Module 2 Ecological problems 

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Module 2 Ecological problems


· Focus: Pollution no easy answers (Its types, causes and effect on the environment and people)

· High-tech pollution

· Grammar focus: Future with will or to be going to

· Skills focus: Reading for specific information; learn to analyze the problem of pollution and look for the ways of its solution



an unsightly billboard –неприглядный, уродливый рекламный щит

to toss – бросать

to do harm – причинять вред

stuff – вещество, материя

manure – навоз, компост

scattered settlement – расположенные на расстоянии поселения

to take its toll – сыграть свою роль, иметь негативные последствия

integrity of earth's life-support systems – целостность системы жизненного обеспечения на земле

lead – свинец

garbage – мусор

dump – свалка

fertilizer –удобрение

new toxic pollutants –новые отравляющие вещества

pin down – точно определить, установить

to overlap –совпадать, перекрываться

issue –спорный вопрос, проблема; публикация, статья

to contaminate –загрязнять

habitat – среда обитания

to deface buildings – портить, разрушать здания

technological advance –технологический прогресс

internal combustion engine – двигатель внутреннего сгорания

pressing problems – проблемы требующие срочного. безотлагательного решения

the lack of economic incentives – отсутствие экономических стимулов

consequences of pollution – последствия загрязнения

exhaust – выхлопные газы

poverty – нищета

people on limited incomes – люди с ограниченными доходами

risk assessment – оценка степени риска

value system – система ценностей

to quantify the risks – определить величину степени риска

to prevent – предотвращать

to threaten – угрожать

1. Pollution is a pressing problem which must be immediately solved.

Work in pairs. Try to give your own definition of this term. Make the list of pollution causes.

2. Read the text and compare your answer with the pollution definition in the text.


It's not hard to find examples of pollution in our society. But it is hard to define exactly what pollution is. For example, is a can tossed on the ground pollution? How about an unsightly billboard? The noise from a nearby airport?

According to experts, all of these examples can be types of pollution. Broadly defined, pollution is any human-caused change in the environment that creates an undesirable effect on living and nonliving things. Most types of pollution cause some type of physical harm. But some don't. Noise, for example, often creates more psychological damage than physical damage, but it's still considered a type of pollution. In short, pollution is bad stuff—for the environment and for people and other living things.

From Manure to Monoxide: As long as people lived in scattered settlements and the world's human population was relatively small, pollution wasn't much of a problem. But once people began to live in cities and to invent machines and synthetic chemicals, pollution started taking its toll. Pollution has been linked to the fall of Rome (lead in the pipes); the cholera epidemic in 19th-century London (garbage in the streets); and many other significant events throughout history.

Though pollution has been around for thousands of years, the sources of our pollution problems have changed, and the amount of pollution has increased dramatically. A century ago, people were dealing with pollution from animal waste, coal ash, and open dumps. Today, pesticides, fertilizers, radiation, carbon monoxide, acid rain, and a lot of other «new» and toxic pollutants are the troublemakers. This increase in the number, and toxicity of pollutants, combined with an ever-increasing human population, has made pollution worse than ever before — threatening the very integrity of earth's life-support systems.

Hard to Pin Down: In this issue, we focus on air, water, and land pollution. However, in many cases the categories overlap. For example, pesticides can contaminate air, water and land, depending on how they are manufactured, used, and disposed of. Many pollutants also travel great distances and can change form, making it hard to pin down exactly where they came from.

Pollutants can affect different people in different ways. People with respiratory problems and allergies, for example, are often more sensitive to air pollution than people without these problems. Pollution does more than affect human health. It also limits our activities, harms wildlife and habitat, defaces buildings, and damages the planet's natural systems, including global climate patterns.

No Single Cause: Almost every human activity creates some type of pollution. And a combination of factors, from economics to politics, further complicates pollution problems.

Technological advances designed to make our lives easier, such as the internal combustion engine and plastics, have created some of our most pressing pollution problems. The lack of economic incentives to produce pollution-free products, as well as the fear that pollution controls will reduce jobs, lower our standard of living, and keep us from competing in foreign markets, are part of the problem too.

Not understanding the consequences of pollution is also part of the problem. For years, people thought that they could safely get rid of garbage, exhaust, and other waste products by throwing them away or releasing them into the air. But we're now realizing that the waste we dispose of can come back to do harm in a variety of forms.

Poverty and Pollution: Pollution is directly linked to social problems, such as poverty and overpopulation. In many cases, people on limited incomes cannot just move away from a chemical dump site or a smog-filled city. They can't afford to drink bottled water or pay for organically grown vegetables.

Weighing the Risks: We know that some pollution will always exist. But how much pollution is acceptable? What are the short- and long-term risks of a polluted environment to individuals, communities, and society as a whole? To deal with questions like these, policymakers are starting to rely on a relatively new process called risk assessment. Risk assessment helps people understand and quantify the risks caused by using certain technologies. But determining and evaluating risks is often extremely difficult. In many cases, data on the risks involved with new technologies don't exist.

A Question of Values In the past, we've spent most of our efforts cleaning up pollution rather than preventing it. First of all, preventing pollution saves money, protects resources, prevents health problems, and improves the overall quality of life.

But making the decision to prevent pollution involves values. Taking into account both short- and long-term risks, people must rely on their own value systems to decide how important it is to prevent pollution.

3. Read the text again and answer the following questions.

1. What causes pollution?

2. What effect does pollution have on a) people, b) wildlife, c) environment?

3. Do you see any link between poverty and pollution?

4.What human activities lead to environment contamination?

5.What’s your pollution IQ? How do you contribute to pollution?

4. Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

1. Pollution has the worst effect on living and nonliving things.

2. Pollution is not caused by the growth of population.

3. Some pollutants contaminate water, air, land and can travel over long distances.

4. Pollution was a serious problem when people lived in scattered settlements.

5. People with respiratory health problems prefer living in polluted areas.

6. Pollution damages the planet and causes global climate changes.

7. Pollution isn’t linked to such a social problem as poverty.

5. Match the words from the text with the corresponding definitions.

1. to pollute a. substances that pollute the environment

2. pollution b. something that stimulates

3. pollutant c. progress

4. to contaminate d. to make dirty or harmful

5. incentive e. to make water, air or land dirty and dangerous for


6. advance f. the importance or worth of something

7. consequence g. result or effect

8. value h. the process of polluting air, water or land with


6. Choose the word to match with the translation into Russian:

1. чувствительный, восприимчивый к a) incentive to b) sensitive to c) to contribute to

2. быть в состоянии, позволить себе a) to afford b) to prevent c) to involve

3. полагаться на что-либо a) to depend on b) to rely on c) to exist on

4. устранять загрязнение a) to prevent b) to deface c) to clear up

5.избавиться a) to consist of b) to accuse of c) to get rid of

6. принимать во внимание a) to take into account b) to count c) to accept

7. оценивать, определять степень риска a) to take risks b) to face a risk c) to assess a risk

7. Find the odd word out

1. throw away, dump, dispose of, discard, disregard

2. waste, garbage, litter, rubbish, trash, pollution

3. recycle, reuse, redo, reprocess

4. toxin, poison, venom, garbage

5. pollute, contaminate, poison, delude

6.combustible, flammable, contaminated, incinerated, burnt

8. In pairs replace the underlined words with the words used in the text.

1. Pollution began to have a negative effect (to t--- its t---) when people started to produce synthetic chemicals.

2. It’s hard to define exactly ( to p-- d---) what pollution is.

3. More and more companies produce environmentally friendly (p------n f---) products.

4. Some politicians (p-----m----s) rely on the method of risk assessment.

5.The toxicity level increased sharply (d----------y).


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