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Знайдіть еквіваленти наступних слів та словосполучень.

Приватна власність, продаж землі, ринок землі, система колективного сільськогосподарського виробництва, земельна ділянка, заходи щодо тугішого затягнення паска, скоординовані зусилля, відсутність приватної власності на землю, головна перешкода, неправильний спосіб виробництва.

4. Переробіть наступні прислівники у прикметники прибравши суффікс -ly. Перекладіть утворені слова. Model: quickly - quick.

Simultaneously, seriously, demonstratively, effectively, economically, finally.

Поєднайте іменники з вертикальної колонки з дієсловами з горизонтальної колонки.

  basis land reform attention infrastructure   decree moratorium restrictions climate breakdown possibility

6. Оберіть потрібне слово:

1. For Ukraine... property of land is the cornerstone of this reform.

a) state b) municipal c) private d) communal

2. The concept of private property was... by the Supreme Council in the Land Code of Ukraine.

a) declared b) issued c) announced d) proclaimed

3. The proper solution of the economic problem in the near future will... the socio-economic climate in Ukrainian society.

a) define b) determine c) depict d) introduce

4. The only effective economic reform program that... on Ukrainian soil was instituted by Pyotr Stolypin.

a) happened b) occured c) took place d) went on

5. The infrastructure must be... and the distribution system made more efficient.

a) improved b) made better c) implemented d) increased

6. The absence of private ownership on land was the... handicap that hindered agricultural reforms.

a) main b) fundamental c) major d) principal

7. Stolypin's reforms addressed the categorical...of an inefficient communal agricultural production system.

a) ruin b) breakdown c) devastation d) collapse



1. Read and translate the text:

Land relationships

Land relationships in Ukraine are regulated, with a basic legislative deed (Land Code of Ukraine is put into commission on 5. 05.1993. Land Code consists of 10 issues, 13 chapters, and 118 articles. In the first issue there is main thesis of land legislation of Ukraine. This issue is subdivided into 7 chapters and every chapter gets 4-16 articles placed. The first chapter is devoted to question of a power of management bodies in the field of land relationships regulation. The second chapter fixs the questions of transference of land to property and to plot arable land to use. Stop and passage of rights to land, pay for acquisition of land to property land tax, rent and questions of confiscation are fixed with Land Code. (Chapter I, articles from 17 to 47.)

The second issue is devoted to questions of right regulation of land use in Ukraine. Every chapter of this issue regulates using of land:

-agricultural purpose,

-land of populated area (ch. 8),

-land, pf industry, transport, communication, defense and other

intention (ch 9),

lands of protect of nature, healthy and history cultural intention, -land of forest fund, land of water fund, land of supply (ch 13)

Land Code of Ukraine regulates also questions of land protection, decision of land arguments responsibility for infringements of land legislation.



1. Прочитайте текст та дайте відповіді на питання:

1. What kind of techniques started to be used widely in the 16" and 17th centuries?

2. What is triangulation?

3. What countries did major triangulation networks cover by the end of the 19"' century?

4. How did the French determine the shape of the Earth?

5. What was the idea of the English about the shape of the Earth?

6. What did the Academy in Paris stage to prove their idea?

7. What was the objective of the expedition?

8. Which concept of the Earth's surface was right?


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