Настоящее длительное время (Present Continuous) 

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Настоящее длительное время (Present Continuous)

Настоящее длительное время обозначает следующее.

1. Действие, совершающееся в данный момент.

Примеры: - Please don’t make noise. I’ m studying. – Пожалуйста, не шуми. Я занимаюсь.

- Where is Margaret? – She’ s working in the lab. – Она работает в лаборатории.

2. Действие, совершающееся в данный отрезок жизни говорящего.

Примеры: Tom and Ann are talking and drinking coffee. Tom says: “I’ m reading an interesting book at the moment.” – Том и Энн беседуют за чашкой кофе. Том говорит: «Я сейчас читаю интересную книгу».

Do you know that Tom is building his own house? – Ты знаешь, что Том строит собственный дом?

3. Будущее запланированное действие.

Примеры: - Are you doing anything special tonight? – Ты сегодня вечером делаешь что-нибудь особенное?

4. Меняющуюся ситуацию.

Примеры: The population of the world is rising very fast. – Население мира быстро растет.

Is your English getting better? - Твой английский улучшается?

Образование настоящего длительного времени: to be + Ving

I am (I’m)

he / she / it is (he’s etc.) doing

we / they / you are (we’re etc.)

(Wh-) am I (is he / she / it; are we / they / you) doing? Why are you smiling?

I am not (I’m not)

he / she / it is not (isn’t) doing

we / they / you are not (aren’t)



I. Замените инфинитив соответствующей формой глагола в настоящем длительном времени. Мотивируйте употребление времени.

1. He (not / work), he (watch) the TV programme.

2. The prosecutor (finish) his speech.

3. It (rain)?

4. The delegation (leave) Moscow tomorrow.

5. Somebody (talk) in the next room.

6. Who (make) such a noise?

7. What you (read) now? I (read) stories by S.Maugham [mɔ:m].

8. Why you (speak) so fast? You (make) a lot of mistakes.

9. Why you (not / hurry)? I (wait) for you.


II. Закончите предложения, используя следующие глаголы: get, become, change, rise, improve, fall, increase.

Model: The population of the world is rising very fast.

1. The number of jobless people …at the moment.

2. He is still ill but be … better slowly.

3. These days food … more and more expensive.

4. The world …. Things never stay the same.

5. The economic situation is already very bad and it … worse.

6. His English …. He spends much time on it.


III. Восстановите диалог, используя глаголы в скобках в настоящем длительном времени.

Brian and Steve meet in a restaurant:

Brian: Hello, Steve. I haven’t seen you for ages. What (you / do) these days?

Steve: I (train) to be a shop manager.

Brian: Really? (you enjoy) it?

Steve: Yes, it’s quite interesting. How about you?

Brian: Well, I (not / work) at the moment, but I’m very busy. I (build) a house.

Steve: Really? (You / do) it alone?

Brian: No, some friends of mine (help) me.


IV. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в скобках в нужном времени (Present Simple or Present Continuous?).

1. My elder sister (to have) a music lesson. She always (to have) a music lesson on Friday.

2. Who (to sing) in the next room?

3. Father (to read) a newspaper. He usually (to read) something before going to bed.

4. It often (to rain) in autumn.

5. Don’t go out, it (to rain) cats and dogs.

6. Why you (to smile)?

7. You usually (to go) through the park? – Not usually. It’s only today that I (to go) here.

8. They still (to discuss) the report.


Запомните! Следующие глаголы не употребляются в длительном времени.

want – хотеть need – нуждаться prefer – предпочитать like – нравиться love – любить remember - помнить hate – ненавидеть belong – принадлежать see – видеть hear – слышать know – знать forget - забыть mean – означать understand – понимать realise – осознавать believe – верить suppose – полагать seem – казаться


Составьте предложения с этими глаголами.


V. Исправьте ошибки в следующих предложениях, если требуется.

1. Look! Somebody is dancing there.

2. Are you believing in UFO?

3. I’m usually going to work by car.

4. Look! That man tries to open the door of your car.

5. Is this money belonging to you?

6. The government is worried because the number of people without jobs is increasing.

7. What are you doing tomorrow?

8. What do you do? – I’m a student.


VI. Present Simple or Present Continuous? Раскройте скобки. Повторите правила образования вопросительных и отрицательных предложений.

1. Please don’t make so much noise. I (study).

2. How many languages (Tom / speak)?

3. This machine (not / work). It is broken.

4. I (not / belong) to any political party.

5. Hurry! The bus (come). I (not / want) to miss it.

6. (it / ever / snow) in India?

7. – Can you drive? – No, but I (learn). My father (teach) me.

8. You can take my umbrella. I (not / need) it now.

9. I usually (enjoy) parties, but I (not / enjoy) this one very much.

10. George says he’s 80 years old but I (not / believe) him.




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