Глаголы и существительные, относящиеся к одному дополнению, но управляемые разными предлогами 

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Глаголы и существительные, относящиеся к одному дополнению, но управляемые разными предлогами

В современном английском языке часто употребляются вме­сте с одним и тем же дополнением два глагола или два существи­тельных, требующие разных предлогов. Это употребление создает известные трудности для переводчиков. Часто они не могут разо­браться в таком построении и, следовательно, понять смысл анг­лийского предложения. Их сбивает своеобразная, необычная для русского читателя пунктуация, которую они воспринимают как ошибку, что и вызывает неправильный перевод, нарушающий нормы русского языка. Переводчики согласуют дополнение толь­ко со вторым глаголом или со вторым существительным.

Подобная ошибка делается иногда и при переводе двух гла­голов, употребляющихся в английском языке с прямым допол­нением, а в русском языке — с прямым и косвенным, требую­щим разных падежей. Например: They love and trust him.

Типичной ошибкой является следующий перевод: "Они лю­бят и доверяют ему", тогда как правильный перевод: "Они лю­бят его и доверяют ему".

■ Упражнение 1. Проанализируйте и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The comments on, and criticism of the article provides consi­derable food for thought.

2. The Indians have always entertained the friendliest feelings towards, and a high regard for the Russian people.

3. One of the first functions of law is to protect, and to give ef­fect to rights which have become vested in a person by opera­tion of law.

4. He denied any suggestion that he was connected with, or was responsible for the absence of the main witness from the Old Bailey during the trial.

5. There is urgent need to produce necessary goods for, or in the undeveloped countries.

6. More than two million children in Britain are on or below the poverty line, says the Child Poverty Action Group.

7. Pnebe never heard from or about him again.

8. He would not have fallen in love with and married a plain girl.

9. The vote was organized by the "Keep Britain Out" Campaign at the request of and in conjunction with the MPs in three constituencies.

10. Some Labour leaders believe that no arrangement for Middle Eastern settlement will have any validity unless it is negoti­ated with, and agreed to, by Russia.

■ Упражнение 2. Прочитайте и проанализируйте текст, обра­щая внимание на 1) структуру предложений, 2) неличные формы глаго­ла, 3) эмфатические конструкции. Переведите его на русский язык.

Suicide: When Life Becomes Unbearable

Hopelessness, despair, negative views about oneself and others — these are some of the hallmarks of depression. Given such reac­tions it is not surprising that many persons suffering from this disorder seek a drastic solution to their problems — suicide. While not all persons who attempt or actually commit suicide are deeply depressed, a large percentage of them are. And given that depres­sion is the most common psychological disorder, this translates into alarmingly large numbers. For example, in the United States, more than two million persons have attempted suicide — almost one percent of the entire population. And many persons who at­tempt suicide succeed in carrying it out.

Suicide is the tenth or eleventh most frequent cause of death in the United States, and among young persons aged fifteen to twenty-four it actually ranks second in this respect, behind only accidents. More than three times as many women as men attempt suicide, but men more frequently succeed in ending their own lives. This difference stems from the fact that the two sexes use different methods. Men are more likely to use a gun or jump off a building, while women tend to use less certain methods, such as overdoses of sleeping pills or slashing their wrists.

Suicide rates also vary with age and by nation. The highest suicide rates occur among older people, but suicide has been on the rise among young people for several decades and is now disturb­ingly high even among teenagers. Can suicide be predicted? While there are no hard and fast rules for determining who may choose this path or when they may make the attempt, there do appear to be several important warning signs. First suicide often seems to occur not when individuals are in the depth of despair — most de­pressed — but rather when they show some improvement. Appa­rently, deeply depressed persons lack the energy or will to commit suicide. When they feel somewhat better, however, they become capable of this act. Another clue to suicidal plans involves a period of calm following considerable agitation, the person may have made his or her decision and now feels calm or even relieved that an end to the suffering is in sight.

Раздел III


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