Outstanding writers and poets 

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Outstanding writers and poets

1. Here are the names of some famous writers and poets. Say what countries they are from: Russia, England, America, Belarusia, the Ukraine.

William Shakspeare, Michail Lermontov, Mark Twain, Charles Dicxens, Agatha Christie, Conan Doyle, Vasil Bykov, Anton Chekhov, Ray Bradbury, Yanko Kupala, Alexander Pushkin, Jack London, Ernest Heminguway, Ivan Turgenev, Taras Shevchenko

Is reading important?

2. Most people have different opinions on reading. What is yours? Why do you think so? Use the following prompts and start like this:

I think, reading is important because …

books can tell us a lot about … -lives of famous people -politics -ancient times -the arts and fashion -teenagers’ problems -gardening -latest discoveries -plants and animals -interesting things -the rest of the world -cookery
books help to … -discover new things -explore new ideas -expand outlook -educate -learn more about … -solve problems -escape from everyday life problems
it is the perfect way -to make fun -to entertain oneself -to feel comfortable -to spend free time -to relax -not to be alone -not to feel bored  
books … -teach how to … -give information about... -make feel good  

I think reading is not important because …

- it is boring/annoying

- it gives a headache

- it takes too much time

- it is easier to watch TV or video

- it hurts eyes

- it makes me think hard

3. Read the text “My favourite writers” and speak about your favourite writer. Cover the following things:

a) Where and when he or she was born.

b) What kinds of books he or she has written.

c) What book he or she is famous for.

d) What books of the writer you have read.


It’s common knowledge that reading foreign literature helps you to learn more about the life of people in other countries, their traditions and customs. As I study English, I try to read as many books by English writers as possible. The names of English writers and poets such as William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Bernard Shaw, Conan Doyle, Agatha Cristie, Oscar Wilde and many others are well-known to educated people all over the world.

It is very difficult for me to choose out of them one name as my favourite writer because I can’t say I’ve read enough and know enough about English literature to make the right judgement. Yet, when I think about it, the first name that comes to my mind is that of Charles Dickens.

This English classic is well-known in our country. His books are translated into Russian and many films have been made after his novels. He published novel after novel – “Oliver Twist”, “Nickolas Nickleby”, “The Old Curiosity Shop”, “David Copperfield”, “Little Dorrit” and many others. Besides constantly writing novels he was editing newspapers and magazines, giving readings from his books to huge crowds of people.

There was no other novelist in England who had such a hold on all classes of people already during his lifetime. His books were read by all – by learned and simple people, by the rich and the poor alike.

The popularity of his books hasn’t diminished with time. The great-heartedness of the author appeals to the contemporary reader as much as it did a century ago. His kindly, understanding eye looks with tolerance on good and bad alike.

I’ve read several books by American writers. The first American writer who came my way was Jack London whose stories struck me by unusual situations and the courage of his heroes. I also admire the humour of Mark Twain. I’ve read some of his stories and, of course, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn”. A few years later I happened to read “A Farewell to Arms” by Emest Hemingway and since then I’ve been fascinated by this great American writer.

When I read his biography I was impressed by his personality. His war experience and adventurous life provided the background for many of his short stories and novels. He achieved success with “A Farewell to Arms”, the story of a love affair between an American lieutenant and an English nurse during the First World wWar.

Hemingway is famous for his simple style, which has been widely imitated but never achieved by other writers. His heroes show courage in the face of danger, the feature which Hemingway admired greatly and which he himself possessed.

As far as Russian literature is concerned it’s hard to name one favourite writer and one favourite book especially if we talk about the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, known as the “golden” and “silver” periods in the Russian culture. Such giants of Russian literature as A.Pushkin, I.Turgenev, F.Dostoyevsky, L.Tolstoy, A.Chekhov and many others are known all over the world.

The writer who stands out of this list for me is Dostoyevsky. I look upon him not only as a great writer but a great philosopher as well. His ideas had an immense influence on the literature that followed and his deep penetration into the human soul and the motives of people’s behavior impresses the modern reader as much as it did his contemporaries.

Among his outstanding novels are “The Karamazov Brothers”, “Humiliated and Abused”, “Crime and Punishment”, “The Idiot”, “Demons”. I’ve read all of them, but I think I am most impressed by “The Idiot”.


to have a hold on –иметь понятие о чём-то

as far as Russian literature is concerned – что касается русской


4. Many people spend their free time reading. Find out if your partner likes reading. Mind the following questions:

1. In what language do you read more: Russian or English?

2. Do you agree that young people don’t read much these days?

3. At what age did you begin to read novels?

4. Do you read more books by foreign or Russian writers?

5. What is your attitude to popular science fiction?

6. Do you like to read detective stories?

7. Why is it interesting to read different kinds of books?

8. What Russian writers (poets) make the pride of the Russian


9. Do you prefer to read a book or to see a screen version of it?

10. What screen versions of classical books are most successful in your


11. Are you more fond of serious books or humorous reading?

12. Do you like poetry? Have you ever tried writing poems yourself?

13. What kind of book will you take with you on a long journey?

14. What book have you recently read and what is it about?

5. Choose a short story of any writer and prepare a brief summary of it. Use the framework below. Then work in groups and tell each other about your story.

I’d like to tell you about the story that was in … Its title is … and it’s about … In summary, the story says … What I found particularly interesting was … What surprised me was … What I never realized was … From reading the story I’ve learnt … What I’d like to know more about is … Do you have any questions to ask about the story?

6. Read the famous people sayings about books and reading. Which saying reflects your opinion? What do you agree or disagree with? Why?

Reading makes a full man. (Francis Bacon)

History books which contain no lies are extremely dull. (Anatole France)

All books are divisible into two classes: the book of hour, and the book of all time. (John Ruskin)

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. (Richard Steele)

Reading is a vital form of communication with all of mankind and wisdom of many ages. (Olzhas Suleymenov)

7. Read and translate the follouring dialogue:

A. Good afternoon, Mary! What! Again you are reading?

M. Oh you, Ann! I was so absorbed in my book that I didn’t hear you knock. Come in, please.

A. Whenever I come I always find you sitting deep in a book.

M. Well, I take great delight in books, you know.

A. And so do I. But the way you read, well, you are simply a bookworm, you are. What are you reading?

M. “Jane Eyre” by Bronte. Have you read it?

A. “Jane Eyre”? No, I don’t think I have. Is it a good book?

M. Very. And moving too. Want to read it?

A: I should like to. Are you through with it?

M. Not yet. You may have it in two day’s time, if you like.

A. Good. How much have you read of it?

M. This much. And what are you reading now?

A. A kind of a novel, but it’s just like milk-and-water. What’s this?

M. That’s Fred’s book. One of those detective stories, you know.

A. How can he read such penny dreadfuls!

M. Well, he doesn’t read – he simply skips through books. He has no

patience whatsoever.

A. How do such books find their way into print, I wonder?

And the way he handles the book!

M. Yes, I’ve been telling him time after time not to fold the pages, but

he will.

A. Say, Mary, what’s the name of that dog-eared book over there?

M. “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.” That’s Fred’s book, too.

A. I couldn’t have it for the time being, could I?

M. Why, yes. I don’t think Fred would mind. But haven’t you ever

read it before?

A. Yes, I have, but I’d like to re-read it. It was quite a time ago when I

first read it, and besides its easy reading, and funny too.

M. Indeed it is.

A. What about going out for a walk?

M. With great pleasure. Let’s go.

8. Give your opinions on the statements below. You may use the following expressions to start with: “In my opinion …”, “I believe …”, “To my mind …”, “I agree that …”, “I can’t agree that …”, “I disagree that …”, “Actually I think …”, “I am sure …”, “I am not sure …” “It seems to me …”, “As far as I know …”.

1) The only way to know everything is to read newspapers and magazines.

2) Reading makes me forget the problems of everyday life.

3) To master foreign language is to read books in original.

9. Make up your own dialogue using the following cues. Add some more arguments.

Student A Student B

Try to explain your partner Prove your partner it is not interesting

why you read the to read the book twice

best books twice - it is not worth reading twice

- it’s the real thing - what a bore! I couldn’t read it.

- I really enjoy this - It is so annoying.

book for humour - What rubbish!

and fantasy - Boring rubbish!

- the book is totally


- I would recommend it to


- the main characters made

a great impression on me.

10. Here are some facts from the biography of Sergei Yesenin. Do you think these facts will be interesting to your foreign pen friend? Match the columns.

Sergei Yesenin was born to a peasant family

The village of Konstantinovo he started writing verses

near Ryazan.

At the early age of eight or nine is his birth place

He came to Moscow and become known as a

“poet of the village”

The young Yesenin was captivated by the famous American

dancer Isadora Duncan

They got married never forgot his relatives

He was kind and and went for a wedding abroad

He believed that there is no poet without home land

He lived only thirty years but he wrote poems made

him well-known in Russia

11. Find the biography of your favourite or any other writer/poet and write a composition of 120-150 words.

Learn the useful phrases

Asking for permission. Giving permission

Is it all right/OK if I smoke? Yes, sure./Yes, of course.

Do you mind if I open the window? Not at all. (= I don’t mind.)

Refusing permission

I’m sorry, but …


Books and Writers

adventure story приключенческий рассказ

author n автор

biographical novel биографический роман

classics n классика

comedy n комедия

contemporary writer современный писатель

detective story детектив

fairy-tale сказка

fiction, n. беллетристика, худ. литература

historical novel исторический роман

humorous story юмористический рассказ

masterpiece n шедевр

modern literature современная литература

novelist n романист

play n пьеса

playwright n драматург

poem n стихотворение

poet n поэт

poetry n поэзия

popular science fiction научно-фантастическая

prose n проза

psychological drama психологическая драма

romantic novel мелодрама

tragedy n трагедия

volume n том

work of art произведение искусства

writer n писатель

Contents and Impressions

catching adj захватывающий

concern smth касаться чего-либо, иметь отношение

к чему-либо

create v создавать

deal with v иметь отношение к чему-либо

depict v изображать

describe v описывать

episode n эпизод

event n событие

famous adj знаменитый

image n образ

imaginary воображаемый

impress the reader впечатлять читателя

impression n впечатление

impressive adj впечатляющий

lyrical adj лирический

main character главный герой

outstanding adj выдающийся

plot n сюжет, фабула

portray v отражать

realistic правдивый, реалистический

reveal v раскрывать

show smth показывать что-либо

style n стиль

talented adj талантливый

the book is about в книге рассказывается

touching adj трогательный

unbelievable adj невероятный

well-known, adj. известный



Every man is the builder of a temple called his body.

Thoreau, Henry Davia (1817-1862)




  exercising       environmental influence  
  eating low fat food       physical inactivity  
  eating high fibre food       eating sweets  
  eating wholemeal bread       drinking alcohol  
  dieting       smoking  



1. Some people care about their health, others don’t: they have bad health habits.

1) What good and bad health habits can people have? Make a list.

2) Compare yours with that above.

3) Which habits are good, which are bad?

4) In your opinion, which are the seven worst health habits



Are you a pizza or a salad, a big dinner or a sandwich? Are you always the same or different every day?


2 GRAMMAR FOR REVISION: There is a popular proverb that goes, “Eat to live not live to eat”. People need food to stay alive. But sometimes we can overdo it and end up “living to eat”. What about you? Do you try to follow certain rules to keep fit and to study well?

Complete these healthy eating tips using much, many, little, a lot of.




· Too ________ food makes you thin.

· Too ________ food makes you fat.

· Too ________ sweets are bad for you, especially for your teeth.

· Eat ________ high fat food and ________ fibre.

· ________ fruit and vegetables keep you healthy.

· Walking ________ makes you fit.

· Sleeping too ________ or too ________ can make you nervous and restless.


3. Many British students have food and nutrition on their timetable. Here is Mark’s notes from a lecture about healthy eating. Did he write everything correctly?

1) Correct the mistakes.


Eat more sugar.  
Don’t eat vegetables.  
Eat fat.  
Eat the same things every day.  
Eat less fresh fruit.  
Eat a lot of salt.  
Eat a lot between meals.  


nutrition, n. – еда, наука о питании


4. Compare your list of bad health habits with those mentioned in the article below.



from the ‘Daily Mail’

When the Bible set down the Seven Deadly Sins they were not meant to be taken literally. Few of us will die of pride (гордость), envy or anger. There are, however, modern health sins which are in fact far more deadly.

Two of them – obesity (ожирение) and physical inactivity are known from ancient times. They are joined by the modern bad habits: smoking and drinking too much alcohol, and the surprising ‘danger’ of sleeping too much or too little, eating between meals and skipping breakfast. In combination, these poor health habits could double the chance of dying or lead to different diseases (болезни) for those who survive.

Of course sleeping too much or too little, snacking and skipping breakfast are not quite a deadly as smoking, obesity and drinking. But they are indicative of dangerously chaotic lifestyles.

Regularity in life promotes your health. Sleeping seven or eight hours, getting up early, eating breakfast, a healthy diet and regular meals is really a good way to live.


5 People have different health habits. What habits do your groupmates have?

1) Write questions to ask your groupmates about their health habits.


a) sleep too much

b) sleep too little

c) eat between meals

d) skip breakfast

e) smoke or drink alcohol

f) play any sport

g) diet

h) attend any club


2) Work out a questionnaire about how often your groupmates do these things.



Questions Names of students   How often?
a) ____________   b) ____________   c) ____________   d) ____________   e) ____________   f) ____________   g) ____________   h) ____________           never hardly ever not very often occasionally sometimes quite often often usually/normally very often almost always always


6. Study the table.

Some bad habits are really deadly.

Which arguments against bad habits seem most convincing to you? Place them in order of importance. Which of the arguments will you use to convince your friends or parents not to smoke or drink too much alcohol?


to convince – убедить, уговорить


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