Model: Oatmeal Cookie Pancakes 

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Model: Oatmeal Cookie Pancakes

First, mix the dry ingredients (1 cup of oats, 1 cup of flour, 1/2 cup of brown sugar, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 2 ounces, 1/4 cup, chopped walnuts)) in a bowl and set aside. Second, in a another bowl, mix the next four wet ingredients (3/4 cup sour cream, 3/4 cup whole milk, 2 large eggs, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract). Whisk the wet ingredients into the dry until just combined, then fold in the 2 mashed bananas. Then, stir in the melted butter (1/4 cup).

Next, heat a griddle over medium heat, then spray with cooking spray.

Finally, cook pancakes, about 1/3 cup for each one, until bubbles form on the top, then flip. Pancakes will cook about 2 minutes on each side. Serve warm with syrup.

$ 8. Find in the unit given in bold English equivalents for the following Russian words and phrases.

Ровно в 8 утра; словно резиновый, требующий продолжительного жевания; есть дома / вне дома; соседи по квартире; переворачивать (страницу или блинчик на сковороде); главные / второстепенные приемы пищи; выполнять какие-либо поручения, связанные с поездками или ходьбой; брызгать; чайная ложка; судя по языку жестов, мимики.



[1] mall rat (= a young person who spends a lot of time in malls with their friends, AmE, informal)

[2] 1 the activity of going to nightclubs

[3] to do sth for smb, for example delivering or collecting something for them

[i] Father: Time to eat!

Daughter: Coming. Oh, I'm starving. [ Good, good. ] Oh yuck! What's that?

Father: Ah, now don't complain!

Daughter: But what is it, and where is mom?

Father: Now, mom put me in charge of dinner because she's not feeling well tonight.

Daughter: But what is it... and that smell!

Father: It's pizza. I just followed an old family recipe here, and...

Daughter: Let me see that... Oh, Dad. [ What? ] You're missing a page!

Father: Oh, uh, well, uh... well I couldn't find the second page of the recipe, but don't worry. I have plenty of experience around the house. Plenty of experience cooking.

Daughter: That's not what mom says.

Father: Well, wait, wait, here let me try a piece first. Here, let me, let me cool this off here. Ohhh, yeah. Oh, this is great stuff.

Daughter: Yeah right. Why are you making that face?

Father: Well, well, it's just, just a little rich for me. That's all.

Daughter: Let me try it Dad. Uh. Dad. You put a little too much salt in it and besides it's burned. [ Well... ] And what's that?

Father: Oh, well, well, that's just part of my own adaptation to the recipe. I added some pumpkin.

Daughter: Oh, not another one of your surprises. Pumpkin doesn't go on pizza!

Father: Well, okay, well, so what? Uh, what do we do now?

Daughter: Well, how about some cold cereal... You can't mess up on that, Dad.


1. She is resting in bed.

2. He is not following the recipe.

3. She can tell by his non-verbal expressions.

4. It was too chewy.

5. They eat something different at home.


Many Countries, Many Customs.


1. Work in pairs and answer the questions.

1. How many meals a day do people have and at what times?

2. What do people eat with: knife, fork, spoon, chopsticks or their hands?

3. If you had special guests for dinner and you wanted to impress them, what would you offer them?

4. Is it good to eat in the street?

5. Why do you think cuisines are different in different countries? May they depend on climate, a geographical position?

2. Which nationalities do you think go with the following foods?

1. Chinese a. sushi

2. American b. olives

3. German c. coffee

4. Japanese d. caviar, borshch

5. French e. chocolate

6. Brazilian f. pizza

7. Russian g. rice

8. Swiss h. hamburgers

9. Spanish i. sausage

10. Italian j. wine

keys: (1g 2h 3i 4a 5j 6c 7d 8e 9b 10f)

3. Work in pairs. Which of these items of food are traditional in your country? What other food is traditional in your country?

caviar chips hamburger pasta pizza salad sandwich steak

4. a) Which places serve food in your country? What food do they serve? Which places (restaurants, fast-food restaurants, ice-cream parlours, cafes, pubs, sandwich bars, steakhouses, pizza huts) serve the dishes in the box?

tomato soup, roast lamb, spaghetti, steak and onions, lemon tart, toasted sandwich, vanilla cheesecake, fried chicken, salmon steak, ice cream, pizza, cheeseburger and chips, fruit salad

b) Which of the dishes are: starters? main courses? desserts?

5. Talk about the dishes above and tastes with Present Perfect.

A: Have you ever tried salmon steak? B: No, I haven’t. / Yes, I have. If was delicious.

Use the adjectives to act out similar dialogues.

+ -
  great, delicious, tasty, excellent, mouth-watering, juicy   disgusting, awful, bitter, heavy, too hot and spicy, too rich/sweet

6. American and British teenagers usually have potato chips in their lunch bags. a) Match a country to what teenagers (teens) from other countries have as a snack at school or university.

1. _________________ a. Greece

Snack: “potato war”

What it is: French fries with mayonnaise, peanut sauce,

ketchup and onions.

2. _________________ b. Japan

Snack: chocolate sandwich

What it is: a chocolate and a hazelnut spread on fresh bread.

3. ________________ c. the Netherlands

Snack: “paper candy”

What it is: a sugary cube covered in edible paper.

4. ________________ d. France

Snack: loucoumades

What it is: deep-fried, honey-covered dough.

(keys: 1c 2d 3b 4a)

b) Write what you usually have for your lunch at University.

7. Read the text Eating in England and say which of the sentences (1-3) are true about the English.

Eating in England


Breakfast is between 7:00 and 9:00 am.

A traditional English breakfast consists of eggs, bacon, sausages,

fried bread, tomatoes, baked beans and a cup of coffee. Nowadays,

a typical English breakfast consists of a bowl of cereal, a slice of toast,

orange juice and a cup of coffee.


Lunch is between 12:00 and 1:30 pm.

Many children at school and adults at work have a ‘packed lunch’.

This is a sandwich, a packet of crisps, some fruits and a drink.


Dinner is between 6:00 and 8:00 pm.

A typical English dinner is meat and vegetables. Most English

people nowadays prefer curry. Rice and pasta are also favourite

English dinner dishes.


1. The English have four main meals each day.

2. They eat baked beans for breakfast.

3. Lunch is a light meal.

8. Read the text American Food and answer the questions after it.

American food

What is “American” food? The answer is that it is part Italian, part British, part Chinese… When people from other countries came to live in the US, they brought different cooking traditions. Some of them opened restaurants. Today Americans enjoy food from all over the world.

Maybe the US is most famous for “fast foods”. The first fast food restaurants served hamburgers, but now they serve other kinds of food too. Inside there is often a “salad bar”, where you can help yourself to as much salad as you want.

Most Americans now have a light breakfast instead of the traditional eggs, bacon, toast, orange juice and coffee. But on weekends there is more time, and a large late breakfast or early lunch (“brunch”) is often eaten with family or friends.

1. Why is American food part Italian, part British etc.?

2. Why is most famous food in the USA is ‘fast food’?

3. What is brunch?

9. Read the text about Russian cuisine and write a short text about eating habits in your family.

Write: names of main meals and times, names of foods/drinks eaten at each meal.

Traditional Russian cooking includes porridges, pancakes, various aspics, cabbage, chicken and fish soup, pirozhki, and kvass.

Siberian cuisine has such dishes as stroganina (frozen fish) and pelmeni (meat-filled dumplings).

10. Read another extract about American food and complete it with is or are.

What … American food? Hamburgers and hot dogs? Fried chicken and giant steaks? Well, yes. But spaghetti and pizza … American too, and so … sweet and sour pork. The fact … that Americans eat every kind of food imaginable. There … for example, more than 1,000 Chinese restaurants in New York City alone.

11. Read the dialogue and say what the family eat for the first and second courses and what for dessert at dinner. Act out the dialogue. Write out common conversational phrases used in it.

Mother: The table is laid. Come along. It’s high time to have dinner.

Father: I’m ready; I feel quite hungry.

Alec: So am I. I could eat a horse.

M.: Well, we haven’t got a horse for you, but your favourite dishes will

be served today.

A.: What are they? I’ve got so many.

M.: For the first course we shall have chicken soup, and kutlets with

mashed potatoes for the second.

A.: And for dessert?

M.: I’ve got stewed fruit with cake.

A.: Oh, that’s wonderful. May I go and get it now?

F.: Don’t be so impatient. Where is the salt, please?

M.: Alec, pass the salf-celler to Father, please.

A.: Here you are, Dad.

F.: Thank you, son.

M. Why don’t you help yourself to some salad, Alec?

A.: You know I don’t like salad of any kind.

M.: Here is your soup.

A.: Thank you. May I trouble you for a piece of bread?

M.: Brown or white?

A.: Brown, please. The soup is delicious today. May I have another


M.: Certainly, dear. Some more soup for you, Father?

F.: No more, thank you. Where are the napkins?

M.: They are in the sideboard drawer. I always forget to put them out.

F.: Never mind. Alec will fetch them, won’t you?

A.: Here are the napkins, Dad.

M.: Hand me your plate, dear, I’ll give you some rissoles. Will two

rissoles do?

A.: Yes, Mum. And now may I have stewed fruit with cake?

M.: Take it from the fridge. I put it there to cool.

A.: Oh, apricots and cherries.

F.: Thank you, dear, for a most delicious dinner.

M.: Now, Alec, I want you to help me clear the table. Take these plates, spoons, knives and forks to the kitchen. This bread-basket, the salt-cellar and mustard-pot must be put into the sideboard, then take the table cloth and fold it neatly.

Grammar focus

12. Look at the examples below and underline the correct words in these explanations.

1. We use will/going to when we have already made the decision.

2. We use will/going to when we make the decision as we speak.

Decisions for the future

Going to will

(?) What are we going to cook? What will you make?

(+) We’re going to start with salads. OK then, I’ll make

vegetable kebabs.

(-) She isn’t going to cook. So we won’t have meat.

A Joke

Wife: I’m going to cook tonight.

Husband: Right. I’ll go to a restaurant then.

13. You want to invite a British family to eat with you. In groups, plan the


1. Discuss when and where to have the meal, and what food and drink to


2. List your decisions. Then say what food and drink each one of you will

make or bring.

I’ll make/bring …

3. Tell the class what your group plans to do.

We’re going to have the meal on/at …

Danny’s going to bring/make …

Functions: Would like

You use would like + infinitive to ask for something politely.

I’d like a burger and a Coke,please.

Would you like a regular or a large Coke?

I’d like an ice cream, please.

What flavor would you like?


· you use like to say what you like all the time.

I like Coke. (= always)

· you use would like to say what you want now.

I’d like a Coke. (= now)

Talking about prices

How much is it? Two pounds ninety-nine.

14. Choose the correct answer.

1. Would you like a drink?

a. No, I don’t like a drink. b. No, thank you.

2. What would you like to eat?

a. I’d like a pizza. b. I like pizza.

3. Would you like some coffee?

a. Yes, please. b. Yes, I like some wine.

4. Do you like pasta?

a. Yes, please. b. Yes.

5. Can I help you?

a. Yes. b. Yes, I’d like a burger.

6. Would you like to order?

a. Yes, a burger, please. b. Yes, I like burger.

15. Look at the food items in the box. Say what you like.

burger Coke French fries ice cream sandwich salad pizza apple pie cheesecake kebab risotto pasta juice steak chocolate mousse coffee mayonnaise strawberry

16. Which is the odd word out?

1. burger Coke juice coffee

2. apple pie cheesecake ice cream pasta

3. pizza pasta steak risotto

4. French fries chocolate mousse salad mayonnaise

Useful phrases

How do you find the soup? – Как суп?

I prefer fruit to cakes. – Я предпочитаю фрукты пирожным.

Help yourself (yourselves) to …. – Угощайтесь…

Have another helping of … - Возьмите добавку…

What shall I help you to? – Чем Вас угостить?

Will two kutlets do? – Двух котлет достаточно?

How much is it/are they? – Сколько это стоит?


17. Work in pairs. Write the questions then use the prompts to discuss your last visit to café (restaurant).

· When/you last go to/a café?

· you/be/there/before?

· Where/be/it?

· What/be/the restaurant/like?

· Who/you go/with?

· What/you drink/eat there?

· How/you/like it?

Test 1

18. Look at this conversation in a fast food restaurant. Decide where the sentences a – f go in the conversation.

ASSISTANT Good afternoon. Can I help you?

CUSTOMER (1) _____

ASSISTANT Would you like a regular or a large Coke?

CUSTOMER (2) _____

ASSISTANT Would you like anything else?

CUSTOMER (3) _____

ASSISTANT What flavor would you like?

CUSTOMER (4) _____


CUSTOMER (5) _____

ASSISTANT That’s four pounds fifty.

CUSTOMER (6) _____

ASSISTANT Thank you.

a. A regular, please.

b. Good afternoon. Yes, I’d like a burger with fries and a Coke, please.

c. Strawberry, please.

d. How much is that?

e. Yes, I’d like an ice cream, please.

f. Here you are.

Test 2

Meal at Home

19. Complete the dialogue with the phrases in the box.

No, thanks. This way, please. Here you are. Juice, please. Thank you. make yourself at home.

“Won’t you come in? (1) ____.”

“Oh, thank you.”

“Take a seat and (2) _____ ”

“What would you like to drink: juice or cola?”

“(3) ____.”

“(4) ____. They are delicious. May I trouble you for the salt?”

“(5) ____. Help yourself to some apple pie.”

“No, thank you, no more.”

“(6) ____. I have had enough.”

20. Learn the useful phrases.


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