Ex.4.Поставте слова у дужках у правильній формі. 

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Ex.4.Поставте слова у дужках у правильній формі.

1. A more sophisticated technique, called stereophotogrammetry, (makes/ make) it possible to estimate the three-dimensional coordinates of points on an object.

2. Photogrammetry (is/are) the first remote sensing technology ever developed, in which geometric properties about objects are determined from photographic images.

3. Photogrammetry (is used /were used) in different fields, such as topographic mapping, architecture, engineering, manufacturing, quality control, police investigation.

4. "Photogrammetry" (uses/use) methods from many disciplines including optics and projective geometry.

5. Photogrammetry (has been/ had been) defined by ASPRS



1. Прчитайте слова та запишіть їх у словник.

readable (adj)

communicate (v)

curved. (adj)

entail (v)

distortion (n)

deal with (v)

utilize (v)

irregular (adj)

knowable (adj)

calculable (adj)

advent (n)

software (n)

spatial (adj)

acquire (v)

extract (v)

легкий для читання


зігнутий, викривлений

кликати, спричиняти


боротися (з чимось)



пізнаваний, розпізнаваний


прихід, прибуття

програмне забезпечення

просторовий, космічний

набувати, здобувати

витягувати, вилучати

2.Прочитайте текст


Cartography or mapmaking (in Greek chartis - map and graphein — write) is the study and practice of making representations of the Earth on a flat surface. Cartography combines science, aesthetics, and technical ability to create a balanced and readable representation that is capable of communicating information effectively and quickly.

One problem in creating maps is the simple reality that the surface of the Earth, a curved surface in three-dimensional space, must be represented in two dimensions as a flat surface. This necessarily entails some degree of distortion, which can be dealt with by utilizing projections that minimize distortion in certain areas. Furthermore, the Earth is not a regular sphere, but its shape is instead known as a geoid, which is a highly irregular but exactly knowable and calculable shape.

Maps of all scales have traditionally been drawn and made by hand, but the recent advent and spread of computers has revolutionized cartography. Most commercial-quality maps are now made with soft ware that falls into one of three main types: CAD. CIS, and specialized illustration software.

Functioning as tools, maps communicate spatial information by making it visible. Spatial information is acquired from measurement of space and can be stored in a database, from which it can be extracted for a variety of purposes. Current trends in this field are moving away from analog methods of mapmaking and toward the creation of increasingly dynamic, interactive maps that can be manipulated digitally.

Cartographic representation involves the use of symbols and lines to illustrate geographic phenomena. This can aid in visualizing space in an abstract and portable format. The cartographic process rests on the premise that the world is measurable and that we can make reliable representations or models of that reality.

3.Дайте відповіді на питання:

1. What is the subject of the text?

2. How does the author define "cartography"?

3. What does the problem in creating maps deal with?

4. Do you agree with the concept that the Earth is not a regular sphere? Express your opinion.

5. It's true that maps of all scales have traditionally been drawn and made by hand?

6. What event has revolutionized cartography?

7. Can you say that software has appeared with advent and spread of computers?

8. How many main types does software fall into?

9. Can you explain what spatial information is?

10.What new trends are observed in cartography nowadays?

11.What conclusion does the author arrive at?



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