High Status Game - High Status Game Part 1 

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High Status Game - High Status Game Part 1


When you are physically escalating and going for kino, you are coming from a much different frame than of a romantic concept of you trying to pick up that girl. You are like her friend, it’s just for fun.


STAY with sets until the end. Don’t keep pressing the reset button and leaving sets if they don’t go good straight away.


The END GOAL OF SOCIAL CIRCLE GAME is to be going out with as many women as possible and as few guys as possible. This alone is going to build the attraction. This is also called ENTOURAGE GAME.


You don’t have to do that much in game.

If you can take just a few key steps to increase your status, you don’t really have to do any game concepts.

Also, any mindset shifts will just take place automatically without you trying to attain them (Such as abundance mentality).






You have to know that some girls (The hottest girls in the world or celebrities) are UNTOUCHABLE. UNLESS you infiltrate their social circle.

You just don’t have access to them. You can’t even see them because you’re not in their celebrity VIP area. You MUST be in their social circle to have access to them. So infiltrate it.


Bypass early and mid-level stage learning. Go straight for the high-level stuff right off the bat.

You don’t have to acknowledge the ugly girls. Why the fuck would you? Have the high standards, go straight after the 9s and 10s.

Realize that you do not have to fuck your way up to top, you can just pick your ideal girl and start from there.

Also you have to realize that this actually works. Some people believe that this is impossible. It’s not. It will work, so just trust it.



If you’re not hooking up with girls that are hotter than you, you are wasting your time in game.


There has to be a strong belief / faith that what you are doing is going to work, for it to actually work. It’s the law of the self-fulfilling prophecy.


PIVOT - First word you should ever learn in pickup. A Pivot is a girl that helps you get other women.


Looks and money actually matter a lot! They do get you bitches. Motherfucker work on those things!

However, it doesn’t mean that you HAVE to have them. You may not have looks or money, but you MUST have something of value. Having pre-selection is an example.


Being rich and being ripped goes hand in hand. People who are rich are usually ripped. This is because rich people take care of their body.


If you are going to learn something, LEARN IT FULLY!


You don’t want to aggressively control your life. Aggressively controlling your life leads you to having a miserable life. You just want to have as many options as possible.


You have to decide EXACTLY what type of girl you want. The type of girl you want CAN change. However you need to know EXACTLY, so that your pivots know what they are fishing for.


Be real, If you don’t like a girl’s looks, you wont even be interested in her personality.

Personality matters, but if a girl doesn’t have the looks, what’s the point in going forward? You don’t need an ugly bitch.

How do you fuck a personality? You don’t. You fuck the looks.


You have to value scan but in a way that doesn’t affect you negatively. Value scan, filter certain things because you only have so much time in the day. Don’t waste time on what’s not worth it.


TIPS: Luke tipped 25-50% on little drinks and got unlimited bottles because of it. In multiples cities. TIPS GO A LONG WAY!


Buy a drink for someone guy that looks cool and makes more money than you. THIS WILL GO A VERY LONG WAY! Look at it as an investment. Make him your friend.


You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get the 9s and 10s. But you have to do SOMETHING.

Luke’s Thing = Massive status and friends that will do anything for him. Even people that don’t like him will do a lot for him.

Girls see that and wonder who he is (Social proof).


Social proof is the NUMBER ONE thing you should ever do in pickup. (Also pre-selection).


Bonding with high value guys should be done in a way that’s not intimidating for them but that they are excited to take you under their wing. It’s a value race of who can add more value to the friendship.




The more net worth, more status, more successful the guy is, the nicer, cooler and more humble he is.


The more net worth or hotter the girl is, the more humble, cool and nice she is!

You wouldn’t think it, but Paris Hilton is the nicest girl Luke has ever met.


Don’t be intimidated by higher status, hotter girls, because the higher the status, the hotter the girl, the nicer they will be to you.

The higher the status, the least intimidating they can be.

You almost couldn’t pay for their shit or introduce them to more people if you tried, because they would just tell you to stop.


However, they put people in FRAMES in their own life that you have to jump out of. They JUDGE you and put you into a CATEGORY. For them, you can fall into the frame of just a worker bee, so be careful.


“You can be shy and still fuck ho’s” - The stupidest said thing ever.

You don’t have to be an extrovert if you are not one, but you just CAN NOT be shy!


STATUS. Status beats everything. You use social proof and pre-selection to get status.

It’s WAY better for 2 girls to sexually escalate around you than for you to escalate on the girl.


Fun Challenge: Viagra Roulette.

Pop a viagra right before you go to the club and you have about an hour and a half to three hours before you go nuts and start dry humping everything with titties. You will start approaching super aggressively.

This is fun before you go to attempt to pull threesomes. You will go more aggressive to get it.


Get used to doing no minimum table areas. Get used to High Value Areas.

No minimum - you aren’t required to order bottles.


No minimum table areas are the same as the bar except the quality of girl there is SO much higher.

It’s crazy the amount of girls that will fuck you just because you’re sitting at a table. And all you’re doing is ordering drinks from the waitress.

They don’t even know that all you are doing is ordering drinks.


You can go up to a table, wait for the cocktail waitress to go by and ask her to make you a drink and just stand there and wait until she brings you your drink. You now have a personal bartender and it looks as if you have a table.

(Works in day clubs such as Encore Beach Club)



“Get Lit” (It means get fucked up)

You: “Fucking get lit!”. Girl is going to look at you and go “Yea!” and start twerking.

Get lit is like the new age version of “Wazzup!”.

You can open guys and girls with this.


After you fuck, some girls want to stay at your house and Netflix and Chill for for the next week. You can stack these girls at your house. Just collect them. It’s a lot better than going beast mode cold approach, as you can just message a girl to come over.


If everyone has something cool (hat, sparkler, etc) and you don’t have one, go up to someone who has some and go “I want one of those!” right in their face. Politely asking won’t get you shit. Shout “I want one!” in their face.



Real World Pickup = Social Circle Tactics. Which is what all the naturals are doing. BUT, you have the advantage because you know how it works.


You are either quiet on your phone or laptop because you are doing business, or you are acting like lunatic, like an nutcase in ALL other situations.


Nutcase RIGHT TO THE BORDERLINE of you looking super uncalibrated, but it clearly shows you are calibrated with what you are doing and saying. This is you, this is your true character.


You HAVE to be gregarious. EXPECT to get into the DJ Booth, EXPECT to get a promoter table, EXPECT to pull a 9 or 10.


You are so gregarious that you just get it. It should NEVER be questioned. You don’t question weather you get something. You just fucking get it. Period.


Someone who’s gregarious in game for example will not stop asking girls to go home with him until he fucks.


You are GREGARIOUS. You are going after what YOU want.




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