Subgrade construction in swamps 

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Subgrade construction in swamps

According to «Construction Specifications for Access Roads» [1, c.6] «good construction practices involving swamp treatment include: deep swamp should be avoided; select a crossing location where there is a well developed root mat supporting tree growth; Construction through a swamp area is preferable during the winter; heavier equipment can cross without being bogged down or disturbing the root mat; and, construction can proceed beyond the swamp without having to wait for the completion of treatment; the most common swamp treatment involves floating the material on the natural root mat; if possible, limit fill depth over swamps to 1.3 m.; If the placement of fill on the natural mat is not practical, use reinforcing materials such as geotextiles or log corduroy; enough culverts should be provided to ensure that the surface water is equalized on both sides of the road. The culverts should be located where the organic deposit thickness is the least (less settlement)».

Designation of swamps and the axis runs on the plan.

Picture 1 - Swamps and the axis runs on the plan.


Selecting the construction of the subgrade in the swamp adopted on the basis of technical and economic comparison of the two options:

1) With the removal of muds.

2) With use of weak thickness as the basis.

The technology of construction dirt fill in the swamp is divided into six types:

1) The dirt fill on the swamps of the first type with the full removal of muds.

2) The dirt fill on the swamps of the first type with longitudinal slits.

3) The dirt fill on the swamps of the first type with vertical absorbing wells.

4) The dirt fill on the swamps of the first and second types with the partial removal of muds.

5) The dirt fill on the swamps of the first and second types without.

6) The dirt fill on the swamps of the second and third types with immersion on a mineral bottom.

Erection of the dirt fill with the full or partial of muds:

1) Preparation in the winter with use of ordinary construction machines. The main features of the winter excavation are negative temperature, presence of snow and ice.

2) Removing of peat by bulldozer or excavator.

3) In the summer removal of peat isn't made. The construction sinks machines.

4) Peat store in the heaps and remove or later use for strengthening slopes of dirt fill.

5) The trench is filled with soil.

6) Layerwise compaction by road-rollers.

The main features of the winter excavation are negative temperature, presence of snow and ice.

A few years after drainage, all inherent in the swamp, vegetation dies, and on the site of the former marshes formed wasteland. Peat very quickly triggered (by 2 - 3 to 10 - 12 cm per year).

Draining wetlands violates the power of small rivers flowing from the swamps, which are in turn larger sources. As a result of continuous drainage of wetlands, many of them simply disappeared.

After draining the marshes, the forest dries out, the diversity of its flora and fauna is significantly reduced.

Научный руководитель – Т.Г. Галкина, к. филологич. наук, доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки» СибАДИ, Омск.

Библиографический список

1. Novascotia: Transportation and transport works. Appendix E. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS FOR ACCESS ROADS. At

2. SNIP 2.05.02-85 *. Automobile roads. - M.: SUE LAC, 2007.

3. Tupitcin NM Design of the subgrade of roads on soft soils (Construction and settlement mounds in the marshes), Omsk: SibADI, 1982.

4. Petrashkevich YI Road - Climate normative, 1987.


УДК 625.72

студент Попкова А.В.

Сибирская государственная автомобильно-дорожная академия, Омск

Abstract. This article focuses on road interchanges with continuous movement on both roads. We consider six types of the interchange schemes.


Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются шесть типов транспортных развязок, предназначенных для дорог с непрерывным транспортным потоком. Обсуждаются достоинства и недостатки данных типов развязок

Key words: highways; traffic interchange; traffic; bandwidth; road safety; traffic organization.


Ключевые слова: транспортная развязка; транспортные потоки; пропускная способность дороги; дорожная безопасность; организация транспорта


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