Apologising Replying to apologies 

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Apologising Replying to apologies

Sorry. That’s OK.

I’m so/very sorry. Don’t worry about it.

Excuse me. (UK)

Pardon me. (US)


meal, n. – трапеза

chopsticks, n. – палочки для еды

acceptable, n. – приемлемый

cuisine,n. – кухня

depend on, v. – зависеть от

caviar, n. – икра (рыбная)

pasta, n. – макаронные изделия

serve, v. – подавать, обслуживать

ice-cream parlour, n. – мороженица

roast lamb – жареный ягнёнок

salmon steak – кусок лосося (сёмги)

delicious, a. – восхитительный

mouth-watering – аппетитный

disgusting, a. – отвратительный

bitter, a. – горький

heavy, a. – тяжёлый, обильный

too hot and spicy – слишком горячий и пряный

too rich – слишком жирный

snack, n. – лёгкая закуска

hazelnut spread – ореховое молоко

edible, a. – съедобный

dough, n. – тесто

come along – идём, поторопись

it’s high time – давно пора

mashed potatoes –картофельное пюре

stew, v. – тушить

may I trouble you – передайте мне, пожалуйста

napkin, n. – салфетка

sideboard drawer, n. – буфетный выдвижной ящик

Never mind – Ничего, пустяки, не обращайте внимания.

mustard, n. – горчица

table cloth, n. – скатерть

fold, v. – складывать

main course – главное блюдо

curry, n. - индийское блюдо с пряностями и рисом



shop assistant: person who works in a shop; also called sales assistant

shop window: the window at the front of the shop

shopping centre: a place with many shops, outside or indoors

window shopping: to look round the shops but not buy anything

shopping list: a list of things to buy

I went shopping yesterday (=I went to the shops to buy food or clothes, etc)

I did the shopping yesterday(= I bought food and household goods)

Name of shop What it sells
Department store Almost everything (furniture, clothes, electrical appliances, e.g. TV and washing machine, toys, jewellery, etc. and sometimes food)
Supermarket Food and household goods, e.g. cleaning products
Newsagent(‘s) Newspapers, cigarettes, sweets, stationery, e.g. writing paper, cards, envelopes, etc.
Butcher(‘s) meat
Greengrocer(‘s) Fruit and vegetables
Fish monger(’s) fish
Baker(’s) bread, cakes etc
Confectioner(‘s) sweets, cakeps etc
Boutique Fashionable clothes
Chemist(‘s) Medicine, baby products, shampoo, soap, toothpaste, etc.
Note: Most other shops are just ‘+shop’, e.g. shoe shop, record shop, camera shop, etc.

Useful words and expressions

ASSISTANT: Can I help you? CUSTOMER: Yes, I’m looking for (= I want fresh strawberries)

ASSISTANT: Can I help you? CUSTOMER: No, I’m just looking, thanks. (=I don’t need help)

ASSISTANT: Can I help you? CUSTOMER: I’m being served, thanks. (= another assistant is already serving/helping



1. Match group of food to its ‘general’ word on the right.

1. Apple, pear, orange,lemon, peach, apricot, banana, melon, water melon, grapes, pineapple, cherry, strawberry, mango.

2. Potato, tomato, onion, carrot, cabbage, beetroot, mushrooms, cauliflower, cucumber, lettuce, peas, beans, olives.

3. Beef, pork, veal, lamb, sausages, chicken, steak, turkey, liver.

4. Salmon, lobster, oyster, shrimp, mussels, fish, caviar.

5. Rice, porridge, spaghetti, macaroni, pasta, eggs.

6. Bread, biscuits, buns, rolls, cakes, cream cakes, pies, scones, tarts, chocolate, sweets, jam, sugar, marmalade, waffles.

7. Vinegar, oil, mustard, salt, mayonnaise, pepper, sauce.

8. Milk, butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese.

9. Mineral water, juice, tea, coffee, beer, wine, champagne.

10. Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, cola, coke, chips.

a) Bread articles and sweets

b) Seafood, fish

c) Meat

d) Seasoning (dressing)

e) Fruit

f) Junk food

g) Other food

h) Dairy product

i) Drinks

j) Vegetables

(1e 2j 3c 4b 5g 6a 7d 8h 9i 10f)

2. Answer and give reasons.

1. What is your favorite food? What don’t you like to eat?

2. What food do people usually buy for everyday meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper)? What food do they have on holiday parties or when do they have guests?

3. Do you usually have a shopping list when you go shopping?

4. Is the place you eat food important for you?

3. a) Read and act. b) Make up your own dialogues.

A: Hello.

B: Hello.

A: A pear, an apple and two bananas, please.

B: Here you are.

A: Thank you, goodbye.

B: You’re welcome. Goodbye.


4. Read the texts below and say what food you can buy at the fishmonger’s, at the confectioner’s, at the butcher’s, at the greengrocer’s, at the baker’s, at the dairy.


Our family has a shopping day. It is Saturday. My father and I usually go to the shops on this day.In the morning we ask mother what we need. We take bags, a shopping list and go to the shops. First of all we go to the butcher’s shop. We prefer to eat sausage and meat instead of fish, that’s why we buy two kilogrammes of meat for a week. My father usually takes some tinned meat for supper. My brother Roman likes to eat eggs and we often buy ten eggs and three chickens for a week.

We usually visit the baker’s shop when we go home. My sister Sonya has a sweet tooth and she likes sweets very much, that’s why my father and I buy a lot of rolls and buns.The shop assistant usually suggests that we buy cakes, biscuits and tasty tea.For example, I like cakes and coffee and I very often ask my father to buy different cakes.

People say that tastes differ. My father likes coffee and cakes too and he agrees to buy them.One day my two friends Yura and Anton came to see me. Yura had a bag in his hand. He said that his mother had sent him to the greengrocer’s shop.

I decided that I should go to the shop too, as my grandmother asked me to buy milk and cheese at the diary. It took us ten minutes to get to the greengrocer’s shop because it was not far from our house.The shop was big. The shop windows were nice.Yura explained that his father had already bought carrots, tomatoes and he had to buy potatoes, onions cucumbers. We looked at the counters and saw fresh vegetables. We asked the shop assistant to weight three killogrammes of potatoes, one kilogram of onions and two kilogrammes of cucumbers. When she had weighted the vegetables she said how much they cost. Yura took money from the pocket, paid for the vegetables and put all the vegetables into his bag. The bag became very heavy and Anton helped Yura to carry it. He thought that a friend in need was a friend indeed.

Then we went to the diary and we bought fresh milk and cheese.When I returned home, my grandmother was glad that I had bought such tasty cheese and fresh milk and she thanked me for shopping.

5. Read, match and write.

1. a kilo of … a) bread
2. a bottle of … b) honey
3. a box of … c) chocolate
4. a bar of … d) cheese
5. a jar of … e) lemonade
6. a loaf of … f) eggs
7. a dozen … g) cereal
8. a bunch of … h) grapes



6. Read and act.


Dialogue 1.

Mrs Claydon: I’m looking for strawberries. Have you got any?

Assistant: Yes, I have. How many would you like?

Mrs Claydon: I want two pounds, please.

Assistant: Here you are.

Mrs Claydon: Thank you.

Diana: Hi, Mary. What are you buying?

Mrs Claydon: I’m buying some strawberries for tea.

Assistant: Do you need anything else?

Mrs Claydon: Yes, I’d like a loaf of bread, a dozen eggs, a tin of

onion soup, a box of cereal, a bottle of milk, a jar

of honey, a bunch of grapes, a tube of mustard and

a bar of chocolate. How much is that?

Assistant: £ 6.42.

Mrs Claydon: Thanks a lot.

Dialogue 2.

Diana: How much are these bananas?

Shop assistant: They’re 70p a pound.

Diana: I’d like three pounds, please.

Shop assistant: That’s two pounds ten, please.


Strawberries 2.00 lb at £0.65/lb £1.30
Grapes 1.00 lb at £0.60/lb £0.60
Loaf of bread £0.44
12 Eggs £1.16
1 Tin of onion £0.35
1 Box of cereal £0.85
1 Bottle of milk £0.27
1 Jar of honey £0.65
1 Tube of mustard £0.55
1 Bar of chocolate £0.25
Total £6.42
Cash £10.00
Change £3.58
Thank you for your custom


£ - фунт (стерлингов)

7. Look at the prices on ads A - C. In pairs, using the ads, make up dialogues similar to the example given.


A Half Price! Deluse Swiss chocolates - £2.99

B Special offer! Fresh cream cakes only 65p each

C Look! 5 kg potatoes - £2, 1 kg tomatoes – 60p


A: Look! They’ve got tomatoes on special offer at the greengrocer’s.

B: Really? How much are they?

A: They’re only 60p a kilo.

B: That’s a bargain!


8. Role-playing. Roles: a customer and shop assistant.

1. Say you would like a pound of apples.

2. Ask how much a kilo of apples is.

3. Say that they are good and cheap.

4. Ask for a pound of cheese, a packet of biscuits, a bottle of fruit juice, a packet of tea, a dozen eggs, a pound of sausages and a kilo of steak.


Complete this shopping dialogue with the phrases given.

ASSISTANT 1: Can I help you?

CUSTOMER: Yes. I’m ……………………… a blouse

this, but in blue.

ASSISTANT 1: I see. And what …………….. are you

looking for?

CUSTOMER: Uh, 14 usually.

ASSISTANT 1: Ok, I’ll just go and see if we’ve got any.

CUSTOMER: Thank you.

ASSISTANT 2: Can I help you?

CUSTOMER: No, it’s OK, I’m …………….. thanks.

ASSISTANT 1: Here we are. The last one in stock.

CUSTOMER: Great. Can I try in on?

ASSISTANT 1: Yes of course. The …………….. is just


ASSISTANT 1: How was it?

CUSTOMER: Fine. I’ll …………………...

ASSISTANT: Right. Would you like to pay over there

at the ……………………….

1. take it

2. size

3. looking for

4. cash desk

5. being served

6. changing

10. Learn the useful phrases.

Showing you’re listening

I see. Really?

Uh-huh. How interesting!


In Britain and the USA, people often nod their

head and make noises, like yes and un-huh to show they’re listening during a conversation.


bacon, n. бекон
Bakers shop кондитерский магазин
bargain, n. выгодная сделка
beef, n. говядина
beans, n. бобы
beetroot, n. свекла
Biscuits, n. печенье
Butcher’s shop мясной магазин
Carrot, n. морковь
cash, n.. наличные
change, n. сдача
chicken, n. цыпленок
cherry, n. вишня
chop, n. отбивная
Counter, n. прилавок
cucumber, n. огурец
Instead of Вместо(чего-либо)
Dairy, a. молочная
It is obvious, adj. Это очевидно
Fresh, a. свежий
Greengrocer’s shop овощной магазин
grapes, n. виноград
lamb, n. баранина
lemon, n. лимон
lettuce, n. салат-латук
melon, n. дыня
onion, n. лук
peach, n. персик
peas, n. груши
pineapple, n. ананас
pound, w. фунт (=0.4 кг)
pork, n. свинина
plum, n. слива
raspberry, n. малина
rice, n. рис
Rolls and buns кондитерские изделия
Queue, n. очередь
sausage, n. сосиска
Shop-assistant, n. продавец
Shop window витрина
spaghetti, n. макароны
strawberry, n. клубника
steak, n. стейк
Tasty, a. вкусный
Tinned meat мясные консервы
total общая сумма
Thank you for your custom Спасибо, что вы покупаете у нас




s 1. Answer the questions:

1. What is the social purpose of education?

2. From the economical viewpoint, what role does education play in a society?

Ç 2. Read the words and phrases from the text below and match them with their Russian equivalents.

b 1. bachelor [׳bæt∫әlә] a. неполное высшее (об образовании)
  2. compulsory b. бакалавр
  3. formative c. предоставлять
  4. in the largest sense d. созидательный
  5. personnel e. профессиональное (об образовании)
  6. postgraduate f. кадры, специалисты
  7. provide g. обязательный
  8. receipt [rI'si:t] h. в самом широком смысле
  9. undergraduate i. послевузовское (об образовании)
  10. vocational j. получение

& 3. Read the text about education. Translate it into Russian.

Education in the largest sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character, or physical ability of an individual. In its technical sense, education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills, and values from one generation to another. The purpose of education up to its highest levels is to develop every individual to their full potential.

Higher education, also called tertiary, third stage, or post secondary education, is the non- compulsory educational level that follows the completion of a high or secondary school. Tertiary education is normally taken to include undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as vocational education and training. Colleges and universities are the main institutions that provide tertiary education. Collectively, these are sometimes known as tertiary institutions. Tertiary education generally results in the receipt of certificates, diplomas, or academic degrees. In most developed countries a high proportion of the population (up to 50%) now enter higher education at some time in their lives. Higher education is therefore very important to national economies as a source of trained and educated personnel for the rest of the economy.


@ 4. You are going to read about Bologna Process in Russia. Here are four parts of the text, but they are in the wrong order. Decide on the right order:


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