Look at the phrases given and define what abilities they denote: physical or mental? Put the verbs into two columns 

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Look at the phrases given and define what abilities they denote: physical or mental? Put the verbs into two columns

To swim, to speak a foreign language, to run fast, to jump, to play football, to think, to listen to music, to dream, to read, to smell the flower, to feel the fabric, to whisper, to analyze, to argue, to persuade, to write poems.

physical abilities mental abilities
to swim to speak a foreign language


Now answer the question “What can you do?” using the phrases of Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Insert into the gaps may, might, to be allowed to/ not to be allowed to

1. You _____ go to the cinema with your friends, but, please, don’t come home late.

2. He _____ work in the laboratory next week.

3. Until you are eighteen you ________ to marry.

4. ______ I take your dictionary for a minute?

5. You _____ leave this little matter entirely to me, Mr Brown.

6. She _____ want some more wine. You’d better ask her to find it out.

7. He _____ park here. It’s strictly prohibited.

8. When we lived in a hotel we ____not____ make any noise after nine.

9. According to the rules you ___not______ bring guests.

10. You ____ take my dictionary. I don’t need it now.


Exercise 4

Fill in the gaps using the modal verb must and the expressions given below

Close the door behind you

go to medical school

Have a driver’s license

have a library card

have a passport

pay an income tax

speak English outside of class every day, read newspapers


study harder

take one pill every six hours

Example: According to the law a driver must have a driver’s license.

1. If a traffic light is red, a car must_______________.

2. My doctor gave me a prescription. According to the directions on the bottle, I must ____________.

3. If you want to check a book out of the library, you must ________________.

4. Nancy has a job in Chicago. She earns 20,000$ a year. According to the law, she must __________.

5. I failed the last two tests in my biology class. According to my professor, I must ____________.

6. I want to travel abroad. According to the law, I must _____________.

7. If you want to become a doctor, you must _______________.

8. Jimmy! It’s cold outside. When you come inside, you must __________________.

9. I want to improve my English. According to my teacher, I must _________________.


Exercise 5

Fill in the gaps with the modal verb must or its equivalents have to, be to

1. We ______ wait for some minutes because we missed the train.

2. I _____ meet my sister at the station today at 7.

3. There is no ice-cream. According to the schedule it ______ be delivered at twelve.

4. I _____ leave early because I was not feeling quite well.

5. The inn was small and we ____ share the room.

6. She ______ come to work in time or I’ll fire her!

7. To know English you _____ read more books in the original.

8. The game ______ begin at 6 according to the programme.

9. You ____ study well or you will not enter the university.

10. I ____ be at the meeting. My boss ordered me to be there. He will accept no excuses.


Exercise 6

Finish the sentences using should or shouldn’t

1. Students should come to class every day.

2. We _______ waste our money on things we don’t need.

3. Life is short. We _________ waste it.

4. It’s raining. You _________ take your umbrella when you leave.

5. People ________ be cruel to animals.

6. Your plane leaves at 8.00. You _______ get to the airport by 7.00.

7. You _______ smoke in a crowded room because the smoke bothers other people.

8. When you go to New York city you _______ see play on Broadway.

9. You _________ walk alone on city streets after midnight. It’s dangerous.

10. When you go to San Francisco, you _______ ride on the cable cars.

Exercise 7

Use mustn’t or needn’t to fill the gaps

1. You ___________ give Freddy any more sweets or he won’t eat any tea.

2. The doctor said I _______________ go back to the hospital; my leg is all right.

3. You ___________ make any sandwiches for me. I’m not hungry.

4. She ___________ fill in a new application form, we have the other one.

5. You ___________ mention this to Kate, or she’ll get upset.

6. She ____________ bring a doctor’s certificate, she was only away for one day.

7. You ____________ take any more aspirins, you’ve had four already.

8. Tell her she ______________ open any letters marked “personal”.


Exercise 8

Choose the right variant

1. You may/ mustn’t run the corridors. It’s dangerous.

2. Can/Should I ask you a question?

3. Will/Shall we go out for lunch today?

4. You should/must see a doctor as soon as possible. You’ve got high temperature.

5. Tom can/may play tennis very well.

6. I have no choice. I have to/must wait for him until he comes.

7. Today a have a date with Tom. I am to be/have to be at the cafe at 10.

8. Tony was able to/could enter the University.

9. You shouldn’t/mustn’t lie in court.


Task 1


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