Составное модальное глагольное сказуемое 

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Составное модальное глагольное сказуемое


Упр. 1. Переведите предложения, сказуемое которых со­стоит из модального глагола (или его эквивалента) и инфи­нитива в активном залоге. Задайте один общий вопрос и несколько специальных вопросов к каждому предложению.

1. The decision to purchase a certain type of equipment must stand the test of time.

2. Adequate information relative to the problem under study must be available.

3. A manager nowadays must gather considerable evidence in support of firing someone.

4. After 1990 other fuels must pick up an increasing share of the energy load from petroleum.

5. Clearly if this decline is not to continue some powerful forces will have to intervene to reverse the trend.

6. Top management will now have to spend an increasingly greater proportion of its time on people rather than machines, methods or money.

7. The French government is obliged to use these new terms.

8. These overseas visits may need to be frequent and lengthy.

9. The upper echelons of companies simply won't turn over as rapidly as in the past and younger aspirants (претенденты) will have to wait longer for promotions.

10.Manufacturers have to continually keep pace with the changing requirements.

11.Every country that wants to industrialize has to have steel.

12.Bank shares probably have further to fall.

13.So we have to have massive retraining programs about computers for present teachers.

14.Automatic factories don't have to be extremely large.

15.When oil shipments from the Middle East ended American motorists had to wait in long lines to purchase gasoline.

16.It was not enough to just make the product; they also had to sell it and get paid for it.

17.Nearly 1,000 workers are to lose their jobs in a series of redundancies announced yesterday.

18.If an engineering organization is to prosper it must be ensured that its products fulfil a number of requirements.

19.This scheme is not to be in full operation till a year from now.

20.The company is to give details of its invention at an international conference.

21.A total of 20 colleges of education are to be closed over the next four years.

22.All the constitutional freedoms are to be granted to all Americans.

23.Back in the past Western historians continually argued about who was to blame for the outbreak of the Cold War.

24.All the new teachers coining out of universities should know something about computers.

25.Everyone that is involved should already be aware of the problem and the solution and should know what their contribution is to be.

26.The applicant should avoid vague, general or misleading language.

27.They favour the idea that the government should "take over and run the oil companies".

28.An employee should know his salary range and whether his pay is competitive with others at his level in the community.

29.The content of education should correspond to the nation's actual needs.

30.The ultimate aim of automation should not be to eliminate jobs but to improve the quality of life.

31.In all that people can individually do for themselves, government ought not to interfere. (A. Lincoln)

32.Workers under mental strain and confusion of excessive noise are not as alert and quick-thinking as they ought to be.

33.A teacher ought to have more free time to become a better professional.

34.It is improvident to purchase new machines when you cannot make full use of those which you already have.



35.You can't have improvement without invention.

36.An organization cannot survive long without an appropriate degree of loyalty or commitment from its employees.

37.Humanized surroundings for employees can produce better workers.

38.He is able to command respect from his co-workers by virtue of both technical and administrative ability.

39.Scientists have not been able to make a detailed examination of the environmental damage.

40.Able graduates, because of inherent academic ability and personal flair, will always be able to adapt quickly to new environments.

41.In any group some members may try to take unfair advantage of others.

42.A mistake made in selecting a project may not be detectable for several years after a great deal of money, time and effort have been expended on it.

43.Some of those views may be of some value to others.

44.If the market becomes too saturated demand may drop off.

45.There are literally hundreds of foreign-policy experts whom the President may consult before making a decision.

46.Companies as well as entire industries were allowed to pollute and pass costs on to a largely unknowing public often across national boundaries without regard to the long-term consequences.

47.The world changes and we have to change with it.

48.Hundreds of factories making machines and equipment are to change over to consumer goods production next year.

49.Aggressive marketing is the only way to succeed if we are to avoid being swept out of world markets.

50.It is my job to handle the human relations problems of salaried employees that they themselves haven't been able to cope with.


Упр. 2. Переведите предложения, сказуемое которых состо­ит из модального глагола (или его эквивалента) и простого ин­финитива в пассивном залоге. Задайте один общий вопрос и несколько специальных вопросов к каждому предложению.

1. Such measures should be given highest priority.

2. The embargo on trade with these countries must be lifted.

3. The news media have needs of their own which must be met.

4. The population must level off and then be brought down to some bearable level.

5. Every task should be done by the most junior person who can handle it competently.

6. Mr. B. feels that salary ranges shouldn't be made general knowledge.

7. Is there any work that should be done for itself without thought of reward?

8. Visitors should not be shown around the plant.

9. These recommendations should be acted upon with the minimum of delay.

10.The people will have to be prepared to work in a world of rapid evolution.

11.The consequences of the decisions have to be lived with.

12.Effective planning must begin with a series of objectives that are to be achieved by carrying out plans.

13.The instructors themselves may need to be retrained.

14.The economy could no longer be encapsulated within a private-enterprise, profit-maximizing model.

15.A country of over 230 million people cannot be governed by the same number of officials who ran a country of 50 million people.

16.The mid-manager would decide who could be relied on to do independent, creative work.

17.Scarcely any information can be conveyed to an audience that sees no reason to be interested in it.

18.The flow of capital into or out of any given country can be thought of.

19.The prime minister's popularity - if the polls are to be believed - is soaring.

20.It is clear the scandal may not be confined to Italy's borders.

21.All activities have to be geared to the plan.


Упр. 3. Переведите предложения, содержащие два модаль­ных глагола.

1. The role of the process can't be allowed to be underestimated.

2. The public should not have to pay to solve problems created by runaway corporations and the military-industrial complex.

3. But she might have to change vacations plans.

4. Management should not have to fear being trapped by unforeseen developments.

5. The project team should be able to give "yes" answers to two key questions.

6. I believe that we ought to be able to reach an agreement.

7. That he should have to suffer for his beliefs is an ugly commonplace of totalitarian societies.

8. The recruiter may have to speak to a number of students who do not fit the profile of the company.

9. An individual may be able to influence people because he is in a position to reward them if they comply with the directives.

10.Production engineers should be able to share directly in the savings they make possible.

11.Successful leaders must be able to communicate their ideas effectively.

12.Both large and small firms may have to adjust to the new circumstances if they are to survive.

13.Company officials must be able to articulate these goals in a simple form to potential investors.

14.Some people believe that public assistance violates what they consider as an American principle that a person should have to work for any money that he or she receives.

15.Additional properties of the plastics may also have to be take into consideration.

16.The workers must be allowed to choose the form of organization that expresses their views.

17.They shouldn't have to wait for upper management to bring information to them.

18.People in the company have to be able to find information easily.

19.Some analysts wonder whether Mr. S. may have to sell one of his television networks.

20.Many medium and small-size companies may not, however, usually be able to match the financial and management resources of their larger competitors.

21.Your workers must be able to adapt to such a system.

Упр. 4. Переведите предложения на английский язык. Ис­пользуйте при переводе соответствующие модальные гла­голы или их эквиваленты.

Слово, которое станет подлежащим в английском предложении, и инфинитивная форма глагола для обра­зования сказуемого даны в скобках в конце предложения.

1. Значительное давление может быть оказано семьей и друзьями на молодого человека, выбирающего профес­сию, (pressure; to be brought on sb)

2. Разумный баланс может соблюдаться между традици­онными ценностями нашего общества и потребностями будущего, (balance; to be struck)

3. Эту систему можно легко применить к другому банку, (system; to be applied to)

4. Ему нельзя поручать проводить точные /скрупулезные (rigorous) исследования. = На него нельзя положиться, когда речь идет о тщательных исследованиях, (he; to be relied on)

5. Экономические законы не могут быть вечными и непре­ложными (immutable), (laws; to be eternal)

6. Существуют некоторые решения, принятие которых ру­ководитель не может делегировать никому другому; он должен принимать их самостоятельно, (the top man; to delegate to), (he; to make)

7. Вам совсем необязательно быть портным, чтобы отли­чить (to recognize) хороший костюм, (you; to be a tailor)

8. Приблизительно 30-40 процентов технологий необходи­мо будет ввозить с Запада, (about 30 to 40 per cent; to be imported)

9. Приходится утверждать, что эта компания лучше рабо­тает на словах, чем на деле, (it; to be said), (this company; to work better)

10.Проектировщику придётся все время выбирать между надежностью этой установки (plant) и затратами (на нее), (the design engineer; to perform a balancing act)

И. Эти исследования необходимо было держать в секрете.

(these studies; to be kept confidential) 12. Вам не нужно быть обеспеченным человеком, чтобы

попасть в Bryant College, (you; to be wealthy). Но вы мог­ли бы (might) им стать по его окончании (after you get out), (you; to be)

13.Хороший президент должен знать, когда наступает мо­мент для осуществления новой политики, (a successful president; to know), (the time; to be right)

14.Неправильно информированные работники могут распро-странять ошибочную информацию, (misinformed employees; to spread)

15.Некоторые люди могут не согласиться с этим утверж­дением, (some; to disagree with)

16.Пожары могут способствовать глобальному парниково­му эффекту, (the fires; to contribute to)

17.Политику компании в сфере техники безопасности сле­дует изложить в письменном виде, (the safety policies; to be laid down)

18. He следует ничего откладывать на потом, (nothing; to be left to a later date)

19.He следует недооценивать имеющиеся проблемы, (the problems; to be underestimated)

20.Когда ученого продвигают на должность менеджера, он вынужден принимать несколько трудных решений, (а scientist; to be promoted), (he; to make decision). Ему при­дется отказаться от части своей научной деятельности ради административной, (he; to relinquish)

21.Технические изменения можно вносить в компьютер, как только они будут одобрены, (engineering changes; to be entered into), (they; to be approved)

22.He все случайности можно предусмотреть, (eventualities; to be provided against)

23.С целью уменьшения затрат может потребоваться раз­деление работ на более мелкие специализированные эле­менты, (separation of jobs into; to be called for)

24.Другим факторам возможно не уделяют столько вни­мания, сколько следует, (other factors; to be given consideration)

25.Обязанности можно делегировать, но они должны под­крепляться/сочетаться с полномочиями, (responsibility; to be delegated; to be matched)

26.Технолог-профессионал должен осознать, что редко ког­да проблема имеет одно единственное правильное ре­шение. (the professional technologist; to come to realize), (there is seldom) 27. В долг следует брать только ту сумму, которую вы без всяких проблем (спокойно) можете отдать, (you; to borrow), (you; to afford to repay)



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