Складання та оформлення карт 

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Складання та оформлення карт

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In understanding basic maps, the field of cartography can be divided into two general categories: general cartography and thematic cartography. General cartography involves those maps that are constructed for a general audience and thus contain a variety of features.

General maps exhibit many reference and location systems and often are produced in a series. For example the 1:24.000 scale topographic maps of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) are a standard as compared to the 1:50.000 scale Canadian maps. The government of the UK produces the classic 1:63,360 (1 inch to 1 mile) "Ordnance Survey" maps of the entire UK and with a range of correlated larger- and smaller-scale maps of great detail.

Thematic cartography involves maps of specific geographic themes oriented toward specific audiences. A couple of examples might be a dot map showing corn production in Indiana or a shaded area map of Ohio counties divided into numerical choropleth classes. As the volume of geographic data has exploded over the last century, thematic cartography has become increasingly useful and necessary to interpret spatial, cultural and social data.


Прочитайте слова та запишіть у словник

current trends сучасні напрямки

move away (v) відсуватися

interactive (adj) взаємодіючий, узгоджений

visualizing (n) мислене уявлення

premise (n) посилка, засновок

digitally (adv) цифровим способом

phenomena (n) явище

rest (v) грунтуватися


1. Give English equivalents to the following words and word-combinations in the text:

складання карт, у двох вимірах, ступінь викривлення, передавати інформацію, база даних, вимірювання простору, програмне забезпечення, географічні явища, мислене уявлення, в абстрактному та переносному значенні, цифровим способом, зображати.

2. Transform the following adverbs into adjectives omitting suffix -ly and translate these adjectives into Ukrainian:

effectively, necessarily, quickly, highly, exactly, increasingly, digitally, traditionally.

3. Begin the following words with such negative prefixes as: un-, in-, ir-, de-, dis-, im- and translate these words:

balanced, regular, ability, exactly, visible, effectively, measurable, involve, use, known, information, calculable.


Класифікація карт. Умовні знаки та нанесення їх на карту.

1. Read and translate the text and write out the unknown words:



Various features of the earth's surface are pictured on plans and maps by means. of conventional signs. The purpose of conventional signs is to convey a clear image of the country and help one understand the contents of the plan or map.

For reading of plans and maps with the aid of conventional signs the signs are made to resemble the features they represent. The skill of plan or map reading is the skill of interpreting the country, represented from the conventional signs. The names of certain objects such as rivers, seas, settlements, etc. available on plans and maps are helpful in understanding their contents.

The exercises in reading plans and maps and using them to solve various problems are an important part of the geodetic training.

Plans and maps are drawn with the use of conventional signs adopted for the given scale. Conventional signs are drawn either to scale out of scale. The former are used to represent features in compliance with the scale of the plan or a map. This symbol on the plan or a map gives not only the position of the object but its dimensidils as well.

If an object is too small to be represented by the conventional sign to scale, the latter is drawn out of scale. The objects represented by such conventional signs occupy on the plan more space than called for by the scale.

Out-of-scale symbols are extensively used on maps. Railroads and highway, for instance, are nearly always represented on maps by conventional signs drawn out of scale, i.e., the axis of a railroad or highway is drawn so as to fully correspond to the position of its horizontal projection in nature, but the width of the road is somewhat exaggerated.

Plans are finished with the aid of ink. The yellow-green colour goes for water reservoirs (lakes, rivers, ponds) as well as for swamps, saline ground and water-bogged areas; brown ink goes to indicate the relief and sands; black ink - the rest of features as well as inscriptions. The water space is painted either pale blue in the case of fresh water, or lilac in the case of salty waters.

These are importance conventional sings(draw them, please):

Types of land
  Water-bogged meadow
  Vegetable gardens
  Shrub-infested meadow
  Foilage forest
  Rare forest
  Coniferous forest
  Cut-out forest
  Mixed forest
  Burnt forest




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