Dialogue 2. Monetary system in England 

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Dialogue 2. Monetary system in England

- What сurrеnсу does the Вank of England issue?

- Тhе Bank of England issue, for example, silver and copper coins and banknotes, that is paper money.

- Does English Вank issue mоnеу of other denominations?

- Pounds sterling's, shillings and реnсе arе widely used in England now. Besides the pound sterling circulating in the form of the pound note you will meet ten-shilling notes. Two ten shilling notes make one-pound sterling. In addition to the ₤ 1 and 10 s. notes there are also banknotes of ₤5, ₤l0, ₤20 and of larger denominations.

- What is the реnnу?

- Рennу is а copper coin, twelve of which make а shilling. Sometimes а реnnу is called "реnсе". There are the halfpenny (1/2 d) and farthing. Halfpenny is in circulation too as well as farthing.

In writing the words "pound sterling", "а реnnу", "а shilling" arе shortened соrrеsроndinglу (соответственно) to ₤, d., s. For example, we usually say: fоur pounds eight shillings and ten реnсе. In writing these words look like the following: ₤ 4. 8s. 10d.

3. Ответьте на вопросы

1. What is the British (American) basic monetary unit?

2. What coins are in circulation in America?

3. What banknotes are there in America?

4. What money does the English Bank issue?

5. What colours are the English banknotes?

4. Прочитайте диалоги по ролям и переведите их

- Good evening. What shall we discuss today?

- We shall speak about banks, currency and currency exchange offices

- Well it’s very important

- If you want to change your money into dollars, you go to a bank or to a currency exchange office at your hotel

- What must I say to a clerk?

- You say to the clerk of the bank: - Could you change me some pounds into dollars, please. The clerk usually says: - Yes, certainly, sir

- Must I ask about the exchange rate?

- Yes, you must say: - How much do you give for one hundred pounds? Or you say: - What is the exchange rate today?

- Can I open an account with the bank?

- Yes, of course. You must say to a clerk: - I want to open an account with you bank. And the clerk will ask you to fill in and to sign some forms

- Very well, thank you


- Could you change dollars into English pounds sterling?

- Certainly, sir. I’ll just check the exchange rates. How much would you like to change?

- One thousand dollars. And what is the exchange rate today?

- One dollar to one pound fifty five pence

- And what rate can you offer for two thousand dollars?

- One dollar to one pound ninety pence

- Oh, the difference is not very big. Change one thousand, please. Here is the money

- Thank you. May I have your passport for a moment, please. We are always to write down the number of the customer’s passport if we change one thousand dollars or more

- Here it is. No problem

- Here is your passport. How would you like your money, sir

- Give it to me in hundred pound notes, please

- Good. One hundred, two hundred …

- Thank you, goodbye

- Goodbye, sir

5. Переведите

1. Могу я обменять доллары на фунты? 2. Какой сегодня курс обмена? 3. Можно взять ваш паспорт на минутку? 4. Как вам выдать деньги? 5. Я проверю курс обмена. 6. Я хочу открыть счет в вашем банке.

6. Просмотрите видеоэпизод из видеокурса “Look Ahead” урок № 53 “Banks and money” и заполните пропуски

1. She is changing ……… into ……..

2. The rate of exchange is ………..

3. She would like her money ………….. notes

7. Проверим, насколько вы экономны в жизни. Ответьте на вопросы

Have you ever borrowed money from anyone?

Who from? How much?

Have you ever lent money to anyone?

Who to? How much?

Are you in a debt at the moment?

Do you save money?

Are you saving anything at the moment? What?

Do you keep your money?

a) in a bank?

b) in a safe?

c) in a money-box?

d) under your bad?

Do you spend more than you earn or less than you earn?

Do you have a budget for your money?

Have you bought anything this week?

What did it cost?

Was it worth it?

Was it new or second-hand?

Was it a bargain? Did you get a receipt?

Лексика к уроку

  1. Pound - фунт
  2. Pence - пенс
  3. Coin - монета
  4. Banknote - банкнота
  5. Cent - цент
  6. Circulation - обращение
  7. Monetary unit – денежная единица
  8. Issue - выпускать
  9. Paper money – бумажные деньги
  10. Printed documents – отпечатанные документы
  11. Government - правительство
  12. Currency - валюта
  13. Shilling - шиллинг
  14. Copper - медь
  15. Rate of exchange – курс обмена
  16. Commission charge – комиссионные (выплаты)
  17. Bureau de change = foreign exchange office – пункт обмена валюты
  18. Exchange rate – курс обмена
  19. To be in a debt – быть в долгу
  20. Bargain – выгодная покупка

Список используемой литературы


  1. Агабекян И.П. – Английский для обслуживающего персонала, учебное пособие, Р-н-Д, «Феникс», 2002
  2. Англо-русский словарь-справочник, Экономика, 1994
  3. Богацкий И.С., Дюконова И.М. - Бизнес-курс английского языка, словарь - справочник. Киев, Логос, 2002
  4. Бонк Н.А., Котий Г.А., Лукъянова Н.А. - Учебник английского языка. М.: Высшая школа, 1996
  5. Завьялова В. М., Ильина Л. В. – Практический курс немецкого языка (для начинающих). Издание испр. и доп. – М.: «ЧеРо», 2001
  6. Колесникова Н.Н., Данилова Г.В., Девяткина Л.Н. - Английский язык для менеджеров: Учебник для студентов средне профессиональных учебных заведений. М.: Академия, 2004
  7. Обучение общению на иностранном языке: учебное пособие \ Под ред. Е. И. Пассова, Е. С. Кузнецовой. – Воронеж: НОУ «Интерлингва», 2002
  8. Словарь современного английского языка в 2-х томах. М., 1992
  9. Журина Т. Ю. – 55 утсных тем по английскому языку для школьников 5-11 кл. – М.: Дрофа, 1996
  10. Содержание обучения иностранным языкам: учебное пособие \ Под ред. Е. И. Пассова, Е. С. Кузнецовой. – Воронеж: НОУ «Интерлингва», 2002
  11. Упражнения как средства обучения: учебное пособие \ Под ред. Е. И. Пассова, Е. С. Кузнецовой. – Воронеж: НОУ «Интерлингва», 2002
  12. Simon Clarke.- In Сompany(Elementary) многоуровневый курс английского языка для делового общения. Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2004
  13. Simon Clarke.- In Сompany(Pre-Advanced) многоуровневый курс английского языка для делового общения. Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2004



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