XII. Translate into Russian the following sentences, state the function of the Gerund. 

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XII. Translate into Russian the following sentences, state the function of the Gerund.

1. After receiving the Royal Assent the Bill becomes an Act of Parliament.

2. Every year Parliament passes about a hundred laws directly by making Acts of Parliament.

3. Since the Privy Council has changed its profile it became the court which consists of the Law Lords instead of being an advising body.

4. He was prosecuted for exceeding the speed limit.

5. In Japan even after passing the examination though, a lawyer is not necessarily qualified.

6. People may continue buying and selling things for years by relying on trust and common sense.

7. Legal systems have rules for interpreting contracts in which one or more contractors made a mistake or was pressured or tricked into making an agreement, and rules for dealing with illegal contracts.

8. In the United States people are accustomed to singing written contracts connected with daily life.

9. A visitor to a foreign country can be sure that stealing, physically attacking someone or damaging their property will be unlawful. But the way of dealing with people suspected of crime may be different from his own country.

10. In English law, a defendant can avoid guilt for injuring someone if he can convince the court that the force he used was reasonable to protect himself in the circumstances.

11. And it may even be possible for a third party to sue after suffering nervous shock as the result of witnessing an accident.

12. Several laws were passed in England in an attempt to simplify the system of holding and transferring land.


XIII. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the form of the Gerund and its function.

1. A British police officer is subject to the law and may be sued or prosecuted for any wrongful ant, committed in carrying out duties.

2. He was fined for being drunk in charge of a cat.

3. You should be ashamed of yourself for behaving so badly.

4. He put off making a decision till he had more information.

5. He was accused for having deserted his ship.

6. The safe showed no signs of having been touched.

7. There are different methods of prosecuting offenders.

8. I know of his being prosecuted for his beliefs.

9. I remember having read the article about holding offenders in custody.

10. I remember of his having already been questioned before the trial.

11. There are different opinions on abolishing death penalty.

12. The prosecutor spoke about punishing the offender.

13. The judge started asking the witnesses questions.

14. After reading about a law system in Great Britain I understood its essence.

XIV. Translate the sentences paying attention to the non-finite forms of the verb.

1. To achieve practical results is very important for the further development of this branch.

2. We have to achieve practical results in the nearest future.

3. The results to be achieved will be of great practical importance.

4. The results achieved depended on the methods used.

5. Achieving practical results is an important task of a research worker.

6. Having achieved practical results the criminologist proved the method of investigation to be correct.

7. Practical results having been achieved, this method can be applied for solving a lot of law problems.

8. The committee was informed of their having achieved the first practical results.

9. We considered him to have achieved an important result.

10. Being shown the results of the experiment the scientist said that new equipment should be used in cryptography.

11. To achieve desirable results a new method must be developed.

12. Practical results are unlikely to be achieved by this method.

13. Their having achieved practical results made it possible to apply this method in practice.

14. The first practical result in this branch of law is known to have been achieved even in the Roman Empire.

15. She seems to achieve practical results in the nearest future.



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