Определите тип условных предложений. 

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Определите тип условных предложений.


1) If you ask him, he will help you.

2) If we asked him to help would he agree?

3) If she had only kept her promise we might have succeeded.

4) If I only knew the facts, I could make a wise decision.

5) If he changed his opinion, he'd be more successful.

6) You can see the boss provided that he is not too busy.

7) He would go by plane if it was cheaper.

8) I would have bought it if I had had enough money with me.

9) If she hadn't slept late she wouldn't have missed the plane.

10) We'll go for a walk tomorrow unless it rains.


Соедините части предложения в колонке (1- 10) с частями предложения в колонке (A - J)

1) He'll be furious

2) The people will die

3) If she did her job well

4) She would have been enrolled on the course

5) If I understood the question

6) I would have run home

7) As long as you follow the instructions exactly

8) You can hire a car in France

9) You can't enter the country

10) If I found a gun in the street


A) unless they are taken care of.

B) you will be able to cope with the task.

C) I might be able to answer it.

D) as long as you have a driving licence and you are over 23.

E) if he ever finds out the truth.

F) if she had passed her exams.

G) I would take it to the police.

H) unless you have a visa.

I) she would be promoted by the company.

J) if I had known the football match was on TV.

Переведите на русский язык.


1). If I were you, I would take your manager's advice.

2). If an ecologist were asked to justify this belief, he would say that all pesticides are dangerous to all life.

3). If there were no criminals in the world there would be no lawyers.

4). If all the world were just, there would be no need for courts.

5). Surely they would be far more successful with their policy if they were less talking and more doing.

6). If we hadn't studied the issue, we would never have found out the causes of the problem.

7) If I weren't busy, I would do the job.

8) If there hadn't been any historical background, the conflict would have been easier to handle.

9) If the problem weren't so urgent we wouldn't ask you to help.

10) If people weren't so self-concentrated there would be less misery and poverty in the world.

11)Various courses of action might be adopted to save the environment.

One would be to curb the dynamics of industrial development.

12) Anyone but John would have known the news.

13) I would sooner read a catalogue than nothing at all.

14) Without money the tax-collector would come back to his office with an extraordinary collection of objects.

15) I'd be grateful if you kindly send me the necessary information.



Переведите на русский язык.


1) It is important that every delegate arrive on time.

2) It is essential that every child have the same educational opportunities.

3) Scientists consider it very important that pollution be exactly assessed.

4) It is more desirable that he attend the forum.

5) It is necessary that they should realize the gravity of the situation.

6) It is requested that individual work should be paid according

to the employee's contribution in every organization.

7) It is necessary that you should follow the instructions.

8) It is vital that government tackle the problem in the nearest future.

9) It is essential that customs adopt comprehensive compliance improvement strategies

to increase confidence in the information provided by the traders.

10) It is important that all regulatory information be exchanged electronically.



Переведите на русский язык.


1) The members of the committee suggested that the agenda (should) be changed.

2) He suggested that the meeting (should) be held as soon as possible.

3) The diplomats proposed that negotiations (should) start at once.

4) I insisted that they (should) accompany us.

5) The leader of the group proposed that they (should) conduct a research in a nember of organizations.

6) The scientists suggested that the experiments (should) be resumed.

7) A radical reconstruction of economy requires that enterprises be self-financing.

8) The Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia insisted that customs administrations

(should) institutу a range of changes to systems, procedures and administrative responsibilities.

9) The minister suggested that business executives (should) be looking for ways

to improve productivity and quality.

10) The president said that improvements in the development of managers (should) be made.



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