Key organizations in world metrology 

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Key organizations in world metrology

International metrology is established through coordination of activities between the NMIs of individual countries.

National Metrology Institute (NMI)

An NMI is an institute designated by national decision to develop and maintain national measurement standards for one or more quantities. It represents the country internationally in relation to the National Metrology Institutes of other countries, in relation to the Regional Metrology Organisations and to the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. These institutions are the backbone of the international metrology organisations. Some countries have a single organisation as the NMI, (e.g. Derzhstandard is the NMI of Ukraine, NIST- of the USA) whereas other countries have a more distributed system. In the UK there are four laboratories which make up the National Metrology Institute. Each of the four UK NMI laboratories represents the UK internationally in their respective technical areas.


Recognising the need to work towards internationally agreed measurement standards, in 1875 governments from 17 countries worldwide signed the treaty and agreed to create and finance a permanent, scientific institute, the International Bureau of Weights and Measures as the centre for coordination of world measurement. The central coordination role for worldwide metrology is undertaken by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures with individual countries represented by National Metrology Institutes. The International Committee of Weights and Measures was established to oversee the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. Today there are 51 Member States of the Metre Convention. 23 Associate States take part in the General Conference of Weights and Measures.

Regional Metrology Organisation (RMO)

National Metrology Institutes from the same part of the world are often members of a Regional Metrology Organization, which coordinates activities between its members and also between other Regional Organizations. The RMO for European NMIs is EURAMET.

III Make a plan of the text in the form of questions.

IV Give a summary according to your plan in a written form.


I Mind the following words and word - combinations:

1. membership – членство

2. establishment – організація

3. Subcommittees – підкомітети

4. requirements – вимоги

5. intergovernmental – міжурядовий

6. authority – влада

7. guidance – управління

8. to accept – прийняти

II Listen to the text” WHAT IS OIML? “ and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F):

1. The International Organization of Legal Metrology is an intergovernmental treaty organization whose membership includes member States, countries which participate actively in technical activities.

2. The International Organization of Legal Metrology was established in 1965.

3. The International Organization of Legal Metrology was established in order to promote the global harmonization of legal metrology procedures.

4. Legal metrology comprises all activities for which legal requirements are prescribed on measurement, units of measurement, measuring instruments and methods of measurement.

5. The OIML is an observer in the WTO TBT Committee.






I Read and remember the words and their translation:

1. developerрозробник

2. publisher – видавець

3. acronym – акронім (слово, яке формується з перших букв словосполучення, яке воно замінює)

4. non-governmentalнедержавний

5. to mandate – надавати повноваження

6. friendliness – дружелюбність

7. reliability – надійність

8. efficiency – ефективність, результативність

9. unreliable – ненадійний

10. uniquely – однозначно

11. broad – широкий

12. absent – відсутній

13. incompatible – несумісний

14. to facilitateсприяти

15. partnership – партнерство, співпраця

16. interchangeability – взаємозамінність


II Read and translate the following text:


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