Part 1 Primary and secondary education in Great Britain 

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Part 1 Primary and secondary education in Great Britain




Методические указания по английскому языку


для студентов 1и 2 курсов всех специальностей СГУПСа



Новосибирск 2005


УДК 802.0


Образование. Education: Метод. указ. по английскому языку для студентов 1 и 2 курсов всех специальностей СГУПС / Сост. О.А.Демина, Е.Т.Китова. – Новосибирск: Изд-во СГУПСа, 2005. - 34 с.



Методические указания включают материалы о системах образования Великобритании, США, России, а также о Сибирском государственном университете путей сообщения. Упражнения направлены на развитие навыков устной речи. Предусмотрены упражнения для студентов разного уровня подготовки.

Указания предназначены для студентов 1 и 2 курсов всех специальностей СГУПСа.



Методические указания рассмотрены и рекомендованы к печати на заседании кафедры «Иностранные языки».


О т в е т с т в е н н ы й р е д а к т о р

ст. преп. кафедры «Иностранные языки»

Е. Г. Жарикова



Р е ц е н з е н т:



Кафедра лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации Новосибирской государственной медицинской академии (завкафедрой к.фил.н. Т.Ф.Извекова)


к.пед.н., доцент О.С.Шалопаева


© Демина О.А., Китова Е.Т., 2005

© Сибирский государственный

университет путей сообщения, 2005

UNIT 1 Education in Great Britain


1. Do you like to study?

2. Is it difficult for you to study?

3. Is it important to get a good education?

4. Look at the scheme and try to answer the questions:



a) What age do children start school at in the UK?

b) What’s the school-leaving age in the UK?

c) Is the system of education in the UK the same or different from Russian educational system?


  Compulsory Schooling     Age School Level Exams
  Infant Schools     Junior Schools     Primary Education   Assessment Test
  Secondary Schools (Comprehensive, Modern, Grammar, Technical)     Secondary Education     Exam for General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE)
Further Schooling   Sixth Form     A-Level exam
  University or College or Polytechnic 3 or 4 year course Higher Education Final exam for the first degree Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Science (B.Sc.)
    Post-graduate studies at the University   Research paper or theses for the higher degree Master of Arts (M.A.)   Important research for a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


Part 1 Primary and secondary education in Great Britain


1.1 Reading


Before reading Text 1 look at these word combinations and give their Russian equivalents:


to enter school primary education secondary education Infant School Junior School compulsory attendance full-time education private (public) school boarding school to give a good academic background physical and mental disability unified school-leaving exam educational establishment to provide general education free of charge to ban corporal punishment to lay foundation of a successful future to fail (in) an examination the education is available comprehensive (grammar, modern) school to take (do) exam to pass exam for all abilities and sexes to develop the talents to move to the next class at the age of 5 school leavers General Certificate of Secondary Education A-Level (Advanced Level) high fees wide range of subjects academic year to fund the school strict discipline a mark (grade) in Physics to sit papers


American educational system

Name of school Grade Age Subjects
Primary or Elementary     Reading, writing, spelling, adding, drawing, singing
    Language, arts, subtraction, spelling, drawing, singing
    Language, arts, social studies, multiplication
    Language, arts, social studies, division
    Language, arts, history, geography, fractions
    Language, arts, history, geography, decimals, science
Junior High     Language, arts, history, geography, algebra, science, foreign language, manual arts, home economics
    Language, arts, history, geography, geometry, science, foreign language, manual arts, home economics
High School     College Prep. Vocational (professional) Business
Freshman   English Math Science Physical Biology Physics Chemistry Foreign lang. Spanish, French English Economics Civics* Math Shop Home Group Economics English Bookkeeping Civics Math Typing
Junior College (2 yrs) Freshman   English, foreign language, history, biology, physical science, sociology or psychology, physical education, ROTC **
College or University (4yrs) (undergraduate) Junior   Courses in major and minor fields***
Graduate or Professional School MA     PhD   One year plus theses     Three years plus dissertation

* Civics - a school subject in which you study how government works and what people’s rights, duties, and responsibilities are as citizens.

** Reserve Officers’ Training Corps служба подготовки офицеров резерва (в гражданских учебных заведениях)

*** Major and minor fields - main and additional subjects


5. Render the text in English.


Школы Британии очень разные. Здесь и старинные частные школы, именуемые по непостижимой причине «публичными», и религиозные, и суперсовременные государственные (а значит, бесплатные) технические колледжи. Частных школ в Англии менее 10 %, но многие состоятельные люди отправляют своих детей именно туда – ведь школы эти очень престижные.

С 5 до 11 лет британские дети идут в начальную школу, где учат английский, арифметику, письмо и начало естественных наук. Оценки выставляются по семибалльной шкале, только не цифрами, как в России, а буквами. Оценки от А до C считаются хорошими.

Для школьников после 11 лет, или, точнее, их родителей, существует широкий выбор школ. Одни предпочтут частные школы – там красивая форма, больше спорта и музыки, железная дисциплина.

В государственных школах порядки посвободнее, форму обычно можно не носить, хотя дисциплина здесь не менее строгая.

В какой бы школе ни учился юный британец, в 16 лет всем положено сдавать одинаковые экзамены. На этом обязательное образование кончается. Затем можно идти работать или продолжать образование.


1.3 Jokes


“Before I got married I had six theories about bringing up children; now I have six children and no theories”.


Teacher: Jack, why are you late to school every morning?

Jack: When I come to the crossing I see the words: “School – Go slow”.


Teacher (looking over Teddy’s homework): I don’t see how it’s possible for a single person to make so many mistakes.

Teddy (proudly): It isn’t a single person, teacher, Father helped me.


When a little boy arrived home from school his mother asked him if he had been a good boy.

He replied: “Sure I was good in school today! How much trouble can you get into standing in a corner?”


Once the teacher asked the pupil: ” Bobby, how many fingers have you?” The pupil answered at once:” I have ten fingers.”

The teacher asked him another question:” Well, if four were missing what would you have then?” – “No music lessons,” was the answer.


One day Pete came home from school and said:” I was the only pupil today who could answer the teacher’s question.”

“Very nice, Pete. And what was the question?”

“The teacher asked who broke the window in the classroom.”




Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest and the most prestigious universities in Great Britain. They are often called collectively Oxbridge to denote the best of its kind education. Both universities are independent.

The tutorial is the basic mode of instruction at Oxford and Cambridge, with lectures as optional extras. The normal length of the degree course is three years. Some courses, such as language or medicine, may be one or two years longer.

Oxford and Cambridge universities consist of a number of colleges. Each college is different, but in many ways they are alike. Each college has its name. Each college is governed by a Master. The largest ones have more than 400 members, the smallest colleges have less than 30. Each college offers teaching in a wide range of subjects.

The universities were only for men until 1871. There are now 24 colleges for men in Oxford, five for women and another five which have both men and women members, many from overseas studying for higher degrees. At Cambridge almost all colleges are now mixed.

The universities have over a hundred societies and clubs. Sport is part of student’s life at Cambridge. The most popular sport is rowing.

5. Render the text in English.

Поступить в университет или другое высшее учебное заведение можно, предъявив сертификат о сдаче экзаменов по двум или трем предметам учебного курса средней школы продвинутого уровня. При выпуске вы получите диплом о профессиональной квалификации и ученую степень. Очевидным достоинством образовательной системы Великобритании является ее исключительная гибкость. Среди множества разнообразных учебных курсов всегда найдется тот, что наиболее вам подходит. И в школе и в университете есть возможность по своему усмотрению выбирать дисциплины и специализацию. Более того, при желании выбранные предметы и направление можно поменять. Независимо от возраста и национальности учиться в учебных заведениях Великобритании может любой.

Если вы хотите учиться в Великобритании, то вполне вероятно, что британские колледжи и университеты признают свидетельство об образовании, полученное вами в России. Если у вас уже есть российский диплом об окончании высшего учебного заведения, имейте в виду, что, как академическая квалификация, он занимает промежуточное положение между “A-levels” и степенью бакалавра. Однако, в разных учебных заведениях вступительные требования столь различны, что с таким дипломом можно поступить и на второй, и даже на постдипломный курс на соискание степени магистра. Самый простой способ выяснить «стоимость» вашего диплома – связаться с учебным заведением.

Методика преподавания в Великобритании такова, что ответственность за успех обучения во многом возлагается на студентов, вся работа выполняется самостоятельно, и, следовательно, нужно много работать.

(Useful expressions: to enter the university, to graduate from the university, high flexibility, to suit smb, to choose specialization, irrespective of smth, to accept the certificate, to be somewhere between, to find out the value of the diploma, mode of teaching, responsibility for results, to contact the educational institution, to work all by yourself).

6. Using the chart from Part 1give a detailed description of vocational training in America.


2.4 Jokes

At a college examination a professor said: “Does the question embarrass you?”

“Not at all, sir,” replied the student, “not at all. It is the answer that bothers me”.

Professor: A fool can ask more questions than a wise man can answer.

Student: No wonder so many of us failed our exams!

In one of college classes the professor was unable to stay for the class, so he placed a sign on the door which read as follows: “Professor Blank will be unable to meet his classes today”.

Some college lad, seeing his chance to display his sense of humour after reading the notice, walked up and erased the “c” in the word “classes”. The professor noticing the laughter wheeled around, walked back, looked at the student, then at the sign with “c” erased – calmly walked up and erased the “l” in “lasses,” looked at the stunned student and proceeded on his way.

(lass – a young woman, ass – a stupid person or animal)

Pam: Hasn’t Harvey ever married?

Beryl: No, and I don’t think he intends to, because he’s studying for a bachelor’s degree.

(Bachelor – 1) холостяк 2) бакалавр)

A son at college wrote his father:

“No mon, no fun, your son.”

The father answered:

“How sad, too bad, your dad.”

(mon – abbr. money)


UNIT 2 Education in Russia

Warm up.

1. Do you think that Russian educational system is a good one?

2. What did you like and dislike at school?


Part 1 Structure of Public Education in Russia

1.1 Vocabulary

Give Russian equivalents to these word combinations

to develop useful knowledge and skills

creative person

native language

equal right


free tuition

Education Standard Requirements

standard curriculum

supplementary programme

Unified State Exam

1.2 Reading

Text 1. Schools in Russia

1. Skim the text to understand the main points.


Educational policy in Russian Federation focuses on how to help people develop useful knowledge and skills. The idea is to develop the critical, adaptable, multi-skilled and creative person. Education is given in many languages, and according to their parents’ wish children may attend Russian schools or national schools where they are taught in their native language.

There have been many changes in the system of Public Education in Russia but the basic principles have remained unchanged. Characteristic features of our public education are:

  1. the equal right to education for all citizens is guaranteed by the Constitution;
  2. full-time education is compulsory up to the middle teenage years;
  3. co-education, no separate men’s or women’s schools;
  4. free tuition throughout the state system;
  5. non-state and private educational establishments must meet the Education Standard Requirements.

The unified system of public education in Russian Federation consists of several stages.

Compulsory general secondary educationis provided by municipal educational establishments, state general secondary schools, lycees, gymnasiums, non-state schools. The educational reform at school has been through a period of constant change. Today children start going to school at 7. But they are expected to start schooling at the age of 6 from 2006. The first three or four years at school are the primary school. While the standard curriculum is the same for all students, the supplementary programme varies from school to school, covering anything from computer science to marketing. Supplementary classes are becoming more popular for parents who are ready to pay for them. Parents worry that their children might otherwise be denied a proper education. Pupils may leave school after the 9th form and continue their secondary education in evening or shift school for working youth. Those who complete the course of the 10th and 11th Forms take Final Exams or the Unified State Exams in several subjects and receive the Certificate of Secondary Education.

Vocational training is provided by technical colleges,institutes, academies, classic universities, polytechnics, specialized universities, technical universities.

2. Read Text 1 more carefully and say if these statements are true or false.

1. Education in Russian Federation is given in Russian language.

2. Primary education lasts three or four years.

3. State and non-state schools have the same standard curriculum.

4. Supplementary classes are compulsory for all schools and are financed by the government.

5. There are no exams for school leavers.


3. Give detailed answers to the questions

1. Is general secondary education compulsory in Russia?

2. What age do children start school at in Russia?

3. What do we call the primary school?

4. What kind of school is a national school?

5. What’s the school-leaving age in Russia?

6. Where may pupils, who leave school, continue their education?

7. When do school-leavers take examinations?

8. What subjects did you take examinations in?



1.3 Speaking

1. Discuss the following problems with your partner.

a) Where is it better to study: in state or non-state school? Why?

b) What is the main goal of school: to give knowledge or to bring up?

c) School uniform.

2. Make a project for an ideal school of the future. Write a short essay and make a report.

3*. Speak on the main problems of Russian schools.

4. Read the following quotations and comment on them.

a) Raising a child is very much like building a skyscraper. If the first two stories are out of line, no one will notice. But when the building is 18 or 20 stories high, everyone will see that it tilts.

b) Any man can be a good teacher.

c) Teaching machines and computers can be substitutes for any teacher.

5. Render the text in English.

Негосударственная образовательная сеть в России начала развиваться с 1991 года. Появление частных школ – ответ на возникший спрос. Получив возможность учить чадо в более приемлемых условиях, многие родители облегченно вздохнули.

В частном секторе условия гораздо лучше: классы маленькие, от 5-12 учеников, трех – четырехразовое питание, нормальный отдых, современное оборудование. Минимум заботы родителям: утром ребенка заберет школьный автобус, вечером привезет обратно. Более того, здесь целый штат психологов, врачей.

Кто преподает в элитных учебных заведениях? Да те же школьные учителя, только высокого профессионального уровня. Там платят несколько другие деньги. Такое образование недешево стоит.

Признавая, что частные учебные заведения являются одним из проявлений социального неравенства, негосударственная сеть считается хорошим дополнением к государственной.


(Useful expressions: a network of private educational establishments, ideal conditions, to have four meals a day, a staff of psychologists, elite educational establishment, social inequality, a good supplement to smth.)



Part 2 Higher Education in Russia

2.1 Vocabulary

1. Give Russian equivalents to these expressions

competitive examination with merit and credit applicants take notes borrow books from the university library computer-assisted learning materials to present a graduation thesis to be transferred to the next course sciences and humanities well grounded in a specific field of engineering optional courses obligatory subjects self-study to be engaged in research Post-graduate education under the guidance and supervision highly qualified specialists strength of materials to read for credit tests and exams housing construction


2. Practice using the following vocabulary


What do we call: We call him (her):
1) a person who takes an examination in order to enter a University? a candidate or an applicant.
2) a first year student? a freshman or a fresher.
3) a person who studies at a higher educational Institution? an undergraduate.
4) a student in his final year of studies? a graduate.
5) a student who lives (doesn’t live) in the hostel? a resident student; a day student.
6) a student who combines (doesn’t combine) work with study? a part-time student; a full-time student.
7) a graduate who continues his studies to receive a degree? a postgraduate.
8) a student (graduate) who had been given his first degree? a Bachelor of Arts.
9) a student who studies at the Extramural Department? an external student.
What do we call a room: We call it:
1) where meetings, conferences and parties are held? an assembly-hall.
2) which is used for gymnastics? a gymnasium (gym).
3) which is used by the teaching-staff for work and rest during the breaks? a staff common room.
4) which is used as a place of business where students’ progress, attendance and testing of knowledge are given day-by-day guidance? the Dean’s office.



3. Practice using prepositions




I went in for I sat for I took I had     my examination in Mathematics in Physics in Economics in History in English     in spring.
I did well at (in) the English examination  
I did well in Physics  
I passed my examination I got through in Mathematics - with merit. with credit. satisfactory.
I failed - in History in (at) my examination in English. miserably.

Read the same in the Future Simple. Begin your sentences with I think, I hope, I don’t think,

No doubt, according to the sense.




At to have a subject … one’s fingers’ ends to be back … the University - в
For to be late … the lecture to have a gift (a bent) … research work to sit (to go in) … an examination to get a mark … a composition (essay) на к - за
From to graduate … the University to be excused … Physical Training - от
In to get a mark … a subject to be well grounded … a subject to be weak … a subject (English) to be … the first (last) year of one’s studies по по по на
Of to have a good command … the language -
On to ask questions … the text по
To to be late … the University в
through to look … a book -

After having studied the above table, read the same covering the left-hand column. Use these word combinations in the sentences and various questions of your own.


2.2 Reading


The student body of a ……… or college is divided into ……… and graduates. Graduates have already received their ……… degrees, while ……… have not. The undergraduates belong to one of four ………, according to their ……… of study. These are ………, sophomore, ………, and senior classes. Most schools also admit ……… students who take a number of ………, but are not working towards a ……….

Students ……… vary considerably from ……… to school. Some institutions are ………, with both men and ……… students. Others admit ……… of only one ……….

A ……… institution has ……… men’s and women’s colleges. They are controlled by the same central ……… and are usually……… on the same campus or nearby ……...



VI. Match the words for people in education with the correct definition.

1. apprentice 2. cadet 3. coach 4. dean 5. disciple 6. headmistress 7. instructor 8. lecturer 9. trainee 10. principal 11. professor 12. pupil 13. student   a) female teacher in charge of a school b) person who trains sportsmen for contests or prepares students for an exam c) highest grade of university teacher d) the lowest teaching rank at a university e) person in charge of a division of study f) person who teaches you driving g) the head of some universities and schools h) a person studying to become an officer in the army or a policeman i) someone learning a trade who works in return for being taught j) person undergoing some form of vocational training k) anyone devoted to the acquisition of knowledge, especially attending university l) attends primary school m) follower of a religious teacher


VII. Translate the Russian sentences into English, making them the logical continuation of the English ones.


1)How did she manage to win a scholarship? – No wonder. Она очень старалась и много работала. 2) Are you first year? – Да, я студент. Я студент с 1 сентября.3) What will the teacher be doing this time tomorrow? – Она будет проверять наши контрольные работы по грамматике. 4) How long have you been attending lectures at the University? – Пожалуй, уже более двух лет. 5) Who was it that you were talking to in the Dean’s Office this morning? – Да с самим деканом. Он собирается провести беседу о предстоящих экзаменах. 6) I think he has failed. – Провалился? Нет, он сдал экзамен и сдал его хорошо. - When did he pass it? – Он сдал его (а) вчера, (б) сегодня утром. 7) She will take a post-graduate course, won’t she? – I believe so. Она будет заниматься в аспирантуре, если она сдаст все экзамены на “отлично”. У нее склонность к научной работе. 8) How long have you been listening to the tape-recordings when I came to the English laboratory? – Not very long. Около двадцати минут. До этого я записывал текст урока. 9) Did you look through your examination paper after you had written it? – Not only that. Я переписал работу после того, как просмотрел ее. 10) When does the first term end? – Как обычно, в январе. К 10 января мы уже закончим занятия.





1b, 2b, 3b, 4a, 5a, 6a, 7a, 8a, 9a, 10b, 11b, 12a, 13a, 14b, 15a, 16a, 17b, 18b, 19b, 20a.


1a, 2b, 3b, 4a, 5b, 6b, 7b, 8b, 9a, 10a, 11b, 12b, 13a, 14a, 15b, 16b, 17a, 18a, 19b, 20a.


1c, 2a, 3b, 4a, 5d, 6b, 7a, 8c, 9c, 10a, 11c, 12c, 13a, 14b, 15c, 16a, 17b, 18c, 19b, 20c, 21c, 22c, 23a, 24a, 25c, 26c, 27a, 28c, 29b, 30c.


1a, 2d, 3d, 4d, 5c, 6d, 7b, 8d, 9a, 10a, 11c, 12b, 13c, 14c, 15d.


university, graduates, bachelor’s, undergraduates, classes, year, freshman, junior, special, courses, degree, bodies, school, co-educational, women, students, sex, coordinate, separate, authority, located, campuses.


1i, 2h, 3b, 4e, 5m, 6a, 7f, 8d, 9j, 10g, 11c, 12l, 13k.


1) She was very diligent and worked hard. 2) Yes, I am. I’ve been a student since September 1. 3) She will be checking our grammar test papers. 4) I’ve been attending lectures for more than two years. 5) It was the Dean. He is going to have a talk about the forthcoming examinations. 6) But he hasn’t. He has passed it - and with credit too! He passed it yesterday/ has passed it in the morning. 7) She will take a post-graduate course if she passes all her exams with merit. She has a gift for research work. 8) I have been listening to it for about 20 minutes. And before it I had been recording the text of the lesson. 9) I rewrote my paper after I had looked through it. 10) It ends as usual in January. We’ll have completed our course by January 10.



1. Misztal Mariusz. Tests in English thematic vocabulary: Intermediate and advanced level. – Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, 1996. – 351 s.

2. Education guide. Путеводитель по системе образования Великобритании. The British Council, 2002. – 64 c.

3.Газета «Кадры – транспорту». – Новосибирск: СГУПС, 2004-09-29

4. Тимановская Н.А. Взгляд на англоговорящие страны. – Тула: Автограф, 1998. – 384с.

5. Мельчина О.П., Морозова Л.Ю. On Education. О педагогике. – М.: Флинта: Наука, 1999. – 176 с.






Unit 1 Education in Great Britain…………………………………….…………………

Part 1 Primary and secondary education in Great Britain …………………….

Part 2 Further and Higher education in Great Britain …………………………

Unit 2 Education in Russia ……………………………………………………………..

Part 1 Structure of public education in Russia …………………………………

Part 2 Higher education in Russia ……………………………………………...

Unit 3 Siberian Transport University …………………………………………………….


Vocabulary Test ……..……………………………………………………………………

Keys to test …………………………………………………………………………………

Literature …………………………………………………………………………………





Методические указания по английскому языку


для студентов 1и 2 курсов всех специальностей СГУПСа



Новосибирск 2005


УДК 802.0


Образование. Education: Метод. указ. по английскому языку для студентов 1 и 2 курсов всех специальностей СГУПС / Сост. О.А.Демина, Е.Т.Китова. – Новосибирск: Изд-во СГУПСа, 2005. - 34 с.



Методические указания включают материалы о системах образования Великобритании, США, России, а также о Сибирском государственном университете путей сообщения. Упражнения направлены на развитие навыков устной речи. Предусмотрены упражнения для студентов разного уровня подготовки.

Указания предназначены для студентов 1 и 2 курсов всех специальностей СГУПСа.



Методические указания рассмотрены и рекомендованы к печати на заседании кафедры «Иностранные языки».


О т в е т с т в е н н ы й р е д а к т о р

ст. преп. кафедры «Иностранные языки»

Е. Г. Жарикова



Р е ц е н з е н т:



Кафедра лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации Новосибирской государственной медицинской академии (завкафедрой к.фил.н. Т.Ф.Извекова)


к.пед.н., доцент О.С.Шалопаева


© Демина О.А., Китова Е.Т., 2005

© Сибирский государственный

университет путей сообщения, 2005

UNIT 1 Education in Great Britain


1. Do you like to study?

2. Is it difficult for you to study?

3. Is it important to get a good education?

4. Look at the scheme and try to answer the questions:



a) What age do children start school at in the UK?

b) What’s the school-leaving age in the UK?

c) Is the system of education in the UK the same or different from Russian educational system?


  Compulsory Schooling     Age School Level Exams
  Infant Schools     Junior Schools     Primary Education   Assessment Test
  Secondary Schools (Comprehensive, Modern, Grammar, Technical)     Secondary Education     Exam for General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE)
Further Schooling   Sixth Form     A-Level exam
  University or College or Polytechnic 3 or 4 year course Higher Education Final exam for the first degree Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Science (B.Sc.)
    Post-graduate studies at the University   Research paper or theses for the higher degree Master of Arts (M.A.)   Important research for a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


Part 1 Primary and secondary education in Great Britain


1.1 Reading


Before reading Text 1 look at these word combinations and give their Russian equivalents:


to enter school primary education secondary education Infant School Junior School compulsory attendance full-time education private (public) school boarding school to give a good academic background physical and mental disability unified school-leaving exam educational establishment to provide general education free of charge to ban corporal punishment to lay foundation of a successful future to fail (in) an examination the education is available comprehensive (grammar, modern) school to take (do) exam to pass exam for all abilities and sexes to develop the talents to move to the next class at the age of 5 school leavers General Certificate of Secondary Education A-Level (Advanced Level) high fees wide range of subjects academic year to fund the school strict discipline a mark (grade) in Physics to sit papers



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