Compare and translate adjective and Participle II 

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Compare and translate adjective and Participle II

unrecognizable - неузнаваемый (то, что нельзя узнать)

unrecognized - неузнанный

unreadable - unread

untranslatable - untranslated

undeterminable - undetermined

unchangeable - unchanged

unadaptable - unadapted

undistributable - undistributed

unwashable - unwashed

unnoticeable - unnoticed

15. a) State of what part of speech are the following derivatives and translate them:

spoil, spoiled, unspoiled, spoilage, spoiling;

act, active, actively, activity;

tough, toughen, toughened, toughening;

can, canned, canning, canner, cannery;

depend, dependent, independence;

product, productive, productivity, production, produce, reproducible, produced;

skin, skinned, skinless, skinning, skinner;

freeze, frozen, freezing, freezer;

cook, uncooked, cooking, cooker;


b) Words from different stems:

moisture, processor, density, perishable, splitting, weight, particularly, excessive, predrying, loss, requirement, beheading, protection, exposure, improvement, humidity, heater, damage, thickness, boneless, immersion, distasteful, rancidity, consumer, soften, width, important, principal, difference, handling, cooler, growth, dehydration.


16.State the functions of the Participles in the following sentences and translate them into Russian:

1. Our ship is a huge whaling factory ship. 2. The damage trawler has been towed to the port. 3. A new broadcasting station has begun to function. 4. The ship is sailing to the big foreign port. 5. Translating the text he used a dictionary. 6. Standing on the bridge the captain was watching the work being done on the deck. 7. Fresh fish or fish products that have been exposed to cold are called chilled. 8. Their storage life is therefore prolonged and will last so long as spoilage has not become for advanced. 9. The freezing point for fish is between 00C and - 60C depending on the species. 10. Chilling must be regarded as a complex process. 11. Fish to be processed into frozen fillets must be absolutely fresh. 12. The main conditions to be observed in chilling are coolants with optimum thermal efficiently. 13. On one of the factory ships visited last week our students were shown the newest equipment for cooling and freezing fish. 14. One of the most noticeable features of the new freezers is the big increase in the quantities of fish mass frozen.



1. Read and translate the words having the same root in the English and Russian languages:

Product, observation, temperature, factor, organic, mineral, initial, transfer, complex, biochemical, physical, refrigerator, microorganism, accumulation, climate, apparatus coefficient, combine.

2. Remember the meaning of the following words and word-combinations:

the eutetic point of food products – эвтетическая температура пищевых продуктов

power consumption – расход энергии

tubular rack – трубчатый стеллаж

ice-and-salt freezing – льдо-солевое замораживание

layer by layer – послойно (слой за слоем)

latent heat – теплота испарения

assembly - агрегат

3. Translate the following derivatives:

1. perish – perishable – unperishable

2. freeze – freezing – freezer – frozen – refrozen – unfrozer

3. cool – colled – uncooled – cooling, cooler – coolant

4. refrigerate – refrigeration – refrigerator – refrigerant

5. load – loading – unloading – loader

6. evaporate – evaporator – evaporation

4. Read and translate the following text:


Perishable food products may be kept much longer by freezing, provided that two conditions are observed: a) the product must be frozen to as low a temperature as possible; and b) most of the fluid in the product must be converted into ice. The second factor is particularly significant for fish, since the fluid in it constitutes a solvent for many organic and mineral substances and favours the growth of microorganisms and the development of biochemical reactions.

Freezing is a process by which the temperature of the raw fish is reduced from the initial to between –16°C and –18°C, and most of the fluid in it is converted to ice.

The eutectic point of food products, that is the minimum temperature at which all the fluid in it is turned to ice, is –55° to –65°C, but such a low temperature cannot generally be reached in the food industry. Heat transfer during freezing is accompanied by mass transfer. Consequently, freezing must be regarded as a complex process of both heat and mass transfer.

The biochemical and physical changes in the fish during freezing, the refrigeration conditions (speed, duration, final temperature of the frozen fish), power consumption, and the peculiarities of the refrigeration method used – all are very significant factors in preparing high quality frozen fish.

Only live and perfectly fresh fish should be taken for freezing. It is also essential that they be graded by species and size.

Biological and chemical changes in fish during freezing. The freezing accompanied by important biological and chemical changes. The biological changes include the inhibition of micro-organisms at the surface and in the interior of the fish, and even a reduction in the number of bacteria at the surface immediately after freezing. Owing to the low temperatures and the changes that result in the state of aggregation in the product, freezing is more lethal to micro-organisms than chilling and frozen fish therefore will keep for a long time.

Biochemical reactions take place more slowly at low temperatures, but are not arrested even when the product is frozen. Glycogen breaks down during freezing, and lactic acid forms. The maximum accumulation of lactic acid occurs in the temperature range between –2.5°C and -3.7°C known as the critical range. With slow freezing, that is, at a comparatively high temperature, glycogen breaks down quickly.

During refrigeration substantial protein changes occur – the protein becomes denatured, as a result of which solubility changes drastically and the capacity of the product to swell and retain tissue is reduced. All this detracts from the food quality of fish, the flesh becomes dry and hard and loses certain properties essential for further processing particularly for canning.

Methods of fish refrigeration. The methods and equipment for commercial freezing are very varied. Freezing in a cold air medium, for example, may be carried out in natural conditions, or in a freezing chamber where low air temperature is maintained by artificial means, or in a special freezer in which cold air is circulated fairly rapidly. If a cold liquid medium (brine) is used as coolant, the fish may either be placed in direct contact with the brine, or may be separated from it by heat-conducting surface. Both ice and brine may sometimes be used for either contact, or indirect freezing. Lastly, new methods of freezing with a boiling coolant are being developed.

Freezing by natural frost is used in very cold climates, where fish are caught under ice and immediately laid out alive on the ice in a single layer, so as to expose as much of their surface as possible to heat transfer with the atmosphere and ice.

Blast freezing. In old-style freezers fish are frozen on tubular racks in a refrigeration chamber. In these conditions in which part of the fish is in contact with metal, and part with slowly circulating air, freezing is slow and uneven. In modern freezers the rack method has been replaced by a blast of cold air. Various apparatus and installations have been developed not only ensuring high-heat transfer coefficient, but also providing mechanical means for loading and unloading the fish.

Ice-and-salt freezing uses the principle of spontaneous cooling of a mixture of ice and salt (NaCl). The process taking place simultaneously in the mixture are ice melting and salt-melting, both of which absorb heat. For a complete interaction between the constituents of the mixture the contact surface between them should be as large as possible. The technology of this method of freezing is simple: fish are placed in the mixture layer by layer and are either kept in direct contact with it (contact freezing) or are separated from it by a heat conducting wall (indirect contact freezing).

Freezing in a boiling refrigerant. The principle of freezing products by immersion in a non-toxic evaporating refrigerant is probably better and more efficient than any other. It offers the most favourable heat transfer conditions: fullest use is made of the latent heat of evaporation of the refrigerant, and the product, which is in direct contact with it, is quickly frozen. The refrigerant is admitted directly to the freezer through control valve and is evaporated in it at a very low temperature through the heat transfer from the product. The functions of the evaporator and of the freezer are here combined in the same assembly.

5. Give the Russian equivalents:

Perishable, food products, to observe conditions, to convert into ice, the growth microorganisms, mineral substances, raw fish, food industry, heat transfer, at the surface, slow freezing, tissue juices, freezing chamber, a single layer, direct contact.


6. Translate into English the following words and write synonyms for them:

Уменьшать, случаться, множество, разрабатывать, внизу, существенный, помогать, производство, сразу же, охлаждать, конечный продукт, использовать.



7. a) Translate the following words into Russian;

b) define the parts of speech of the stems to which the prefix un– is added.

Unfit, unusual, unfair, unaccomplished, unjust, uneffective, untrue, uncertain, unclean, unfrozen, unknown, unreasonable, unsignificant, uneven.


8. Fill in the blanks with the words given below:

1. Freezing in cold … may be carried out in natural conditions.

2. New methods of freezing with a … are being developed.

3. In old-style freezers fish are … on tubular racks in … chambers.

4. Brine is much better conductor of … than air.

5. Fish immersed in brine at a temperature of 17°C will freeze much than in … at the same …

6. The … is characteristic of perfectly fresh fish.

7. The principal fields of bacterial invasion are … and …

8. If a fish is frozen in brine, some … may penetrate the tissues, and blood may be discoloured by the … of salt.

(media, boiling, coolant, frozen, refrigerating, heat, air, temperature, rigor mortis, gills, slime, skin, salt, action)


9. Answer the following questions:

1. What is to be done to hold fish in good edible conditions for a long time?

2. Is it advisable to freeze the stale fish?

3. What do you mean by the term “freezing”?

4. What changes occur to protein during refrigeration?

5. Is the freezing by the natural frost considered the industrial method of refrigerating?

6. Do you think freezing on tubular racks to be the modern method of freezing?


10. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Вторая стадия разложения превращает рыбу в несъедобный продукт.

2. В современных морозильных аппаратах трубчатые стеллажи заменены потоком холодного воздуха.

3. Чтобы хорошо знать методы замораживания рыбы, нужно иметь основательный опыт и хорошее знание теории.

4. Когда рыбу замораживают медленно, мускульные волокна замерзают в виде ледяных кристалликов, и рыба теряет свои вкусовые качества.

5. Рыбу, предназначенную к замораживанию, не следует резать на куски или обезглавливать.





1. Read and translate the words having the same root in the English and Russian languages:

marinade, group, action, micro-organisms, medium, bacteria, per cent, distillation, product, economically, container, scrupulously, mixture, proportion, concentration.


2. Remember the meaning of the following words and word-combinations:

vinegar- уксус

made-up cooked dishes – готовые блюда

by dry distillation of wood – сухой перегонкой дерева

whole fish – неразделанная рыба

dressed fish – разделанная рыба

live stream – острый пар

yeasts – дрожжи

mould – плесень

trunk – тушка

cask – бочонок

condiment – приправа


3. Mind the prefixes pre-, post- and translate the following words into Russian: pre-fried, pre-cooked, pre-smoked, pre-planned, pre-arranged, pre-condition, pre-washed, pre-prepared, pre-processing, post-glacial, post-date, post-graduate, post-war, post-humous, post-meridiem.


4. Read and translate the text:


Allmarinades may be divided into two groups: (a) cold or salt, and (b) warm marinades prepared from pre-fried, pre-cooked, or рге-smoked fish. Cold marinades are exten­sively used, because they keep well and are easier to prepared. Warm marinades are in fact made-up cooked dishes, and they will not be discussed here.

The preservative action of vinegar and vinegar-salt solu­tion. The development of putrefactive micro-organisms is greatly delayed in an acid medium with a vinegar concen­tration of 1 to 2 per cent. With a higher proportion of acid, a number of bacteria die. The various micro-organisms re­act differently to being kept in an acid medium; some, like yeasts and mould, for example, will even thrive. Mould dev­elops readily in an acid medium, and we know from expe­rience that marinades are frequently affected by them. Moulds gradually decompose the acetic acid and thereby create favourable conditions for development of putrefactive bac­teria.

Marinades are prepared from edible acetic acid (essence or vinegar) at a strength of 80 per cent. The acid is obtained either, by dry distillation of wood or synthetically from acetylene. Itsbasic requirements are that it must be colour­less and transparent, with no resinous odour, and contain no mineral acids or salts of heavy metals. Acetic acid is completely miscible with water.

Sometimes wine vinegar obtained by fermenting wine or diluted alcohol is used for marinades. Wine vinegar has a better taste and flavour, but as it contains only 3 to 5 per cent of acetic acid, it cannot be used unless it is produced on spot.

Marinading technique. Cold marinades may be prepared from both fresh and salted fish. It is usually considered that fresh fish gives a pleasanter taste, but the better opportu­nities offered today for processing light salted intermediate products have led to the bulk of marinades being prepared from lightly cured fish.

Fish used for marinading include herrings, whitefish, and sardines, i.e. mainly those types that mature through salt­ing. Marinades may be prepared from whole fish or from dressed ones. The dressing of the fish gives a good quality product and is also economically profitable. Gutted fish keep better, and some methods of dressing give the fish an attractive appearance.

Processing fresh fish. If fish are marinaded fresh, they are dressed and washed, and then placed in a vat with a vinegar and salt solution. As a result, they are preserved and acquire a salty-sour taste. The salt and acid are chosen according to the season and to the type of flavour required. The marinades preferred more salty than sour; the salt concentration in the vat therefore varies from 12 per cent to 18 per cent. In Western Europe, on the other hand, solutions contain 6 per cent to 12 per cent salt and up to 6 per cent vinegar.

Packing fish in containers. The usual container for cold marinading fish is a wooden cask or a keg. Since marinades are fairly perishable, casks should be scrupulously clean. Wooden barrels can be a source of mould infection for fish, so they must be made of good quality wood and be thorough­ly washed before use. The best method of treating them is with live steam.

Small-sized fish, or fish cut up into small pieces, are poured into the barrel and merely spread out in it. The fish may be fixed with condiments either on tables or during filling of the barrel. Large-sized fish (herrings) are packed in rows, and each row sprinkled with the condiment mix­ture.

5. Find in the text verbs corresponding the following words: division, preparing, usage, discussion, development, production, inclusion, elimination, preservation.


6. Find the Russian equivalents in the right hand column:

1. warm 1. опыт

2. thrive 2. благоприятный

3. experience 3. аромат

4. gradually 4. процветать

5. favourable 5. вкус

6. strength 6. раствор

7. flavour 7. режим

8. taste 8. крепость

9. solution 9. теплый

10. постепенно


7. Answer the following questions:

1. How is the acetic acid obtained?

2. In which medium is the development of putrefactive micro-organisms greatly delayed?

3. Which fish gives pleasanter taste on being marinaded (fresh or salted)?

4. What kind of containers are used for cold marinading fish?

5. What kind of marinades are preferred in our country?

6. How are the salt and acid chosen?

7. Why must wooden barrels be of good quality and scrupulously clean?

8. How are small sized fish prepared?


8. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. При повышенном соотношении уксусной кислоты в маринаде много микроорганизмов погибает.

2. За последнее время делаются попытки улучшить вкус маринадов путем замены уксусной кислоты молочной или лимонной кислотой.

3. Чем больше добавляется кислоты к маринаду, тем белее и плотнее становится мясо рыбы.

4. Маринады готовят как из разделанной, так и из целой рыбы.

5. Температура уксусно-солевого раствора должна быть не ниже 100С и не выше 150С.

6. Маринады считаются малостойким продуктом, который нужно хранить при температуре, близкой к 00С.


9. Translate the following conditional sentences:

1. Provided that the fish and salt are thoroughly mixed, and the salt is of the right quality, latter dissolves more quickly.

2. Salting delayed if the salt dissolves too slowly through being very coarse.

3. If herring are salted in barrels, they are first mixed with salt.

4. No fuel may be used for smoking if the substances generated during its combustion are likely to give fresh and pleasant odour.

5. Had our research been successful, we should have been able to investigate the composition of this compound.

6. Many accidents could have been prevented had the principles of physics been known and properly applied.

7. They would stay at sea unless the weather were bad.

8. Had you been more attentive nothing would have occurred.

9. Could our experiments have been supported theoretically, they would have done much to advance our knowledge in technology.

10. If we use the necessary devices, the measurement will always be correct.


10. Use the verbs in brackets in the required tense and translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. If we (to be able to see) the molecules in a bottle of oxygen gas, we should be surprised by the chaos and confusion.

2. Provided a piece of radium (to be brought) near a charged electroscope, the leaves will come together, thus showing the loss of charge.

3. If we not (to raise) the temperature, the pressure would be increase.

4. If we had had time enough, we (to repeat) our experiment.

5. If we (to solve) the problem of controlled chemical reaction, we could achieve a great success.

6. If scientists could reach still higher temperatures necessary for fusing together small nuclei, the problem of controlled fusion (to be solved).

11. Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to conditional sentences:

1. Если рыба храниться во льду, активность бактерий задерживается и процесс автолиза долее интенсивный.

2. Если температура воды не достигнет определенных лимитов, большинство рыб не будет нереститься.

3. Если бы рыба погибла, в ее теле происходил бы ряд сложных химических и физических изменений.

4. Если рыба маринуется свежей, она разделывается, моется и затем помещается в раствор.

5. В отчете подчеркивается, что если не внедрить определенные изменения, то вскоре некоторые компании будут вынуждены объявить о своем закрытии.

6. Если бы сельдь засолили в бочках, то ее сначала бы перемешали с солью.

7. Если бы вы разработали в прошлом году всю необходимую для рыбоводства инфраструктуру, вы бы обратились в фонды, заинтересованные в финансировании проектов.

8. Если спрос на мидии в Европе превысит имеющееся ресурсы, будет неизбежен поиск новых поставщиков в другие регионы земного шара.

9. Если бы предприятие располагало одной единственной установкой, это означало бы остановку производства.




1. Read and translate the words having the same root in the English and Russian languages:

Pollution, sense, phase, aspects, organizm, fundamental, adapt, aquatic, regularly, alternative, design, machine, technology, atmosphere.


2. Remember the meaning of the following words and word-combinations:

environment – окружающая среда

pollution – загрязнение

feature – черта

animal – животное

temporarily – временно

up-to-date – современный

ship – судно

wastes – отходы

to get sick – заболеть

destroy – разрушать

danger – опасность


3. State what part of speech the following words are, translate them into Russian:

To use – usage – using; to define – definition- defined; to spend – spending – spent; to regulate- regularly – regulator; to produce – producer- production- produced; to carry-carriage-carrying; to protect – protector – protection; to different – differently – different; to alter- alternative –alternation.


4. Read and translate the text:




The word "environment" has been repeatedly used without being defined. In a broad sense the environment includes several distinct and simultaneous and (of course) interacting phases. It includes, first, the nonliving aspects of the place where an organism lives — its physical environment. It includes, too, all the living things that affect the organism — its biotic environment.

All organisms live in water or in air. (Even those that live within soil are effectively sur­rounded either by water or by air.) That is the most fundamental feature of the physical environ­ment. The conditions of life are very different in water and in air, and most organisms are con­fined to one or the other. Many plants do, to be sure, live in both environments at once, with roots in water and stems (ствол) rod leaves in air, but the different parts are adapted to different envi­ronments. Many animals spend part of their lives in water and part in the air, as do the numerous insects with aquatic larvae (личинки), but the organisms is quite different when in one environ­ment than when in the other. Many can temporarily leave one environment for the other, as a fish can jump in the air or a man plunge into the sea. More impressively, there is a large number of plants and animals, especially along the shore, that regularly undergo alternation (сме­на) between the two environments.

People have designed and produced up-to-date machines and technologies to make their life easier and more comfortable. But all these activities result in air and water pollution.

One of the most important problems is the oceans. A lot of ships crossing the oceans and seas, especially those that carry oil, put their wastes into water, and the water becomes dirty. As a result many birds and fish die because of polluted water, others are getting contaminated and people may get sick from eating them.

The second problem is air pollution. Cars and plants pollute the atmosphere with their wastes. They destroy the ozone layer which protects us from the dangerous light of the Sun. They also destroy forests which are dying from acid rains.

Now people begin to realize the danger of their activities. People are concerned about the air and the water used by everyone, they are also concerned about the future of the planet because they understand that these activities affect the balance of nature.

In order to make our life not only easier but better and healthier we must learn to protect the water, the air and the earth from pollution. Our planet belongs to our children and if we want our children to live in a healthier world we must do everything to protect them from the catastro­phe.


5. Give opposites to the following words: broad, distinct, first, nonliving, things, water, different, many, up-to-date machines, easy, comfortable, dirty, destroy, dangerous, future.


6. Fill in the blanks with the words given below:

1. The conditions of life are very … in water and in air, and most organisms are confined to one or the other.

2. Many … do, to be sure, live in both environments at once.

3. There is a large number of plants and animals, especially along the shore, that regularly undergo … between the two environments.

4. People have designed and produced up-to-date machines and … to make their life easier.

5. One of the most … problems in the oceans.

6. Cars and plants … the atmosphere with their wastes.

7. Now … begin to realize the danger of their activities.

8. We want our children in a healthier ….

(alternation, pollute, world, important, people, plants, technologies, different)


7. Confirm or rebut the following sentences:

1. The environment includes, first, the nonliving aspects of the place where an organism lives.

2. The conditions of life are very the same in water and in air.

3. Many animals spend the whole one in the air.

4. Many animals can temporarily leave one environment for the other.

5. A lot of ships especially those that carry coal put their wastes into water.

6. Cars and plants destroy the ozone layer which protects us from the light of the sun.

7. The second problem is soil pollution.


8. Find in the text verbs corresponding to the following words: usage, definition, life, adoption, production, carriage, putting, pollution, death, realization, affection, learning, protection.


9. Answer the following questions:

1. How has the word ‘environment’ been rapidly used?

2. What does environment include?

3. Where do all organisms live?

4. Where do many animals spend part of their lives?

5. Why have people designed and produced up-to-date machines and technologies?

6. How do cars and plants pollute the atmosphere?

7. Why do many birds and fish die?

8. What do people begin to realize now?

9. What must we learn?


10. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Среда обитания включает несколько явных и одновременно взаимодействующих фаз.

2. Условия жизни в воде и в воздухе – очень различны.

3. Многие животные проводят часть своей жизни в воде и часть – в воздухе.

4. Большое число растений и животных, особенно на побережье, постоянно претерпевают смену двух сред обитания.

5. В результате деятельности человека происходит загрязнение воды и воздуха.

6. Одна из самых больших проблем – это загрязнение океана.

7. Интенсивное развитие промышленности сказывается на загрязнении атмосферы.

8. Загрязнение окружающей среды очень велико сейчас.

9. Люди начали осознавать опасность своей деятельности.

10. Мы должны научиться защищать воду, атмосферу и землю от загрязнения, чтобы сделать нашу жизнь не только более легкой, но и более здоровой.




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