Read Richard A. Moran's advice on how to make a successful career. Do you agree with all of this? Does it apply to any job or only the ones in business? Give your reasons. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Read Richard A. Moran's advice on how to make a successful career. Do you agree with all of this? Does it apply to any job or only the ones in business? Give your reasons.

• Always know who your client or customer is - no matter what your job is.

• Never take a problem to your boss without some solutions. You're getting paid to think, not to whine.

• If you tell a racist joke, be prepared to be fired.

• As Henry Ford II said. "Never complain, never explain". Be courageous in your business perspectives.

• Treat your time as if someone is paying for it - someone is.

• Maintain a sense of humour and inject it when appropriate.

• Return calls within 24 hours. Never leave one unanswered.

• Be comfortable around senior managers, or learn to fake it.

• If you even think you're vulnerable, you should probably find another job.

• Develop a point of view about success - your own and your organization's.

• Read your job description but never be restricted by it. Do what needs to be done.

• Maintain a 3-year rolling career plan.

• Always have an answer to the question, "What would I do if I lost my job tomorrow?"

• Never apologize for an idea that didn't work - but always admit a mistake.

• Being good is important, being trusted is essential.

• Become known for building ideas, not for finding fault.





1. employ v

employer n

employee n

employment n

full employment

unemployment unemployment benefit

unemployed adj


2.interview v

to interview for a job / a course of study

interview n

interviewer n



3.recruit v

recruitment n


4.goal n

to achieve a goal;

long-term / short-term / ultimate goal


5.train v

to train for the diplomatic service;

trainee n


training n

in-house training

a training college


6.manage v

to manage a firm;

managing director

to manage without smth

manager n

human resources manager

management n

managerial adj


7 promote v

to promote smb to smth;

to promote international understanding

promotion n

to get one's promotion


8 skill n

skill at / in smth

skilled adj

skilful adj

skilfully a


9. seek (sought) v

to seek (for) employment;

to seek power/wealth/justice/reelection


10. confident adj

to be confident of success


with confidence

to take smb into your confidence

confide v

to confide in smb; to confide to smb that...


11. select v

selection n

careful selection;

to make a selection from smth



8. Fill in the missing words from Vocabulary List.

The first letter of the word is given.

1. In modern-day China, highly skilled lacquer workers continue to e ________a wide variety of traditional techniques.

2. When an e _________or e _________desires to terminate or modify an exist­ing agreement, a waiting period of specified length must be observed.

3. The post-World War II period in Europe was characterized by sharp rises in u _________resulting from the wartime destruction of many industries.

4. Other techniques include the questionnaire and the i _________. both used widely in public opinion polls and studies of consumer preferences.

5. During the 1950s and '60s Pozner worked for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, becoming well known as a television i _________and com­mentator in French as well as English.

6. Departments of foreign affairs have an administrative section that is in charge of running the agency. This section deals with internal matters such as budget allocations, personnel r _________ and m ________________, training, and logistics.

7. The Bolshoi's ballet school is admired for the quality of its training and r _________system.

8. The karate t _________toughens hands and feet by driving them into con­tainers of sand, rice, or gravel and by striking sandbags and special punching boards.

9. For a time the British extended their rule to the Transvaal, but in 1852 they granted its people "the right to m _________their own affairs."

10. Roosevelt was a very s _________political leader.

11. After he was restored to his throne with the aid of the U.S. in 1953, Shah became increasingly c _________and secure in his ruling position.

12. While I ate he continued to talk, making me to my surprise a present of his full c______.

13. Every state had an academy or institute for the p_________of arts and sci­ences.

14. During the 1890s several trade unions finally achieved the long-sought g _________of the 8-hour day.

15. Economists focus on the way in which individuals, groups, business enter­prises, and governments s_________to achieve efficiently any economic objective they s_________.

16. He is e _________in a bank, but his brother is u_________at the moment.


9. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. A trade union represents its members in determining wages and working conditions through the process of collective bargaining with the em­ployer.

2. In the USA in 1933 about 20 percent of the labour force was unem­ployed.

3. For the whole day she'd been thinking about the interview, but only two people came.

4. The Peace Corps has its headquarters in Washington, D.C.; there are 16 re­gional recruiting offices.

5. The goal of the Peace Corps is to promote world peace and friendship by training American volunteers to perform social and humanitarian service overseas.

6. Doubleday was placed in command of the defences of Washington. D.C.. in 1862, earning promotion to major general in the same year.

7. The manager of a chain store, unlike the independent retailer, does not make policy decisions.

8. To maintain wartime levels of production the government sought to build up the basic industries, but the depression of 1929 cut deeply into the health of the Australian economy.

9. The British were confident that in a conventional battle they could defeat the American militia (ополчение).

10. Espionage involves the recruitment of agents in foreign nations; as well as the use of a full range of modern photographic, sensing, and detection devices, and other techniques of eliciting secret information.

11. The lady is a true enthusiast, skilful and daring.

12. Mr. Kentish was promoted to the position of managing director.


10. Translate into English:

1. Наша компанія найняла нового працівника, він тільки-що закінчив університет.

2. У нашій країні економічна криза і ми спостерігаємо високий рівень безробіття.

3. Його підвищили до завідуючого відділом кадрів.

4. Роботодавець має піклуватися про своїх працівників.

5. Де працює твій тато? Він працює на фірмі “Funny money”, у нього керівна посада, він виконавчий директор.

6. Безробітні отримують допомогу по безробіттю, хоча та сума грошей, яку вони отримують не рятує їх від бідності.

7. Я шукаю роботу з перспективами кар’єрного росту.

8. Таня змогла закінчити проект вчасно і мене підвищили на роботі.

9. Я працюю у відомій фірмі і відповідаю за рекламу газованих напоїв.

10. Стажерам на фірмах дуже складно, вони мають самі зрозуміти, що і як робити.

11. Наш університет стимулює співробітництво з закордонними вузами.

12. Як знаю, що Паша ходив до професійного училища і він кваліфікований сантехнік.

13. Катя керує фірмою, вона дуже талановита і працьовита. Кожного року вона проводить співбесіду, щоб взяти когось нового працівника.

14. Хто такий виконавчий директор? Це головна людина, яка керує фірмою.

15. Я не впоратися з роботою і мій роботодавець був дуже злий, а я дуже засмутилася.

16. Підкажіть, будь ласка, де кабінет завідуючого відділом кадрів?

17. Він майстерний музикант, він дуже добре грає на піаніно та гітарі.

18. Кожний роботодавець зацікавлений в кваліфікованій робочій силі.

19. Подивись на нього! Він так майстерно готує. Звичайно він кваліфікований шеф-повар.

20. Чому він завжди до тебе звертається? Він просить (шукає) поради.

21. Вона впевнена у своєму успіху.

22. Маша не погана студентка, але їй бракує впевненості в собі.

23. Він втратив впевненість коли отримав 2 за тест.

24. Тамара дуже скритна, вона ніколи нікому не довіряється.

25. Скажи ти ж мій найкращий друг?- Так. Я скажу тобі по секрету, що вчора знайшла роботу.

26. Вчора я вибрала найкраще плаття з 20.



Teaching as a career

1. Read an Interview with Michael Beresford

— Well, Michael, is teaching as a career popular with young people?

— Well, it's hard to say. I think, teaching of some kinds is still popular as it ever was, and I think, teaching small children teaching in nursery schools and in primary schools - that is still quite popular. More, of course, among women than amongst men, and the vast majority of teachers in nursery schools and primary schools are women. That is still a career which many take up with enthusiasm. And I mean that they are good at it, and that women are probably better teachers at this level because they're a kind of a substi­tute for the mother. When the child is learning to go away from the family, a woman fig­ures more than others, like a mother figures for the child, and I think that's a natural de­velopment. When we come to secondary education, I think their position is rather differ­ent. I think, until very recent time, teaching in secondary schools of all sorts was still re­garded as a good career, because it is a good career if it is a good school But there is no doubt, that these days, the life of a secondary school teacher is harder than it was, say 20 or 30 years ago, when I started my teaching career. Those who have been in teaching for a long time, tend to put up resistance, they know how to cope with prob­lems better than the young ones, who often get disillusioned and give up teaching So, we are short of good teachers This is not true, of course, of the independent schools There they can recruit people and pay them better salaries, and so they have few prob­lems of recruitment So, it's really the main problem in the state secondary schools and the comprehensive schools. I would say.

— And what is your idea of a good teacher then?

— It'll take a lot of time to describe. I think, a good teacher has not only to know his or her own subject, to be skilful with the subject he or she is teaching, but also to be a good person, to be a person with a pleasant nature, pleasant personality, sympathetic, par­ticularly sympathetic to young people and their problems, to be kind and good, and un­derstanding and also not to be full of sarcasm. In the old days, and too quite recently, like the time when I was being educated it was fashionable among teachers to put scorn on children even if they made a slight mistake. They were taught with great scorn and contempt, as if they were fools: children were made to look foolish and ignorant and shown in class in front of others. It made children feel uncomfortable. The opposite ap­proach is required with children who are most lacking confidence, I mean, to encourage them from the part of a teacher, which will improve the child's learning. The child will not, of course, learn from a teacher he or she doesn't like. And I think, that is because the children want to learn, they want to please the teacher when they like. So, the mat­ter of personality, I think, is the most important problem of teaching. Even a teacher, who doesn't know the subject perfectly well, can be a good teacher, if a pupil wants to follow him, and this is the essence of it. I think that being a good and sympathetic per­son is first and foremost; training and skill and knowledge come second, in my opinion.

(from Практика английской речи. С. 53)

2. Speculate on the following:

1. What problems are British schools faced with? Compare them with the problems facing Ukrainian schools.

2. Michael Beresford says that a good teacher should have a pleasant personality, be sympathetic, kind and understanding. What other personal qualities should a good teacher have?

3. Michael says that a teacher should not be full of sarcasm. Can you name a few other traits of character a teacher must not possess?

4. You surely have come across two types of teachers, kind and mild persons, and very strict, even authoritarian ones. Whose lessons did you enjoy more? Where did you show better standards of achievement? When were there fewer breaches of discipline7

5. What makes many young people take up teaching as a career? Does teaching appeal to you? Give your reasons

6. Why do many teachers quit their jobs? Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of the teaching career,


3. Rank the ten qualities of a good teacher in order of importance and compare your results with those of your partner's. Give examples to back up your statements.

A Good Teacher

§ Keeps in contact with the parents of his / her pupils and lets them participate in the life of the school (in a primary or secondary school).

§ Is able to maintain discipline and order

§ Let’s the students share his / her own life with all its ups and downs.

§ Works hard to remain up-to-date in his / her subject.

§ Openly admits when he / she has made a mistake or does not know something

§ Is interested in his / her students, asks them about their homes and tries to help where possible.

§ Makes the students work hard and sets high standards.

§ Is friendly and helpful to his / her colleagues.

§ Uses a lot of different materials, equipment and teaching methods and attempts to make his / her lessons interesting.

§ Helps the students become independent and organize their own learning.


4. All teachers would like to have well-behaved classes. After all, teaching a class with little or no disciplinary problems is a great joy. How well-behaved a class is depends to a large extent on how well a teacher can encourage good disciplinary habits.

Teacher N. has strong opinions about what is and what is not allowed in a classroom. The problem is that these opinions often take into account only one type of student and one type of learning. All other forms are not acceptable and need to be eliminated at the expense of squashing a student's motivation to study Her method tends to unjustly reward students that fit the mold and punish those that do not. What frequently happens is that some students resist being forced to fit the mold and rebel in any way they can. They even band to­gether to disrupt class just to upset the teacher or become impassive rebels that think they can do what they want. Role-play the situation when Teacher N. describes what happens during her classes and asks her colleagues for advice because she doesn't know how to react to breaches of discipline. Her more experienced colleagues give her advice how to maintain control without hamper­ing the student's freedom. You may enlarge on the following:

§ discipline works best when

§ it is meted out immediately and fairly;

§ no one is above the rules;

§ it is consistent;

§ the teacher keeps a cool head and deals with the problem with little or no emotion;

§ the degree of punishment fits the crime;

§ the teacher focuses the attention of the entire class on the problem student and brings

§ into action the dynamic forces of peer pressure,

§ the teacher never insults a student, never attacks character


5. Read the poem and speak on how a teacher should teach his / her students.

A Teacher’s Prayer

James J. Metcalf

I want to teach my students how--
To live this life on earth,
To face its struggles and its strife
And to improve their worth.

N ot just the lesson in a book,
Or how the rivers flow,
But to choose the proper path,
Wherever they may go.

T o understand eternal truth,
And know right from wrong,
And gather all the beauty of
A flower and a song,

F or if I help the world to grow
In wisdom and grace,
Then I feel that I have won
And I have filled my place.

A nd so I ask your guidance, God
That I may do my part,
For character and confidence
And happiness of heart.

Think over the quotes

Let wisdom guide my heart,

And help me keep in mind,

That each and every student,

Is a precious of a kind


The mediocre teacher tells.

The good teacher explains.

The superior teacher demonstrates.

The great teacher inspires.

(William Ward)


The teachers open the door

But you must enter yourself

(Chinese proverb)


Lucky is the teacher who can look across the room and not see a bored face. (Ebbert Hubbard)


What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches.

Karl Menrimger



The children fixed their eyes upon Anne. Anne gazed back, feeling helpless.

"Now, children," began Miss Enderby firmly, "you are very, very lucky this term to have Miss Lacey for your new teacher."

Anne gave a watery smile. The Children's faces were unmoved.

"Miss Lacey," repeated Miss Enderby with emphasis. "Can you say that?"

"Miss Lacey," chorused the class obediently.

"Perhaps you could say 'Good morning' to your new teacher?" suggested Miss Enderby in an imperative tone.

"Good morning. Miss Lacey," came the polite chorus.

"Good morning, children," responded Anne in a voice which bore no resemblance to her own.

Miss Enderby motioned to the children to take their seats. "I should give out paper and coloured pencils," said Miss Enderby, "as soon as you've called the register. Keep them busy while you're finding your way about the cupboards and so on."

She gave a swift look round the class. "I expect you to help Miss Lacey in every way," said the headmistress. "D'you hear me, Arnold?"

The little boy addressed, who had been crossing and uncrossing his eyes in an ugly manner for the enjoyment of his neighbours, looked suitably crest-fallen.

"If I were you, I should keep an eye on that boy," murmured Miss Enderby. "Broken home — brother in Borstal — and some rather dreadful habits!"

Anne looked with fresh interest at Arnold and thought he looked quite different from what Miss Enderby said about him. Far too innocent and apple-cheeked to have such a record. But even as she looked, she saw his pink face express his scorn of Miss Enderby who was giving her final messages to the new teacher.

"Break at ten forty-five, dear," said the headmistress. "Come straight to the staff room. I will wait there till you join us. I will introduce you to those you didn't meet on your first visit How do you like the idea of having a cup of tea then? We need rest after all. If there's anything that puzzles you, I shall be in my room. You can depend on me. Just send a message by one of the children."

She made her way to the door and waited before it, eyebrows raised as she turned her gaze upon the children. They gazed back in some bewilderment

"Is no one going to remember his manners?" asked Miss Enderby.

With a nervous start Anne hastened forward to the door, but was waved back by a movement of her headmistress's hand. A dozen or more children made a rush to open the door. A freckled girl with two skinny red plaits was the first to drag open the door. She was rewarded by a smile.

"Thank you, dear, thank you," said Miss Enderby and sailed majestically into the corridor. There came a faint sigh of relief as the door closed behind her, and the forty-six tongues which had so far kept unnaturally silent began to wag cheerfully. Anne watched this change with some dismay. She remembered with sudden relief some advice given her at college in just such a situation.

"Stand quite still, be quite calm, and gradually the children will become conscious that you are waiting. Never, never attempt to shout them down."

So Anne stood her ground waiting for the chattering to subside. But the noise grew in volume as conversations became more animated. One or two children ran across the room to see their distant friends. Two little boys attacked each other. A child with birthday cards was displaying their beauties to an admiring crowd round her desk. Arnold had removed his blue pullover and was attempting to pull his shirt over his head, in order to show his friends a scar on his shoulderblade.

Amidst growing chaos Anne remained silent. She looked at the clock which jerked from one minute to the next and decided to let it leap once more before she abandoned hope.

One crumb of comfort, if comfort it could be called, remained with her. This was an outburst of natural high spirits. Her presence, she noted, meant nothing at all to them.

A chair fell over, someone yelped with pain, there was a burst of laughter, and Anne saw the clock jump to another minute. Anne advanced into action.

"To your desks!" she roared, "And quickly!"

With a pleasurable shock she saw her words obeyed. Within a minute order had returned. Refreshed by the break the children turned attentive eyes upon her.

Anne's self-esteem crept back.

(From "Fresh from the Country" by Miss Reed)


1. to look υ i/t 1. смотреть, глядеть, е.g. I looked (up, down) at the opposite house, but saw no lights in its windows.

Syn. to stare, to gaze

to look means "to use one's eyes, to try to see", е.g. He looked at me, but didn't recognize me.

to stare means "to look steadily, with wide-open eyes, often with curiosity or surprise, or vacantly (бессмысленно, рассеянно)". We may stare at a person or thing, into the water, distance, fire or anything that has depth (пристально смотреть, глазеть, таращить/пялить глаза), е.g. Не stared at me as if I had asked him to do something impossible. He stared at the fire, deep in thought.

to gaze means "to look at smb. or smth. (or into smb.'s eyes) usu. long and steadily with interest, love, desire, in wonder, admiration, etc.", е.g. He's very fond of this picture, he can gaze at it for hours. The lovers stood with their hands clasped, gazing into each other's eyes.

to look about осматриваться, оглядываться по сторонам, е.g. I looked about, but saw no people anywhere.

Look ahead! Берегись!

to look (a thing) through просматривать что-л., е.g. Look through those documents, please.

to look after заботиться, ухаживать за кем- n., чём- n., е.g. I'll look after the child. Don't forget to look after the flowers when I'm away.

to look for искать кого-л., что-л., е.g. I've been looking for you since the very morning.

to look forward to (smth. or doing smth.) предвкушать что-л., с удовольствием ожидать чего-л., е.g. John looked forward to seeing Mario and his wife. Students always look forward to their holidays.

Look here! Послушай! е.g. Look here, wouldn't it be better to stay indoors in such nasty weather?

2. казаться, выглядеть (followed by an adjective, noun or like), е.g. He looks sad. The child looks ill (well). She looks like a real teacher. It looks like rain.

Note: казаться has two English equivalents — to look and to seem; to look means выглядеть, е.g. He looks young for his age. She looks beautiful " n this dress. She looks a child.; to seem means производить впечатление (it expresses various degrees of doubt), e.g. She seems (to be) clever. This village seems (to be) quite small now. He seems (to be) well educated.

look n 1. взгляд, е.g. There was something strange in his look.

Syn. stare, gaze, е.g. Lanny returned the man's stare, but didn't utter a word. The girl blushed when she noticed the stranger's fixed gaze.

to have a look at взглянуть, е.g. Have a look at this photo, do you recognize the man?

Note: The English for взгляд = точка зрения is idea, opinion, (point of) view, е.g. I don't know his point of view оn (views on, idea(s) of, opinion of) this subject.

2. выражение, е.g. A took of pleasure came to her face. There was an angry look in her eyes,

2. to differ υi i. различаться, отличаться (from smb. or smth. in smth.), е.g. The two brothers differ in their tastes. His plan differs from all the others.; 2. не соглашаться, расходиться во взглядах (from/with smb. in smth.), е.g. I differ from (with) you in this matter.

Ant. agree (with smb.; to smth.), е.g. Let's agree to differ (пусть каждый останется при своем мнении).

different adj 1. непохожий, не такой, отличный от (from), е.g. Не is quite different from what I thought him to be. I want a different kind of book this time (but I prefer books of a different kind). Our views on life are different.

Ant. alike, е.g. Our tastes are alike.

Note: Don't confuse the words different and another which may be translated by the same Russian word другой; е.g. I want another (другой = еще один) piece of cake. I want a different (другой = другого copra, вида и т. д.) piece of cake. Let's try another (еще один) variant Let's by a different (иного рода) variant.

2. разный, различный, е.g. A department store sells many different things. Every day our students get different written assignments.

difference n разница, различие, е.g. The difference between our views is not very great. I don't find much difference in the styles of these writers.

to make some (no, not much) difference (to smb.), е.g. It won't make much difference whether we do it today or tomorrow. You may stay or leave, it makes no difference to me.

3. rest υ i/t 1. отдыхать, лежать, спать; давать отдых, е.g. Не rested for an hour before going on with his work. She likes to rest after dinner. They stopped to rest their horses.

2. опираться, покоиться, держаться на чём- n., е.g. The roof rests on eight columns. There is always a cloud resting on the top of this mountain.

3. оставаться (лежать); класть, прислонять, е.g. Her fingers touched his forehead and rested there. She sat with her elbows resting on the table.

Note: The Russian word оставаться has several English equivalents, е.g. Пусть все остается как есть. Let the matter rest. Я не хочу здесь оставаться. I don't want to stay here. У нас осталось только 5 рублей. Only 5 roubles are left Все остается без изменений Everything remains without any changes.

rest n покой, отдых, сон, е.g. Rest is necessary after work. I had a good night's rest. We had several rests on our way up the mountains. But: Он отдыхал на юге. Не spent his holiday in the South.

rest n (always with def. article) остаток, остальное, остальная часть чего-л.

the rest of (the time, the books, etc.), е.g. Have you written all the exercises? — No, only half of them. The rest (of the exercises) may be done orally. Only five of us were present at the lesson, the rest (of the group) went to the meeting. I'll take an apple and you may take the rest.

4. comfortable adj 1. удобный; комфортабельный; уютный, е.g. a comfortable chair, room, bed, house; comfortable shoes, etc.; 2. predic разг. довольный, спокойный, чувствующий себя удобно, е.g. I'm sure you'll be very comfortable there.

to make oneself comfortable, е.g. Mr. Murdoch made himself comfortable in a chair and ordered a strong black coffee.

Ant. uncomfortable

comfort n 1. утешение, поддержка, е.g. The news brought comfort to all of us. He was a great comfort to his parents.; 2. успокоение, покой, отдых, е.g. to be fond of comfort, to live in comfort

Ant. discomfort

comfort υt утешать, успокаивать

comforting adj утешительный, успокоительный, е.g. comforting words.

Note: convenient adj means suitable, handy, serving to avoid trouble or difficulty; е.g. convenient time, method, tool, place, etc. Will this bus be convenient to/for you? Let's arrange a convenient time and place for the conference.

Ant. inconvenient

convenience n 1. удобство (the quality of being convenient or suitable), е.g. at your earliest convenience; for convenience; 2. (pl.) удобства (device, arrangement, etc. that is useful or convenient, е.g. central heating, hot water supply), е.g. The house has all modern conveniences. Ant. inconvenience

5. to run (ran, run) υi/t 1. бежать, бегать, е.g. 1 ran all the way for fear of being late. As soon as we fired, the enemy ran.

2. ходить, плыть, курсировать (о трамваях, автобусах и пр.), е.g. Trams run on rails. Motor cars ran along ordinary roads. The buses run every five minutes.

3. течь, литься, е.g. Torrents of water ran down the streets. Rivers run into the sea. Don't you hear the water running in the kitchen? If you have a bad cold, your nose runs.

4. тянуться, е.g. For several miles the road ran across a plain.

Note: For the Russian тянуться = простираться the verb stretch is used, е.g. The forest stretched to the South for many miles.

5. гласить, рассказывать, говорить(ся), е.g. So the story runs. The story runs....

to run into smb. случайно встретиться с кем- n.; to run into smth. натолкнуться на что-л., е.g. Our car ran into the bus. I ran into a friend of mine on my way-home.; to run across smb./smth. случайно встретить (натолкнуться на что-л.), е.g. The other day I ran across a very interesting article in the newspaper.: to run over smb. переехать, задавить кого-л., also: to be run over (by a car), е.g. But for the skill of the driver the man would have been run over by the bus.

runner n бегун

6. join υt/i 1. соединять(ся), объединяться), е.g. I couldn't join (together) the two halves of the vase, because a small piece was missing. Where do the two streams join (each other)?

Syn. unite

N о t e: to join usu. means "to put two things together", е.g. The island was joined to the mainland with a bridge.; to unite usu. means "to join together (by a common aim or bond) several objects so as to form one new unit", е.g. We united all our forces to drive the enemy out of our country. Workers of the world, unite! The United Nations Organization (UNO) was formed in 1945 in San Francisco.

2. присоединяться (к), е.g. Will you join me in my walk? We'll join you in a few minutes.

3. входить в компанию, вступать в члены, е.g. If I were you I should join this club. He was twenty-two when he joined the array.

7. depend υi 1. зависеть от (on/upon smb. for smth.), е.g. We depend on the newspapers for information about world events. He depends on his sister for a living. Children usually depend on their parents (находятся на иждивении родителей).; 2. полагаться, рассчитывать на кого-л., что-л., е.g. You can depend upon the man. I depend on you to do it. Can I depend on this time-table or is it an old one?

It (all) depends как сказать; в зависимости от обстоятельств, е.g. Will you finish your work on time? — It depends.



chorus n, υ differ υ join υ

comfort n, υ difference n look n, υ

comfortable adj different adj rest n, υ

convenience n gaze n, υ run υ

convenient adj headmistress n stare n, υ

depend υ unite υ

Word Combinations

to fix one's eyes on/upon smb. to keep an eye on smb.

to feel helpless to give (send) a message

to give a smile (a nod, a look, etc.) to turn one's eyes (gaze)

to bear (to have) a strong upon smb./smth.

resemblance to to run across

to motion to smb. to run into

to give out (pencils, leaflets, readers, to run over

workcards, sets of material, etc.) to shout smb. down

to call the register (the roll) to abandon hope


I. a) Write the Past Indefinite and Past Participle of the verbs:

grow, creep, bear, break, keep, think, leap, mean, fall, find, feel, say, cling, hear, meet, run, show

b) the Past Indefinite and Present Participle of the verbs:

differ, prefer, murmur, appear, occur, recover, remember, chatter, refer, stir, water, fear, offer, drag, wag, plan, chat, slip, beg.

II. Find nouns related to the verbs below. Pay special attention to the spelling of the suffix -ence/-ance. Place them in two columns:

depend, differ, exist, accept, resemble, attend, perform, insist, occur.

III. Answer these questions:

1. How was Anne introduced to her class? 2. What did she feel at that moment? What words does the author choose to describe her feelings? 3. What instructions did the headmistress give to the young teacher? What do you think of them? 4. Why did Anne "look with fresh interest at Arnold?" Describe Arnold's appearance and behaviour. 5. How did the other children behave in Miss Enderby's presence? (Find words describing their behaviour.) 6. Why do you think "there came a faint sigh of relief" after Miss Enderby left the classroom? Describe the children's behaviour after she left. 7. What advice given her at college did Anne remember? Did she follow the advice? What was the result? Why did the children behave like that? 8. How did Anne restore the order? Do you think it was the only way out? 9. Comment on the words: "Anne's self-esteem crept back".


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