Вирішіть, яке з тверджень правдиве, а яке – ні. 

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Вирішіть, яке з тверджень правдиве, а яке – ні.

Виправіть їх, використовуючи наступні фрази:

• That's right (wrong) to say because....

• That's right (wrong). I agree (disagree) with you because....

• You are right (wrong) there because....


1. Ukraine is tiying to solve all its problems concerning improving and modernizing farming technology and rural infrastructure without the help of Western experts.

2. Ukraine has already become a leading agriculture – exporting country.

3. Ukrainians want to burn those bridges which connected them with a dark period of landlessness.

4. Ukraine can feed itself and become the breadbasket of the whole Europe at present.

5. The rural worker still has no rights and the freedom of choice and actions.

6. Ukraine restrains itself from improving and modernizing farming technology and rural infrastructure.

Напишіть свої власні речення, використовуючи словосполучення з тексту.

a dark period of landlessness, on the world market, a leading agriculture exporting countiy, the breadbasket of Europe, to receive the land, the freedom of choice and actions, to burn bridges.



1.Прочитатйе текст тадайтевідповіді на питання:

1. What is the main subject of the text?

2. Why does the author refer to Pyotr Stolypin's reforms?

3. What document was the concept of private property proclaimed in?

4. How does the author account for adopting a six-year moratorium placed on the sale of land?

5. Does the land market exist in Ukraine?

6. What was Ukrainians' reaction to a government decree "On Privatization of Land Plots"?

7. Are the arguments offered by the author for this and the following decrees effective from your point of view?

8. What conclusion does the author arrive at in the end of the text?


Economic reform in the country-side provides the basis for total economic reform in Ukraine. Its proper solution in the near future will determine the socio-economic climate in Ukrainian society and, in perspective, the future of the Ukrainian state.

Until this time what was absent was a modern de-ideologized program of land reform. Last century, the only effective economic reform program that took place on Ukrainian soil, and which in a few decades changed the face of the country, was instituted by Pyotr Stolypin and based on land reform. These reforms addressed the categorical breakdown of an inefficient communal agricultural production system which resembled our contemporary kolhospy (collective farms) and radhospy (state farms) and transferred the individual interests of people to private farm production.

This question has also become a central point of a political struggle in our Supreme Council. After three years of discussion and debate, agricultural reform in Ukraine has finally begun. On December 23, 1992 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine issued a government decree "On Privatization of Land Plots" removing restrictions in the laws concerning private property on land. For Ukraine, a country with a long and rich agrarian history, private ownership of land is the cornerstone of this reform.

The concept of private property was proclaimed by the Supreme Council in the Land Code of Ukraine but a simultaneously adopted six-year moratorium placed on the sale of land seriously restricted the right of private property in land. Latter was the first artificial obstacle that was removed by the decree. In fact, the decree opened up the land market, which had been so demonstratively declared earlier, but nonexistent until now.

Ukrainians will not be placated by this single step. It is obvious to them that the decree itself will not solve the problems heaped on them by decades of an improper mode of production and colonial status.

Subsequently, a number of things needs to be addressed in order for this and following decrees to be implemented quickly and effectively.

First, the psychology of collectivism is something that many people both within and outside the government need to overcome.

Second, trust in the government's belt-tightening measures is an issue of even greater urgency within a country as economically distressed as Ukraine.

Thirdly, the infrastructure must be improved and the distribution system made more efficient. Each party involved understands that agricultural reform is a difficult and long-term process. It needs continuous and diligent attention, as well as a coordinated effort between all the branches of power.

Of course, this decree is not a complete foundation for the development of a land market, but it gives the possibility for future resolute steps. The absence of private ownership of land was the principal handicap that hindered agricultural reforms. Certain questions, such as fair and equal distribution of land and the potential monopolization by third parties, still need to be addressed.

2. Запишіть слова у словник та вивчіть:


implement (v) виконувати, здійснювати

breakdown (n) розвал, розруха, розпад

resemble (v) бути схожим

comtemporary (adj) сучасний

transfer (v) переносити, переміщати

obstacle (n) перешкода, завада

placate (v) умиротворяти, заспокоювати

overcome (v) подолати, побороти

issue (n) питання, проблема

handicap (n) перешкода

hinder (v) заважати

theme (n) тема

urgency (n) гостра потреба, терміновість

belt-tightening measures заходи щодо тугішого затягнення паска


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