The Mobile Internet Industry - Opportunity Knocking. 

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The Mobile Internet Industry - Opportunity Knocking.

A New Wireless Paradigm.

Mobile communication and data communication are two of the fastest growing areas in the communications industry. In particular, mobile data communication, which includes wireless Internet, carries a great deal of momentum. The media is keeping a vigilant eye on the evolution of wireless data, and operators and various kinds of enterprise have put wireless datacom at the top of their strategic agendas.

Wireless data communication combines mobile communication and data communication by giving consumers easy access through mobile phones, pagers, or other wireless devices to relevant information on the Internet and intranets.

Operators see wireless data communication as an opportunity to create innovative services on top of existing networks and investments. Doing so will give them a means of differentiating themselves—for instance, to enhance their business image, reduce churn, attract new subscribers, and increase traffic volume per subscriber.

Enterprises are increasingly looking for ways of increasing employee productivity. Wireless data will enable professionals to access corporate data, such as e-mail, production status, price lists, and other critical information for doing business while they are away from the office. Specific vertical segments, such as financial institutions, have expressed interest in wireless data as a way of distributing services. In this context, wireless data would improve their overall image and increase the availability of services through a rapidly growing low-cost distribution channel. These needs and initiatives from Ericsson and others, have created "phone browser technologies," such as the wireless application protocol, or WAP.

Вариант 14

Задание 1. Измените форму прилагательных, данных в скобках, и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. It is as (cold) today as it was yesterday.

2. Jack is (rich) than Richard, but I don't think he is (happy) than Richard.

3. Which is (large) city in your country?

4. Chinese is (difficult) than English.

5. Jack and Peter are exactly as (old) as each other and exactly as (tall) as each other.

6. This piece of homework is the (bad) you have ever done.

Задание 2. Вставьте модальные глаголы may, can, must, need.

1. You... eat in the classroom.

2. Then... it be a tape recorder?

3. We... meet on the street corner.

4. I am telling you just in case that you... do it.

5. I... cancel this open air show because of the heavy rain.

6. The brothers... play chess well.

Задание 3. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужную форму.

1. On Sunday we sometimes (to go) to the cinema or a disco club.

2. My best friend is Alison. We (to know) each other since we (to be) 5 years old. 3.1 don't think I (ever to see) her looking so upset before.

4. He not (to do) the translation yet.

5. We (to live) next door to each other since Alison (to move) to London.

6. John (to listen) to the radio when the batteries (to run)'out

Задание 4. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Сколько времени потребуется на эту работу?

2. Мы все приготовили задолго до того, как они приехали.

3. Учитель вошел в класс и увидел, что кто-то из учеников нарисовал его на доске.

4. Уже больше 3-х месяцев здесь не было дождя.

5. Жизнь сейчас не такая легкая, как она была раньше.

6. Мэри сказала, что была в этом замке 2 года тому назад.

Задание 5. Образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы предложений.

1. The problem of feeding people will get better.

2. His progress in sports is very good.

3. Mathematics is my favourite subject.

4. I've just arrived in Atlanta.

5. She was watering the flowers.

Задание 6. Задайте вопросы к каждому члену предложения.

1. The passengers had to wait at the airport.

2. We are going to camp on the coast of Atlantic ocean.

3. The weather was very bad.

4. It is a modern tall house surrounded by parkings.

5. In the museum we saw many children.

Задание 7. Задайте общий, специальный, альтернативный и разделительный вопросы к каждому предложению.

1. They have got a few trees in their garden.

2. I have never tried any Japanese food.

3. He has got some relatives staying.

4. They should have been more careful.

5. I am not allowed to eat nuts.

Задание 8. Задайте общий, специальный, альтернативный и разделительный вопросы к каждому предложению.

1. I have a good sense of humor.

2. I've been a subscriber to "Click" magazine since January 1993.

3. It was a beautiful spring evening.

4. My parents had come to Paris a week before I arrived.

5. One days ago I bought a cassette player.

Задание 9. Переведите текст на русский язык.


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