Как правильно переводить английские тексты 

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Как правильно переводить английские тексты


Перевод каждого предложения следует начинать не в произвольном порядке, а, начиная с главных членов предложения, содержащих основную мысль: с подлежащего и сказуемого. Затем нужно переводить дополнение и в последнюю очередь – обстоятельство.

Проще всего отыскать в предложении сказуемое благодаря его глагольным признакам. Далее, опираясь на сказуемое, не трудно определить остальные члены предложения, пользуясь твердым порядком слов в предложении: подлежащие, сказуемое, дополнение, обстоятельство (иногда обстоятельство времени может стоять в начале предложения).

Решив отыскать незнакомое для Вас слово в англо-русском словаре, необходимо определить какой частью речи в данном предложении оно является: существительным (noun), глаголом (verb), прилагательным (adjective) наречием (adverb), местоимением (pronoun) и др. и найти перевод слова в словаре под соответствующим условным обозначением. Например, в выражении impressive buildings слово building является существительным и переводится «здание», а слово impressive определяет существительное и, следовательно, это прилагательное, которое переводится как «величественный», и все выражение означает «величественные здания»



Рекомендуемая литература

Основная литература

1. Liz and John Soars New Headway, Pre Intermediate, Oxford University Press, 2000

2. David Evans Powerbase, Pre Intermediate, Longman, 2002

3. Neil Wood. Business and Commerce. OUP, 2003


Дополнительная литература


1. Murphy Essential Grammar in Use Intermediate, Cambridge

2. Michael Swan, Catherine Walter The Good Grammar Book, Oxford University Press, 2001

3. Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans Grammarway 2, 3, Express Publishing, 1999

4. Michael Swan, Catherine Walter How English works, Oxford University Press, 1997

5. Романова Е.Б. Методические указания по переводу текстов с английского языка на русский СПб институт управления и права, 2004

6. И.П. Агабекян. Английский язык для менеджеров. – М.: ТК Велби, Изд-во Проспект, 2006.


Exercise 1.Tenses

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1 Emma_______ (spend) every school holiday in Scotland.

2 Why are you under the table?_____you _____ (look) for something?

3 In my country we_________ (not have) lessons on Saturday.

4 My wife_________(not like) football, but I _____(love) it.

5 I ______ (buy) a new pair of shoes yesterday. _____you____ (like) them?

6 My grandfather____ (live) in Belgium when the Second World War_______ (start).

7 Yasmina_______ (live) in the United States. She_______ (meet) her husband while she _______ (work) for a publisher on Madison Avenue.



Exercise 2. Questions

Make questions about the missing information.


She earns____a year. How much does she earn a year?


1 Peter has_____children. (Two? Three?)



2 I'm reading______at the moment.



3 They went to_____on holiday last year.



4 She works in the_____shop. (Shoe shop? Book shop?)



5 I got up early this morning because______.



6 The supermarket closes at______.



7 I go swimming_______. (Once a week? Once a month?)



8 I borrowed______car. (Tom's? Ann's?)




Exercise 3. Articles

Complete the sentences with a, an, the, or nothing.

1 China has___biggest population in___world.

2 ___Yangtze River flows into___EastChina Sea.

3 Do you like___Chinese food?

4 We had some for___lunch___few days ago.

5 I come to___school by bus, but I get ___lift home with___friend.




Exercise 4. Prepositions

Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. If nopreposition is necessary, write nothing.

1 I listened___the news___the radio.

2 I'll see you___9.00___the morning.

3 I'm looking___my neighbour's car while she's on holiday.

4 What are you doing___this evening?

5 She arrived___England two years ago.

6 I'm going___home.

7 I spoke___Mary a few days ago.

8 My sister's coming to stay___19 December



Exercise 5. Tenses

Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: the Present Simple, the Past Simple, or the Present Perfect.


I got (get) up at 7.00 this morning.

Carla Brown has a job in advertising. It's a good job, and she (1)_________(earn) over £30,000 a year. She (2)___________(study) marketing at college, and then (3)___________(find) a job with a small advertising agency in Manchester. Since then she (4)_____________(change) her job several times. Now she (5)____________(work) for Jerome and Jerome, which is a big company with offices all over the world. She(6)__________(be) with the company for three years. The company has clients in America, and she (7)__________(be) there several times on business. Last year she (8)____________(spend) six months there.


Exercise 6. There is one mistake in each of the following sentences. Find it and correct it.

1 How many money have you got?

2 I only have a little potatoes.

3 I don't have many time, so I can't help you. Sorry.

4 In New York there are a lot shops.

5 Close your eyes. I've got anything for you.

6 John lives anywhere near Bournemouth.

7 Anybody told me you're getting married. Is it true?



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