V. Finish the words in the sentences. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


V. Finish the words in the sentences.

1. To solve these difficult problem land use plan(?) must be not only qualified but good educated specialists.

2. Land use planning is based on underst(?) of land as the object of social and economic communication.

3. The Land Cadastre encompasses such information as land resource capacity, land tenure, land own(?) and different land uses.

4. The Cadastre is a public land information system and should therefore be managed or supervised by the Gover(?).

5. No country has achieved the complete automation of its cad(?) registration systems.




Import – импорт

Export – экспорт

Transport service – транспортное обслуживание

Provide – предоставлять

Private – частный

Social – общественный

Authorities – администрация

In many respects – во многих отношениях

Primarily – изначально

Achieve – достигать

There is a group of occupations which the general public usually refers to as the professions. In the nineteenth cen­tury doctors, lawyers and the clergy were generally agreed to be in this category. During the last hundred years there has been an increase in the numbers of those claiming to be mem­bers of a profession. In the main this has been a result of the rising proportion of occupations that have required a high standard of education. Many members of these newer occu­pations, for example engineers and accountants, have aspired to professional status.

...The practice of the professions that were recognized as such in the last century is based on the close personal relationship between the practitioner and his client. The layman who is sick consults his doctor because he is ignorant of the nature of his illness, whilst the doctor is assumed to know how to cure it. In the same way the lawyer can help his clients because of his knowledge of the complexities of the law. Therefore, the professional situation is characterized by the expert practitioner in consultation with the ignorant cli­ent who has absolute trust in the advice tendered to him. The practitioner does not use his knowledge except to benefit his clients. According to this analysis the social fact of the professions rests upon the implications of the social situa­tion involved. Following from the essential nature of this re­lationship there are, it is said, a number of characteristics that are common to all "true" professions. These characteristics concern the type of knowledge required to practice, the way in which entry to the profession is controlled, the formulation of an ethical code governing professional behavior and finally, the freedom of the professional to practice without lay inter­ference. Though not strictly a consequence of the nature of the interrelationship between practitioner and layman one extension of these implications is usually made, namely that professions tend to found organizations to watch over the codification of the four characteristics identified above.

Answer the questions according to the text:

What group of occupations does the general public usually refer to as the professions? -Is it possible to refer your future activity to the professions? Why?

What is your future professional status characterized by? -What type of knowledge is required to practice your profession?

What is common to all "true" professions?


1) Wоrk with a partner. Maкe up a dialogue about the main idea of the text.

Starting a business can be a confusing operation. What could you start with according to the text?

2) Translate and discuss.

- Managing business is a difficult thing, the text gives some positive information for your future success, use it in the situation when a new assistant will help you in your day-to-daу work. Write a list of responsibilities you are going to delegate him.

- Starting a business can be a confusing operation: so many decisions to take, so many actions to carry out. It can be important to keep to the right path. If you fail to take one step when it is necessary, this can delay your start. For example, failing to appreciate the right moment to give up work or to claim the Enterprise Allowance can mean less money and, as a result, you may find the early days more of a financial struggle then they need to be.

3) Change the singular forms of the nouns into plural form. Is it possible to do in every sentence? Name the uncountable nouns.

1. There wasn’t enough evidence to prove him right.

2. You should take legal advice before start job choosing.

3. This is a matter I know little about.

4. If I don’t pay this debt I shall lose my job.

5. A solicitor deals with petty crimes.

4) Write a list of activities leading to a quality management in your future job. Mind the material of the text.


European transport. Institution of Civil Engineering Conference. / London: Thomas Telford, - 199, pp. 1-3



Employee – служащий

Delicate – нежный, чувствительный, щекотливый

Manpower – рабочая сила

Straightaway – немедленно

Thumb – большой палец (руки)

Cost – стоимость, цена

Sale – продажа

Advantage – преимущество

Recruit – новобранец

Settle – решать, принимать решение

Deciding when to take on an employee is a delicate balancing act. On the one hand, if you increase your manpower, you might not be able to cover increased costs straightaway. On the other hand, extra manpower could free you to spend more time on other activities, such as marketing or planning, which should, in the end, mean increased profits.

A useful rule of thumb for choosing the best time to increa­se your manpower is to ask yourself if you can generate enough extra sales to cover the cost of taking on that extra employee. If you will not be able to increase your sales straightaway, you could still employ someone; but, in this case, you will need to be able to keep your business going until you have been able to build your sales up to the new level you need. It all sounds straightforward, but in practice it is very tricky. It is like being on a seesaw. One step in the wrong direction can tip the balance against you.

If you are clever enough, or lucky enough, to get your timing right, you will not want to throw away your advantage by employing the wrong person. The whole process can take several months; so finding you have made a mistake and having to recruit again can throw your business off its planning course. Nor should you underestimate the emotional problems of getting rid of an unsuita­ble employee, which can unnerve the toughest of businessmen or businesswomen and which can unsettle other employees.

Answer the questions according to the text:

1. Do you think that deciding to take on an employee may turn to be a delicate balancing act?

2. What must be taken into consideration when using extra man­power?

3. Is there any balance between increase of sales and cost of extra employee?

4. What can finding of mistakes in recruiting employee lead to?

5. Can I make sure that if I offer the job it will be accepted?


1) Subdivide the text into parts. What part of the text answers the question: When are you lucky enough not to through away your advantage by employing the wrong person?

2) Underline the job mentioned in the text. Remember some other professions.

personal assistant, shop assistant, sales manager, personal manager.

3) Tick the correct utterance:

- One step in the wrong direction can tip the balance against you.


- Extra manpower couldn’t free you to spend more time on the other activities.


- The whole process can take several months.


4) Fill in the gaps with prepositions:

1. My friend’s name is Borisov. He is an economist. He works … an office … the fifth floor … our Ministry. His office does business … a lot … firms. They sell very many goods … foreign countries. They also buy goods … them.

2. Mr. Lunin knows English well. He often meets foreign businessmen and speaks English … them. Every day he receives a lot … mails … foreign firms and sends answers … them.

3. Mr. Petrov comes … his office, goes … … the letters and cables … foreign firms and answers them.

4. Take all the letters and cables … … that box and put them … my desk. I’d like to go … all … them now.

5. Shall I speak … our work … the meeting? – Yes, of course.


Williams Sara, Small Business Guide, London, UK, - 2007, p. 205



Forecast – предсказание, прогноз

Negotiate – вести переговоры, совершить сделки

In advance – заранее

Insufficient – недостаточный

Lender – заимодавец

Bankruptcy – банкротство

Estimate – оценка, смета

Cash flow – оборот наличных денег

Balance sheet – балансовый отчет

Profit and loss – прибыль и убыток

Forecasts are the kernel of your business. They are the basis on which you raise money, negotiate premises and other raw ma­terials. These are only a few of the decisions which need to be made in advance with only your forecasts as guidance on how much is needed. Making a wildly inaccurate forecast can, for example, lead to raising insufficient funds. When the business fails to meet expectations and begins to run short of money, it may prove impossible to raise further funds. Lenders are very wary of handing out more when forecasting has proved to be mistaken. The result could be liquidation or bankruptcy if you are a partner or sole trader, and the end of your dreams.

However, making no forecasts at all is even sillier. You would have no guidance on when to take certain basic business deсisions.

Given the importance of attaining a reasonable estimate of future sales, costs and cash balances, it follows that making the forecasts is a process which should not be hurried or trea­ted casually. You must constantly strive to seek information on which forecasts can be based; you must constantly curb your over-optimism which can lead to estimates sales figures that are too high and estimated cost figures that are too low. Ques­tion your first forecasts for the realism of their assumptions, before accenting any figure as a part of the final forecasts.

Nevertheless, it is realistic to accept that some of the figures will be nothing more than в best guess given the cur­rent state of information available to you. However, our figu­res should have some grounding in fact, so when you present your case to your bank manager or other source of finance you can support the figure when challenged.

It is important to make the forecasts in our plan realis­tic so that if your business idea does not hold water, you can discover this at the planning stage. You do not want to discover two years down the track that your business will not work, after you have committed money, time and effort. Do not under­estimate the mental anguish and financial problems which can be caused by a struggling business.

There are three forecasts you need to make:

- Cash flow;

- Profit and loss;

- Balance sheet.

Answer the questions according to the text:

1. Why are forecasts the kernel of one's business?

2. Why is making no forecasts silly?

3. What kind of information must be constantly strive to seek.

4. Why figures you present to your bank manager should have grounding in fact?

5. What three forecasts have you to make starting business?


1) Define the main idea of the text. (1, 2, 3).

- Question your first forecasts for the realism of their assumptions

- Forecasts are the kernel of your business.

- Forecasting is one of the main stages in managing processes.

2) Are the sentences true or false?

- There are three main forecasts you need to make starting business.


- Your figures in forecasting should have some grounding in fact.


- You have to underestimate the mental anguish and financial problems which can be caused by a struggling business.


3) Tick the correct sentence.

- ______ Forecasts are the kernel of your business.

- ______ Forecasts is the kernel of your business.

- ______ Making a widely inaccurate forecasts can to lead to raising
insufficient funds.

- ______ Making a wildly inaccurate forecasts can lead to raising
insufficient funds.

- ______ Making no forecasts at all is even sillier.

- ______ Making no forecasts at all even sillier.

- ______ You must constantly strive to seek information on which forecasts can be based.

- ______ You must constantly strive seek, information on which forecasts сan be based.

4) Find the sentences with Complex Object and translate them:

A. 1. He wanted us to do forecasting.

2. I expect you to tell me everything about decisions to be made.

3. I suppose her to be a manager.

4. The staff does not consider him to be a bankrupt.

5. The engineer expected the work to be done in time.

B. 1. She felt somebody close the ledger.

2. We heard him come at our office.

3. Have you ever seen the balance – sheet?

4. I heard him mention my report on forecasting.


Williams Sara, Small Business Guide, London, UK – 2007 – pp. 256, 257



Diesel – дизельный, тепловозный

Electric traction – электрическая тяга

Lateral wear – боковой износ

Wheel flange – колесная реборда

Crankshaft – коленчатый вал

Breakage – повреждение

Cylinder – цилиндр

Become more pronounced – стать более заметным

Light beam reflection error – отражение луча света с допуском

Indispensable – необходимый, обязательный

With the conversion of railways to diesel and electric traction, the lateral wear of rails and wheel flanges has become more pronounced; there are also cases of crankshaft breakage and scoring of diesel cylinder liners.

Investigations carried out have established the fact that one of the reasons causing heavier wear of some of the diesel locomotive elements is insufficient accuracy in the manufacture of fitting units and parts, both when manufacturing and repairing locomotives.

Investigation disclosed that increase in accuracy was diffi­cult to attain with conventional measuring instruments normally employed, such as straight edges, triangles, shaft gauges, etc., which have less accuracy than tolerance specified by the design, for the permitted deflection of the axis of the diesel crank­shaft saddles when assembling is 0.05 mm, whereas the deflection of the shaft gauge or straight edge used for these measurements equals 0.06 to 0.08 mm; the non-perpendicularity of the wheel-pair axis to the bogie frame axis permitted is 1.0 to 1.5 mm.

To reduce breakages and extensive wear, repair shops and locomotive depots of the railways are now using special optical instruments, which are capable of measuring misalignment, out- of- squareness and paralleled misalignment with an error of 0.01 per 1,000 mm length (for diesel engines) and an error of 0.05 per 1,000 mm length (in the instruments for bogie frames).

The use of optical instruments does not require special conditions, and may be carried out under normal workshop conditions.

Answer the questions according to the text:

1. What was recently done to rise quality of locomotive repa­iring?

2. What is considered under the quality management in locomo­tive design?

3. What accuracy level of measurement is normal for locomotive axes?

4. What drawbacks did investigation disclose in the process of measurement?

5. Does the use of optical instruments require special condi­tions? Why?


1) Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right.

object существенный

mentally определенность

divide (into parts) ценный

homogeneous другой

(an) other отличаться

distinguish (from) предмет (объект, цель)

essential мысленно

gather разделить (на)

together однородные

given собрать

distinctness воедино

2) Translate the sentences paying attention at the function of “it”:

1. It was very difficult to push the optical instrument into a crack.

2. You can look up the time – table of working with these instruments in the office. It is open the whole day.

3. It is already dark, turn on the light in the locomotive shop.

4. It has been calculated that wear and tear accounts for 70 per cent of the physical depreciation of equipment.

5. It is important to keep equipment moving over the track in good physical condition.

3) What utterance is true: 1, 2, 3?

- Investigation disclosed that increase in accuracy was difficult to attain with conventional measuring instruments.

- To reduce breakages repair shops are not using optical instruments.

- With the conversion of railways to diesel and electric traction, the lateral wear of rails has become less pronounced.

4) What sentence is correct:

- Investigations carried out have established the fact.

- Investigations has carried out establish the fact.

- Optical instruments for repair and assembly of locomotives are well known.

- ____________________
Optical instruments for repair and assembly of locomotives is known.

- ____________________
Permitted deflection of the axis is 0.05 mm.

- Permitted deflection of the axis are 0.05 mm.


Safonova, C. – «Optical Instruments», M: Higher school, - 2002, pp. 33, 34



Steam curing – пропаривание

Fill – насыпь

Truck – вагонетка

Establish – устанавливать

Lay-our – планировка

Storage bin – бункер для хранения

Casting bed – форма для отливки

Slope – уклон

Runway(s) – транспортные (промышленные) пути

Mould – формовать

In the rapid growth in the employment of precast-concrete products, and particularly of wall panels, slabs, beams, etc., to serve a multitude of building needs, this industry has inevitably incurred an obligation to maintain andimprove the quality of the products. A vast amount of excellent work has already been done to raise the standards of this still comparatively young industry to their present level. Machinery and equipment designers have made important contributions by creating machines and tools for the industry.

A great number of plants producing precast reinforced-concrete elements is now in operation in our country and abroad. Before the decision is made to establish a precast concrete products plant in a given area, a number оr purely economic considerations deserve particular attention A careful appraisal of the potential requirements provides valuable information for determining the size of the plant which should be built. A well-designed plant must have sufficient capacity for the normal output plus a reasonable margin for a possible increase. The design should specifically and carefully anticipate the future installation of additional equipment for increased production without disrupting the original lay-out.

The following general aspects should be kept in mind when designing a plant. The plant floor level should be not less than 6 inches above the general grade of the yard to assure adequate drainage. In addition, concrete yard runways should be slightly above the level of the surrounding yard so that they will remain free of pebbles and other obstructions that might interfere with the operation of trucks or other equipment. The yard should slope away from the main building in all directions if possible, even at the expense of hauling in fill to accomplish it, for much future trouble and expense can be averted by establishing the proper grade at the time the plant is built.

Adequate space should be allowed at sides and in front of machines and casting beds. Regardless of the general lay-out of the plant, aggregates and cement should be stored as close to the mixers as possible.

Answer the questions according to the text:

1. What is ment by the term "quality management" in civil engineering?

2. What has inevitably incurred an obligation to maintain and improve the quality of the products in precast concrete industry?

3. Why do economic considerations deserve particular attention before making decision to establish a precast concrete products plant?

4. What general aspects should be kept in mind when designing a plant?

5. Why adequate space is important at sides?


1) Give equivalents to:

- соnсrete

- area

- amount

- level

- space

- truck

- equipment

- output

2) Complete the sentence according to the text.


- The following general aspects should he kept in mind

- Adequate space should be allowed at sides and

- A well-designed plant must have sufficient capacity for the normal output plus

3) Define grammatical tense:

- a vast amount of excellent work has already been done ______________________________________

- a great number of plants is now in operation______________________________

- a careful appraisal of the requirements provides ______________________________________

- the following aspects should be kept in mind__________________________________

- machinery designers have made important contributions ______________________________________

4) Define the part of speech and make all possible word combinations with «reinforced concrete»:

Height, high, deepen, depth, deeply, hard, hardly, harden, hardness, strength, strengthen, strong, long, length.


Plekhanova, R. and others – English for Civil Engineering Institutes/M: Higher School, - 1998, pp. 55, 56




high speed – высокоскоростной

ridership – пассажиропоток

to handle – перевозить

a milestone – контрольный ориентир, этап, рубеж

a joint venture – совместное предприятие

low-cost – недорогой, дешевый

economic downturn – экономический спад, рецессия

a stand-alone company – автономная/независимая компания

a trial – эксперимент, пробный тест

EUROPE: Cross-Channel high speed train operator Eurostar International carried more than 10 million passengers during 2013, setting a new ridership record. The annual total was slightly up on the 9.9 million handled in the previous year.

Announcing the milestone on December 30, Eurostar reported that it had now carried more than 140 million passengers since the start of services between London, Paris and Brussels in November 1994.

At that time Eurostar was a joint venture between the three national railways of Britain, France and Belgium, and was predicting that ridership would reach 10 million passengers/year by 1998. In the event, traffic growth was slowed by competition from low-cost airlines and later by the economic downturn. Eurostar was subsequently restructured as a stand-alone company although still owned by three state-owned bodies.

Eurostar attributed the increased ridership in 2013 to 'recent signs of a recovery in the UK economy, along with a busy summer for leisure travel'. The year also saw the operation of additional services, including the trial Route du Soleil direct service between London and Aix-en-Provence in the south of France which ran on selected summer weekends. The trial is to be repeated this year, and Eurostar says the route will be introduced 'on a permanent basis from 2015'.

Commercial Director Nick Mercer said '2013 has been a record-breaking year for Eurostar. With a leap in passenger numbers as well as the introduction of new routes and new destinations, we are seeing growing demand from customers across Europe and indeed around the world. As we enter our 20th year of operation, we have a year of activity planned on the run up to our 20th birthday in November.'

Read the text again and answer the questions:

1. What sort of company is Eurostar International?

2. How many people have been carried by Eurostar since the start of services?

3. Why did the ridership decrease in the 1990s?

4. What were the reasons for increasing the number of passengers in 2013?

5. How many years has Eurostar been operating in the market?


1) Find the English equivalents in the text:

1. высокоскоростной поезд

2. увеличение пассажиропотока

3. перевозить по железной дороге

4. этап в развитии

5. новое совместное предприятие

6. недорогой авиаперевозчик

7. ежегодный спад

8. автономный источник энергии

9. экспериментальное направление

2) Word formation. Translate the words into Russian and fill in the gaps with the proper word:

a) cross-examination, cross-action, cross-country, cross-reference;

b) low-fat, low-key, low-tech, low-poly;

c) easy-going, long-standing, time-consuming, foul-tasting

1. Mag has gained 7 pounds so she is on a _______________ diet now.

2. Making pottery is very ________________ work.

3. Every year we take part in __________________ skiing.

4. During the economic crisis this company faced the demand for the ____________ cars.

5. It would be a mistake to suppose that the _________________ pleasure-seeking student carries an empty head.

6. The attorny`s _______________ was particularly aggressive.

3) Use the or no article with the geographical names:

"From Sea to Sea"

Occupying 1) _____ northern-half of 2)____ North American continent, Canada has a land mass of 9,970,610 km, making it the second-largest country in the world after 3) ____ Russia. Canada's motto, "From Sea to Sea," is geographically inaccurate. In addition to its coastlines on 4) _____ Atlantic and Pacific, Canada has a third sea coast on 5) _____ Arctic Ocean, giving it 6) ______ longest coastline of any country in the world.

If you fly over 7) _____ Manitoba or 8) _____ Ontario in summer, you will see more water than land: lakes, big and small, so many that they could not possibly be counted. In addition to 9) ______ Great Lakes, which it shares with 10) _____ United States, Canada has many large rivers and lakes.

Canada's highest peaks are not in 11) _____ Rocky Mountains, but in 12) ______ St. Elias Mountains. The highest point in Canada, 13) _____ mount Logan (6050 m), rises amid a huge icefield in 14) _____ southwest corner of Yukon, the largest icecap south of 15) _____ Arctic Circle.

4) Discussion Corner.

1. The first high-speed railway in the world

2. The history of high-speed rail lines in Russia

3. Socio and economic benefits from creating high-speed railways

4. The most popular tourist destinations in Russia

5. The journey of your dream




The newspaper "Gudok" 16 July 2012


USA: Revenue services have started running on Houston Metro’s 8.5 km North Line light rail route following an official inauguration on December 21 and a day of free rides.

Running north from UH Downtown in the city centre through Moody Park and Lindale to the Northline Transit Center, the line forms an end-on extension to the existing 12 km Main Street Red Line, which opened in 2004 and is currently carrying around 40 000 passengers per day. The extension adds eight new stops, including two bus-rail interchanges at Burnett and Northline.

Opened several months ahead of schedule, the North Line is one of three routes being built under a $900m Full Funding Grant Agreement signed with the Department of Transportation in November 2011, which will almost treble the size of the network to 33.8 km. The East End Line will link Theater District with Magnolia Park Transit Center, serving nine stops including an interchange with the Red Line at Main Street Square. The Southeast Line will diverge from the East End Line at EADO/Stadium and run to University Oaks and Palm Center, adding a further six stations.

These two lines are both expected to open during 2014, although the construction of an underpass below the Houston Belt & Terminal Railroad at Harrison & 66th Streets means the final 2 km of the East End Line may not be ready until the end of 2015.

During the North Line opening ceremony, Metro Chairman Gilbert Garcia, suggested that the city was now at a ‘wonderful turning point. Now that there are transit choices and people get accustomed to using light rail, I think they are going to see how easy it is, how efficient and reliable it is’, he explained.

To operate the extended Red Line, Metro has purchased a further 19 Siemens Avanto S70 LRVs, similar to the 18 supplied for the initial route. Following the cancellation of an earlier contract under Buy America rules, the city has also ordered 39 CAF low-floor cars to operate the East End and Southeast lines, which will be designated as the Green and Purple lines respectively.


1) Find the English equivalents in the text:

1. государственная налоговая служба

2. северная ветка легкорельсового транспорта

3. бесплатный проезд

4. официальное открытие

5. удлинение конечного радиуса ветки метрополитена

6. 8 новых станций

7. с опережением графика

8. строительство подземного перехода

9. эффективный и надежный

10. расторжение ранее заключенного контракта

2) Read the text again and say if these statements true (T) or false (F):

1. Passengers don`t have to pay on Houston Metro’s North Line on an official inauguration day.

2. The North Line runs south from the suburbs to the city center.

3. The North Line links Theater District with Magnolia Park Transit Center, serving nine stops including an interchange with the Red Line.

4. The East End Line and the Southeast Line are both expected to open during 2014.

5. People will find it complicated and dangerous to use light rail.

3) Fill in the gaps with the proper preposition using the text:

1. An official inauguration of the North Line light rail route will be held _____ December 21.

2. The Line runs __________ Moody Park and Lindale to the Northline Transit Center.

3. It is currently carrying _________ 40 000 passengers per day.

4. Full Funding Grant Agreement was signed with the Department of Transportation ____ November 2011.

5. The construction of three routes will almost treble the size of the network ____ 33.8 km.

6. The East End Line may not be ready _______ the end of 2015.

7. Metro has purchased a further 19 Siemens Avanto S70 LRVs, similar _____ the 18 supplied for the initial route.

4) Fill in: will or be going to

1. I hope you ________ enjoy your visit.

2. Watch out! You _________ crash into the fence!

3. What are his summer plans? - He __________ sail around the Greek islands.

4. Don`t touch the cooker. You ______ burn yourself.

5. She ______ be upset if he forgets her birthday.

6. Now that the Smiths have time, they ________ take up mountaineering.

7. Scientists predict that global temperatures ________ increase.

8. Mark and Helen _______ get married in September.

9. Have you decided what to get George for his anniversary? - Yes. I ________ buy him a motorbike.

10. I`m thirsty. I _______ make myself fresh orange juice.

5) Discussion Corner.

1. The Moscow Underground or Metro, the London Underground or the Tube, New York City Subway and others

2. Metro and Art

3. The Underground: pros and cons

4. Innovations on the Underground

5. Light rail transport



The newspaper "Gudok" 16 July 2012



a railway station/a rail terminal – вокзал

freight – груз, грузоперевозки

elevated – надземный, эстакадный

the terminus – терминал, конечная станция

rapid transit systems – скоростные системы перевозок

a pet project – детище

to resemble – напоминать

a time zone – часовой пояс

a transport knot – транспортный узел

ticket sales offices – билетные кассы

left-luggage – камера хранения

lost-and-found – бюро находок

luggage carts – тележки для багажа

rolling stock – подвижной состав

repair jobs – ремонтные работы

A railway station is a railway facility where trains regularly stop to load or unload passengers and freight. It generally consists of a platform next to the track and a station building providing related services. Stations may be at ground level, underground, or elevated. Connections may be available to intersecting rail lines or other transport modes such as buses, trams or other rapid transit systems. The world's oldest station built for steam locomotives which is still in use is Broad Green railway station in Liverpool, England, built in 1830.

The longest railway routes across Russia start at Komsomolskaya Square in Moscow, at the three railway stations — Leningradsky, Yaroslavsky and Kazansky.

Leningradsky Rail Terminal is the oldest of Moscow’s principal railway stations. The station was constructed between 1844 and 1851, designed by Konstantin Thon as the terminus of the Moscow–Saint Petersburg Railway, a pet project of Emperor Nicholas I. Regular connection was opened in 1851. From here trains go to Saint-Petersburg, Murmansk, Helsinki (Finland), Borovichi, Novgorod, Pskov, Tallinn, and Tver. Traveling by train from Leningradsky station is really the most convenient way to get to St. Petersburg. It takes about 5,5 to 9,5 hours to get there depending on the train class.

From Kazanskiy Rail Terminal which is considered to be the largest in Europe, trains depart to many southern and eastern directions: Kazan, Adler, Samara, Ufa, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk, and many other cities of Russian Povolzhye, Ural, Siberia, and the Middle East. Construction оf the modern building according to the design оf an architect, Alexey Shchusev started іn 1913 аnd ended іn 1940. The building resembles the Söyembikä Tower іn Kazan.

Yaroslavsky Rail Terminal, built nearby Leningradsky station in 1862, is a terminus of the Trans-Siberian Railway – the longest railway in the world. Connecting Moscow and Vladivostok, it is around 9,300 kilometers (5,800 miles) long and spans 8 time zones. This terminal is a transport knot, connecting Moscow with North regions, Ural, Siberia, the Far East, China, Mongolia and North Korea. Because of diversity of routes Yaroslavsky station is even more crowded and chaotic than other railway stations and considered to be one of the busiest in Russia.

As a rule, stations usually have staffed ticket sales offices, automated ticket machines, or both, although on some lines tickets are sold on board the trains. Many stations include shops, fast food or restaurant facilities. Other station facilities may include: left-luggage, lost-and-found, departures and arrival boards, luggage carts, waiting rooms, taxi ranks and bus bays. The larger stations are, the greater range of facilities they have.

As well as providing services for passengers and loading facilities for goods, stations can sometimes have locomotive and rolling stock depots (usually with facilities for storing and refuelling rolling stock and carrying out minor repair jobs).

Read the text again and answer the questions:

1. What sort of a railway facility is a railway station?

2. Where is the oldest station in the world located?

3. Where do the longest railway routes across Russia start?

4. When was Yaroslavsky Rail Terminal built?

5. Stations provide only services for passengers, don`t they?


1) Find the English equivalents in the text:

1. сооружение, помещение

2. пересекающийся

3. виды транспорта

4. считать, рассматривать

5. отправляться, уезжать

6. охватывать 8 часовых поясов

7. разнообразие

8. табло прибытия и отправления поездов

9. стоянка такси

10. автобусный парк, стоянка автобусов

2) Choose the best variant -ing or infinitive:

1. My friends really enjoy listening/to listen to the MP3s that I have given them.

2. How did she learn speaking/to speak Chinese so well?

3. David finally managed finding/ to find his passport before the train departure.

4. They are looking forward to visiting/ visit New Zealand.

5. There`s no answer at the office. Let`s try calling/to call Lucy`s mobile.

6. Sam has just taken up cycling/to cycle to work.

7. Stop pretending being/to be asleep! Get up or you will be late!

3) Tag questions. Form the proper tag for each question:

1. I am completely crazy about skateboarding, ___________?

2. Tony`s dad used to be quite fit, __________?

3. That sounds like a joke, __________?

4. There aren`t any sports centers nearby, __________?

5. They haven`t given the baby the name yet, ________?

6. This year more than a million tourists will visit our region, __________?

7. It`s going to rain, ________?

8. People shouldn’t drop the litter in the street, ________?

4) Discussion Corner.

1. Rome wasn`t built in a day.

2. East or West, home is best.

3. A tree is known by its fruit.

4. Jack of all trades is master of none.

5. Haste makes waste.



The newspaper "Gudok" 16 July 2012


The track on a railway (BE) or railroad (AE), also known as the permanent way, is the structure consisting of the rails, fasteners, railroad ties or sleepers (British English) and ballast (or slab track), plus the underlying subgrade.


Section through railway track and formation (рис. №?)



The dominant track form worldwide includes flat-bottom steel rails supported on timber or pre-stressed concrete sleepers, which are rested on crushed stone ballast. Most railroads with heavy traffic use continuously welded rails supported by sleepers (ties) attached via baseplates which spread the load. A plastic or rubber pad is usually placed between the rail and the tieplate where concrete sleepers (ties) are used. The rail is usually held down to the sleeper (tie) with resilient fastenings, although cut spikes are widely used in North American practice. For much of the 20th century, rail track used softwood timber ties and jointed rails. Pre-stressed concrete sleepers (ties) are often used where timber is scarce and where tonnage or speeds are high. Steel is used in some applications. The track ballast comprises crushed stone, in order to support the ties and allow some adjustment of their position, while allowing free drainage.

A disadvantage of traditional track structures is the heavy demand for maintenance, particularly surfacing (tamping) and lining to restore the desired track geometry and smoothness of vehicle running. This can be overcome by using ballastless track. In its simplest form this consists of a continuous slab of concrete (like a highway structure) with the rails supported directly on its upper surface (using a resilient pad).

Rail is graded by weight over a standard length. Heavier rail can support greater axle loads and higher train speeds without sustaining damage than lighter rail, but at a greater cost. The traditional method of joining the rails is to bolt them together using metal fishplates, producing jointed track. For more modern usage, particularly where higher speeds are required, the lengths of rail may be welded together to form continuous welded rail (CWR). Because there are few joints, this form of track is very strong, gives a smooth ride, and needs less maintenance; trains can travel on it at higher speeds and with less friction. Welded rails are more expensive to lay than jointed tracks, but have much lower maintenance costs. The first welded track was used in Germany in 1924 and the US in 1930 and has become common on main lines since the 1950s.

Read the text again and answer the questions:

1. What does the permanent way consist of?

2. What components does the dominant track have?

3. Where are pre-stressed sleepers used?

4. Traditional track structures have some drawbacks, don`t they?

5. When were the first welded tracks applied?


1) Find the English equivalents in the text:

1. скрепления

2. рельс

3. древесина

4. бесстыковой путь, путь из сварных рельсовых путей

5. щебень

6. распределять нагрузку

7. стыковые рельс

8. свободный водоотвод

9. сплошная плита

10. затраты, стоимость

2) Word formation. Form the adjectives from the given words using these suffixes: -ic, -al, -ous, -less, -ive:

1. In the morning they had a __________ continental breakfast. (tradition)

2. The latest ______________ research shows that our galaxy is expanding. (science)

3. She was _________ to find out what the parcel contained. (curiosity)

4. The children go to one of these ____________ schools where new educational standards has been introduced. (progress)

5. It was a ___________ night when everyone can see millions of stars in the dark sky. (cloud)

6. The room is _______________ enough to place a big Christmas tree. (space)

7. This company is offering a very ______________ salary. (attract)

3) Relative clauses. Fill in the gaps in the sentences with which, who, where, when, whose:

1. Cut spikes are large nails with an offset head ________ are used to secure rails and base plates to railroad ties in the track.

2. George Stephenson was an English engineer _________ built a successful steam locomotive “Rocket”.

3. In the 19th century most people were afraid of railways _________ they first appeared.

4. Richard Trevithick, _______ working model of a steam locomotive was demonstrated in 1808, first attempted to use the steam engine to draw passengers and freight trains.

5. The first steam locomotive in Russia was built by the Cherepanovs ________ were talented and skilled workman of their time.

6. The place _________ the ends of the rails meet in the track is known as the rail joint.

7. The railroads have a switch ________ makes the trains pass from one track to another.

8. Russia is the country ________ the uniform gauge of 1,520 mm is adopted.

4) Discussion Corner.

1. The evolution of railways

2. Track gauge

3. Switches and crossings

4. Famous civil engineers of the world

5. Railroad ecology



The newspaper
"Gudok" 16 July 2012



bilevel/ double-deck – двухъярусный / двухэтажный

passenger capacity – пассажировместимость

derived from – производное от

a gauge – колея

the centre of gravity – центр тяжести

entry – выпуск, производство

access – вход, доступ

a ramp – пандус

a carriage building factory – вагоностроительный завод

seat-back entertainment systems – мультимедийная система в спинке кресла

wheelchair facilities – устройства для инвалидных кресел

a snackbar – бар-буфет

bulky luggage – крупногабаритный багаж

CCTV – система видеонаблюдения

The bilevel car (AE) or double-decker coach (BE) is a type of rail car that has two levels of passenger accommodation, as opposed to one, increasing passenger capacity. In some countries such vehicles are commonly referred to as dostos, derived from the German Doppelstockwagen. Bilevel trains are claimed to be more energy efficient, and may have a lower operating cost per passenger.

The height of the cars can limit their use, especially in countries with low loading gauge. In some countries such as the UK new lines are built to a larger than standard gauge to allow the use of double-deck trains in future. The high passenger capacity can create flow and problems at train stations when much larger numbers of passengers try to board or get off at the same time.

The double-deck design usually includes lowering the bottom floor to below the top level of the wheels, closer to the rails, and then adding an upper floor above. Such a design will fit under more bridges, tunnels and power wires (structure gauge). For cost and safety, this design also minimizes car height and lowers the centre of gravity.

Depending on train station platform heights, three designs can be used for entry - high platforms require use of a "split level" car design, where the doors are located on a middle level, with access into the upper or lower level branching off - with stairs or ramps going both up and down. For low train station platforms, a "two floor" design with level entry onto the lower floor is used. Occasionally a third, very tall "two floors over-wheel" design is used. This is a traditional single floor car "with a second story" design with, when using low platform, requires steps up to a traditional floor height and then internal stairs up to the upper floor.

In 2012, a prototype double-decker rail carriage was made at the TVZ Tver Carriage Building Factory for the RZD Russian Railways company. This prototype carriage is a sleeping car with four-berth compartments and a total capacity of 64 passengers. Russian Railways ordered double-decker sleeper carriages from Transmashholding for the Adler-Moscow train service.

Transmashholding is expected to begin the production of 160 km/h double-deck trainsets for inter-regional services in 2014, with the first trains used on routes from Moscow to Tver, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Ryazan, Tula and Kaluga.

Each train will comprise between six and 12 double-deck coaches from TMH's Tver works. According to TMH, the height of double-deck stock means there would be no roof or under-floor space for the electrical equipment needed for an electric multiple-unit. The air-conditioned coaches will have three classes, business class featuring seat-back entertainment systems, standard class having a 2+2 seating arrangement and economy class 3+2. There will also be wheelchair facilities, a snackbar, space for bulky luggage and CCTV.


1) Find the English equivalents in the text:

1. двухъярусный/двухэтажный вагон

2. размещение

3. линия электропередач

4. нижний этаж

5. (построенный) на разных уровнях

6. двухуровневый вагон

7. спальный вагон

8. 4-х местное купе

9. межрегиональный

10. вагоны с кондиционерами

2) Read the text again and say if these statements true (T) or false (F):

1. The bilevel trains are designed to increase the speed.

2. The journey on double-deck trains are cheaper than on one-deck ones.

3. The great amount of people carried with the double-deck trains may cause some difficulties at train stations.

4. The car design depends on the platform length.

5. The Russian double-decker sleeper carriages can carry 64 passengers.

3) Match different means of transport with their definition.

Means of transport Definition
1. a cart a) a strong bag filled with hot air or gas that can carry people in a container fixed to it
2. a shuttle b) an aircraft that travels regularly between two places in space
3. a balloon c) a two-wheeled means of transport which is powered by an engine
4. a yaсht d) a very large aircraft which can carry a lot of people
5. a truck e) a vehicle with two or four wheels pulled by an animal or a person which is used for carrying goods
6. a motorbike f) a boat with sails used for either racing or travelling for pleasure
7. a helicopter g) a railway engine connected to carriages for carrying people or wheeled containers for carrying goods
8. a train h) a ship that can travel under water
9. a jumbo jet i) a big road vehicle which is used for transporting large amount of goods
10. a submarine j) an aircraft without wings that has one or two sets of blades. It can land and take off vertically.

4) Modal verbs. Use can/can`t, must/mustn`t, have/don`t have to, should/shouldn`t, may or needn`t only once in the proper situation:

1. _______ I help you with your report?

2. Visitors __________ touch the works of art in the museum.

3. I _______ work Monday to Friday.

4. Sorry but Mr Turner ______ come to the phone right now. He is busy.

5. You ________ always obey the university rules.

6. You ______ buy any milk. I bought some yesterday.

7. He has a toothache. He _______ see the dentist.

8. Linda has broken her sister`s iPod. She ________ have been so careless.

9. You _________ to take a taxi. Sam will you give you a lift.

10. ______ I stay a little longer?

5) Discussion Corner.

1. The evolution of vehicles

2. Means of transport: advantages and disadvantages

3. The discoveries that have changed the world

4. Types of railway wagons

5. Taboos in your life



The newspaper "Gudok" 16 July 2012






a rotating tilt hitch – поворотно-наклонное навесное устройство

a vital component of all Earthtrack Solutions' machines – существенная составная часть всей техники фирмы «Earthtrack Solutions»

above and beyond expectation – вне всяких ожиданий

accompany – 1. сопровождать; 2. (муз.) аккомпанировать

accuracy – точность; правильность

application – применение

attachment – приспособление, крепление

better cater to the demand it has experienced – исходя из накопленного опыта, лучше удовлетворить спрос

boast – гордиться

capability – 1. способность; 2. (pl.) (потенциальные) возможности

cater (for) – поставлять провизию, организовывать (питание)

complement – (enhance) 1. дополнять; 2. укомплектовывать

component – составная часть

demand – требовать, требование; спрос

diverse – разнообразный

earthtrack – земляное полотно (дороги)

efficiency – эффективность

enable (make possible) – способствовать; давать возможность

ensure – гарантировать

excavator – экскаватор

fit – входить без зазора; плотно прилегать

fit with smth – приводить в соответствие с (чем–л.)

fleet – парк транспортных средств (любых)

from laying sleepers to turnout placement – от прокладки шпал до монтажа стрелочного перевода

functional – (practical) функциональный; действующий

functionality – функциональность

have constantly proven their value – постоянно доказывают свою ценность

hitch – навесное устройство; прицепное устройство

hitch – скреплять, прицеплять

improve – улучшать

increase – увеличивать

innovative – передовой; инновационный, технически совершенный

innovative rail specific attachments – инновационные приспособления для проведения железнодорожных работ

laying – укладка

machine – машина, техника

overall – (in general) в общем и целом, полностью

precision – точность

productivity – производительность

promote – способствовать; содействовать; поддерживать

prove – доказывать

rail sleeper replacement – замена железнодорожных шпал

rail track – железнодорожный путь

specific– определённый;

specific to – характерно для

subsequently – впоследствии

tilt – наклон

track excavator – гусеничный экскаватор

track maintenance and construction – техническое обслуживание и строительство железнодорожного полотна

turnout placement – стрелочный перевод

undertake – 1. предпринимать ч.-л.; 2. (task, duty) брать на себя (задачу, обязанность)

undertaking any form of work on the railway – проводя любые работы на железной дороге

versatility – универсальность

vital – существенный

Earthtrack Solutions boasts the largest fleet of track excavators in Australia fitted with rotating tilt hitches. These hitches have constantly proven their value in the field, subsequently they are now a vital component of all Earthtrack Solutions' machines working on the railway; improving productivity, efficiency and overall capabilities of the machine.

Track excavators fitted with rotating tilt hitches

Its fleet of innovative rail specific attachments are complemented perfectly by rotating tilt hitches enabling greater functionality for any application. The combination of these two components promotes precision and accuracy when undertaking any form of work on the railway, from laying sleepers to turnout placement.

The versatility of the full 360° rotation accompanied by a 40° tilt in either direction ensures that any machine in any application will perform above and beyond expectation.

Rail track construction equipment

In recent years Earthtrack Solutions has invested heavily in its range of track construction equipment to better cater to the demand it has experienced.

The range of machines and attachments is now even more diverse and it is better equipped to supply clients with even greater versatility and increased productivity for their projects.

Answer the questions:

1. What is the main pride of the firm “Earthtrack Solutions”?

2. What is a vital component of all Earthtrack Solutions' machines?

3. How is the firm`s fleet complemented perfectly by?

4. What is the range of machines and attachments of the firm now?

5. What the Rail track construction equipment do you know?


1) Find English equivalents to the Russian phrases in the text above:

1. Эти навесные устройства доказали свою ценность в этой области...

2. поворотно-наклонное навесное устройство

3. Инновационные приспособления для проведения железнодорожных работ

4. техническое обслуживание и строительство железнодорожного полотна

5. проводя любые работы на железной дороге

2) Match the words to their meanings:

  words   meanings
  prove A определённый
  tilt B доказывать
  specific C навесное устройство
  precision D точность
  hitch E возможность
  improve F наклон
  capability G улучшать

3) Put the words in the correct order to complete the sentence:

1. In the fleet largest firm boasts the track Australia excavators of.

2. all are component now a vital of Earthtrack Solutions' machines they.

3. these two combination precision the components promotes of.

4. and attachments diverse the of is now even more machines range.

5. to clients it equipped supply better is greater productivity with.

4) Complete the endings of the sentences from the text above:

1. Its fleet of innovative rail specific attachments …

2. The range of machines and attachments …

3. The versatility of the full …

4. In recent years Earthtrack Solutions has …

5. Earthtrack Solutions boasts the largest fleet …

5) Open brackets, use the verb in Present Simple Active or Passive.

1. The largest fleet of track excavators in Australia _______________ (to fit) with rotating tilt hitches.

2. All Earthtrack Solutions' machines ____________ (to improve) productivity, efficiency and overall capabilities.

3. The combination of full 360° rotation accompanied by a 40° tilt in either direction ________ (to ensure) railway track construction above and beyond expectation.

4. The ra


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