Упражнения на соотнесение отдельных фактов друг с другом. 

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Упражнения на соотнесение отдельных фактов друг с другом.

45. Придумайте начальное ключевое и заключительное предложения к абзацу.

…Before I took speech, I dreaded facing an audience because of my nervousness. When called upon to speak before a class, I would usually get cold feet at the last minute and tell the teacher that I was unprepared. The teacher would never suspect that I had really worked hard on preparing a speech but lacked the courage to give it. Consequently, I would be considered lazy and would get no credit for the work I had done. On the other hand, whenever I did muster up enough courage to speak, I would forget what I had planned to say and feel very foolish. As a result of the experience I have in my speech class, I can now face an audience without fear and trembling; in fact, I even find speaking before an audience a rather enjoyable experience….


46. Прочитайте абзац и решите, что произошло дальше.

Tom and Jack were on their way to a lake in the mountains. They were planning to go fishing there. The morning was bright and warm after the terrible storm of the night before. They had to cross a small mountain river. The river wasn’t deep, but after the rain it had become deeper and the water almost covered the stepping stones. Tom went first. As the stones were wet, Tom fell into the water. Of course the water wasn’t as high as his head, but as the river was very fast, he called Jack for help.


What do you think Jack did?

a) He climbed a tall tree near the river.

b) He took off his clothes.

c) He reached out his hand to Tom and pulled him out of the water.

d) He ran to call for help.

e) He ran away.


47. Найдите конец каждого рассказа.

1. Kate: It rained all summer. We hardly went anywhere, because everything around – the ground, the trees, the grass – was wet all the time. The house was cold even during the day.

2. Mike: My uncle took me with him on his expedition to the Pamirs. I have never been in the mountains before. It wasn’t an easy trip, but I saw many wonderful places.

3. Nick: I didn’t go anywhere last summer. I worked as a pioneer leader at the pioneer camp in town. At first I was afraid, but then I discovered I liked the work very much.


a) We arranged all kinds of excursions: to factories and farms, museums and exhibitions. The excursions were not long – not wore than a day, but we tried to see as much as we could.

b) The days seemed endless and I couldn’t find anything interesting to do. I was alone all day long, and I hate being alone. I dreamed of returning home.

c) For the first time in my life I slept in the open air. At first I was afraid to sleep in the open air, everything in the mountains seemed so dark and wild. But now I’m always going to sleep in the open air or in a tent in summer.


48. Прочитайте абзац. Скажите, а) о чем пойдет речь после 2-го абзаца и б) о чем говорилось в части, предшествующей приведенным абзацам.

In this exchange Europe has done much better. In contrast to the situation in America described above, almost all the plants Europe got from America were welcome. At the top of the list are potato, the tomato, maize, and tobacco. One wonders what north Europeans ate before they got the potato. In addition, they could have gotten the sweet potato, the pineapple, and the cocoa bean, except that the latter two are not tolerated by the European climate and the first one is not tolerated by European tastebuds.

American goldenrod and American asters are now regarded as natives in many European countries. Fortunately, Sicilian and Greek fishermen who sit down on a cactus don’t know that they originated across the Atlantic. There is only one American import that has proved seriously annoying in Europe – the waterweed.


4. Советы изучающему иностранный язык.

4.1. Советы – приемы работы над лексикой.


1. Запишите незнакомые слова в словарь.

2. Найдите значение новых слов в словаре. Помните о многозначности слов.

3. Потренируйтесь в произношении слов.

4.Заучивайте новые слова, активизируйте все виды памяти.

5.Выполните лексические упражнения.

6.Придумайте свои примеры с новыми словами.


4.2. Советы – приемы работы над грамматикой.


1. Внимательно прочтите новое правило.

2. Проанализируйте примеры – образцы, выучите их наизусть.

3. Приведите аналогичные примеры.

4. Внимательно прочитайте задание к упражнению.

5. Выполните упражнение/тест устно, а затем письменно.

6. Проверьте упражнения/тесты, исправьте допущенные ошибки.


4.3. Советы – приемы работы над текстом.


1. Внимательно прочитайте весь текст, поймите его содержание.

2. Прочитайте текст вторично, разбив его на небольшие части.

3. Отработайте чтение текста вслух.

4. Перевод предложения начинайте со сказуемого и подлежащего.

5. Найдите группу сказуемого, проанализируйте ее.

6. Найдите значения новых слов в словаре.

7. Соедините по смыслу значения отдельных слов в единую мысль.

8. Повторите перевод всего текста.

9. Проведите лексико-грамматический анализ каждого предложения.


4.4. Советы по подготовке к сессии.


1.Более продуктивным оказывается деление изучаемого материала на отдельные отрезки и повторение его по частям, а не целиком. Это дает большую экономию времени и повышает качество обучения.

2. Как можно быстрее, не дожидаясь полного заучивания, старайтесь воспроизвести, закрыв книгу.

3. Успех обучения не достигается «приступом», предпочтительнее «осада», то есть поэтапное изучение и повторение.

4. Перед экзаменом эффективнее повторение, «протяжное» во времени, т.е. материал делится на блоки – повторив или выучив один, следует приступать к следующему блоку. Следует помнить: раньше запоминается то, что было выучено позже. Следовательно, выученное нужно чаще повторять для его прочного закрепления в памяти.


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