Согласные буквы, имеющие два чтения 

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Согласные буквы, имеющие два чтения

Буква c [sı] перед e, i, y читается [s]:

ice [aıs] лед

city ['sıtı] город


В остальных случаях буква c [si:] читается [k]:

cat [kæt] кошка

cup [k л p] чашка

disc [dısk] диск

cycle [saıkl] цикл


Буква g [d3i:] перед e, i, y читается [d3]:

large [lα:d3] большой

Примечание: Имеется некоторое количество слов, читающихся не по правилу, например:get [get]; give [gıv]; begin [bı'gın] и др.  
page [paıd3] страница

gipsy ['d3ıpsı] цыган

В остальных случаях буква g [d3i:] читается [g]:

big [bıg] большой

green [gri:n] зеленый

gray [greı] серый

Golden Hour

By John Keats

Golden in the garden,

Golden in the glen,

Golden in the tree-tops,

September’s here again!

Golden, golden, golden,

Golden in the sky,

Golden, golden, golden,

September’s passing by.

Topic 1


Translate the words from Russian into English. Learn them by heart.

Fair (dark) complexion, handsome, charming, pretty, elegant, strong, elderly, young; to have a slim / plump / strong / well-shaped figure; to be narrow-shouldered (broad-shouldered); to have a haircut, to wear one’s hair long, to wear a plait, a tail; to have large / small / hazel eyes; to have round / oval face; to have thin / full lips.

White, black, brown, red, yellow, green, blue, orange, pink, grey, violet, cream.

Read the text. Translate it orally. Do the tasks that follow it.

The ideas about a family are often influenced by its members’ appearance. That is why the Smiths try to look nice every day.

Mr. Smith is a tall, handsome, broad-shouldered and strong man with dark clever eyes and a very great forehead. He’s always clean–shaved and immaculately dressed: a white shirt, a dark well–creased suit with a matching tie and black leather shoes. He is a quiet successful businessman, but he is very close to his family. He likes reading and playing the piano.

His wife, Mrs. Smith is a slim, elegant and charming middle–aged woman who does her best to look younger than she is. She has rather small features and a fair complexion. She likes to be well–dressed. She uses an expensive make-up: her long eyelashes are usually darkened with French mascara. She prefers to wear gold jewelry – small nice earrings, a matching necklace and rings. She likes bright nail-varnish, high-heeled shoes and fashionable clothes. Her favorite colors are green and light blue. She is an excellent housewife and she cooks perfectly.

Their son Jim is tall enough for his age. He takes a lot after his father. But unlike Mr. Smith he prefers to dress casually, in jeans, pullovers, sweaters and trainers. Jim does well at school and he is a very good sportsman. He often takes part in local competitions and has a lot of awards.

His sister Mary is neither tall nor small. She is a middle-sized and plump. She has an oval face and when she smiles two pretty dimples appear in her rosy cheeks. Mary has big hazel eyes and thick long eyelashes. Her eyebrows are dark and penciled, her nose is turned up. She has long fair hair and often wears it in a tail. Mary is a student. She studies languages and Linguistics.

The Smiths have much in common and like to spend much time together.


Answer the following questions.

What are the ideas about a family often influenced by?..................................................................................


What does Mr. Smith look like? What style of dressing does he prefer?........................................................



Is Mrs. Smith a slim or a plump woman? Does she look her age or not? Does she work?.............................



Do the Smiths have children? What are their children? What do they look like?...........................................



What is Mrs. Smith’s favorite color? Does she use mascara and nail-varnish?..............................................



What kind of jewelries does Mrs. Smith prefer?.............................................................................................

Do they have much in common?.....................................................................................................................


Correct the statements if necessary

Mr. Smith is a clerk.........................………………………………………………………………………….

Mrs. Smith doesn’t look her age. ………………………………………………………………………….....

She prefers silver jewelries.............…………………………………………………………………………..

Mr. Smith wears pullovers and trainers..……………………………………………………………………..

Mr. Smith likes to spend his spare time with his family...................................................................................

Mr. and Mrs. Smith have two sons...................................................................................................................

Their son is a good musician............................................................................................................................

Their daughter is a student............…………………………………………………………………………..

She is a tall girl..............................…………………………………………………………………………..

The Smiths try to look nice every day.………………………………………………………………….........



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