Упражнение 19 прочитайте, протранскрибируйте и Переведите. Обратите внимание на орфографию слов. 

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Упражнение 19 прочитайте, протранскрибируйте и Переведите. Обратите внимание на орфографию слов.

1. personal, personnel 11. invisible, indivisible

2. persecute, prosecute 12. conservation, conversation

3. diary, dairy 13. quantitative, qualitative

4. vacation, vocation 14. some, same

5. date, data 15. single, signal

6. proceed, precede 16. letter, latter, later

7. bond, band 17. future, further

8. except, expect 18. through, though, thorough

9. ingenious, ingenuous 19. very, vary

10. inter, intra 20. change, charge


Имена собственные

Упражнение 20. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на имена собственные и географические названия:

1.Eton College was founded by King Henry VI in 1440, when he was only eighteen.

2.Henry James is still read, discussed, admired.

3.Now Ceasar's position grew critical, as he was vulnerable to attack from the rear.

4.The silver Snake River cuts through hilly western Idaho.

5.A hundred paces from this fountainhead of the Danube lies the water-head of the Rhine, which ends its 820-mile course in the North Sea.

6.The Duke of Buckingham failed to induce Louis XIII and Richelieu to adopt his grandiose scheme to attack the Spanish Netherlands.



Passive Voice

Упражнение 21. Переведите следующие предложения:

Часть А

1. The Leningrad metro was being constructed when the Great Patriotic war broke up.

2. In Soviet times Tsiolkovsky’s ideas were recognized and he was given state support.

3. We were told about the sad state of art in Western Germany.

4. The lightness of hydrogen is made use of in the filling of balloons.

5. Safety and protection for the people working around the atomic reactor are provided by a mass of reinforced concrete, 8 feet thick.

6. Radio sets are provided for in all sea going vessels.

7. The discovery of radium was followed by a number of important inventions.

8. The current is measured with the amateur.

9. The expedition was given a very difficult task.

10. The balloon has been lost sight of.

11. This problem may be approached from different standpoints.

12. Spanish is spoken in South American.

13. His words were followed by a deep silence.

Часть B

1. The question of further development of agriculture was given much attention.

2. The trajectory of a projectile is affected to a large extent by air resistance.

3. We are taught that light is a form of energy.

4. A floating body is acted upon by two sets of forces.

5. This project must be given due consideration.

6. 65.4 parts of zinc and 2 parts of hydrogen are spoken of as chemically equivalent quantities.

7. No electric charges have ever been observed of smaller magnitude than the charges of proton or electron.

8. Atomic reactor is provided with a concrete shielding.

9. The Conference was attended by 150 delegates.

10. the speaker was listened to attentively.

11. The agreement was arrived at yesterday.

12. We were given an exceptionally warm welcome by Zulu students.

13. Have you been brought a newspaper?

14. Potatoes were brought to Europe by Columbus.

Упражнение 22. (Задание 1) Переведите следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на способы перевода сказуемого в Passive Voice.

1. System effectiveness is identified, evaluated, and established through tests and experiments which are performed during the planning, research, design, production, and support phases of a product’s life cycle.

2. No matter how well objectives are defined, how much planning is done, or how expert the personnel may be, unexpected problems will inevitably occur which threaten the success of the test or experiment.

3.Numerous classifications have been used.

4.The large disagreement between the various published data is discussed.

5.Some of the data obtained cannot be relied upon.

6.Old traditions cannot be easily done away with.

7.Newton’s laws of motion may be subjected to criticism.

8.The first discovery was followed by many others.

9.The problem was approached by many researchers.

10.The conference was attended by twenty seven astronomers.

11.The changes taking place are not easily accounted for.

12.A job is measured by two yardsticks – accomplishment and performance. Accomplishment is what is done; performance is how well it is done.

Упражнение 23 (Задание 2). Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя Passive Voice. Помните! Порядок слов английского и русского предложений часто не совпадают.

1.На эти данные часто ссылаются.

2.На этой дате будут настаивать.

3.Об этом ученом много говорили.

4.На качество этих приборов можно положиться.

5.За теорией последовали эксперименты.

6.О сроках договорились.

7.На скорость реакции влияет много факторов.

8.Из какого металла изготовлена эта деталь?

9.На заводе установили новое оборудование.

10.Этому инженеру предложили должность менеджера.

11.Нас пригласили принять участие в международной конференции.

12.Данное вещество уже определили.

13.Чистое серебро было получено во втором цикле эксперимента.

14.Отходы сжигаются, не входите в лабораторию!

15.Температура плавления еще не определена, и вещество все еще твердое.

16.Когда сотрудник вошел в лабораторию, он почувствовал какой-то запах, потому что два газа смешивались в этот момент.

Упражнение 24 (Задание 3). Найдите причастия в следующих предложениях; определите их формы и функции. Переведите.

1.The first source of continuous current constructed by Volta appeared in 1800.

2.Being widely used in industry electrical motors are used in every home.

3.Microprocessors were taking the electronics and control fields by storm.

4.When received, the messages now are electronically printed, mechanically enveloped, and then processed through the normal mail stream.

5.All electrical conductors dissipate heat when carrying current.

6.Having been tested the new apparatus was recommended for work in all the laboratories.

7.If heated, magnetized steel loses its magnetism.

8.The electric current passing through a wire will heat that wire.

9.There are many things to be taken into consideration when designing a space vehicle.

10.The substance affecting a magnetic field was metallic.

11.Having been warmed to zero ice began to melt.

Упражнение 25 (Задание 4). Определите, какими членами предложения являются слова, оканчивающиеся на -ed. Переведите предложения.

1.The temperature of the liquid obtained remained constant.

2.The method applied improved the quality of production.

3.The tools used showed good results.

4.The machine tool developed required some improvement.

5.The device tested demonstrated good performance.

6.The techniques applied increased the rate of production.

7.The progress achieved resulted in a remarkable technical improvement.

Упражнение 26 (I). Определите функцию формы с окончанием –ing и переведите следующие предложения:

1. The molecules of a gas are moving about freely.

2. Knowing the volume, the pressure, and the temperature of the gas, we can determine the state of its mass.

3. At the beginning of the century scientists succeeded in breaking the nucleus of the atom by attacking it with tiny particles flying with a great speed.

4. Being taken in proper proportion hydrogen and oxygen combine forming water.

5. The ammeter is a measuring device.

6. The forces acting between atoms within a molecule are very strong.

7. When speaking of water, we must remember that it is composed of tiny particles – its molecules.

8. Having been detained by a snow storm, the liner was three days late.

9. I was told of their having been sent to the rescue operation.

10. He had good hopes of being sent to fulfilling this mission, and therefore, before returning home he spent some hours in preparing the plane for flight, trying it again and again.

Упражнение 27 (II). Переведите текст, выделите в тексте случаи употребления пассивной формы и дайте возможные варианты перевода:


It has been proved that all coals had their origin in the vegetable matter of prehistoric forests. The woody fiber and other vegetable matter were transformed into peat by fermentation due to bacteria. During this process, a great part of the oxygen and hydrogen was eliminated, while the amount of carbon remained practically the same. Subsequently the peaty matter was changed into coal by a process of destructive distillation, which had been caused by great pressure and high temperature. The differences in types of coal can be easily explained by different conditions during this process of evolution. Among these variable conditions by which the formation of coal had been affected the following may be mentioned: time, depth of the bed below the surface of the earth, and amount of disturbance of the bed due to movements of the earth.

Foreign matter was introduced during this movement of the earth. Coal is composed of the following principal elements: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulphur. However, these are not present solely in their elementary state, but also in various combinations, principally moisture and volatile matter. Consequently, coal is classified into various types according to its constituents; some of these types will be mentioned below.

Peat is an intermediate condition between wood and coal. It is often used as fuel in the Temperate Zone, where it is found in large quantities in the swampy regions. It is commonly cut into blocks and dried in the air.

Bituminous coal is the name which is usually given to coal containing more than 20 per cent volatile matter. Bituminous coal is not susceptible to spontaneous combustion, although care must be exercised in its storage. Since there is a wide range of variation in the characteristics of the bituminous coals, they have been divided commercially into the following classes: coking, cannel, and non-coking. Coking coal, upon being burned gives off considerable gas and tends to fuse together in a pasty mass (coke). Cannel coal has a high percentage of volatile hydrocarbons, ignites easily and is so valuable as a gas-producing coal that it is rarely burned to produce steam.

Non-coking coal does not coke upon being burned and is very extensively used as a fuel to produce steam.



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