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1. What size must the pattern have?

a) The pattern must have the same size as the finished object.

b) The pattern must be a little larger than the finished object.


2. Where is the pattern placed for molding?

a) The pattern is placed on the flask.

b) The pattern is placed on the mold board.

c) It is placed on the bottom board.


Сгруппируйте следующие слова в пары с противоположным значением, запишите эти пары – антонимы

lower, split, bottom, solid, upper, drag, top, cope


В следующих предложениях замените подчеркнутую часть одним английским термином

1) To make a cavity in the sand mold a model of the object is always used.

2) Molding is done in a metal or wooden box.

3) The upper half of the mold is placed on the drag.

4) When the bottom part of the flask is ready it is turned over.


Закончите следующие предложения


1) Sand molds are made in a box called a ….

2) The molding sand is packed into the flask around the ….

3) The flask consists of cope and ….

4) Patterns may be made of wax, metal or ….

5) Patterns must be of the same shape as the ….

6) There are two kinds of patterns: solid and ….

7) The drag and one half of the split pattern are placed on the special board called ….


Пользуясь следующими вопросами, перескажите текст А по-английски


1) Where is the sand packed in the molding?

2) What is used to form the mold cavity?

3) What kinds of pattern are these?

4) What materials may be used for producing patterns?

5) Are wooden or metal patterns more economical?

6) What patterns, wooden or metal, may be used longer?

7) What parts does a flask consist of?

8) What boards are used in sand molding?


Определите, какой частью речи являются в предложениях подчеркнутые слова. Переведите данные предложения


1) The place where molds are poured is called the pouring station.

2) We must place the pattern on the mould board.

3) The bottom board is placed on top of the packed lower half of the mold.

4) When we turn the flask over, the lower part of it becomes the top of the mold.

5) The top part of the flask is called the cope, the bottom part - the drag.


Прочтите текст B, переведите его и скажите о чем (формах, стержнях или моделях) идет в нем речь


Text B

To form a hole (отверстие) or hollow in the casting a core is placed in the mold cavity. Cores are formed of sand in core boxes, which are metal or wooden boxes. After removing the core from the box, it is dried (сушить) in a special oven (печь). The core is placed into the mold after the pattern had been removed. The molten metal flows around the core and forms the hole in the casting.


Озаглавьте текст В одним английским словом.


17. Ответьте по-английски на следующие вопросы


a) What is the purpose of using cores?

b) Where are the cores produced?

c) Where are the cores dried?

d) What material is used for making cores?


Прочтите и переведите на русский язык текст С


Text C

When two halves of the sand mold have been packed with the molding sand, the cope is placed on the drag. The surface where the cope and the drag meet is called a parting surface, or joint. Parting sand is applied to this surface in order that the mold halves could not stick when they are disjoined for removing the pattern. Sometimes a number of vent holes may be formed in a mold to help the escape of the steam and gases produced during pouring. However, this is usually not required because a sand mold properly rammed will allow these gases to escape.

Molten metal is poured into the mold through the pouring basin. From there it flows downward through the gate sprue to a runner at the parting surface, then into the mold cavity through the gate or gates. A riser is used to supply molten metal which will compensate for the metal shrinkage during solidification of the casting. Gates and risers are removed from the castings in the cleaning department and later remelted.



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