List of conventional signs, symbols, contractions, terms 

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List of conventional signs, symbols, contractions, terms

All accepted in the paper, but rare conventional signs, symbols, contractions, terms should be explained in a list placed right after the contents. It also begins from a new page. Irrespective of this with the first appearance of these elements in the text, their decoding should be written. The list should be written in a column. To the left reference designations, symbols, abbreviation units, terms should be written in the alphabetical order. To the right their detailed decoding should be written.

Main part

The main part contains the following structural elements:

- Introduction;

- Essence of explanatory note;

- Conclusions;

- Recommendations;

- List of references.


The introduction is placed on a separate page. The following items are included in the Introduction:

- estimation of the modern state of problem, mentioning the solutions of a problem, problems of knowledge that exist in this field, leading scientists and specialists in this field;

- world tendencies of pointed problems solutions;

- actuality of this work and foundation for its implementation;

- purpose of the work and its application field;

- correlation with other works.


Essence of explanatory note

The essence of the explanatory note is the exposition of reports about subject (object) of investigation or development. These reports are necessary and sufficient for opening of the essence of this work and its results. The material is broken up in sections. Sections can have subsections and paragraphs. If necessary paragraphs are divided into sub-paragraphs. If it is necessary to give complete proofs in the work (for example, mathematical – in the works that have no direct attitude to mathematics) or research details, they are placed in appendixes. Units of IS should be used in the explanatory note. If measuring is conducted in other units, its conversion in unit of IS is obligatory only in the case of the work main points expounding.

In the text of explanatory note it is not allowed:

- to use different scientific and technical terms for one conception. Also to use foreign words and terms at presence of equivalent words and terms in Russian or Ukrainian;

- to use of words abbreviations, except those set by the orthographic rules, punctuation and proper state standards;

- To apply mathematical signs without numbers (for example №, %, = and so on)


The summary is placed right after the expounding of the explanatory note essence beginning from a new page. Results estimation, possible fields of results application, economical and social meaning of the work should be brought up in the summary. The text of conclusions can be divided into paragraphs.

List of references

The list of resources which are referred in the main part of the explanatory note is cited at the end of the explanatory note text beginning from a new page. Bibliographic descriptions from the list of references are presented in the order according to which they are first mentioned in a text (number references). Bibliographic descriptions in the list of references are brought up in accordance with the real standards of library and edition business.

Requirements tо structural elements presentation

The following structural elements are obligatory:

· title page,

· abstract,

· introduction,

· essence of explanatory note,

· conclusions.

Title page, task and abstract parts are written in Ukrainian.


Rules of the explanatory note execution

Common requirements

The explanatory note depending on its features and contents should be prepared in the form of text, illustrations or tables of their contents. The explanatory note is designed on the sheets of А4 format (210´297 mm). The usage of sheets of АЗ format (297 х 420 mm) is assumed if it is necessary. The explanatory note is executed by handwriting or, with administration permission, in printing (with the help of computer) on one side of sheet. If handwritten the explanatory note should contain 30-35 lines on one page, if printed there must be not more than 40 lines on one page, providing the page is uniformly filled and letters are of 1.8 mm height. The explanatory note should be executed with taking the following sizes of indentions into account: left – no less than 30 mm, overhead and lower – no less than 20 mm, right – no less than 10 mm. It is necessary to follow uniform density, contrast and clearness of image in the whole note. All lines, letters, numbers and signs must be of one color (black, violet or dark blue) throughout the note. Separate words, formulas, signs that are brought up in the printed text should be black, the density of inscribed text should maximally approach to the density of basic image. Errors, slips of the pen and graphic inaccuracies are assumed to be corrected by rubbing out or painting out with white paint. Correction should be placed on the same space or between lines. Correction has to be of the same color as the note. Sections and subsections should have titles. Paragraphs and subparagraphs could have titles. Titles of structural elements of the explanatory note and titles of sections should be disposed in the middle of a line, printed in capital letters without a point at the end. Titles should not be underlined. The transfer of words in the title of section is not allowed. Indention has to be the same throughout the whole text of the explanatory note and equal to five signs. Distance between the title and the next or previous text is not less than two lines.


Explanatory note pagination

Pages of the explanatory note should be numerated by Arabic numerals with continuous numbering through the whole text of the note. The number of a page is put in the top right corner of the page without a point at the end. The title page is included in general pagination of the explanatory note. The page number on the title page is not placed. Illustrations and tables which are placed on separate pages are included in general pagination of the explanatory note.



Illustrations (drafts, pictures, graphs, charts, diagrams, photos) should be placed in the explanatory note right after the text where they are mentioned or on the next page. There should be references to all the illustrations. Points received while testing should be marked on the graphs that contain experimental curves. If a graph is graticulated, then arrows are not marked on coordinate axes. If a graph is not graticulated, then it should end with arrows. If axes are graduated, then it is necessary to specify units.



As a rule, numerical material is designed in the form of tables. The table should be placed right after the text where it is mentioned for the first time or on next page. There have to be references to all the tables in the text of the explanatory note. Tables are numbered by Arabic numerals and serial numbering within the limits of a section. The table should have the title written in small letters (except for the first capital letter) and be disposed above a table. The title have to be brief and significant.



1. Гуляев А.П. Металловедение. – М: Металлургия, 1978. – 648 с.

2. Фридман Я.Б. Механические свойства металлов. 1, 2 т. – М.: Машиностроение, 1974.

3. Макклинток Ф., Аргон А. Деформация и разрушение материалов. – М.: "Мир", 1970. – 444 с.

4. Мак Лин Д. Механические свойства металлов. – М.: Металлургия, 1965. – 432 с.

5. Берштейн М.А., Займовський В.А. Механические свойства материалов. – М.: Металлургия, 1979. – 495 с.

6. Мак Лин Д. Механические свойства металлов. – М.: Металлургия, 1965. – 431 с.

7. Шапошников Н.А. Механические испытания металлов. – М.: Машгиз, 1951. – 384 с.

8. Авдеев Б.А. Испытательные машины и приборы. – М.: Машгиз, 1957. – 351 с.

9. Золотаревский В.С. Механические свойства металлов. – М.: Металлургия, 1983. – 431 с.




abruption combs гребені відриву
bar reinforcement стрижнева арматура
brittle constituent крихка складова
brittle fracture крихкий злам
cleavage відкол
cold-brittleness threshold поріг холодноламкості
crack formation zone зона зародження тріщини
crack growth zone зона розвитку тріщини
critical brittleness temperature критична температура крихкості
course paper курсовий проект
ductile constituent в¢язка складова
ductile fracture в¢язкий злам
dynamic loadings динамічні навантаження
electron microscope електронний мікроскоп
end of ductile-brittle transition закінчення переходу із в¢язкого стану в крихкий
enlarged image збільшене зображення
estimation оцінка
facets фасетки
failure руйнування
failure center осередок руйнування
fatigue crack втомлена тріщина
formation center осередок зародження
fractography фрактографія
fracture злам
fracture appearance transition temperature (FATT) температура переходу у крихкий стан
fracture contraction утяжка зламу
heat-strengthened термічно зміцнений
hot-rolled (h/r) гарячекатаний
identical angle однаковий кут
impact удар
impact bending tests випробування на ударний вигин
impact specimens ударні зразки
impact toughness ударна в¢зкість
intergranular cleavage міжзерений відкол
intragranular cleavage внутризерений відкол
low-carbon steels низьковуглецеві сталі
lower boundary of cold-brittleness threshold нижній поріг холодноламкості
mechanical properties механічні властивості
microfractographic analysis мікрофрактографічний метод
microhomogeneous мікрооднорідний
microinhomogeneous мікронеоднорідний
microvoids confluence злиття мікропорожнин
mirror area дзеркальна ділянка
mixed fractures змішані злами
notch концентратор напруги (надріз)
notched specimen зразок з концентратором напруги (надрізом)
pendulum-type impact machine маятниковий копер
pits ямки
quasi-cleavage квазівідкол
reinforced concrete constructions залізобетонні конструкції
reinforcement bars арматурні стрижні
reliably надійний
resistance опір
rupture area зона доламу
scanning microscope растровий мікроскоп
sensible control method чутливий метод контролю
serial curves серіальні криві
sharp notch гострий надріз
shining блискучий
smooth specimen гладкий зразок
smooth surface гладка поверхня
soft notch м¢який надріз
stages східці
steel grades марки сталі
streamlet pattern струмковий візерунок
structural strength конструкційна міцність
test випробування
T-notched specimen зразки з T-подібним концентратором напруги (T-подібним надрізом)
to estimate оцінювати
tongues язички
toughness в¢зкість
transition перехід
unnotched specimen зразок без концентратора напруги (надрізу)
U-notched specimen зразки з U-подібним концентратором напруги (U-подібним надрізом)
upper boundary of cold-brittleness threshold верхня границя порогу холодноламкості
V-notched specimen зразки з V-подібним концентратором напруги (V-подібним надрізом)
wavy areas хвиляста ділянка
wide temperature interval широкий температурний інтервал
work of formation of crack робота зародження тріщини
work of growth of crack робота розвитку тріщини




1. introduction......................................................................... 3

2. STRUCTURE OF THE COURSE PAPER.................................. 5

3. contents of the course paper parts....................... 6

3.1. Introduction.............................................................................. 6

3.2. Main part.................................................................................. 6

3.2.1. Choice of material and specimens type for pendulum-type impact machine testing, determination of impact toughness.............................................. 6

3.2.2. Description and estimation of fracture type...................... 8

3.2.3. Estimation of influence of impact specimens notch radius on fracture character.................................................................................................. 12

3.2.4. Determination of cold brittleness temperature by means of serial dynamic bending tests........................................................................................... 14

Appendix 1 TASK........................................................................ 17

Appendix 2 impact toughness values after test of impact specimens................................................................................... 18

KCU (type Ι)............................................................................. 18

KCV (type IV)........................................................................... 18

Appendix 3 macrophotographies of fractures... 19

Appendix 4 microphotographies of fractures.... 28

Appendix 5 design regulations of the course paper 39

Introduction.................................................................................. 39

Title page................................................................................... 39

Task of the course paper........................................................... 40

Abstract..................................................................................... 40

Contents.................................................................................... 41

List of conventional signs, symbols, contractions, terms………….41

Main part...................................................................................... 41

Introduction............................................................................... 42

Essence of the explanatory note................................................ 42

Conclusions............................................................................... 43

List of references....................................................................... 43

Requirements tо structural elements presentation..................... 43

Rules of explanatory note design

Resources.................................................................................. 46

Vocabulary.............................................................................. 47



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