of engineering. Another emphasis is put on training the specialists who will be able to work in the field of quality assurance when designing and producing radio-electronic devices, and also in organizations included into the system of certification of the Russian Federation; graduates will be able to deal with marketing and management problems.

The curriculum includes both general and specialized subjects, such as: electrical engineering, electronics and microelectronics, fundamentals of designing radio-electronic devices, instrument making techniques, integral devices of radio-engineering, antennas and microwave devices and others. 1840

“Biotechnical and Medical Devices and Systems”

The department was founded after a long period of work in the field of education and medical research and has two related goals: first, the use of the tools and methods of engineering to better understand human physiology and disease; second, the development of new technologies for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of human disease.

The scientific base of the department comprises: biophysics, which determines fundamental principles of functioning live organisms; theory of bioengineering systems, which describes technical and biological sub-systems; methods of bio-signals measurement and analyses.

The main feature of studying is its interdisciplinary nature; along with general fundamental subjects undergraduates study a number of subjects such as biology, biochemistry, anatomy, pathology, physiology and clinical medicine – which are necessary for profound knowledge of medico-biological processes. Seminars are conducted on the basis of Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov.

Students of the department address a lot of complicated problems by examining state-of-the-art technologies, modern laser, ultrasound, electronic and other medical devices and systems and applying up-to-date methods of design.

Practical training is carried out in leading medico-engineering centres and institutes of Moscow. Graduates are employed in big organizations and institutes, where they develop and research new types of medical devices.

The curriculum also includes individual programs, according to which students can be trained in the field of management in healthcare and biomedical engineering and along with BMSTU diploma they can get a diploma confirming their secondary medical education. 1468

“Medical-technical Information Technologies”

Biomedical Engineering draws on collaboration among engineers, physicians, and scientists to provide new interdisciplinary insights into medical and biological problems. The programs offered in the department seek to emphasize the confluence of basic engineering with the physical and biological sciences.

The department covers various aspects of biomedical engineering. They are medical biotechnical processes and systems, creation of medical-diagnostic technologies using new mathematical, physical and physiological approaches, wide application of computer and communication systems.

The curriculum is based on the main physico-mathematical and engineering subjects and the whole range of medico-biological and medico-technical disciplines. The curriculum is designed to provide broad knowledge of the physical and engineering sciences and their application to the solution of biological and medical problems. As a rule students undertake a research project in their final year. Graduates work in the leading medical centers, hospitals and scientific research institutes, commercial medical services.

The department provides students not only with the academic knowledge related to the chosen qualification. 1051

Task 2. Summarize the information and talk about your speciality.




1. James O’Driscoll Britain. - Oxford University Press, 2009. – 374 с.

2. Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners. -Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2007. – 786 с.

3. Oxford Guide to British and American Culture for Learners of English. -Oxford University Press, 2003. – 599 с.

4. University of Oxford. – Режим доступа: http://www.ox.ac.uk.

5. Russia today. – Режим доступа: http://rt.com

6. British Royals. – Режим доступа: http://www/britroyals.com

7. Свободная энциклопедия. – Режим доступа: http://www.wikipedia.org




ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ ………………………………………………………….3

UNIT 1 ……………………………………………………………………...5

UNIT 2 ……………………………………………………………………...12

UNIT 3 …………………………………………………………………..….17

UNIT 4 ………………………………………………………………..…….24

UNIT 5 ……………………………………………………………………...30




[1] a public school is a private school that provides secondary education which parents have to pay for. The pupils often live at the school during the school term.


Целью данных методических указаний, предназначенных для студентов старших курсов приборостроительных специальностей, является формирование навыков разговорной речи и подготовка студентов к сдаче устной части экзамена. Указания состоят из пяти уроков, каждый из которых соответствует устной теме, включенной в программу экзамена по английскому языку на четвертом курсе. Уроки посвящены следующей страноведческой и профессиональной тематике: Россия и Великобритания, высшее образование в этих странах, специализация факультетов РЛ, ФН и БМТ.

Дадим несколько рекомендаций по работе с пособием.

Перед чтением основного текста предлагается изучить несколько высказываний известных людей с целью обсуждения и выражения собственного мнения в форме согласия или несогласия и комментариев, а также обсудить основные вопросы по заданной тематике. Данный этап предполагает введение обучающихся в тему урока и дает предпосылки для последующего ее развития. Затем следует изучить основную лексику к тексту, т.е. прочитать и запомнить слова, необходимые для понимания текста, отработать произношение интернациональных слов и проработать типичные словосочетаний, что позволяет развить смысловую догадку и способствует развитию навыков говорения. Таким образом, предтекстовая работа дает возможность снять лексические трудности и создать коммуникативную базу для дальнейшей работы.

После прочтения основного текста необходимо оценить и переосмыслить прочитанное, закрепить вокабуляр, не прибегая к переводному методу, и высказаться по теме, использую пройденную лексику. К такой деятельности готовят задания на контроль понимания прочитанного при помощи обсуждения вопросов после текста, упражнения по подбору определений к словам, нахождению основных идей из текста и последующему обобщению их в единое высказывание.

Заключительный этап включает работу над дополнительными текстами с предварительным обсуждением того, что студенты уже знают по данной теме, и подтверждением своих мыслей в процессе чтения текстов, а также нахождением новой информации, которую в итоге предполагается использовать при обсуждении всей темы урока.

Надеемся, что данные учебные указания дадут возможность студентам осуществлять устное общение и связно высказываться о прочитанном и ранее известном, выражая при этом свое отношение к воспринятой информации.





Task 1. What do you think of the following statements? Read and comment. 1.Teachers open the door. You enter yourself. /Chinese proverb/ 2.Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. /Henry Ford, American automobile engineer and manufacturer/

Task 2. Discuss the ideas on the topic. Say what you know about universities and institutes in Russia; what opportunities Russian school-leavers have; how important higher education is in the life of young people; if the role of education in our country and abroad has changed.


meet the needs - удовлетворять требованиям

graduation – окончание вуза

skills – навыки

PhD (abbr. Doctor of Philosophy, equivalent to Candidate of Science) – кандидат наук

curriculum – учебный план

Bachelor’s degree – степень Бакалавра

Master’s degree – степень Магистра

signatory country - страна, подписавшая договор

to take a commitment – взять обязательство

appropriate - соответствующий

a two-level pattern – двухуровневая система

competitiveness – конкурентоспособность

result in – иметь следствием

Task 3. Read the following word-combinations and explain in English what they mean: to offer wide-ranging programs, to meet the needs of both Russian and foreign students, skilled labor, thorough professional knowledge, to master and apply skills, to develop the academic abilities, in the field of specialization, to enhance employability, increase competitiveness.

Task 4. Read Text A and answer the questions after it.

TEXT A Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Russian universities offer a wide-ranging curriculum that meets the needs of both Russian and foreign students. Its aim is to prepare students for successful careers, enable graduates to work in leading companies all over the world. Graduates of Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU) receive all-round education and after graduation they continue to develop their academic abilities in their relevant areas.

The mission of BMSTU is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the country and the world in the 21st century. BMSTU is dedicated to providing its students with an education that combines rigorous academic study and the excitement of discovery with the support of the whole University community.

BMSTU admitted its first students in 1830. The opening marked an effort to establish a new kind of independent educational institution relevant to increasingly industrialized Russia.

At the beginning of the 19th century Russia's developing industry needed skilled labor in many areas. Thus, the aim of Bauman MHTS (Moscow Higher Technical School) was to train qualified specialists with considerable professional knowledge, so that they could master and apply skills in various fields. By 1868 the School achieved good results in chemical and textile industries, metal and wood processing.

In 1930 some faculties branched off from the MHTS and new institutions of higher learning were established on their basis, among them - Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow Power Engineering Institute, the Military Chemical Academy, the Textile Institute and Moscow Civil Engineering Institute.

In 1989 the MHTS got a new name: Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

Today BMSTU is a well-known educational institution. Teaching and research — with relevance to the practical world as a guiding principle — continue to be its primary purpose. Its 18 faculties encompass numerous academic departments, divisions, and degree-granting programs, as well as interdisciplinary centers and laboratories.

The 18 faculties provide effective teaching according to diverse academic syllabuses. The faculties include Fundamental Sciences; Radioelectronics and Laser Technologies; Biomedical Engineering; Informatics and Control Systems; Engineering Business and Management; Materials and Technology; Special Machinery; Robotics and Complex Automation; Power Engineering and others.

BMSTU training programs combine the experience of both Russian and international scientific schools to satisfy the current demands of modern science. BMSTU offers various training programs leading to scientific degrees, thus attracting students from other countries.

In September 2003 Russia signed the Bologna Declaration. It is a commitment freely takenby each of 29 signatory countries to reform its own higher education system in order to meet the demands of educational standards. The goal of this document is to enhance employability and mobility of citizens and to increase the international competitiveness. Now in accordance with this declaration a two-level pattern has been developed, and students can be awarded the degrees of Bachelor and Master.

BMSTU is committed to providing students with strong scientific and technical foundation, and to encouraging them to develop creativity in defining problems and seeking solutions. For the Bachelor of Science degree, students must complete a core requirement that includes studying chemistry, biology, physics, and calculus, as well as laboratory work. For the Bachelor degree students must complete a four-year course, which results in Bachelor’s diploma.

Currently two types of diplomas are officially recognized as ones of completed higher education. They are a diploma of a Specialist and a diploma of a Master. Both degrees enable graduates to start research and write a dissertation.

It is common knowledge that a person having higher education can contribute more to further accomplishments in the field of his or her professional activity. Higher education gives a person unlimited prospects for professional progress. 3535

Task 5. Answer the questions to the text: 1)What is the aim of the curriculum in most Russian universities? 2)When did BMSTU admit its first students? 3)What was the aim of training at MHTS in the 19th century? Why? 4)What results did Bauman MHTS achieve by 1868? 5)What branches appeared in 1930? 6)What name did MHTS get in 1989? 7)What faculties are there at your university? What faculty are you studying at? 8)What do you know about the Bologna Declaration? What is its goal? 9)What degrees can students at BMSTU be awarded? 10)What is your opinion about the importance of getting higher education for young people in Russia? Do you think its role in modern society is decreasing? Why (not)?

Task 6. Match the words and their definitions:

degree the ability to do something well
career make or become better
skill a person who holds a first degree
labor force something known by most people
a graduate a person who holds a second or further degree
to improve an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress
Bachelor an academic rank conferred by a university
Master a person who has successfully completed a course of study or training
common knowledge all the members of a particular organization or population who are able to work

Task 7. Compose a plan to the text.

Task 8. Discuss the ideas about the faculties at BMSTU and say: what year you are in; what faculty you are studying at; what you know about your faculty and your major; why you chose it; if it was difficult for you to enter this faculty, why (not); how your program differs from the program in the first two years.

Task 9. Read about the faculties and compare the information with the ideas you expressed.

TEXT B The Faculty of Fundamental Sciences

The faculty is an important generator of knowledge. It provides each of its undergraduates with an understanding of the basic mathematics and physics, and the teaching staff are devoted to doing this well.

The students are provided with the very best introduction to their chosen field, as well as the opportunity to participate in forefront research, On the other hand education in applied mathematics prepares one for many careers. Some graduate students pursue distinguished careers in research and education. However, others enjoy equally satisfying careers in business, industry, and government. Many combine their PhD degrees in applied mathematics with medical, law, or business degrees and are well prepared to make creative contributions to the modern world.

Established in 1964, the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences has always provided an integrated approach to the training of students combining theoretical subjects with research done by students under the guidance of the teaching staff.

The curriculum includes a wide variety of subjects that could be useful for future graduates. Students master algebra, analyses, the theory of differential equations, higher mathematics, strength of materials, instrument design.

Graduates of the faculty can apply their knowledge working in various fields, as their skills are always demanded. 1145


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