The Future Simple Tense or the Future Continuous Tense 

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The Future Simple Tense or the Future Continuous Tense


Future Simple (will/shall + V1) Future Continuous (shall/will be + …V4 (-ing))
Мы используем Future Simple Мы используем Future Continuous
— для выражения ситуаций, действий, намерений в будущем People will live on the moon one day. — для выражения спонтанных решений, принятых во время разговора Are you having a party? I’ll come. — для выражения предложений, обещаний, угроз, надежд, просьб, опасений, предупреждений I’ll ring you tonight if you want. I’ll be really angry if you’re late again. — для выражения действий, которые будут длиться в какой-то момент в будущем, и решение о них принято заранее This time next week I’ll be flying to Chicago. — для выражения прогнозируемых тенденций In 50 years’ time, people will be living on the moon. — для выражения обычных действий или ситуаций, которые произойдут при естественном ходе событий. Здесь не требуется дополнительных договоренностей I can give you a lift to the station. It’s no trouble for me — I’ll be going that way anyway. Will you be using the library this afternoon?
— Наречие probably используется после will, но перед won’t It will probably snow tomorrow. They probably won’t meet them tomorrow. — Shall обычно используется при предложении чего-либо, для выражения совета или предложения Shall I get dinner?  
Future Simple в вопросительных предложениях может звучать менее вежливо, чем Future Continuous Will you drive me to the airport? Will you be driving me to the airport? (более вежливо)
Утвердительная форма I shall (‘ll) ring you tonight I will (‘ll) be lying on the beach this time tomorrow
Вопросительная форма When will you ring me? What will (‘ll) you be doingthis time tomorrow
Отрицательная форма I shall not (shan’t) ring you tonight. I will not (won‘t) be lying on the beach this time tomorrow


1. Раскройте скобки, используя форму Future Continuous Tense. Переведите предложения:

1. Next year he (study) at University.

2. If you come at noon, we (eat) lunch.

3. At ten o’clock tomorrow, I (have) my music lesson.

4. We (travel) in Europe this time next month.

5. Don’t call them after six. They (watch) their favorite TV program.


2. Работайте с партнером. Прочитайте следующие диалоги:

A: Will the bus arrive soon? A: Will you be ready soon?

B: Yes, it will. It’ll arrive in ten minutes. B: Yes, I will. I’ll be ready in

a few seconds.


3. Заполните пропуски в данных диалогах:

1. A: Will the tomatoes be ripe soon? 2. A: Will the film begin soon?
B: Yes, …. … in a few weeks. B: Yes, …. … at six o’clock.
A: Will Mary get out of the hospital soon? A: Will Mr. Brown be home soon?
B: Yes, …. … in three days. B: Yes, …. … in a little while.


4. Работайте с партнером. Прочитайте следующие диалоги:

1. A: Will Alice and Mary stay in London next month?

B: No, they won’t. They are going to Paris.


2. A: Will Tom arrive from Moscow next week?

B: No, he won’t. He is going to stay in Madrid for another two weeks.


3. A: Will you fly to London tomorrow?

B: No, I won’t. I am going to fly to Geneva.


4. A: Will Mary come back next year?

B: No, she won’t. She is going to work in Bombay till next spring.


5. Работайте с партнером. Составьте свои диалоги по образцу из упр. 4, используя данные слова и выражения. Драматизируйте их:

Bill, come out of prison; Mary, marry John; Jack, stay with his wife; you, cook dinner; your husband, take the children from school.

Be going to


Этот оборот используется, чтобы сказать о будущих действиях в следующих ситуациях:

— сказать о своих намерениях и планах: I’m going to phone her tomorrow. I told you I am going to wash up.

— сделать прогноз, особенно когда есть очевидные основания: The sky is gray — I think it is going to rain. It is eight o’clock — Are you going to be late again? Look! That building is going to collapse soon.


Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи not: I am not going to see her today.

Употребление оборота be going to возможно в прошедшем времени:

I am going to see you. — I was going to see you.

John is going to meet me. — John was not going to meet me.

Are you going to see me? — Yes, I am.

Were you going to see me? — Yes, I was.

Why is John going to meet me? — Why was John going to meet me?



1. Поставьте глагол в правильную грамматическую форму (will или to be going to), объясните ее употребление:

Model: — I have a terrible headache.

— Have you? Wait for a moment there and I will get an aspirin for you.

1. A: Why are you filling that bucket with water?

B: I … (water) the plants.

2. A: What shall we have for supper?

B: I don’t know. I can’t make up my mind.

A: Come on, hurry up! Make a decision! I’m hungry.

B: Ok then. We … (have) chicken.

3. A: I want to re-paint the walls in my house.

B: Oh, really? What colour … (you/paint) them?

4. A: Where are you going? Are you going shopping?

B: Yes, I … (buy) something to present my wife with.

5. A: We need some jam for lunch.

B: I … (get) some. Do you want anything from the shop?

6. A: Look! There’s smoke coming out of the kitchen. It’s on fire!

B: Good heavens! I … (call) the fire-brigade at once.


2. Соедините обе части предложений по смыслу, используя союз because :

Model: I am going to save money because I spend too much.

1. I am going to save money. 2. I am going to see my friends more often. 3. I am going to change my job. 4. We are going to travel around Europe. 5. We are going to have French lessons. 6. I am going to spend more time with my parents. 7. We are going to invite more friends for dinner. 8. I am going to get fit. 9. I am not going to take work home. 10. We are going to move. a) We don’t speak any foreign languages b) We don’t entertain very much c) I hate my work d) I stay at home all the time e) We always stay in Britain for our holiday f) Our house is too small g) I never see my family h) I want to spend more time with my children i) I spend too much j) I don’t take enough exercise


2. Работайте с партнером. Расспросите партнера о том, что он собирается делать в выходные, используя опорные слова и выражения из следующей таблицы:

I Typical activities get up late, do some housework, play football, have a meal out, read newspapers and magazines, watch television, go for a walk.
II Favourite activities Go for a work, work in the garden, meet some friends and relatives, do fishing/hunting, play with children, cook.



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