High Status Game - High Status Game Part 3 

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High Status Game - High Status Game Part 3


You physically escalating has a low conversion rate.

2 Girls physically escalating on each other has a high conversion rate. Then you just pull one of them or pull them both.

+ There are no negative social repercussions.

A guy might get mad if you escalate, but won’t if the two girls will.



You just tell them to…


The easiest thing to do is make a girl your best friend (Yay, bestie, arm in arm) and then fuck her.


YOU are friendzoning HER.


Do NOT open direct if you are going to friendzone her.

Open from a frame of you need nothing and it’s like “Yay, you’re my new bestie!”


If you are super direct and intense, you will not get the girls to escalate on each other.


Them escalating on each other is very happenstance. IT’S CASUAL.

As soon as they start escalating it’s like “Whoa, what the fuck, put your nipple away”. You joke sexually aggressive and then they both start escalating on you.



You can’t be all direct, give her a compliment and then tell her to fuck her friend. No, that’s weird. That’s too much.




If you want to make disqualifiers hit VERY hard, you do a TAKEAWAY with EVERY disqualifier.


Disqualifying = Teasing.



ACCIDENTAL KINO - Amazing segway to get aggressive sexually.

You ‘accidentally’ touch her boob and it’s like “Oh my god, your boob is so hard!”

And then you ‘medically examine’ her boob.




The only way you can get access to the hottest girls in the world is through their social circle.

For instance, MAXIM and Playboy models are being jumped from photoshoot to photoshoot and are at exclusive parties.

You just can not cold approach them.

You can’t just cold approach Paris Hilton. You have to get to her through social circles.




If you want threesomes every week, you put the processes needed in place, and you will get them 90% of the time.


The whole point of social circle game is LESS WORK, HIGHER YIELD.



Train the 8s and 9s to get you the 10s.

100% Aggressive Training. Seal Team 6 Training.

Girls just want to be trained to bring you pussy. So stop being a pussy yourself and train them.



“I know what I’m bringing to the table, so I’m ok eating alone”.


Best pickup quote in the world:

“Attraction is not aa choice”

This quote is like money!



Make sure that you are doing MULTIPLE social circles in different places (long-term and short-term), so that the OVERLAP kicks in.


The OVERLAP is how Luke met Dan Bilzerian, Paris Hilton, and any celebrity for that matter.


So start MULTIPLE social circles one after another and they will start to OVERLAP.


You have all these multiple social circles all happening at once.


Buy-In, Investment, Pre-Selection - This is what you should be using 100% of the time!!!


PIVOT - Girl that will help you pick up chicks.


The only time that you aren’t going out with a pivot is when you’re with your buddies on a business talk. ALWAYS go out with a pivot unless you’re going guys only.

Why would you not have a pivot? Why would you not have her pre-selecting you for every other girl?


If you are under 21, and don’t have access to clubs, go to the trendy and cunty places during the day or night. The ones that don’t require an ID.


Cunty, pretentious, arrogant (but beautiful) women. Where do they go? Go to that place.


If you are actually looking to build on your interactions and create social circles, then you are wasting your time going to bars and placed for peasants.

You need the best quality of people for your circle so you go to the cuntiest places, only the very best venues, etc…


You want to go to the place where you would feel MOST uncomfortable and intimidated walking in alone to because all of the best people are there. An Example: XS Nightclub Las Vegas.


Cunty - Trendy. Where the hottest girls go and where they are going to be the rudest to you. And the dudes with the tight shirts who look like douches. A cunty place is a place with very arrogant guys and girls.

In a club, they’re called club cunts. It’s the regulars.



Say “What’s the problem?”; “What’s the problem here?”

In a tone where its like what the fuck man? Why do you have to be like this? (Mid-high pitch voice).


Saying “Chop-chop” is a great way of showing that you’re not going to let her waste your time and that she better do what you asked.



You: “I just don’t understand, why are you not getting that girl to come over here and hang out with us, am I misunderstanding something?”.

Her: “Wait, what, why? You like her?”

You: “Well, I mean, yea, kinda…”

Her: “Oh okay.”

You: “Chop-chop!”

Her: “Oh, really, you mean it?”

You: “No, I’m just fucking with you.”

Her: “Oh, okay.”

You: “Yes! I meant it, go!”


If a girl is ever nervous about hitting on other girls and doing this kind of improv, just tell the girl to do this:

“Go up to her and tell her that she’s pretty. Nothing else.” *Insert here hands up not my fault expression*

They will do the rest. Then you just wait. Every minute that they talk equals more attraction that the girl has for you when your pivot introduces you to that girl.


The BEST way to get the QUICKEST results in the SHORTEST amount of time is FORCED PRE-SELECTION.

The results you get will be unbelievable if you do forced pre-selection.


Girls’ favourite thing to do in the world is play matchmaker and get you laid. They even talk about it to their girlfriends about it! So get her to ask what your type is or just tell her. Then train her to get girls for you.




Don’t go out on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.



The only people that MATTER go out on those days.


These are what’s called INDUSTRY NIGHTS. (Usually Sunday and Monday). It’s when the industry people go out and not the club cunts.



This one tweak will increase results 2x immediately. Just watch the quality of girls go up.

If you go out on these days, all of a sudden you have way hotter girls, less dudes, and the dudes that are there aren’t hating on you because they’re already fucking.



Make friends with the industry guys that have the abundance, that have the social circle stuff figured out. Then it’s the exponential effect of them doing your social circle for you as well.


You want to go out EVERY Christmas and Thanksgiving, either to the club parties or to an exclusive house party, because all of a sudden, it’s a sea of ONLY hot girls. All the average girls are at home with friends and family, and the got ones are going to these exclusive events!

It’s also the girls that work in the industry, that don’t give a shit about the turkey dinner, who want to rage that day.


Awesome trick:

Tell your pivot that you’re a virgin and you will get laid in 48 hours.

Do it even if you aren’t a virgin because IT WILL WORK!


You have to realize this truth:

The hotter the girl is or the more successful the guy is, they more they just want to help you!


These people are not out to get you! It’s the losers who are! The successful people want to HELP you!


It gets nicer at the top. People at the top have better energy, and the higher you climb up the social ladder, the more positive the energy.




Just by you being at a high barre entry place, it shows that you are a person of value.


You can literally go up with shitty energy and be all like “Hey, what’s up” very quietly and it will work, just because you’re at this exclusive place.


Once you’re at that place, you ALREADY have the attraction and comfort.




Time-Bridge: Who, What, Where, When, How. All figured out.

You shove logistics down the girls throat and set up the Day 2 in the interaction.


If you don’t get a Time-Bridge, then it’s not a valid number close.


Remember: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday - Happy days, Industry days.


If you are going to use SOCIAL LEVERAGE then you need to be going to the places at the time where you can most effectively MAXIMISE it.

Example: 1 OAK Las Vegas on a Sunday.




If you create a one time story with someone, they will always bring it up and they will always bring you to certain things because they will be like: “Oh, that’s that fucking guy! I love this fucking guy!”


“THAT fucking guy” means you had an epic time together, one epic story, just one time, it doesn’t have to happen ever again, and it may not have been that epic for you, but they will remember it for the rest of their life.


You just keep adding value to them by going to their events because you’re that awesome guy that they obsess about and want in their life all because of one cool story together. And the coolest part is that you come off as not wanting anything in return, you just go to their events and get free shit, and then they love you even more and invite you to more stuff.


This way you have a person that obsesses over you, tells everyone how fucking awesome you are (Social Proof) and invites you to cool events and gives you free shit. AND ALL YOU DID WAS SHARE ONE COOL STORY TOGETHER.



Your pivot does not have to be as hot as the girl you are after. As a matter of fact, they almost never are.


Luke’s pivot is always beautiful and his exact type. You ENJOY hanging out with her just as much as with your guy friends. It’s like you don’t have to fuck, but you can.


Your pivot needs to look cunty and trendy.

If she doesn’t know how to do her make-up, teach her!

Like: “You can be hot, let’s fix this, let’s make you a babe!”

When you show them the care and respect to do that, watch what happens. You get immense respect and love from her, it’s crazy.


Most people just DON’T COMMUNICATE with each other.


Communicate and BE OPEN with your female friends.


When you OPEN UP and communicate with them, tell them what’s happening, they’re like: “Oh, really? I never knew!”.


TALK about stuff with female friends, BE OPEN! Doing this will actually make you so much happier and make your relationships with female friends very strong if you treat them like your guy friends. Needless to say, it’s very cool when you have that type of connection with your female friends.


Note for Vegas:

Strippers are FUN! You don’t have to respect them if you don’t want to, but they are FUN! They’re awesome! Just not the dirty lookin’ ass ones…



Cocktail waitresses and strippers will treat you like a PIMP, like a GOD when you take them out in groups. They are super fucking sexual with you and you can boss them around. This creates INSANE pre-selection if you’re out with an entourage of strippers and cocktail waitresses. They don’t really give a fuck, so they will get you any girl you want. It becomes so fucking easy, you literally do nothing and they will get girls for you. Not to mention that they are also very fun to be around.

And it’s not even about the money. They will even pay for your shit. They are SO independent. They make so much money just themselves, and in cash.

They will also flirt with you RUTHLESSLY because they’re just so desensitized about it.





You want to spend more money on the DJ then you are on the alcohol. TIP THE DJ $40, $60, $80 MAX to keep a song on repeat. A song that you love, that will get you hyped. Same song, over and over again.


After 3,4 plays, people are going to start coming up to the DJ saying “What the fuck man, change the song!”. And the DJ is like *Nope, not my fault, hands in the air, I’m innocent, and will start pointing at you* and you’re just there being a degenerate getting turnt up. Every girl at this point is looking at you because the DJ is pointing at you. And he’s not going to change the song because he sees you raging and you just tipped him well.


So the DJ is now pointing at you and you’re turnt up as fuck, and the entire club has eyes on you. Every girl just comes up to you and goes “Who are you? What is wrong with you? What is happening?”.

And you can just immediately number close or pull these girls. And most of the time, it’s the hottest ones that come up to you.


Her interest in you in so high after a spectacle like that. And let them wonder for MONTHS why the DJ did that for you. They will never forget it, and don’t even tell them. They will die thinking that you are a god of some sort.


Summing up High Status Game, what it is, is creating SPECTACLES so that people view you as “That fucking guy” that they love.

STATUS is created by aligning yourself with successful people and with nightclub promoters, owners. You do this by creating stories with them, by creating SPECTACLES.


If you’re starting fresh, building a social circle in a new city, go out Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. You LIVE in clubs on these days.

Also, you are not doing direct number closes, you are doing SOCIAL NUMBER CLOSES.

It’s SO surprising, that when you do a SOCIAL NUMBER CLOSE instead of a direct one, the interest level just shoots through the roof, with guys and with girls!

If you do a SOCIAL NUMBER CLOSE on any girl instead of a direct one, you have a so much higher chance of you fucking that girl.


Also, If you’re in the club, and you SOCIAL NUMBER CLOSE a girl, walk off, do some other shit, then re-open that girl, MERE EXPOSURE EFFECT will kick in and you have a so much higher chance now of you fucking that girl.


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