Составное модальное глагольное сказуемое с Perfect Infinitive 

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Составное модальное глагольное сказуемое с Perfect Infinitive

В сочетании с перфектным инфинитивом модальные гла­голы:

could, should, might, ought выражают действие, кото­рое могло бы произойти, но не произошло, а также выража­ют отсутствие надобности совершать действие и сожале­ние по поводу его совершения;

must выражает предположение, относящееся к прошед­шему времени, и переводится «должно быть, вероятно»;

may выражает предположение и переводится «должно быть, вероятно»;

can, could в отрицательной форме выражают сомнение, удивление по поводу того, что действие, выраженное инфи­нитивом, в действительности совершилось.



1. Вам не следовало бы высту- пать против этого предложе- ния. 2. Нам надо было заброниро- вать места заранее(несколь- 1. You should not have opposed that proposal. 2. We ought to have booked seats several days ahead.
ко дней тому назад). 3. Правительству следовало бы пересмотреть эту про- блему. 4. Вам следовало (бы) отло- жить свою поездку. 5. Эти данные, вероятно, были обработаны с помощью цифровых компьютеров. 3. The Government ought to have reconsidered the problem. 4. You ought to have postponed your trip. 5. These data must have been processed bv the dieital computers.

6.Компьютер, возможно, вы­дал правильные результаты, хотя условия в лаборатории были неподходящими.

7.Не может быть, чтобы он пропустил такую серьез­ную ошибку.


6.The computer may have yielded correct results though the conditions in the laboratory were not suitable.

7.He could not have overlooked such a serious mistake.



Упр. 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The Internet may have cost investors a fortune.

2. They must have been about twenty-one but they looked younger.

3. These words may have reassured him.

4. Something must have happened.

5. These people are usually not experts in the work of the agency they head though they may have served in government before.

6. You may have seen his statement on television.

7. The pilots might have survived.

8. Two deputies are dozing. They must have been making laws all night.

9. They may have been criminals dressed as police.

10.They must have forgotten their promise.

11.The case must have been damaged during transportation.

12.He ought not to have sent that telegram.

13.He should have faced the death penalty for the murder.

14.Brazil is a country whose inhabitants may have long felt free than those in neighbouring Chile.

15.Workers may have been divided in their opinions about the union.

16.I could have come to terms with any death - but not his. (to come to terms with smth — смириться с чем-либо)

17.I should have done this years ago.

18.There's nothing else in the bag. You must have put the keys somewhere else.

19.From the user's standpoint, however, failure of the machine could have been due to one of several reasons.

20.The last time this must have happened was about 13 million years ago.

21.You may have noticed that the computer age is with us.

22.The journalists could not help feeling there must have been something at the back of it all.

23.He must have missed the train and will probably come by the next one.

24.Her alarm-clock must have failed to go off and she overslept.

25.We must have taken a wrong turn.

26.Joan must have failed in her exam. She looks quite upset.

27.You must have been so tired yesterday, you worked the whole day.

28.I can't find my things, someone must have taken them.

29.You should have had repaired your radio-set long ago.

30.He may have arrived already, let's go and find out.

31.The United States should have pulled out of Vietnam in 1963. The war, in which 3 million Vietnamese soldiers and civilians and 58,000 US troops were killed, dragged on until 1975.

32.The upheavals may have been engineered by a small group of well-organized and thoroughly indoctrinated agitators.

33.From the time you apply to the time you receive a certificate, two years or more may have elapsed.

34.These production capacities should not have been shut down without ensuring alternative production.


Упр. 2. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Они, возможно, не подходили для этой работы, (to be up to the job)

2. Они, возможно, не сумели ясно выразить те цели, за которые они боролись, (to articulate)

3. Этот памятник, должно быть, выглядел почти также 50 лет тому назад, (to look the same)

4. He может быть, что вы прочитали эти книги за три дня. (to read)

5. Им не следовало бы заключать этот договор.



Переведите предложения и укажите, чем являются глагол "to be" или "to have":

а) смысловым

б) вспомогательным

в) модальным

г) глаголом-связкой

д) частью фразеологического сочетания
to have

1. Peru and Mexico over recent years have had outstanding records in terms of economic growth.

2. The company has its own forging and casting facilities.

3. The Japanese have much to offer in the management of human systems.

4. One assumes that if one has the genetic endowment for creativity, it will express itself no matter what obstacles there are.

5. Americans will have to make deep changes in perspective.

6. Concern about environment, concern about safety and health have greatly increased the direct impact of the public on business activities.

7. Over the decade or so there has been a tremendous upsurge of interest in marketing.

8. Since 1960 this agency has been developing sophisticated computer techniques.

9. It is clear that the UK is going to have to face up to two major challenges within the next decade - new technologies and growing industrialisation in the Third World.

10.He had dual Russian and Israel nationality and could easily evade justice.

11.The works councils have an equal say with management.

12. Rumor has it that he had plans to sell out his share in this company.

13.The fact the car companies are having to use other routes is having a major effect on us.

14.These companies had the most to lose.

15.They have to have expertise in what they do.

16. We're going to have to compete in the world markets against countries such as China and Korea.

to be

17.These industries are moving into the early stages of recovery from recession.

18.The real problem is to ensure that no banks indulge in bad banking practices.

19.These machines are to replace the old equipment of our shop.

20.The museum is well worth a visit.

21.Sound management skills are becoming a basic necessity.

22.France's steel monopolies are using the same tactics as their US and British counterparts.

23.By far the weakest aspect of US productivity is in the white-collar workforce, i.e. management.

24.Mobil Corporation is the third largest US industrial corporation in terms of assets behind Exxon and General Motors.

25.The performance of each leader was to be measured only by the results achieved.

26.The primary goal in implementing the change is to minimize risk.

27.She was asked her opinions on the Equal Rights Amendment.

28.The office block was not far from the metro station.

29.Shanghai has been a good place to be because it is where foreign financial service companies are planning expansion.

30.New product and product improvement planning, for example, are continuing processes requiring organized efforts.

31.The intended benefit of organizational restructuring, such as downsizing, is increased efficiency.

32.These schemes are to be found the world over.

33.The discrimination that exists against non-IBM programmers is not in anyone's interest.

34.One reason why only 2 per cent of the population has been to one of UK's 119 casinos is because they do not know what they are like.

35.Their biggest mistake was being too greedy.

36.His forecasts are out of line with most economists.

ПРИЧАСТИЕ I (неличная форма глагола)

В английском языке имеются три неличные формы гла­гола: причастие, инфинитив и герундий.

Неличные формы глагола не изменяются по лицам и не употребляются самостоятельно в роли сказуемого. Поми­мо глагольных свойств, неличные формы глагола обладают признаками других частей речи, в частности, имеют неко­торые именные свойства.

Причастие - неличная форма глагола, обладающая свой­ствами глагола, прилагательного и наречия.

В английском языке различают причастие I (Participle I) и причастие II (Participle И).

Формы I и II причастия


Форма Passive Active
Present being sent sending
Past sent  
Perfect having been sent having sent


Причастие I

Причастие I имеет ряд глагольных свойств: формы зало­га и относительного времени, может иметь прямое дополне­ние и определяться наречием.

Временные формы причастия не выражают абсолютно­го времени. Они выражают лишь относительное время, то есть одновременность или предшествование по отношению к другому действию, выраженному глаголом-сказуемым.

Неперфектная форма причастия I обозначает действие, одновременное с действием глагола-сказуемого, независи­мо от времени последнего.

Перфектная форма причастия I обозначает действие, предшествующее действию глагола-сказуемого.

Причастию свойственны также некоторые черты прила­гательного и наречия. Оно может выступать в роли тех же членов предложения, что и прилагательное и наречие: яв­ляться определением, именной частью сказуемого и обсто­ятельством.

Синтаксические функции причастия I

Причастие может выступать в предложении как:

1. Определение (все формы, кроме перфектных форм
причастия I):

• The list of developments surrounding the space programme is enormous.

2. Часть сказуемого:

• They went on arguing.

3. Обстоятельство времени, причины, образа действия,
сопутствующее и др., причем часто в сочетании с союзами
when, while, if, although:

Being in London, I could not help them. (As I was in London)

•When reading the article, I made some notes.


Упр. 1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на фун­кции и формы причастия I.

1. This author published books and articles and delivered speeches arguing segregation and discrimination.

2. Arriving at the airport the heads of Government usually make a short statement.

3. Sitting at his console, the operator can keep track of what's happening and take immediate corrective action.

4. Coming back to the Earth after the first flights the cosmonauts were unable to leave the recovery cabin on their own.

5. Space exploration is rocketing ahead becoming less exotic and more immediately useful to us.

6. A person can travel by car through any country in Europe knowing international road signs.

7. He left London for Paris promising to return the following year.

8. The delegate addressing the conference arrived yesterday.

9. The delegation arriving to-morrow is headed by Foreign Minister.

10. While (though) opposing the white minority regime the British Government does not impose any sanctions.

11. Knowing about harmful affect of radioactive substances we urge to ban nuclear tests.

12. Not being good at mathematics he asked his friends to help him.

13.The questions being discussed here are of great importance.

14. Being made too late the proposal was not dealt with.

15. Having lived in London long he speaks English well.

16. Having signed the treaty the heads of Government left the city.

17. Having been discussed for 7 hours the fivepoint declaration was approved.

18.The early printed books are very rare having been published 500 years ago.

19. Having been defeated the Premier was obliged to resign.

20.Most of soils of the Columbia Plateau is very fertile having been formed originally from lava.

21. When seeking supervisors and managers most Iowa manufacturers prefer to promote from within their own organizations.

22.Hitler always claimed to be "for peace", justifying his annexations either by the principle of self-determination or by that of historical rights.

23.452 teachers struck Tuesday affecting 7,300 students.

24.The Finance Minister paid close attention to unprofitability in the economy revealing that about 24,000 enterprises operate at a loss.

25.A similar plant having three times this capacity is already on the drawing board.

26. Referring to the 17 million children that die of starvation each year while billions are spent on arms he said, "Something has become dead in us to allow this gross injustice in the world."

27. Having been subjected to all the necessary tests the machine was accepted to serial production.

28. Judging by the reports the main contradictions were grouped around the problem of East-West relations.

29. Fearing foreign competition Australia has for years been concerned more with creating jobs than encouraging industrial efficiency.

30.It is assumed that each individual is a rational being acting in his own self-interest.

31.Much space and comment in the journal was devoted to views currently being bandied about on the subject.

32.A planning department must have close and immediate involvement in the work being performed.

33.The major need not being met today is the need for a common international approach to the regulation of international civil aviation service.

34.The decision being considered is that of investment in a large industrial project.

35.The B. Steel Corporation has announced plans to shut down the tool steel division throwing 300 workers onto the employment lines.

36.Many of the building being built have shorter lives than are necessary and do not function as well as they should.

37.Warm weather put consumers out of the shopping mood in October leaving the nation's biggest retailers with generally disappointing sales figures.

38.The future depends on the choices being exercised now.

39.An increase of productivity by 25 per cent has been experienced using this method.

40.Several studies have been conducted providing some insight into this problem.

41.Many a person takes a promotion by his company requiring a move to another community.

42.15 people in Colorado Springs at the national test facility were arrested protesting military programs at this site.

43.Businessmen act as organizers of production seeing profit not as exploitation but as just a return for services rendered.

44. Having revolted against the king of England the Founders certainly didn't want to create their own king.

45.Presidents who cannot communicate effectively have difficulty exercising leadership.

46.Top staff members gather information and provide advice about key issues facing the President.

47.US Congress often uses vague language in framing its laws leaving it to others to interpret how a law fits a given situation.

48. Being adopted in the field of foreign trade relations these decisions are of great importance for our economy as a whole.

49.He spent the last forty years of his life travelling around the country.

50.A new book has been published giving practical guidance to employers.

51. Having exhausted internal sources researchers now turn their attention to sources outside the company.

52.Work on standards being done in the UK is not separated from that being done elsewhere.

53.The increasing integration of the world economy means that international boundaries become more porous.

54.Computers are taking over a lot of control tasks.

55.Meanwhile, inflation is already trending upward.

56.The firm is trimming its Paris staff by 270.

57.Phillips Petroleum is making 75 office staff redundant.

58.The environment of the United Kingdom is basically good and has been getting steadily better.

59.For 25 years design engineers have been updating their skills and knowledge at this University.

60. Although being able to answer the "what if type of question, this system suffered from having no interface with other Divisional systems.

61.Oil companies, having been forced by low profits to tighten their belts, have also been quite happy to concentrate on boosting profits rather than production volumes.


Упр. 2. Переведите предложения на английский язык. Ис­пользуйте при переводе соответствующие формы Participle I.

Исходная форма глагола для образования Participle I дана в скобках в конце предложения.

1. Компания столкнулась с проблемами, пытаясь найти ин­женеров с опытом работы на компьютере, (to find)

2. Такие решения, возможно, связаны с (refer to) изменени­ем в выполняемых видах деятельности, (to be performed)

3. Многие специалисты рассматривают сегодня Mr. Leaver как одного из «отцов» автоматизации. Прожи­вая в настоящее время в Торонто, он выражает согла­сие с тем, что фабрики-автоматы - это неизбежность, (to live)

4. Холодная война была войной слов и идеологий, а не вой­ной, на которой стреляют, (to shoot)

5. Mr. W. был министром обороны с 2000 по 2003 годы, а до того он был военным летчиком (fighter pilot), (to have been)

6. Поправив дела в экономической области, я бы хотел про­должить начатое в социальной сфере, (to have got sth right)

7. Более половины времени было потрачено на (to spend) обсуждение неспособности Европы создавать рабочие места, (to discuss)

8. В новом исследовании, охватывающем почти 70-летний период времени, выдвигается предположение, что, при всех прочих равных условиях (all else being equal), уче­ные живут дольше, чем люди, не занимающиеся наукой (non-scientists), (to span)

9. Информация, исходящая от российских властей, была скудной и противоречивой, (to flow)

10.Он не волновался (to be comfortable), делегируя полно­мочия надёжным (trusted) советникам, (to delegate)

11. Скопив (с трудом) несколько сотен долларов, он купил себе компьютер, (scrape together)

12.Бывший кандидат в президенты удрал (skipped - амер. разг.) из своей страны, спасаясь от обвинений в растра­те (embezzlement charge), (to flee)

13.Министры отмечают продолжающееся общее оздоров­ление экономики (general recovery), последовавшее за недавним финансовым кризисом, (to follow)

14.Эти люди имеют растущие доходы и дефицит времени, (rise)

15.Он тайно сделал фотокопии документов, содержащих эти детали, (to hold)

16. Увидев рекламное объявление в Daily Telegraph, он по­дал заявление на вакантное место и был принят, (to have spotted)

17.Установить новые взаимоотношения с другими людьми - это одна из первостепенных задач при перемене места работы, (to change)

18. Проделав этот путь многократно, мы знали, как вернуться назад в этот город, (to have done the journey)

19. Прояснив все эти моменты, я перейду к основным воп­росам, (to have cleared sth up)

20. Хотя я сам прошел весь основной курс практического обучения, мне заявляют, что все сейчас изменилось, и мой опыт работы, в результате, не имеет никакой ценно­сти (worthless), (to have been through)

21.Транснациональные компании, начав ловко управлять сво­ими конкурентами из стран третьего мира и защитив свои

внутренние рынки, получают возросшие прибыли, (to have shafted, protected) (to shaft - управлять (баржей и т.п. при помощи длинного шеста)


Упр. 3. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Обрати­те внимание на наличие в них оборотов с Participle I в функ­ции сложного дополнения.

1. I don't see any steel companies doing well.

2. Public opinion polls continue to show him receiving high marks for his job performance.

3. It is hard to see him handing over command of something he values so highly to an organization not under his control.

4. For the first time in years, they find more prices rising than falling.

5. I am sorry to see the efforts made by the German people being undone by a very small criminal minority.

6. Some February reports show consumer spending rebounding a bit.

7. Last week's preliminary estimate of the growth in the third quarter showed the economy growing by 2.3 per cent.

8. The open-door policy in China has seen the country bringing in a large volume of foreign ideas and technology, including audit and accounting practices.

9. Soon they were photographing him shopping at his local supermarket.

10.Film shot by them shows them spraying water cannons over the crowd.

11.It is not at all unusual to find junior production managers going to all sorts of lengths to get what they want from other departments.

12.They see some of the tourists being enticed to spend more money in the city.

13.They saw her learning fast, communicating well with clients.

14.Until Russia can reverse this trend, it is difficult to see it achieving actual economic growth.

15.Once you have been able to see the other's point of view you will find the emotion going out of the discussion and the differences being reduced.

16.Sao Paulo consultancy sees price increases falling within the central bank's 2003 target of 8%.


17.It is hard to see Russia's central bank acting differently.

18.I'll go to see you off because I want to watch your plane taking off.



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