Practice the following phrases and use them in the dialogue below 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Practice the following phrases and use them in the dialogue below


Making requests Would you mind my V-ing? Вы не против, если я     I was wondering if you could… Интересно, не могли бы вы   Could you possibly… Не могли бы вы…..   I am terribly sorry to bother you, but I wonder if you could Извиняюсь за беспокойство, но не могли бы вы   Can you please…? Не могли бы вы…? Refusing politely Well, actually, I’m a bit busy at the moment… На самом деле, я немного занят сейчас   I’m afraid I can’t… Боюсь, что не могу вам помочь   I’m really sorry, but… Мне очень жаль, но


A: ______________lend me your textbook on Maths. I want to prepare for the Friday seminar.

B: _______________I’ll be using it myself. You can have it tomorrow if you like.
A: Thanks. I’ll collect it tomorrow then.


Task 2

In pairs, take it in turns to make requests and refuse politely in the following situations

1. You ask your tutor to read over a report you have written.

2. You ask your fellow student to help you with a report.

3. You ask your sister to type out a report for you.


Task 1

Open the brackets choosing one of the modal verbs: can, may, must

1. In any research on order to introduce something new you ____ know the history of the question.

2. Students are our future scientists. To be in the know of the modern technological advances they ____ read a lot.

3. You ___ do this work tomorrow for me. I don’t need it to be done now.

4. Any student ___ improve his abilities if he studies hard.

5. Education ____ serve the needs of human society.

6. I know that you ___ solve this problem alone. You are clever enough to do it.

7. You ____ always keep in mind that your life depends on you, in particular, on the decisions you take.

8. You ____ take my dictionary. I don’t need it at the moment.

9. You ____ always remember that innovation is the engine of educational development.

10. Teachers ____ deliver ready–made knowledge but they ____ also make students think and exercise their mind constantly which is more effective but more difficult to provide.


Task 2

Match the discoveries and works of art with the famous scientists, writers enumerated below. Make up sentences as in the model

Model: “War and Peace” was written by Lev Tolstoy.


1. Assembly line 2. Theory of Relativity 3. Telescope 4. Electric light 5. Ball-point pen 6. Matches 7. Microcsope 8. Automobile 9. Telephone 10. Washing machine
  1. Alexander Graham Bell
b. Albert Einstein c. Galileo Galilei d. Karl Benz e. Henry Ford f. Zacharias Janssen g. William Blackstone h. Ladislo Biro i. Thomas Edison j. John Walker

If you don’t know the answers you may use the Internet site to find them.


Task 3

Choose one of the inventions and present the story of its development for your classmates


1. Name of the inventor

2. Invention

3. Reasons for making such an invention

4. Benefits for a society


Start with the following phrase:

Dear friends I am here to tell you a story of one of the greatest inventions in the mankind.


Task 4

Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the Active vocabulary of the lesson

1. От студентов требуется выбрать специализацию к концу второго года обучения в университете.

2. Степень бакалавра присуждается студенту, который успешно окончил 4-х летний курс обучения в университете.

3. Диссертация – это оригинальное научное исследование, которое должен провести студент для получения степени Доктора наук.

4. Я хочу учится в Американском университете, потому что у меня будет возможность самому выбирать предметы для изучения.

5. Университеты в США управляются президентом или ректором.

6. Каждому учебному курсу обучения в университете приписывается определенная ценность, которая выражается в кредитных единицах.

7. Лекции этого профессора посещаются многими студентами.

8. По окончании семестра студенты сдают письменные экзамены.

9. Американское высшее образование ценится во всем мире.

10. В США 1964 университета и 1416 двухгодичных колледжей.


Discussion. Study abroad

Task 1

Answer the following questions. The phrases given below may be of some help to you.


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