Criminal Law in the USA. Types of Crime 

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Criminal Law in the USA. Types of Crime

(Part 2)

For general purposes of study, criminal behavior can be grouped into six groups: violent crimes, property crime, public order crime, white-collar crime, organized crime, and high-tech crime.

Crimes against persons, or violent crimes, include four major categories: murder, rape, assault and battery, and robbery.

Property Crime. Crimes against property include larceny/theft, burglary, and arson, as well pocket-picking, shoplifting.

Public order crime. Behavior that is labeled criminal because it is contrary to shared social values, customs, and norms. Public order crimes often create an environment that gives rise to property and violent crimes.

White-Collar Crime are nonviolent business related crimes committed by corporations and individuals to gain a personal or business advantage: embezzlement, pilferage, credit-card and check fraud bribery, tax evasion.

Organized Crime is a conspiratorial relationship between any number of persons engaged in the market for illegal goods or services. For organized crime, the traditional preferred markets are gambling, prostitution, illegal drugs or firearms, and loan sharking (lending money at higher than legal rates).

High-tech Crime. The newest type of crime is directly retated to the increased use of computers in everyday life. The Internet, with approximately 700 million users worldwide, is the site of numerous cybercrime.


8. Определите тематику текста, выбрав из предложенных вариантов 3 правильных, расположите их в последовательном порядке и переведите их.

This text

· outlines three levels of Law enforcement.

· gives the definition of different types of crime.

· enlarges upon the theme «classification of crimes».

· identifies two social process theories of crime.

· lists the essential elements of corrections system.

· groups criminal behavior into six types.


9. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них.

1. What type of crime is contrary to social values, customs and norms and gives rise to violent crimes?

2. What types of crime use nonviolent means?

3. What are the traditional markets for organized crime?


Письменно переведите абзацы текста, выделенные курсивом.




Контрольная работа № 1


1. Определите часть речи нижеследующих слов и переведите их. Выделите словообразовательные суффиксы и префиксы:

requirement, department, basic, ability, annually, employment, measure, physical, knowledge, eligible, driver, military, consistently, incompetent, penalty, punishable, poverty, dishonest.

2. Выделите в предложениях слова, оканчивающиеся на –s (-'s,-s'). Определите грамматическую функцию этого окончания:

a) множественное число имени существительного,

b) притяжательный падеж имени существительного,

c) 3-е лицо единственное число глагола в Present Indefinite,

d) не является грамматическим окончанием.

Переведите предложения.

1. Modern industrial societies are characterized by a net of global business relations.

2. The wrongdoer's criminal record is long.

3. The Council of the European Union represents national governments.

4. The police officer's actions at the crime scene helped to apprehend the offender.

5. The selection process to police departments involves backgrounds checks of applicants.


3. Переведите сочетания «существительное + существительное:

the Department of Homeland Security, terrorist attacks, border patrol agents, credit checks, drug test, law enforcement, selection process, police activity, crime causes theories, crime causation, construction company, court system, street crime.


4. Переведите словосочетания и определите степени сравнения:


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