Выберите нужную форму глагола. 

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Выберите нужную форму глагола.

1) Our company has/ is having a lot of problems.

2) They have/ are having lunch now.

3) I think/ am thinking your proposal is worth considering.

4) They think/ are thinking about our offer.

5) Are you seeing/ do you see what I mean?

6) I am seeing/ see the manager tomorrow.

7) The fabric feels/ is feeling cloth.

8) We've been feeling/ feel our way in the dark.

9) I love/ am loving people.

10) We are loving/ love the holiday.

11) John is being/ is very rude these days.

12) This supervisor is/ is being rather rude.

13) The shoes fit/ are fitting me perfectly.

14) The repairman is fitting/ fits the copying machine.

15) He appears/ is appearing to be cold.

16) The famous opera singer appears/ is appearing on the stage tonight.

17) It looks/ is looking as if it's going to rain.

18) She is looking/ looks through the catalogue.

19) We appreciate/ are appreciating your help.

20) The air smells/ is smelling wonderful in the mountains.

21) Why are you smelling/ do you smell the soup?

22) They are watching/ watch a football match.

23) Speak louder! I do not hear/ am not hearing you.

24) Whom does this car/ is this car belong/ belonging?

25) I have been working/ am working as a reporter on "International Herald Tribune" for 5 years.

26) My manager has agreed/ has been agreeing to give me time off.

27) Mr Black hasn't rung/ hasn't been ringing me back about the contract yet.

28) The success of the project is depending/depends on you entirely.

29)The plane is leaving/leaves at 8 p.m.

30) Your performance becomes/is becoming better and better.


Вставьте have been in, have been to, have gone to.


1) I have....Moscow several times, but I..... Saint-Petersburg.

2) My boss.... Lisbon for a week, so I am doing some work for him.

3) We....Vladimir for very long, so we don't know it very well yet.

4) The manager isn't here. He.... the City Hall.

5) I.... France twice but I haven't seen the Louvre.

6) How long....you.... Saint Petersburg?

7) Where is Mr Black? He.... Britain, he'll be back in a fortnight.

8)...... you ever.... Spain? It's an amazing country!

9) He's a great traveler - he... many countries.

10) I... Brussels for two months now. And I feel homesick.


5. Ответьте на вопросы.


1) What time do you usually get up?

2) Whom are you meeting tomorrow?

3) Have you ever been to any foreign country?

4) What do your parents do?

5) How long have you been learning English?

6) Do you speak any other foreign language?

7) Have you ever given money to street beggars?

8) How are you feeling today?

9) What films have you seen recently?

10) How long have you been living in Petersburg?

Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму.


1) He's been working very hard.

2) Things are changing for better.

3) The authorities are struggling to cope with the situation.

4) Computers solve complex problems.

5) Computers capacity is approaching the human level.

6) Certain pesticides have become global contaminants.

7) Money makes the world go round.

8) The scientists have been searching for new ways to save the environment.

9) People differ in their attitude towards poverty.

10) Entertainment encourages passivity.


7. Поставьте вопросы к данным предложениям.


1) We send our children to school to prepare them for their future professions.

2) A lot of people learn foreign languages nowadays.

3) The minister has explained the purpose of the new reform to the journalists.

4) They have been working on the project for many months.

5) Cultural change occurs when different cultures come into contact with one another.

6) For a long time now people have been producing a lot of waste.

7)We are endangering supplies of good farming land and water.

8) In many countries around the globe "green" political parties are having a strong influence.

9) Urban environment offers diverse opportunities.

10) Since the Industrial Revolution people have been moving to the cities.



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